GetTop() public method

Returns the upper right y-coordinate, considering a given margin.
public GetTop ( float margin ) : float
margin float a margin
return float
コード例 #1
ファイル: PdfManager.cs プロジェクト: haroldocampo/PRSSSI
        public void RenderCanvasSheet(Stream stream, IEnumerable<CanvasItemModel> items, UserModel currentUser,UserModel requestedBy, PurchaseRequest Pr, string[] Vendors)
            Document document = new Document(PageSize.LETTER);

            try {
                PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream);

                // Create a page in the document and add it to the bottom layer
                //Pass Document to this
                CurrentDoc = document;

                page = writer.DirectContentUnder;
                int top = (int)document.GetTop(0);
                PrintText("CANVASS SHEET", 20, 10);

                PrintText("Company Name: " + requestedBy.CompanyName, 20, 30); // Company Name
                PrintText("Department: " + requestedBy.DepartmentName, 20, 45); // Company Address
                PrintText("Purpose: " + Pr.Purpose, 20, 60); // Purpose
                PrintTextRight("Date: {0}".WithTokens(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()), 70, 30); // Date Created
                PrintTextRight("PR No: {0}".WithTokens(Pr.PRNo), 70, 45); // PR Number


                // START HERE ----------------------------
                Paragraph Grid = new Paragraph("\n");
                Grid.Alignment = 1;
                Grid.SpacingAfter = 10f;

                Paragraph Grid2 = new Paragraph();
                Grid2.Alignment = 1;
                Grid2.SpacingBefore = 35f;
                //Start Table -----------------------------------
                PdfPTable rightTable = new PdfPTable(7);
                int[] widths = { 1, 7, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 };
                rightTable.TotalWidth = 570f;
                rightTable.LockedWidth = true;
                Font tableFont = new Font(Font.FontFamily.HELVETICA, 8);

                PdfPCell rightAlignedCell = new PdfPCell();
                rightAlignedCell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;

                rightAlignedCell.Phrase = new Phrase("Item No.", tableFont); rightTable.AddCell(rightAlignedCell);
                rightAlignedCell.Phrase = new Phrase("Item Description", tableFont); rightTable.AddCell(rightAlignedCell);
                rightAlignedCell.Phrase = new Phrase("Quantity", tableFont); rightTable.AddCell(rightAlignedCell);
                rightAlignedCell.Phrase = new Phrase("UOM", tableFont); rightTable.AddCell(rightAlignedCell);
                rightAlignedCell.Phrase = new Phrase(Vendors[0], tableFont); rightTable.AddCell(rightAlignedCell);
                rightAlignedCell.Phrase = new Phrase(Vendors[1], tableFont); rightTable.AddCell(rightAlignedCell);
                rightAlignedCell.Phrase = new Phrase(Vendors[2], tableFont); rightTable.AddCell(rightAlignedCell);

                rightAlignedCell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;

                foreach (var item in items) {
                    string priceVendor1 = item.PriceVendor1 == 0 ? "NONE" : item.PriceVendor1.ToString();
                    string priceVendor2 = item.PriceVendor2 == 0 ? "NONE" : item.PriceVendor2.ToString();
                    string priceVendor3 = item.PriceVendor3 == 0 ? "NONE" : item.PriceVendor3.ToString();
                    rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase(item.ItemNumber.ToString(), tableFont));
                    rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase(item.ItemDescription, tableFont));
                    rightAlignedCell.Phrase = new Phrase(item.Quantity.ToString(), tableFont); rightTable.AddCell(rightAlignedCell);
                    rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase(item.UOM, tableFont));
                    rightAlignedCell.Phrase = new Phrase(priceVendor1, tableFont); rightTable.AddCell(rightAlignedCell);
                    rightAlignedCell.Phrase = new Phrase(priceVendor2, tableFont); rightTable.AddCell(rightAlignedCell);
                    rightAlignedCell.Phrase = new Phrase(priceVendor3, tableFont); rightTable.AddCell(rightAlignedCell);

                // Footer
                PrintTextBottom("Requested By:", 20, 105);
                PrintTextBottom("{0} {1}".WithTokens(requestedBy.FirstName, requestedBy.LastName), 20, 35);

                PrintTextBottom("Prepared By:", 265, 105);
                PrintTextBottom("{0} {1}".WithTokens(currentUser.FirstName, currentUser.LastName), 265, 35);

                PrintTextBottom("Approved By:", 450, 105);
                PrintTextBottom("{0}".WithTokens("______________________"), 450, 35);


            finally {
コード例 #2
ファイル: PdfManager.cs プロジェクト: haroldocampo/PRSSSI
        public void RenderRfq(Stream stream, VendorModel vendor, IEnumerable<ItemModel> items, UserModel user, int RfqNumber, PurchaseRequest Pr, DateTime DateRequested)
            Document document = new Document(PageSize.LETTER);

            try {
                PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream);

                // Create a page in the document and add it to the bottom layer
                //Pass Document to this
                CurrentDoc = document;

                page = writer.DirectContentUnder;
                int top = (int)document.GetTop(0);
                PrintText("REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (THIS IS NOT AN ORDER)", 20, 10);

                PrintText("Company Name: {0}".WithTokens(Pr.User.Company.Name), 20, 30); // Company Name
                PrintText("Address: 8th Floor Gedisco Tower, 534 Asuncion St., Binondo, Manila", 20, 45); // Company Address
                PrintText("Purchasing Department", 20, 60);
                PrintText("Issued By: {0} {1}".WithTokens(user.FirstName, user.LastName), 20, 75); // Requested By
                PrintTextRight("RFQ NO: {0}".WithTokens(RfqNumber), 70, 30); // RFQ Number
                PrintTextRight("Date: {0}".WithTokens(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()), 70, 45); // Date Created
                PrintTextRight("PR No: {0}".WithTokens(Pr.PRNo), 70, 60); // PR Number

                PrintText("BID/OFFER/QUOTE MUST BE RECEIVED BY:", 20, 105); // Requested By
                PrintTextRight("Date: {0}".WithTokens(DateRequested.ToShortDateString()), 95, 105); // Date Required
                PrintText("Attention: {0} {1}".WithTokens(user.FirstName, user.LastName), 40, 125); // Vendor Contact Person
                PrintText("Tel No: {0}".WithTokens("+63 2 244 9296"), 40, 140); // Vendor Tel No
                PrintText("Email Address: {0}".WithTokens(user.Email), 40, 155); // Vendor Email
                PrintText("Fax No: {0}".WithTokens("+63 2 241 7826"), 240, 125); // Vendor Fax No
                PrintText("Unless otherwise requested, quote on each item separately. Unit Prices shall be shown. If unable to furnish", 20, 175); // Vendor Email
                PrintText("items as specified, submit sample and/or descriptive specifications of substitute offered.", 20, 185); // Vendor Email

                PrintText("_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________", 20, 210);
                PrintText("Item No.", 20, 205);
                PrintText("Item Description", 70, 205);
                PrintText("Quantity", 370, 205);
                PrintText("Unit Price", 420, 205);
                PrintText("Discount", 470, 205);
                PrintText("Total", 520, 205);

                //// Items..
                //int staryY = 225;
                //int itemCount = 1;
                //foreach (var item in items) {
                //    PrintItem(itemCount.ToString(), item.Description, item.Quantity.ToString(), ref staryY);
                //    itemCount++;
                //PrintText("********** NOTHING FOLLOWS **********", 75, staryY + 15);

                // START HERE ----------------------------
                Paragraph Grid = new Paragraph("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
                Grid.Alignment = 1;
                Grid.SpacingAfter = 35f;

                Paragraph Grid2 = new Paragraph();
                Grid2.Alignment = 1;
                Grid2.SpacingBefore = 35f;
                //Start Table -----------------------------------
                PdfPTable rightTable = new PdfPTable(7);
                int[] widths = { 1, 1, 1, 7, 2, 2, 2 };
                rightTable.TotalWidth = 570f;
                rightTable.LockedWidth = true;
                Font tableFont = new Font(Font.FontFamily.HELVETICA, 8);

                rightTable.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;

                rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("Item No.", tableFont));
                rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("Item Description", tableFont));
                rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("Quantity", tableFont));
                rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("Unit Price", tableFont));
                rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("Discount", tableFont));
                rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("Total Amount", tableFont));

                rightTable.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT;

                int itemCount = 1;
                foreach (var item in items) {
                    rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase(item.ItemNumber.ToString(), tableFont));
                    rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase(item.Description, tableFont));
                    rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase(item.Quantity.ToString(), tableFont));
                    rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("", tableFont));
                    rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("", tableFont));
                    rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("", tableFont));
                //Nothing Follows
                rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("", tableFont)); rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("", tableFont)); rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("")); rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("******** NOTHING FOLLOWS ********", tableFont)); rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("")); rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("")); rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase(""));

                // End of table -----------------------------------

                // Footer
                PrintTextBottom("If accepted within _____ days, the undersigned offers and agrees to honor this quotation.", 20, 85);
                PrintTextBottom("Print Name of Person:", 20, 65);
                PrintTextBottom("Company Name:", 20, 50);
                PrintTextBottom("Address:", 20, 35);
                PrintTextBottom("Email Address:", 20, 20);

                PrintTextBottom("No. of Days to Deliver:", 200, 65);
                PrintTextBottom("Telephone No.:", 200, 50);
                PrintTextBottom("Fax No.:", 200, 35);


            finally {
コード例 #3
        private void CreateReport(string filePath)
            AppFileTemplate f = (AppFileTemplate)DataContext;

            // margins
            float left   = 30;
            float right  = 10;
            float top    = 10;
            float bottom = 10;
            float headH  = 20;
            float indent = 5;

            //string fontName = "C:\\WINDOWS\\FONTS\\CALIBRI.TTF";
            string fontName = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Fonts), "CALIBRI.TTF");

            iText.Font     NormalSatirFont  = iText.FontFactory.GetFont(fontName, "CP1254", 10, iText.Font.NORMAL);
            iText.Font     BoldSatirFont    = iText.FontFactory.GetFont(fontName, "CP1254", 10, iText.Font.BOLD);
            iText.Font     NormalRiseFont   = iText.FontFactory.GetFont(fontName, "CP1254", 8, iText.Font.NORMAL);
            iText.Font     NormalSymbolFont = iText.FontFactory.GetFont(iText.FontFactory.SYMBOL, 10, iText.Font.NORMAL);
            iText.Document doc = new iText.Document(iText.PageSize.A4, left, right, top, bottom);

            float xLL = doc.GetLeft(left);
            float yLL = doc.GetBottom(bottom);
            float xUR = doc.GetRight(right);
            float yUR = doc.GetTop(top);
            float w   = xUR - xLL;
            float h   = yUR - yLL;
            float xUL = xLL;
            float yUL = yUR;
            float xLR = xUR;
            float yLR = yLL;
            //float graphW = w - 10;
            //float graphH = graphW * 2 / 3;

            float graphH = 3 * h / 5;
            float graphW = w - 10;

            PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create));


            // direct content
            PdfContentByte cb = writer.DirectContent;

            // çizgiler
            DrawLine(cb, xUR - w, yUR, xUR, yUR);
            DrawLine(cb, xUR - w, yUR, xLL, yLL);
            DrawLine(cb, xLL, yLL, xLL + w, yLL);
            DrawLine(cb, xLL + w, yLL, xUR, yUR);
            DrawLine(cb, xUL, yUL - headH, xUR, yUR - headH);
            DrawLine(cb, xUL, yUL - headH - graphH, xUR, yUR - headH - graphH);

            // başlık
            ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(cb);

            ct.Indent = indent;
            iText.Phrase txt = new iText.Phrase();
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk(f.ReportTitle, NormalSatirFont));
            ct.SetSimpleColumn(txt, xUL, yUL - headH, xUR, yUR, headH / 1.5f, iText.Element.ALIGN_LEFT | iText.Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE);

            var stream      = new MemoryStream();
            var pngExporter = new PngExporter {
                Width = (int)graphW, Height = (int)graphH, Background = OxyColors.White

            pngExporter.Export(PlotView.Model, stream);

            iText.Image png = iText.Image.GetInstance(stream.GetBuffer());
            png.Alignment = iText.Element.ALIGN_CENTER | iText.Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE;
            png.SetAbsolutePosition(xUL, yUL - headH - graphH);

            float      kstW    = w / 2;
            float      kstH    = (h - headH - graphH) / 1.5f;
            ColumnText ctKesit = new ColumnText(cb);

            ctKesit.Indent = indent;
            txt            = new iText.Phrase();
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("Kesit\n", BoldSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk(String.Format("Genişlik, b = {0:0} cm\n", f.b), NormalSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk(String.Format("Yükseklik, h = {0:0} cm\n", f.h), NormalSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk(String.Format("Alan, bxh = {0:0} cm²\n", f.b * f.h), NormalSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("\nMalzeme\n", BoldSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("f", NormalSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("c", NormalRiseFont).SetTextRise(-1.0f));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk(String.Format(" = {0:0} MPa   ", f.Beton().fc.TonnesForcePerSquareMeter().Megapascals), NormalSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("f", NormalSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("y", NormalRiseFont).SetTextRise(-1.0f));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk(String.Format(" = {0:0} MPa\n", f.DonatiCeligi().fy.TonnesForcePerSquareMeter().Megapascals), NormalSatirFont));

            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("f", NormalSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("cd", NormalRiseFont).SetTextRise(-1.0f));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk(String.Format(" = {0:0} MPa   ", f.Beton().fcd.TonnesForcePerSquareMeter().Megapascals), NormalSatirFont));

            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("f", NormalSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("yd", NormalRiseFont).SetTextRise(-1.0f));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk(String.Format(" = {0:0} MPa\n", f.DonatiCeligi().fyd.TonnesForcePerSquareMeter().Megapascals), NormalSatirFont));

            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("E", NormalSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("c", NormalRiseFont).SetTextRise(-1.0f));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk(String.Format(" = {0:0} MPa   ", f.Beton().E.TonnesForcePerSquareMeter().Megapascals), NormalSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("E", NormalSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("s", NormalRiseFont).SetTextRise(-1.0f));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk(String.Format(" = {0:0} MPa\n", f.DonatiCeligi().E.TonnesForcePerSquareMeter().Megapascals), NormalSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("e", NormalSymbolFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("cu", NormalRiseFont).SetTextRise(-1.0f));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk(String.Format(" = {0:0.0000} m/m   ", f.Beton().Ecu), NormalSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("e", NormalSymbolFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("yd", NormalRiseFont).SetTextRise(-1.0f));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk(String.Format(" = {0:0.00000} m/m\n", f.DonatiCeligi().Eyd), NormalSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("k", NormalSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("1", NormalRiseFont).SetTextRise(-1.0f));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk(String.Format(" = {0:0.000}\n", f.Beton().k1), NormalSatirFont));

            ctKesit.SetSimpleColumn(txt, xUL, yUL - headH - graphH - kstH, xUL + kstW, yUL - headH - graphH, 15, iText.Element.ALIGN_LEFT);

            ColumnText ctDonati = new ColumnText(cb);

            txt = new iText.Phrase();
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("Donatı\n", BoldSatirFont));
            int j = 1;

            foreach (var rb in f.ReinforcingBars)
                txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("A", NormalSatirFont));
                txt.Add(new iText.Chunk(string.Format("s{0}", j), NormalRiseFont).SetTextRise(-1.0f));
                txt.Add(new iText.Chunk(string.Format("={0:0.00} cm², ", rb.As), NormalSatirFont));
                txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("d", NormalSatirFont));
                txt.Add(new iText.Chunk(string.Format("{0}", j), NormalRiseFont).SetTextRise(-1.0f));
                txt.Add(new iText.Chunk(string.Format("={0:0.00} cm\n", rb.di), NormalSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("r", NormalSymbolFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk(string.Format("=%{0:0.00}\n", 100.0 * f.ReinforcingBars.Sum(i => i.As) / (f.b * f.h)), NormalSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("(d", NormalSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("i", NormalRiseFont).SetTextRise(-1.0f));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk(":Kesit basınç yüzeyinin donatı eksenine uzaklığı)\n", NormalSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("\nDayanım Azaltma Katsayıları\n", BoldSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("f", NormalSymbolFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("a", NormalRiseFont).SetTextRise(-1.0f));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk(string.Format(" = {0:0.00}, ", f.PhiA), NormalSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("f", NormalSymbolFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("b", NormalRiseFont).SetTextRise(-1.0f));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk(string.Format(" = {0:0.00}, ", f.PhiB), NormalSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("f", NormalSymbolFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("c", NormalRiseFont).SetTextRise(-1.0f));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk(string.Format(" = {0:0.00}", f.PhiC), NormalSatirFont));
            //txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("\n\nTasarım:\n", BoldSatirFont));
            //txt.Add(new iText.Chunk(f.Code.ToString(), NormalSatirFont));
            ctDonati.SetSimpleColumn(txt, xUL + kstW, yUL - headH - graphH - kstH, xUL + 2 * kstW, yUL - headH - graphH, 15, iText.Element.ALIGN_LEFT);

            ColumnText ctTesir = new ColumnText(cb);

            ctTesir.Indent = indent;
            txt            = new iText.Phrase();
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("Maksimum eksenel basınç, N", NormalSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("max", NormalRiseFont).SetTextRise(-1.0f));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk(string.Format(" = {0:0.00} t\n", f.Pmax), NormalSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("Maksimum eksenel çekme, N", NormalSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("min", NormalRiseFont).SetTextRise(-1.0f));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk(string.Format(" = {0:0.00} t\n\n", f.Pmin), NormalSatirFont));

            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("Yönetmelik maksimum eksenel basınç sınırı, N", NormalSatirFont));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk("max", NormalRiseFont).SetTextRise(-1.0f));
            txt.Add(new iText.Chunk(string.Format(" = {0:0.00} t", f.ActualPmax), NormalSatirFont));
            ctTesir.SetSimpleColumn(txt, xUL, yUL - headH - graphH - 1.5f * kstH, xUL + kstW, yUL - headH - graphH - kstH, 15, iText.Element.ALIGN_LEFT);

コード例 #4
ファイル: PdfManager.cs プロジェクト: haroldocampo/PRSSSI
        public void RenderPurchaseOrder(Stream stream, int PoNumber, IEnumerable<PoItemModel> PoItems, int RequestNumber, string VendorName, string VendorCode, string VendorAddress, DateTime DateCreated, DateTime DeliveryDate, UserModel RequestUser, UserModel CurrentUser)
            Document document = new Document(PageSize.LETTER);

            try {
                PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream);

                // Create a page in the document and add it to the bottom layer
                //Pass Document to this
                CurrentDoc = document;

                string logoLocation = sonicLogo;
                float logoPosition = 50;

                string CurrentCompany = RequestUser.CompanyName;
                if (RequestUser.CompanyId == (int)CompanyIds.SonicSteel) {
                    logoLocation = sonicLogo;
                    logoPosition = 70;
                else if (RequestUser.CompanyId == (int)CompanyIds.SteelTech) {
                    logoLocation = steeltechLogo;
                else if (RequestUser.CompanyId == (int)CompanyIds.Somico) {
                    logoLocation = somicoLogo;
                Image logo = Image.GetInstance(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + logoLocation);
                logo.SetAbsolutePosition(20, (int)CurrentDoc.GetTop(logoPosition));

                // START HERE ----------------------------
                Paragraph Grid = new Paragraph("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
                Grid.Alignment = 1;
                Grid.SpacingAfter = 35f;

                Paragraph Grid2 = new Paragraph();
                Grid2.Alignment = 1;
                Grid2.SpacingBefore = 35f;
                //Start Table -----------------------------------
                PdfPTable rightTable = new PdfPTable(7);
                int[] widths = { 1, 1, 1, 7, 2, 2, 2 };
                rightTable.TotalWidth = 570f;
                rightTable.LockedWidth = true;
                Font tableFont = new Font(Font.FontFamily.HELVETICA, 8);

                rightTable.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;

                rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("Item No.", tableFont));
                rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("Quantity", tableFont));
                rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("UOM", tableFont));
                rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("Item Description", tableFont));
                rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("Unit Price", tableFont));
                rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("Discount", tableFont));
                rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("Total Amount", tableFont));

                rightTable.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT;

                int itemCount = 1;
                foreach (var poItem in PoItems) {
                    rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase(itemCount.ToString(), tableFont)); rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase(poItem.Quantity.ToString(), tableFont)); rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase(poItem.UOM, tableFont)); rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase(poItem.Description, tableFont)); rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase(poItem.Price.ToString(), tableFont)); rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase(poItem.Discount.ToString(), tableFont)); rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase(poItem.TotalPrice.ToString(), tableFont));
                //Nothing Follows
                rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("", tableFont)); rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("", tableFont)); rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("")); rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("******** NOTHING FOLLOWS ********", tableFont)); rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("")); rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("")); rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase(""));

                //Grand Total
                rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("", tableFont)); rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("", tableFont)); rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("")); rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("", tableFont)); rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("")); rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase("Grand Total:", new Font(Font.FontFamily.HELVETICA, 12))); rightTable.AddCell(new Phrase(PoItems.Sum(x => x.TotalPrice).ToString(), new Font(Font.FontFamily.HELVETICA, 12)));

                // End of table -----------------------------------
                page = writer.DirectContentUnder;


                // For "Purchase Order" Text
                PrintRectangle(20, 120, 570, 50);
                //For two tables
                PrintRectangle(20, 230, 350, 100);
                PrintRectangle(370, 230, 220, 100);
                //For Footer
                PrintRectangleBottom(20, 20, 570, 50);



                PrintText("PURCHASE ORDER", 180, 105);


                // Header
                PrintText("To:", 25, 140); // Vendor Name

                PrintText(VendorName, 40, 140); // Vendor Name
                PrintText(VendorAddress, 25, 155); // Vendor Address

                PrintText("Vendor Code: " + VendorCode, 25, 220); // Venodr Id

                PrintText("PO Number: " + PoNumber, 375, 140); // Vendor Name
                PrintText("PO Date: " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), 375, 160); // Date Now
                PrintText("PR Number: " + RequestNumber, 375, 180); // Request Number
                PrintText("Delivery Date: " + DeliveryDate.ToShortDateString(), 375, 220); // Delivery Date

                PrintTextBottom("Purchase Orders are not valid unless signed by the Authorized Signatories. " + CurrentCompany + " will not recognize claims ", 20, 130);
                PrintTextBottom("based on verbal orders. If delivery is not made by the date indicated in this Purchase Order, United Steel Technology International Corporation may cancel this ", 20, 115);
                PrintTextBottom("Purchase Order, without any liability whatsoever. Seller expressly warrants that all goods or services furnished under this agreement shall conform to all ", 20, 100);
                PrintTextBottom("specifications and appropriate standards, will be new and will be free from defects in material or workmanship.", 20, 85);

                PrintTextBottom("Prepared By:", 25, 55);
                PrintTextBottom(CurrentUser.FirstName + " " + CurrentUser.LastName, 25, 30);
                PrintTextBottom("Noted By:", 255, 55);
                PrintTextBottom("Approved By:", 450, 55);

                //PrintTextBottom("No. of Days to Deliver:", 200, 65);
                //PrintTextBottom("Telephone No.:", 200, 50);
                //PrintTextBottom("Fax No.:", 200, 35);

            finally {
コード例 #5
        /*Evento que ocurre antes de pasar a una nueva página en el documento. Se utiliza para insertar el pie de página.*/
        public override void OnEndPage(iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfWriter writer, iTextSharp.text.Document document)
            base.OnEndPage(writer, document);
            string    pathWater   = string.Empty;
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                                            "\nThe results of this analysis refer only to the materials subjected to the analysis.\n" +
                                            "This analysis result can not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express authorization of Inspectorate Services Perú S.A.C.\n" +
                                            "There is no responsibility on the part of Inspectorate Services Perú S.A.C. in relation to the Data Review provided\n", normal);

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                Chunk Subfooter = new Chunk("Los resultados presentados corresponden sólo a la muestra indicada." +
                                            "\nLos resultados de este análisis se refieren únicamente a las materias sometidas al análisis.\n" +
                                            "Este resultado de análisis no puede ser reproducido total o parcialmente sin la autorización expresa de Inspectorate Service Perú S.A.C\n" +
                                            "No existe ninguna responsabilidad por parte de Inspectorate Service Perú S.A.C\n" +
                                            "en relación proporcionada respecto  a los valores cuantificados inferiores al LC.", normal);

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                                            "\nLos resultados de este análisis se refieren únicamente a las materias sometidas al análisis.\n" +
                                            "Este resultado de análisis no puede ser reproducido total o parcialmente sin la autorización expresa de Inspectorate Service Perú S.A.C\n" +
                                            "No existe ninguna responsabilidad por parte de Inspectorate Service Perú S.A.C\n" +
                                            "en relación proporcionada respecto  a los valores cuantificados inferiores al LC.", normal);

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