public WebSocketServer(LocalServer server) { _localServer = server; Connections = new List<WebSocketConnection>(); _tmrBroadcast = new Timer(1000); _tmrBroadcast.Elapsed += TmrBroadcastElapsed; _tmrBroadcast.Start(); }
private void MainInit() { UISync.Init(this); try { File.WriteAllText(Program.AppDataPath + "exit.txt", "RUNNING"); } catch (Exception ex) { LogExceptionToFile(ex); } InitLogging(); if (!SilentStartup) { switch (Conf.StartupMode) { case 0: break; case 2: break; case 3: WinApi.SetWinFullScreen(Handle); break; } } mediaPanelControl1.MainClass = this; EncoderParams = new EncoderParameters(1) { Param = { [0] = new EncoderParameter( System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Quality, Conf.JPEGQuality) } }; //this initializes the port mapping collection IStaticPortMappingCollection map = NATControl.Mappings; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Conf.MediaDirectory) || Conf.MediaDirectory == "NotSet") { Conf.MediaDirectory = Program.AppDataPath + @"WebServerRoot\Media\"; } if (Conf.MediaDirectories == null || Conf.MediaDirectories.Length == 0) { Conf.MediaDirectories = new[] { new configurationDirectory { Entry = Conf.MediaDirectory, DeleteFilesOlderThanDays = Conf.DeleteFilesOlderThanDays, Enable_Storage_Management = Conf.Enable_Storage_Management, MaxMediaFolderSizeMB = Conf.MaxMediaFolderSizeMB, StopSavingOnStorageLimit = Conf.StopSavingOnStorageLimit, ID = 0 } }; } else { if (Conf.MediaDirectories.First().Entry == "NotSet") { Conf.MediaDirectories = new[] { new configurationDirectory { Entry = Conf.MediaDirectory, DeleteFilesOlderThanDays = Conf.DeleteFilesOlderThanDays, Enable_Storage_Management = Conf.Enable_Storage_Management, MaxMediaFolderSizeMB = Conf.MaxMediaFolderSizeMB, StopSavingOnStorageLimit = Conf.StopSavingOnStorageLimit, ID = 0 } }; } } //reset stop saving flag foreach (configurationDirectory d in Conf.MediaDirectories) { d.StopSavingFlag = false; } if (!Directory.Exists(Conf.MediaDirectories[0].Entry)) { string notfound = Conf.MediaDirectories[0].Entry; LogErrorToFile("Media directory could not be found (" + notfound + ") - reset it to " + Program.AppDataPath + @"WebServerRoot\Media\" + " in settings if it doesn't attach."); } if (!VlcHelper.VlcInstalled) { LogWarningToFile( "VLC not installed - install VLC (" + Program.Platform + ") for additional connectivity."); if (Program.Platform == "x64") { LogWarningToFile( "VLC64 must be unzipped so the dll files and folders including libvlc.dll and the plugins folder are in " + Program.AppPath + "VLC64\\"); LogWarningToFile("Download: <a href=\""+VLCx64+"\">"+VLCx64+"</a>"); } else LogWarningToFile("Download: <a href=\"" + VLCx86 + "\">" + VLCx86 + "</a>"); } else { Version v = VlcHelper.VlcVersion; if (v.CompareTo(VlcHelper.VMin) < 0) { LogWarningToFile( "Old VLC installed - update VLC (" + Program.Platform + ") for additional connectivity."); } else { if (v.CompareTo(new Version(2, 0, 2)) == 0) { LogWarningToFile( "VLC v2.0.2 detected - there are known issues with this version of VLC (HTTP streaming is broken for a lot of cameras) - if you are having problems with VLC connectivity we recommend you install v2.0.1 ( ) or the latest (if available)."); } } } _fsw = new FileSystemWatcher { Path = Program.AppDataPath, IncludeSubdirectories = false, Filter = "external_command.txt", NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite }; _fsw.Changed += FswChanged; _fsw.EnableRaisingEvents = true; tsslPRO.Visible = !Conf.Subscribed; Menu = mainMenu; notifyIcon1.ContextMenuStrip = ctxtTaskbar; Identifier = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); MWS = new LocalServer(this) { ServerRoot = Program.AppDataPath + @"WebServerRoot\", }; if (Conf.Monitor) { Process[] w = Process.GetProcessesByName("ispymonitor"); if (w.Length == 0) { try { var si = new ProcessStartInfo(Program.AppPath + "/ispymonitor.exe", "ispy"); Process.Start(si); } catch { // ignored } } } //GC.KeepAlive(MWS); SetBackground(); toolStripMenu.Visible = Conf.ShowToolbar; statusStrip1.Visible = Conf.ShowStatus && Helper.HasFeature(Enums.Features.View_Status_Bar); Menu = !Conf.ShowFileMenu ? null : mainMenu; if (SilentStartup) { WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; } if (Conf.Password_Protect_Startup) { _locked = true; WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; } if (Conf.Fullscreen && !SilentStartup && !_locked) { WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; WinApi.SetWinFullScreen(Handle); } statusBarToolStripMenuItem.Checked = menuItem4.Checked = Conf.ShowStatus; toolStripToolStripMenuItem.Checked = menuItem6.Checked = Conf.ShowToolbar; fileMenuToolStripMenuItem.Checked = menuItem5.Checked = Conf.ShowFileMenu; fullScreenToolStripMenuItem1.Checked = menuItem3.Checked = Conf.Fullscreen; alwaysOnTopToolStripMenuItem1.Checked = menuItem8.Checked = Conf.AlwaysOnTop; mediaPaneToolStripMenuItem.Checked = menuItem7.Checked = Conf.ShowMediaPanel; menuItem22.Checked = Conf.LockLayout; TopMost = Conf.AlwaysOnTop; Iconfont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, Conf.BigButtons ? 22 : 15, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); double dOpacity; Double.TryParse(Conf.Opacity.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out dOpacity); Opacity = dOpacity/100.0; if (Conf.ServerName == "NotSet") { Conf.ServerName = SystemInformation.ComputerName; } notifyIcon1.Text = Conf.TrayIconText; notifyIcon1.BalloonTipClicked += NotifyIcon1BalloonTipClicked; autoLayoutToolStripMenuItem.Checked = menuItem26.Checked = Conf.AutoLayout; _updateTimer = new Timer(200); _updateTimer.Elapsed += UpdateTimerElapsed; _updateTimer.AutoReset = true; _updateTimer.SynchronizingObject = this; //GC.KeepAlive(_updateTimer); _houseKeepingTimer = new Timer(1000); _houseKeepingTimer.Elapsed += HouseKeepingTimerElapsed; _houseKeepingTimer.AutoReset = true; _houseKeepingTimer.SynchronizingObject = this; //GC.KeepAlive(_houseKeepingTimer); //load plugins LoadPlugins(); resetLayoutToolStripMenuItem1.Enabled = mnuResetLayout.Enabled = false; //reset layout NetworkChange.NetworkAddressChanged += NetworkChangeNetworkAddressChanged; mediaPaneToolStripMenuItem.Checked = Conf.ShowMediaPanel; ShowHideMediaPane(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Conf.MediaPanelSize)) { string[] dd = Conf.MediaPanelSize.Split('x'); int d1 = Convert.ToInt32(dd[0]); int d2 = Convert.ToInt32(dd[1]); try { splitContainer1.SplitterDistance = d1; splitContainer2.SplitterDistance = d2; } catch { // ignored } } //load in object list if (_startCommand.Trim().StartsWith("open")) { ParseCommand(_startCommand); _startCommand = ""; } else { if (!File.Exists(Program.AppDataPath + @"XML\objects.xml")) { File.Copy(Program.AppPath + @"XML\objects.xml", Program.AppDataPath + @"XML\objects.xml"); } ParseCommand("open " + Program.AppDataPath + @"XML\objects.xml"); } if (_startCommand != "") { ParseCommand(_startCommand); } StopAndStartServer(); if (_mWindowState == null) { _mWindowState = new PersistWindowState {Parent = this, RegistryPath = @"Software\ispy\startup"}; } if (Conf.Enabled_ShowGettingStarted) ShowGettingStarted(); if (File.Exists(Program.AppDataPath + "custom.txt")) { string[] cfg = File.ReadAllText(Program.AppDataPath + "custom.txt").Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()); bool setSecure = false; foreach (string s in cfg) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { string[] nv = s.Split('='); if (nv.Length > 1) { switch (nv[0].ToLower().Trim()) { case "business": Conf.Vendor = nv[1].Trim(); break; case "link": PurchaseLink = nv[1].Trim(); break; case "manufacturer": IPTYPE = Conf.DefaultManufacturer = nv[1].Trim(); break; case "model": IPMODEL = nv[1].Trim(); break; case "affiliateid": case "affiliate id": case "aid": int aid; if (Int32.TryParse(nv[1].Trim(), out aid)) { Affiliateid = aid; } break; case "tags": if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Conf.Tags)) Conf.Tags = nv[1].Trim(); break; case "featureset": //only want to set this on install (allow them to modify) if (Conf.FirstRun) { int featureset; if (Int32.TryParse(nv[1].Trim(), out featureset)) { Conf.FeatureSet = featureset; } } break; case "permissions": //only want to set this on install (allow them to modify) if (Conf.FirstRun) { var groups = nv[1].Trim().Split('|'); var l = new List<configurationGroup>(); foreach (var g in groups) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(g)) { var g2 = g.Split(','); if (g2.Length >= 3) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(g2[0])) { int perm; if (int.TryParse(g2[2], out perm)) { l.Add(new configurationGroup { featureset = perm, name = g2[0], password = EncDec.EncryptData(g2[1], Conf.EncryptCode) }); } } } } } if (l.FirstOrDefault(p => == "admin") == null) { l.Add(new configurationGroup{ featureset = 1, name = "Admin", password = "" }); } if (l.Count>0) Conf.Permissions = l.ToArray(); } break; case "webserver": Webserver = nv[1].Trim().Trim('/'); if (!setSecure) WebserverSecure = Webserver; break; case "webserversecure": WebserverSecure = nv[1].Trim().Trim('/'); setSecure = true; break; case "recordondetect": bool defaultRecordOnDetect; if (bool.TryParse(nv[1].Trim(), out defaultRecordOnDetect)) Conf.DefaultRecordOnDetect = defaultRecordOnDetect; break; case "recordonalert": bool defaultRecordOnAlert; if (bool.TryParse(nv[1].Trim(), out defaultRecordOnAlert)) Conf.DefaultRecordOnAlert = defaultRecordOnAlert; break; } } } } Conf.FirstRun = false; LogMessageToFile("Webserver: " + Webserver); string logo = Program.AppDataPath + "logo.jpg"; if (!File.Exists(logo)) logo = Program.AppDataPath + "logo.png"; if (File.Exists(logo)) { try { Image bmp = Image.FromFile(logo); var pb = new PictureBox {Image = bmp}; pb.Width = pb.Image.Width; pb.Height = pb.Image.Height; pb.Left = _pnlCameras.Width/2 - pb.Width/2; pb.Top = _pnlCameras.Height/2 - pb.Height/2; _pnlCameras.Controls.Add(pb); _pnlCameras.BrandedImage = pb; } catch (Exception ex) { LogExceptionToFile(ex); } } } LoadCommands(); if (!SilentStartup && Conf.ViewController) { ShowViewController(); viewControllerToolStripMenuItem.Checked = menuItem14.Checked = true; } pTZControllerToolStripMenuItem.Checked = menuItem18.Checked = pTZControllerToolStripMenuItem1.Checked = Conf.ShowPTZController; if (Conf.ShowPTZController && !SilentStartup) ShowHidePTZTool(); ListGridViews(); Conf.RunTimes++; try { _cputotalCounter = new PerformanceCounter("Processor", "% Processor Time", "_total", true); _cpuCounter = new PerformanceCounter("Process", "% Processor Time", Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName, true); try { _pcMem = new PerformanceCounter("Process", "Working Set - Private", Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName, true); } catch { try { _pcMem = new PerformanceCounter("Memory", "Available MBytes"); } catch (Exception ex2) { LogExceptionToFile(ex2); _pcMem = null; } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogExceptionToFile(ex); _cputotalCounter = null; } if (Conf.StartupForm != "iSpy") { ShowGridView(Conf.StartupForm); } foreach (var cg in Conf.GridViews) { if (cg.ShowAtStartup) { ShowGridView(; } } var t = new Thread(()=>ConnectServices()) {IsBackground = true}; t.Start(); _updateTimer.Start(); _houseKeepingTimer.Start(); }