public SessionInfo() { id = 0; lapsTotal = 0; lapsComplete = 0; leadChanges = 0; cautions = 0; cautionLaps = 0; fastestlap = 0; fastestdriver = new DriverInfo(); fastestlapnum = 0; time = 0; sessiontimeremaining = 0; sessionlength = 0; sessionstarttime = -1; sessionstartpos = 0; finishline = Int32.MaxValue; type = sessionType.invalid; state = sessionState.invalid; flag = sessionFlag.invalid; startlight =; standings = new List<StandingsItem>(); followedDriver = new StandingsItem(); }
public Event(eventType type, Int64 replay, DriverInfo driver, String desc, Sessions.SessionInfo.sessionType session, Int32 lap) { this.type = type; this.timestamp = DateTime.Now; this.replaypos = replay; this.driver = driver; this.description = desc; this.session = session; this.lapnum = lap; this.rewind = 0; }
public void setDriver(int carIdx) { int index = SharedData.Drivers.FindIndex(d => d.CarIdx.Equals(carIdx)); if (index >= 0) { driver = SharedData.Drivers[index]; } else { driver = new DriverInfo(); } }
public StandingsItem() { driver = new DriverInfo(); laps = new List<LapInfo>(); fastestlap = 0; lapsled = 0; classlapsled = 0; surface = SurfaceType.NotInWorld; trackpct = 0; prevtrackpct = 0; speed = 0; prevspeed = 0; position = 0; currentlap = new LapInfo(); sector = 0; sectorbegin = 0; pitstops = 0; pitstoptime = 0; pitstorbegin = DateTime.MinValue; begin = 0; finished = false; offtracksince = 0; positionlive = 0; }
public Int32 getClassPosition(DriverInfo driver) { IEnumerable<Sessions.SessionInfo.StandingsItem> query = this.Standings.Where(s => s.Driver.CarClassName == driver.CarClassName).OrderBy(s => s.Position); Int32 position = 1; foreach (Sessions.SessionInfo.StandingsItem si in query) { if (si.Driver.CarIdx == driver.CarIdx) return position; else position++; } return 0; }
private void parser(string yaml) { int start = 0; int end = 0; int length = 0; length = yaml.Length; start = yaml.IndexOf("WeekendInfo:\n", 0, length); end = yaml.IndexOf("\n\n", start, length - start); string WeekendInfo = yaml.Substring(start, end - start); SharedData.Track.length = (Single)parseDoubleValue(WeekendInfo, "TrackLength", "km") * 1000; = parseIntValue(WeekendInfo, "TrackID"); SharedData.Track.turns = parseIntValue(WeekendInfo, "TrackNumTurns"); = parseStringValue(WeekendInfo, "TrackCity"); = parseStringValue(WeekendInfo, "TrackCountry"); SharedData.Track.altitude = (Single)parseDoubleValue(WeekendInfo, "TrackAltitude", "m"); = parseStringValue(WeekendInfo, "TrackSkies"); SharedData.Track.tracktemp = (Single)parseDoubleValue(WeekendInfo, "TrackSurfaceTemp", "C"); SharedData.Track.airtemp = (Single)parseDoubleValue(WeekendInfo, "TrackAirTemp", "C"); SharedData.Track.airpressure = (Single)parseDoubleValue(WeekendInfo, "TrackAirPressure", "Hg"); SharedData.Track.windspeed = (Single)parseDoubleValue(WeekendInfo, "TrackWindVel", "m/s"); SharedData.Track.winddirection = (Single)parseDoubleValue(WeekendInfo, "TrackWindDir", "rad"); SharedData.Track.humidity = parseIntValue(WeekendInfo, "TrackRelativeHumidity", "%"); SharedData.Track.fog = parseIntValue(WeekendInfo, "TrackFogLevel", "%"); if (parseIntValue(WeekendInfo, "Official") == 0 && parseIntValue(WeekendInfo, "SeasonID") == 0 && parseIntValue(WeekendInfo, "SeriesID") == 0) SharedData.Sessions.Hosted = true; else SharedData.Sessions.Hosted = false; IniFile trackNames; string filename = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\themes\\" + + "\\tracks.ini"; if (!File.Exists(filename)) filename = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\tracks.ini"; if (File.Exists(filename)) { trackNames = new IniFile(filename); = trackNames.IniReadValue("Tracks",; } SharedData.Sessions.SessionId = parseIntValue(WeekendInfo, "SessionID"); SharedData.Sessions.SubSessionId = parseIntValue(WeekendInfo, "SubSessionID"); length = yaml.Length; start = yaml.IndexOf("DriverInfo:\n", 0, length); end = yaml.IndexOf("\n\n", start, length - start); string DriverInfo = yaml.Substring(start, end - start); length = DriverInfo.Length; start = DriverInfo.IndexOf(" Drivers:\n", 0, length); end = length; string Drivers = DriverInfo.Substring(start, end - start - 1); string[] driverList = Drivers.Split(new string[] { "\n - " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string driver in driverList) { int userId = parseIntValue(driver, "UserID"); if (userId < Int32.MaxValue && userId > 0) { int index = SharedData.Drivers.FindIndex(d => d.UserId.Equals(userId)); if (index < 0 && parseStringValue(driver, "CarPath") != "safety pcfr500s" && parseStringValue(driver, "AbbrevName") != "Pace Car") { if (SharedData.settings.IncludeMe || (!SharedData.settings.IncludeMe && parseIntValue(driver, "CarIdx") != 63)) { DriverInfo driverItem = new DriverInfo(); driverItem.Name = parseStringValue(driver, "UserName"); if (parseStringValue(driver, "AbbrevName") != null) { string[] splitName = parseStringValue(driver, "AbbrevName").Split(','); if (splitName.Length > 1) driverItem.Shortname = splitName[1] + " " + splitName[0]; else driverItem.Shortname = parseStringValue(driver, "AbbrevName"); } driverItem.Initials = parseStringValue(driver, "Initials"); driverItem.Club = parseStringValue(driver, "ClubName"); driverItem.NumberPlate = parseStringValue(driver, "CarNumber"); driverItem.CarId = parseIntValue(driver, "CarID"); driverItem.CarClass = parseIntValue(driver, "CarClassID"); driverItem.UserId = parseIntValue(driver, "UserID"); driverItem.CarIdx = parseIntValue(driver, "CarIdx"); driverItem.CarClassName = SharedData.theme.getCarClass(driverItem.CarId); driverItem.iRating = parseIntValue(driver, "IRating"); int liclevel = parseIntValue(driver, "LicLevel"); int licsublevel = parseIntValue(driver, "LicSubLevel"); switch (liclevel) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: driverItem.SR = "R" + ((double)licsublevel / 100).ToString("0.00"); break; case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: driverItem.SR = "D" + ((double)licsublevel / 100).ToString("0.00"); break; case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: driverItem.SR = "C" + ((double)licsublevel / 100).ToString("0.00"); break; case 14: case 15: case 16: case 17: driverItem.SR = "B" + ((double)licsublevel / 100).ToString("0.00"); break; case 18: case 19: case 20: case 21: driverItem.SR = "A" + ((double)licsublevel / 100).ToString("0.00"); break; case 22: case 23: case 24: case 25: driverItem.SR = "P" + ((double)licsublevel / 100).ToString("0.00"); break; case 26: case 27: case 28: case 29: driverItem.SR = "WC" + ((double)licsublevel / 100).ToString("0.00"); break; default: driverItem.SR = "Unknown"; break; } driverItem.CarClass = -1; int carclass = parseIntValue(driver, "CarClassID"); int freeslot = -1; for (int i = 0; i < SharedData.Classes.Length; i++) { if (SharedData.Classes[i] == carclass) { driverItem.CarClass = i; } else if (SharedData.Classes[i] == -1 && freeslot < 0) { freeslot = i; } } if (driverItem.CarClass < 0 && freeslot >= 0) { SharedData.Classes[freeslot] = carclass; driverItem.CarClass = freeslot; } if (!SharedData.externalPoints.ContainsKey(userId) && driverItem.CarIdx < 60) SharedData.externalPoints.Add(userId, 0); // fix bugges if (driverItem.NumberPlate == null) driverItem.NumberPlate = "000"; if (driverItem.Initials == null) driverItem.Initials = ""; SharedData.Drivers.Add(driverItem); } } } } length = yaml.Length; start = yaml.IndexOf("SessionInfo:\n", 0, length); end = yaml.IndexOf("\n\n", start, length - start); string SessionInfo = yaml.Substring(start, end - start); length = SessionInfo.Length; start = SessionInfo.IndexOf(" Sessions:\n", 0, length); end = length; string Sessions = SessionInfo.Substring(start, end - start); string[] sessionList = Sessions.Split(new string[] { "\n - " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // Get Current running Session int _CurrentSession = (int)sdk.GetData("SessionNum"); foreach (string session in sessionList) { int sessionNum = parseIntValue(session, "SessionNum"); if (sessionNum < Int32.MaxValue) { int sessionIndex = SharedData.Sessions.SessionList.FindIndex(s => s.Id.Equals(sessionNum)); if (sessionIndex < 0) // add new session item { Sessions.SessionInfo sessionItem = new Sessions.SessionInfo(); sessionItem.Id = sessionNum; sessionItem.LapsTotal = parseIntValue(session, "SessionLaps"); sessionItem.SessionLength = parseFloatValue(session, "SessionTime", "sec"); sessionItem.Type = sessionTypeMap[parseStringValue(session, "SessionType")]; if (sessionItem.Type == iRTVO.Sessions.SessionInfo.sessionType.race) { sessionItem.FinishLine = parseIntValue(session, "SessionLaps") + 1; } else { sessionItem.FinishLine = Int32.MaxValue; } if (sessionItem.FinishLine < 0) { sessionItem.FinishLine = Int32.MaxValue; } sessionItem.Cautions = parseIntValue(session, "ResultsNumCautionFlags"); sessionItem.CautionLaps = parseIntValue(session, "ResultsNumCautionLaps"); sessionItem.LeadChanges = parseIntValue(session, "ResultsNumLeadChanges"); sessionItem.LapsComplete = parseIntValue(session, "ResultsLapsComplete"); length = session.Length; start = session.IndexOf(" ResultsFastestLap:\n", 0, length); end = length; string ResultsFastestLap = session.Substring(start, end - start); sessionItem.FastestLap = parseFloatValue(ResultsFastestLap, "FastestTime"); int index = SharedData.Drivers.FindIndex(d => d.CarIdx.Equals(parseIntValue(ResultsFastestLap, "CarIdx"))); if (index >= 0) { sessionItem.FastestLapDriver = SharedData.Drivers[index]; sessionItem.FastestLapNum = parseIntValue(ResultsFastestLap, "FastestLap"); } SharedData.Sessions.SessionList.Add(sessionItem); sessionIndex = SharedData.Sessions.SessionList.FindIndex(s => s.Id.Equals(sessionNum)); } else // update only non fixed fields { SharedData.Sessions.SessionList[sessionIndex].LeadChanges = parseIntValue(session, "ResultsNumLeadChanges"); SharedData.Sessions.SessionList[sessionIndex].LapsComplete = parseIntValue(session, "ResultsLapsComplete"); length = session.Length; start = session.IndexOf(" ResultsFastestLap:\n", 0, length) + " ResultsFastestLap:\n".Length; end = length; string ResultsFastestLap = session.Substring(start, end - start); SharedData.Sessions.SessionList[sessionIndex].FastestLap = parseFloatValue(ResultsFastestLap, "FastestTime"); int index = SharedData.Drivers.FindIndex(d => d.CarIdx.Equals(parseIntValue(ResultsFastestLap, "CarIdx"))); if (index >= 0) { SharedData.Sessions.SessionList[sessionIndex].FastestLapDriver = SharedData.Drivers[index]; SharedData.Sessions.SessionList[sessionIndex].FastestLapNum = parseIntValue(ResultsFastestLap, "FastestLap"); } } // Trigger Overlay Event, but only in current active session if ( (SharedData.Sessions.SessionList[sessionIndex].FastestLap != SharedData.Sessions.SessionList[sessionIndex].PreviousFastestLap) && (_CurrentSession == SharedData.Sessions.SessionList[sessionIndex].Id ) ) { // TODO ADD Logging!! // remoteServer.debugLog(String.Format("Triggering fastedlap Old={0} new={1}",SharedData.Sessions.SessionList[sessionIndex].PreviousFastestLap,SharedData.Sessions.SessionList[sessionIndex].FastestLap)); // Push Event to Overlay SharedData.triggers.Push(TriggerTypes.fastestlap); } length = session.Length; start = session.IndexOf(" ResultsPositions:\n", 0, length); end = session.IndexOf(" ResultsFastestLap:\n", start, length - start); string Standings = session.Substring(start, end - start); string[] standingList = Standings.Split(new string[] { "\n - " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); Int32 position = 1; List<iRTVO.DriverInfo> standingsDrivers = SharedData.Drivers.ToList(); foreach (string standing in standingList) { int carIdx = parseIntValue(standing, "CarIdx"); if (carIdx < Int32.MaxValue) { Sessions.SessionInfo.StandingsItem standingItem = new Sessions.SessionInfo.StandingsItem(); standingItem = SharedData.Sessions.SessionList[sessionIndex].FindDriver(carIdx); standingsDrivers.Remove(standingsDrivers.Find(s => s.CarIdx.Equals(carIdx))); if (parseFloatValue(standing, "LastTime") > 0) { if (parseFloatValue(standing, "LastTime") < SharedData.Sessions.SessionList[sessionIndex].FastestLap && SharedData.Sessions.SessionList[sessionIndex].FastestLap > 0) { Event ev = new Event( Event.eventType.fastlap, (Int32)(((Double)sdk.GetData("SessionTime") * 60) + timeoffset), standingItem.Driver, "New session fastest lap (" + iRTVO.Overlay.floatTime2String(parseFloatValue(standing, "LastTime"), 3, false) + ")", SharedData.Sessions.SessionList[sessionIndex].Type, parseIntValue(standing, "LapsComplete") ); SharedData.Events.List.Add(ev); } } if (parseFloatValue(standing, "FastestTime") < SharedData.Sessions.SessionList[sessionIndex].FastestLap || SharedData.Sessions.SessionList[sessionIndex].FastestLap <= 0) { SharedData.Sessions.SessionList[sessionIndex].FastestLap = parseFloatValue(standing, "FastestTime"); } /* if (standingItem.Finished == false) { standingItem.PreviousLap.LapTime = parseFloatValue(standing, "LastTime"); if (standingItem.PreviousLap.LapTime <= 1) { standingItem.PreviousLap.LapTime = standingItem.CurrentLap.LapTime; } } */ if (SharedData.Sessions.SessionList[sessionIndex].Type == SharedData.Sessions.CurrentSession.Type) { if ((standingItem.CurrentTrackPct % 1.0) > 0.1) { standingItem.PreviousLap.Position = parseIntValue(standing, "Position"); standingItem.PreviousLap.Gap = parseFloatValue(standing, "Time"); standingItem.PreviousLap.GapLaps = parseIntValue(standing, "Lap"); standingItem.CurrentLap.Position = parseIntValue(standing, "Position"); } } if (standingItem.Driver.CarIdx < 0) { // insert item int driverIndex = SharedData.Drivers.FindIndex(d => d.CarIdx.Equals(carIdx)); standingItem.setDriver(carIdx); standingItem.FastestLap = parseFloatValue(standing, "FastestTime"); standingItem.LapsLed = parseIntValue(standing, "LapsLed"); standingItem.CurrentTrackPct = parseFloatValue(standing, "LapsDriven"); standingItem.Laps = new List<LapInfo>(); LapInfo newLap = new LapInfo(); newLap.LapNum = parseIntValue(standing, "LapsComplete"); newLap.LapTime = parseFloatValue(standing, "LastTime"); newLap.Position = parseIntValue(standing, "Position"); newLap.Gap = parseFloatValue(standing, "Time"); newLap.GapLaps = parseIntValue(standing, "Lap"); newLap.SectorTimes = new List<LapInfo.Sector>(3); standingItem.Laps.Add(newLap); standingItem.CurrentLap = new LapInfo(); standingItem.CurrentLap.LapNum = parseIntValue(standing, "LapsComplete") + 1; standingItem.CurrentLap.Position = parseIntValue(standing, "Position"); standingItem.CurrentLap.Gap = parseFloatValue(standing, "Time"); standingItem.CurrentLap.GapLaps = parseIntValue(standing, "Lap"); SharedData.Sessions.SessionList[sessionIndex].Standings.Add(standingItem); SharedData.Sessions.SessionList[sessionIndex].UpdatePosition(); } int lapnum = parseIntValue(standing, "LapsComplete"); standingItem.FastestLap = parseFloatValue(standing, "FastestTime"); standingItem.LapsLed = parseIntValue(standing, "LapsLed"); if (SharedData.Sessions.SessionList[sessionIndex].Type == SharedData.Sessions.CurrentSession.Type) { standingItem.PreviousLap.LapTime = parseFloatValue(standing, "LastTime"); } if (SharedData.Sessions.CurrentSession.State == iRTVO.Sessions.SessionInfo.sessionState.cooldown) { standingItem.CurrentLap.Gap = parseFloatValue(standing, "Time"); standingItem.CurrentLap.GapLaps = parseIntValue(standing, "Lap"); standingItem.CurrentLap.Position = parseIntValue(standing, "Position"); standingItem.CurrentLap.LapNum = parseIntValue(standing, "LapsComplete"); } standingItem.Position = parseIntValue(standing, "Position"); standingItem.NotifySelf(); standingItem.NotifyLaps(); position++; } } // update/add position for drivers not in results foreach (DriverInfo driver in standingsDrivers) { Sessions.SessionInfo.StandingsItem standingItem = SharedData.Sessions.SessionList[sessionIndex].FindDriver(driver.CarIdx); if (standingItem.Driver.CarIdx < 0) { if (SharedData.settings.IncludeMe || (!SharedData.settings.IncludeMe && standingItem.Driver.CarIdx != 63)) { standingItem.setDriver(driver.CarIdx); standingItem.Position = position; standingItem.Laps = new List<LapInfo>(); SharedData.Sessions.SessionList[sessionIndex].Standings.Add(standingItem); position++; } } else if (!SharedData.settings.IncludeMe && driver.CarIdx < 63) { standingItem.Position = position; position++; } } } } // add qualify session if it doesn't exist when race starts and fill it with YAML QualifyResultsInfo iRTVO.Sessions.SessionInfo qualifySession = SharedData.Sessions.findSessionType(iRTVO.Sessions.SessionInfo.sessionType.qualify); if (qualifySession.Type == iRTVO.Sessions.SessionInfo.sessionType.invalid) { qualifySession.Type = iRTVO.Sessions.SessionInfo.sessionType.qualify; length = yaml.Length; start = yaml.IndexOf("QualifyResultsInfo:\n", 0, length); // if found if (start >= 0) { end = yaml.IndexOf("\n\n", start, length - start); string QualifyResults = yaml.Substring(start, end - start); length = QualifyResults.Length; start = QualifyResults.IndexOf(" Results:\n", 0, length); end = length; string Results = QualifyResults.Substring(start, end - start - 1); string[] resultList = Results.Split(new string[] { "\n - " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); qualifySession.FastestLap = float.MaxValue; foreach (string result in resultList) { if (result != " Results:") { Sessions.SessionInfo.StandingsItem qualStandingsItem = qualifySession.FindDriver(parseIntValue(result, "CarIdx")); if (qualStandingsItem.Driver.CarIdx > 0) // check if driver is in quali session { qualStandingsItem.Position = parseIntValue(result, "Position") + 1; } else // add driver to quali session { qualStandingsItem.setDriver(parseIntValue(result, "CarIdx")); qualStandingsItem.Position = parseIntValue(result, "Position") + 1; qualStandingsItem.FastestLap = parseFloatValue(result, "FastestTime"); qualifySession.Standings.Add(qualStandingsItem); // update session fastest lap if (qualStandingsItem.FastestLap < qualifySession.FastestLap && qualStandingsItem.FastestLap > 0) qualifySession.FastestLap = qualStandingsItem.FastestLap; } } } SharedData.Sessions.SessionList.Add(qualifySession); // add quali session } } // get qualify results if race session standings is empty foreach (Sessions.SessionInfo session in SharedData.Sessions.SessionList) { if (session.Type == iRTVO.Sessions.SessionInfo.sessionType.race && session.Standings.Count < 1) { length = yaml.Length; start = yaml.IndexOf("QualifyResultsInfo:\n", 0, length); // if found if (start >= 0) { end = yaml.IndexOf("\n\n", start, length - start); string QualifyResults = yaml.Substring(start, end - start); length = QualifyResults.Length; start = QualifyResults.IndexOf(" Results:\n", 0, length); end = length; string Results = QualifyResults.Substring(start, end - start - 1); string[] resultList = Results.Split(new string[] { "\n - " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string result in resultList) { if (result != " Results:") { Sessions.SessionInfo.StandingsItem standingItem = new Sessions.SessionInfo.StandingsItem(); standingItem.setDriver(parseIntValue(result, "CarIdx")); standingItem.Position = parseIntValue(result, "Position") + 1; session.Standings.Add(standingItem); } } } } } length = yaml.Length; start = yaml.IndexOf("CameraInfo:\n", 0, length); end = yaml.IndexOf("\n\n", start, length - start); string CameraInfo = yaml.Substring(start, end - start); length = CameraInfo.Length; start = CameraInfo.IndexOf(" Groups:\n", 0, length); end = length; string Cameras = CameraInfo.Substring(start, end - start - 1); string[] cameraList = Cameras.Split(new string[] { "\n - " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string camera in cameraList) { int cameraNum = parseIntValue(camera, "GroupNum"); if (cameraNum < Int32.MaxValue) { CameraInfo.CameraGroup camgrp = SharedData.Camera.FindId(cameraNum); if (camgrp.Id < 0) { CameraInfo.CameraGroup cameraGroupItem = new CameraInfo.CameraGroup(); cameraGroupItem.Id = cameraNum; cameraGroupItem.Name = parseStringValue(camera, "GroupName"); SharedData.Camera.Groups.Add(cameraGroupItem); } } } length = yaml.Length; start = yaml.IndexOf("SplitTimeInfo:\n", 0, length); end = yaml.IndexOf("\n\n", start, length - start); string SplitTimeInfo = yaml.Substring(start, end - start); length = SplitTimeInfo.Length; start = SplitTimeInfo.IndexOf(" Sectors:\n", 0, length); end = length; string Sectors = SplitTimeInfo.Substring(start, end - start - 1); string[] sectorList = Sectors.Split(new string[] { "\n - " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (sectorList.Length != SharedData.Sectors.Count) { SharedData.Sectors.Clear(); foreach (string sector in sectorList) { int sectornum = parseIntValue(sector, "SectorNum"); if (sectornum < 100) { float sectorborder = parseFloatValue(sector, "SectorStartPct"); SharedData.Sectors.Add(sectorborder); } } // automagic sector selection if (SharedData.SelectedSectors.Count == 0) { SharedData.SelectedSectors.Clear(); // load sectors IniFile sectorsIni = new IniFile(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\sectors.ini"); string sectorValue = sectorsIni.IniReadValue("Sectors",; string[] selectedSectors = sectorValue.Split(';'); Array.Sort(selectedSectors); SharedData.SelectedSectors.Clear(); if (sectorValue.Length > 0) { foreach (string sector in selectedSectors) { float number; if (Single.TryParse(sector, out number)) { SharedData.SelectedSectors.Add(number); } } } else { if (SharedData.Sectors.Count == 2) { foreach (float sector in SharedData.Sectors) SharedData.SelectedSectors.Add(sector); } else { float prevsector = 0; foreach (float sector in SharedData.Sectors) { if (sector == 0 && SharedData.SelectedSectors.Count == 0) { SharedData.SelectedSectors.Add(sector); } else if (sector >= 0.333 && SharedData.SelectedSectors.Count == 1) { if (sector - 0.333 < Math.Abs(prevsector - 0.333)) { SharedData.SelectedSectors.Add(sector); } else { SharedData.SelectedSectors.Add(prevsector); } } else if (sector >= 0.666 && SharedData.SelectedSectors.Count == 2) { if (sector - 0.666 < Math.Abs(prevsector - 0.666)) { SharedData.SelectedSectors.Add(sector); } else { SharedData.SelectedSectors.Add(prevsector); } } prevsector = sector; } } } } } }