public void AddListingTest() { ManageController controller = new ManageController(); ListingModel listing = new ListingModel(); listing.Title = "Unit Test"; listing.StartDate = new DateTime(2016, 3, 20, 12, 00, 00); listing.EndDate = new DateTime(2016, 3, 21, 12, 00, 00); listing.Area = "History"; listing.Frequency = "Always"; listing.Description = "Unit testing!"; listing.HangoutUrl = ""; listing.TeacherId = 5; listing.Open = false; //Testing the AddListing function controller.AddListing(listing); //Check that the listing was actually added to the database ListingModel lastAdded = controller.ReturnLastAddedListing(); Assert.IsTrue( listing.Title == lastAdded.Title && listing.StartDate == lastAdded.StartDate && listing.EndDate == lastAdded.EndDate && listing.Area == lastAdded.Area && listing.Frequency == lastAdded.Frequency && listing.Description == lastAdded.Description && listing.HangoutUrl == lastAdded.HangoutUrl && listing.TeacherId == lastAdded.TeacherId && listing.Open == lastAdded.Open ); }
public void AddParticipantTest() { ManageController controller = new ManageController(); AssignedListing test = new AssignedListing(); test.ListingId = 1; test.UserId = 5; //Check that the AddParticipant function completed successfully Assert.AreEqual(controller.AddParticipant(test), "Assignment Added"); //Check that the assignment was actually added to the database AssignedListing lastAdded = controller.ReturnLastAddedAssignment(); Assert.IsTrue( lastAdded.ListingId == test.ListingId && lastAdded.UserId == test.UserId); }
public void DeleteListingTest() { ManageController controller = new ManageController(); //Deleting the listing added in the previous test ListingModel listing = controller.ReturnLastAddedListing(); //Check that the DeleteListing function completed successfully Assert.AreEqual(controller.DeleteListing(listing),"Listing Deleted"); //Check that the listing was actually deleted from the database ListingModel lastAdded = controller.ReturnLastAddedListing(); Assert.IsFalse( listing.Title == lastAdded.Title && listing.StartDate == lastAdded.StartDate && listing.EndDate == lastAdded.EndDate && listing.Area == lastAdded.Area && listing.Frequency == lastAdded.Frequency && listing.Description == lastAdded.Description && listing.HangoutUrl == lastAdded.HangoutUrl && listing.TeacherId == lastAdded.TeacherId && listing.Open == lastAdded.Open); }
public void UpdateUserTest() { ManageController controller = new ManageController(); iMentorUser user = controller.ReturnLastAddedUser(); iMentorUserInfo userInfo = new iMentorUserInfo(); userInfo.Id = user.Id; userInfo.UserName = "******"; userInfo.Email = user.Email; userInfo.RoleId = user.RoleId; userInfo.Role = userInfo.GetRoleByUser(user); //Check that the UpdateUser function completed successfully Assert.AreEqual(controller.UpdateUser(userInfo), "User Updated"); //Check that the user was actually updated in the database iMentorUser userUpdated = controller.ReturnLastAddedUser(); Assert.IsTrue( userUpdated.Id == userInfo.Id && userUpdated.UserName == userInfo.UserName && userUpdated.Email == userInfo.Email && userUpdated.RoleId == userInfo.RoleId); //Clean up userInfo.UserName = user.UserName; controller.UpdateUser(userInfo); }
public void UpdateListingTest() { ManageController controller = new ManageController(); ListingModel listingModel = controller.ReturnLastAddedListing(); ListingInfo listing = new ListingInfo(); listing.Id = listingModel.Id; listing.Title = "Unit Test (Updated)"; listing.StartDate = listingModel.StartDate; listing.EndDate = listingModel.EndDate; listing.Area = listingModel.Area; listing.Frequency = listingModel.Frequency; listing.Description = "Unit testing... again!"; listing.HangoutUrl = listingModel.HangoutUrl; listing.TeacherId = listingModel.TeacherId; listing.Open = listingModel.Open; listing.Teacher = "*****@*****.**"; //Check that the UpdateListing function completed successfully Assert.AreEqual(controller.UpdateListing(listing), "Listing Updated"); //Check that the listing was actually updated in the database ListingModel lastAdded = controller.ReturnLastAddedListing(); Assert.IsTrue( listing.Title == lastAdded.Title && listing.StartDate == lastAdded.StartDate && listing.EndDate == lastAdded.EndDate && listing.Area == lastAdded.Area && listing.Frequency == lastAdded.Frequency && listing.Description == lastAdded.Description && listing.HangoutUrl == lastAdded.HangoutUrl && listing.TeacherId == lastAdded.TeacherId && listing.Open == lastAdded.Open); }
public void RemoveParticipantTest() { ManageController controller = new ManageController(); //Deleting the assignment that was added in previous test AssignedListing test = controller.ReturnLastAddedAssignment(); //Check that the RemoveParticipant function completed successfully Assert.AreEqual(controller.RemoveParticipant(test), "Assignment Removed"); //Check that the assignment was actually deleted from the database AssignedListing lastAdded = controller.ReturnLastAddedAssignment(); //*This assert may fail even though the assignment was removed Assert.IsFalse( lastAdded.ListingId == test.ListingId && lastAdded.UserId == test.UserId); }
public void GetUsersTest() { ManageController controller = new ManageController(); var JSONUsers = controller.GetUsers(); string stringUsers = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(JSONUsers.Data); List<iMentorUserInfo> ListUsers = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<iMentorUserInfo>>(stringUsers); iMentorUserInfo test = ListUsers.First(); iMentorUserInfo user = new iMentorUserInfo(); user.UserName = "******"; user.Email = "*****@*****.**"; //Check that all users were returned by checking for a specific user Assert.IsTrue( test.UserName == user.UserName && test.Email == user.Email); }
public void GetUserByIdTest() { ManageController controller = new ManageController(); var JSONUser = controller.GetUserById("5"); string stringUser = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(JSONUser.Data); iMentorUserInfo test = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<iMentorUserInfo>(stringUser); iMentorUserInfo user = new iMentorUserInfo(); user.UserName = "******"; user.Email = "*****@*****.**"; Assert.IsTrue( test.UserName == user.UserName && test.Email == user.Email); }
public void GetTeachersTest() { ManageController controller = new ManageController(); var JSONTeachers = controller.GetTeachers(); string stringTeachers = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(JSONTeachers.Data); List<iMentorUserInfo> ListTeachers = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<iMentorUserInfo>>(stringTeachers); //This should return the first teacher created "*****@*****.**" iMentorUserInfo test1 = ListTeachers.First(); Assert.IsTrue( test1.UserName == "*****@*****.**" && test1.Email == "*****@*****.**" && test1.RoleId == 3 ); }
public void GetStudentsTest() { ManageController controller = new ManageController(); var JSONStudents = controller.GetStudents(); string stringStudents = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(JSONStudents.Data); List<iMentorUserInfo> ListStudents = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<iMentorUserInfo>>(stringStudents); //This should return the first student created "StudentOne" iMentorUserInfo test1 = ListStudents.First(); Assert.IsTrue( test1.UserName == "StudentOne" && test1.Email == "*****@*****.**" && test1.RoleId == 1 ); }
public void GetListingsTest() { ManageController controller = new ManageController(); var JSONListings = controller.GetListings(); string stringListings = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(JSONListings.Data); List<ListingInfo> ListListings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<ListingInfo>>(stringListings); ListingInfo test = ListListings.Last(); ListingModel listing = new ListingModel(); listing.Title = "Unit Test (Updated)"; listing.StartDate = new DateTime(2016, 3, 20, 12, 00, 00); listing.EndDate = new DateTime(2016, 3, 21, 12, 00, 00); listing.Area = "History"; listing.Frequency = "Always"; listing.Description = "Unit testing... again!"; listing.HangoutUrl = ""; listing.TeacherId = 5; listing.Open = false; //Check that all listings were returned by checking for a specific listing Assert.IsTrue( listing.Title == test.Title && listing.StartDate == test.StartDate && listing.EndDate == test.EndDate && listing.Area == test.Area && listing.Frequency == test.Frequency && listing.Description == test.Description && listing.HangoutUrl == test.HangoutUrl && listing.TeacherId == test.TeacherId && listing.Open == test.Open); }