コード例 #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            LabDB dbManager = new LabDB();
            int appID = 0;
            long expID = 0;
            LabTask task = null;

            // Query values from the request

            string appKey = Request.QueryString["app"];
            string coupon_Id = Request.QueryString["coupon_id"];
            string passkey = Request.QueryString["passkey"];
            string issuerGUID = Request.QueryString["issuer_guid"];
            string returnTarget = Request.QueryString["sb_url"];

            if ((returnTarget != null) && (returnTarget.Length > 0))
                Session["returnURL"] = returnTarget;

               Logger.WriteLine("LVPortal: " + Request.Url.ToString());

            // this should be the Experiment Coupon data
            if (!(passkey != null && passkey != "" && coupon_Id != null && coupon_Id != "" && issuerGUID != null && issuerGUID != ""))
               Logger.WriteLine("LVPortal: " + "AccessDenied missing Experiment credentials");
                Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=missing+Experiment+credentials.", true);

            long expCoupId = Convert.ToInt64(coupon_Id);
            Coupon expCoupon = new Coupon(issuerGUID, expCoupId, passkey);

            //Check the database for ticket and coupon, if not found Redeem Ticket from
            // issuer and store in database.
            //This ticket should include group, experiment id and be valid for this moment in time??
            Ticket expTicket = dbManager.RetrieveAndVerify(expCoupon, TicketTypes.EXECUTE_EXPERIMENT);

            if (expTicket != null)
                if (expTicket.IsExpired())
                    Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=The ExperimentExecution+ticket+has+expired.", true);


                ////Parse experiment payload, only get what is needed
                string payload = expTicket.payload;
                XmlQueryDoc expDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(payload);
                string tzStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/userTZ");
                if ((tzStr != null) && (tzStr.Length > 0))
                    Session["userTZ"] = tzStr;
                string groupName = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/groupName");
                Session["groupName"] = groupName;
                string sbStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/sbGuid");
                Session["brokerGUID"] = sbStr;

                //Get Lab specific info for this URL or group
                LabAppInfo appInfo = null;
                // Experiment is specified by 'app=appKey'
                if (appKey != null && appKey.Length > 0)
                    appInfo = dbManager.GetLabApp(appKey);
                else // Have to use groupName & Servicebroker THIS REQUIRES groups & permissions are set in database
                {    // This is no longer the case as the USS handles groups and permissions
                    appInfo = dbManager.GetLabAppForGroup(groupName, sbStr);
                if (appInfo == null)
                    Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=Unable+to+find+application+information,+please+notify+your+administrator.", true);

                // Use taskFactory to create a new task, return an existing reentrant task or null if there is an error
                LabViewTaskFactory factory = new LabViewTaskFactory();
                task = factory.CreateLabTask(appInfo, expCoupon, expTicket);

                if (task != null)

                    //Useful for debugging overloads the use of a field in the banner
                    //Session["GroupName"] = "TaskID: " + task.taskID.ToString();

                    //Utilities.WriteLog("TaskXML: " + task.taskID + " \t" + task.data);

                    //Construct the information to be passed to the target page
                    TimeSpan taskDur = task.endTime - task.startTime;
                    string vipayload = task.constructSessionPayload(appInfo,
                        task.startTime, taskDur.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond, task.taskID,
                        returnTarget, null, null);

                    //Utilities.WriteLog("sessionPayload: " + payload);
                    //Store Session information
                    Session["payload"] = vipayload;
                    if (appInfo.rev != null && appInfo.rev.Length > 0)
                        Session["lvversion"] = appInfo.rev;

                    //redirect to Presentation page...
                    Response.Redirect(appInfo.page, true);
                    Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=Unable+to+launch++application,+please+notify+your+administrator.", true);

コード例 #2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            LabDB dbManager = new LabDB();
            int appID = 0;
            long expID = 0;
            LabTask task = null;
            string pageURL = null;
            // Query values from the request

            string appKey = Request.QueryString["app"];
            string coupon_Id = Request.QueryString["coupon_id"];
            string passkey = Request.QueryString["passkey"];
            string issuerGUID = Request.QueryString["issuer_guid"];
            string returnTarget = Request.QueryString["sb_url"];

            if ((returnTarget != null) && (returnTarget.Length > 0))
                Session["returnURL"] = returnTarget;

               Logger.WriteLine("BEElab: " + Request.Url.ToString());

            // this should be the Experiment Coupon data
            if (!(passkey != null && passkey != "" && coupon_Id != null && coupon_Id != "" && issuerGUID != null && issuerGUID != ""))
                Logger.WriteLine("BEElab: " + "AccessDenied missing Experiment credentials");
                Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=missing+Experiment+credentials.", true);

            long expCoupId = Convert.ToInt64(coupon_Id);
            Coupon expCoupon = new Coupon(issuerGUID, expCoupId, passkey);

            //Check the database for ticket and coupon, if not found Redeem Ticket from
            // issuer and store in database.
            //This ticket should include group, experiment id and be valid for this moment in time??
            Ticket expTicket = dbManager.RetrieveAndVerify(expCoupon, TicketTypes.EXECUTE_EXPERIMENT);

            if (expTicket != null)
                if (expTicket.IsExpired())
                    Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=The ExperimentExecution+ticket+has+expired.", true);


                ////Parse experiment payload, only get what is needed
                string payload = expTicket.payload;
                XmlQueryDoc expDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(payload);
                string tzStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/userTZ");
                if ((tzStr != null) && (tzStr.Length > 0))
                    Session["userTZ"] = tzStr;
                string groupName = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/groupName");
                Session["groupName"] = groupName;
                string sbStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/sbGuid");
                string essUrl = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/essWebAddress");
                expID = Convert.ToInt64(expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/experimentID"));
                Session["brokerGUID"] = sbStr;

                //Get Lab specific info for this URL or group
                LabAppInfo appInfo = null;
                // Experiment is specified by 'app=appKey'
                if (appKey != null && appKey.Length > 0)
                    appInfo = dbManager.GetLabApp(appKey);
                else // Have to use groupName & Servicebroker THIS REQUIRES groups & permissions are set in database
                {    // This is no longer the case as the USS handles groups and permissions
                    appInfo = dbManager.GetLabAppForGroup(groupName, sbStr);
                if (appInfo == null)
                    Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=Unable+to+find+application+information,+please+notify+your+administrator.", true);

                // Check to see if an experiment with this ID is already running
                // Check for an existing task for this experiment
                // If found redirect to the graph page, do not abort running controller program
                LabTask.eStatus status = dbManager.ExperimentStatus(expID, sbStr);
                if (status == LabTask.eStatus.NotFound)
                    // Check for existing tasks that may be using resources
                    // For now only close other instances of the lab
                    List<LabTask> curTasks = TaskProcessor.Instance.GetTasks(appInfo.appID);
                    if (curTasks != null && curTasks.Count > 0)
                        foreach (LabTask t in curTasks)
                            DataSourceManager dsManager = TaskProcessor.Instance.GetDataManager(t.taskID);
                            if (dsManager != null)
                                // Need to close existing data Sources

                    // Create a new Experiment task
                    // Use taskFactory to create a new task
                    LabTaskFactory factory = new LabTaskFactory();
                    task = factory.CreateLabTask(appInfo, expCoupon, expTicket);

                    if (task != null)
                        string filePath = "c:\\logs\\Campbell\\LoggerNet";
                        string fileName = "CECI-CR10X_final_storage_1.dat";
                        // Stop the controller and flush the data file

                        //Flush the File
                        FileInfo fInfo = new FileInfo(filePath +"\\" + fileName);
                        using (FileStream inFile = fInfo.Open(FileMode.Truncate)) { }

                        string pushChannel = ChecksumUtil.ToMD5Hash("BEElab" + expID);
                        //Add BEElab specific attributes
                        BeeEventHandler bEvt = new BeeEventHandler(expCoupon,expID,essUrl,
                        bEvt.PusherChannel = pushChannel;
                        DataSourceManager dsManager = TaskProcessor.Instance.GetDataManager(task.taskID);
                        FileWatcherDataSource fds = new FileWatcherDataSource();
                        fds.Path = filePath;
                        fds.Filter = fileName;

                        //Useful for debugging overloads the use of a field in the banner
                        //Session["GroupName"] = "TaskID: " + task.taskID.ToString();

                        //Utilities.WriteLog("TaskXML: " + task.taskID + " \t" + task.data);

                        ////Construct the information to be passed to the target page
                        //TimeSpan taskDur = task.endTime - task.startTime;
                        //string vipayload = LabTask.constructSessionPayload(appInfo,
                        //    task.startTime, taskDur.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond, task.taskID,
                        //    returnTarget, null, null);

                        ////Utilities.WriteLog("sessionPayload: " + payload);
                        ////Store Session information
                        //Session["payload"] = vipayload;
                        //if (appInfo.rev != null && appInfo.rev.Length > 0)
                        //    Session["lvversion"] = appInfo.rev;
                        //    Session.Remove("lvversion");

                        //set Presentation page tp appPage
                        pageURL = appInfo.page;

                        Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=Unable+to+launch++application,+please+notify+your+administrator.", true);
                { // An existing Experiment
                    task = TaskProcessor.Instance.GetTask(expID, sbStr);
                    if (task.data != null)
                        XmlQueryDoc taskDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(task.data);
                        pageURL = taskDoc.Query("task/application");
                    if (pageURL == null || pageURL.Length == 0)
                        pageURL = appInfo.page;
            if(pageURL != null && pageURL.Length >0){
                StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(pageURL + "?expid=" + expID);
                Session["opCouponID"] = coupon_Id;
                Session["opPasscode"] = passkey;
                Session["opIssuer"] = issuerGUID;
                buf.Append("&coupon_id=" + coupon_Id);
                buf.Append("&passkey=" + passkey);
                buf.Append("&issuer_guid=" + issuerGUID);
                buf.Append("&sb_url=" + returnTarget );
                Response.Redirect(buf.ToString(), true);
                 Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=Unable+to+launch++application,+please+notify+your+administrator.", true);
コード例 #3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            LabDB dbManager = new LabDB();
            if (!IsPostBack)
                // Query values from the request
                hdnAppkey.Value = Request.QueryString["app"];
                hdnCoupon.Value = Request.QueryString["coupon_id"];
                hdnPasscode.Value = Request.QueryString["passkey"];
                hdnIssuer.Value = Request.QueryString["issuer_guid"];
                hdnSbUrl.Value = Request.QueryString["sb_url"];
                if (hdnSbUrl.Value != null && hdnSbUrl.Value.Length > 0)
                    Session["sbUrl"] = hdnSbUrl.Value;
                string userName = null;
                string userIdStr = null;

                int tz = 0;
                if (Session["userTZ"] != null)
                    tz = Convert.ToInt32(Session["userTZ"]);

                // this should be the RedeemSession & Experiment Coupon data
                if (!(hdnPasscode.Value != null && hdnPasscode.Value != ""
                    && hdnCoupon.Value != null && hdnCoupon.Value != ""
                    && hdnIssuer.Value != null && hdnIssuer.Value != ""))
                    Logger.WriteLine("BEEanaylsis: " + "AccessDenied missing credentials");
                    Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=missing+credentials.", true);

                Coupon expCoupon = new Coupon(hdnIssuer.Value, Convert.ToInt64(hdnCoupon.Value), hdnPasscode.Value);

                //Check the database for ticket and coupon, if not found Redeem Ticket from
                // issuer and store in database.
                //This ticket should include group, experiment id and be valid for this moment in time??
                Ticket expTicket = dbManager.RetrieveAndVerify(expCoupon, TicketTypes.EXECUTE_EXPERIMENT);

                if (expTicket != null)
                    if (expTicket.IsExpired())
                        Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=The ExperimentExecution+ticket+has+expired.", true);

                    Session["exCoupon"] = expCoupon;

                    ////Parse experiment payload, only get what is needed
                    string payload = expTicket.payload;
                    XmlQueryDoc expDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(payload);
                    string expIdStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/experimentID");
                    string tzStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/userTZ");
                    //string userIdStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/userID");
                    string groupName = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/groupName");
                    Session["groupName"] = groupName;
                    string sbStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/sbGuid");
                    Session["brokerGUID"] = sbStr;

                    if ((tzStr != null) && (tzStr.Length > 0))
                        Session["userTZ"] = tzStr;
                    LabAppInfo clientInfo = dbManager.GetLabApp(hdnAppkey.Value);
                    if (clientInfo == null)
                        throw new Exception("Client does not exist!");
                    long experimentID = Convert.ToInt64(expIdStr);
                    InteractiveSBProxy sbProxy = new InteractiveSBProxy();
                    ProcessAgentInfo sbInfo = dbManager.GetProcessAgentInfo(hdnIssuer.Value);
                    if (sbInfo != null)
                        sbProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = new OperationAuthHeader();
                        sbProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue.coupon = expCoupon;
                        sbProxy.Url = sbInfo.webServiceUrl;
                        // Use the extraInfo field to provide the target ClientGUID
                        List<Criterion> cri = new List<Criterion>();
                        if (clientInfo.extraInfo != null && clientInfo.extraInfo.Length > 0)
                            cri.Add(new Criterion("clientguid", "=", clientInfo.extraInfo));

                        ExperimentSummary[] expSum = sbProxy.RetrieveExperimentSummary(cri.ToArray());
コード例 #4
        protected void btnGo_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            List<Criterion> cList = new List<Criterion>();
            LabDB dbManager = new LabDB();
            LabAppInfo clientInfo = dbManager.GetLabApp(hdnAppkey.Value);
            if (clientInfo == null)
                throw new Exception("Client does not exist!");
            if( clientInfo.extraInfo != null &&  clientInfo.extraInfo.Length > 0)
                cList.Add(new Criterion("clientguid", "=", clientInfo.extraInfo));
            if((ddlTimeAttribute.SelectedIndex >0))
                DateTime time1 = FactoryDB.MinDbDate;
                    time1 = DateUtil.ParseUserToUtc(txtTime1.Text,culture,Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserTZ"]));
                    lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatErrorMessage("Please enter a valid date & time in the first time field .");
                    lblResponse.Visible = true;
                if (ddlTimeAttribute.SelectedIndex == 1)
                    cList.Add(new Criterion("CreationTime", ">=", time1.ToString()));
                    cList.Add(new Criterion("CreationTime", "<", time1.AddDays(1).ToString()));
                else if (ddlTimeAttribute.SelectedIndex == 2)
                    cList.Add(new Criterion("CreationTime", "<", time1.ToString()));
                else if (ddlTimeAttribute.SelectedIndex == 3)
                    cList.Add(new Criterion("CreationTime", ">=", time1.ToString()));
                if (ddlTimeAttribute.SelectedIndex == 4)
                    DateTime time2 = FactoryDB.MaxDbDate;
                        time2 = DateUtil.ParseUserToUtc(txtTime2.Text, culture, Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserTZ"]));
                        lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatErrorMessage("Please enter a valid date & time in the second time field.");
                        lblResponse.Visible = true;
                    cList.Add(new Criterion("CreationTime", ">=", time1.ToString()));
                    cList.Add(new Criterion("CreationTime", "<=", time2.ToString()));

            InteractiveSBProxy sbProxy = new InteractiveSBProxy();
            ProcessAgentInfo sbInfo = dbManager.GetProcessAgentInfo(hdnIssuer.Value);
            if (sbInfo != null)
                sbProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = new OperationAuthHeader();
                    = new Coupon(hdnIssuer.Value, Convert.ToInt64(hdnCoupon.Value), hdnPasscode.Value);
                sbProxy.Url = sbInfo.webServiceUrl;

                List<Criterion> cri = new List<Criterion>();
                cri.Add(new Criterion("clientguid", "=", clientInfo.extraInfo));
                ExperimentSummary[] expSum = sbProxy.RetrieveExperimentSummary(cri.ToArray());
                if (expSum.Length == 0)
                    string msg = "No experiment records were found for user '" + Session["UserName"] + "' in group '" + Session["GroupName"] + "'.";
                    lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatErrorMessage(msg);
                    lblResponse.Visible = true;

コード例 #5
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            LabDB dbManager = new LabDB();
            int appID = 0;
            long expID = 0;
            LabTask task = null;
            string expLen = null;
            string pageURL = null;
            bool useTaskDuration = true;
            // Query values from the request
            if (!IsPostBack)
                string appKey = Request.QueryString["app"];
                string coupon_Id = Request.QueryString["coupon_id"];
                string passkey = Request.QueryString["passkey"];
                string issuerGUID = Request.QueryString["issuer_guid"];
                string returnTarget = Request.QueryString["sb_url"];
                expLen = Request.QueryString["explen"];
                if ((returnTarget != null) && (returnTarget.Length > 0))
                    Session["sbUrl"] = returnTarget;

                Logger.WriteLine("BEElab: " + Request.Url.ToString());

                // this should be the Experiment Coupon data
                if (!(passkey != null && passkey != "" && coupon_Id != null && coupon_Id != "" && issuerGUID != null && issuerGUID != ""))
                    Logger.WriteLine("BEElab: " + "AccessDenied missing Experiment credentials");
                    Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=missing+Experiment+credentials.", true);

                long expCoupId = Convert.ToInt64(coupon_Id);
                Coupon expCoupon = new Coupon(issuerGUID, expCoupId, passkey);

                //Check the database for ticket and coupon, if not found Redeem Ticket from
                // issuer and store in database.
                //This ticket should include group, experiment id and be valid for this moment in time??
                Ticket expTicket = dbManager.RetrieveAndVerify(expCoupon, TicketTypes.EXECUTE_EXPERIMENT);

                if (expTicket != null)
                    if (expTicket.IsExpired())
                        Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=The ExperimentExecution+ticket+has+expired.", true);

                    Session[""] = issuerGUID;
                    Session[""] = expCoupId;
                    Session[""] = passkey;
                    ////Parse experiment payload, only get what is needed
                    string payload = expTicket.payload;
                    XmlQueryDoc expDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(payload);
                    string tzStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/userTZ");
                    if ((tzStr != null) && (tzStr.Length > 0))
                        Session["userTZ"] = tzStr;
                    string groupName = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/groupName");
                    Session["groupName"] = groupName;
                    string sbStr = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/sbGuid");
                    string essUrl = expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/essWebAddress");
                    expID = Convert.ToInt64(expDoc.Query("ExecuteExperimentPayload/experimentID"));
                    Session["brokerGUID"] = sbStr;

                    //Get Lab specific info for this URL or group
                    LabAppInfo appInfo = null;
                    // Experiment is specified by 'app=appKey'
                    if (appKey != null && appKey.Length > 0)
                        appInfo = dbManager.GetLabApp(appKey);
                    // This is no longer the case as the USS handles groups and permissions
                    //else // Have to use groupName & Servicebroker THIS REQUIRES groups & permissions are set in database
                    //    appInfo = dbManager.GetLabAppForGroup(groupName, sbStr);
                    if (appInfo == null)
                        Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=Unable+to+find+application+information,+please+notify+your+administrator.", true);

                    // Check to see if an experiment with this ID is already running
                    // Check for an existing task for this experiment
                    // If found redirect to the graph page, do not abort running controller program
                    LabTask.eStatus status = dbManager.ExperimentStatus(expID, sbStr);
                    if (status == LabTask.eStatus.NotFound)
                        // Check for existing tasks that may be using resources
                        // For now only close other instances of the lab
                        List<LabTask> curTasks = TaskProcessor.Instance.GetTasks(appInfo.appID);
                        if (curTasks != null && curTasks.Count > 0)
                            foreach (LabTask t in curTasks)
                                //ToDo: check if the tasks should all be closed
                                DataSourceManager dsManager = TaskProcessor.Instance.GetDataManager(t.taskID);
                                if (dsManager != null)
                                    // Need to close existing data Sources

                        // Create a new Experiment task
                        // Use taskFactory to create a new task
                        BeeAPI factory = new BeeAPI();
                        task = factory.CreateLabTask(appInfo, expTicket);

                        if (task != null)
                            if (task.storage != null && task.storage.Length > 0)
                                DataSourceManager dsManager = new DataSourceManager(task);
                                FileWatcherDataSource fds = factory.CreateBeeDataSource(expCoupon, task, "data", true);
                                TaskProcessor.Instance.AddDataManager(task.taskID, dsManager);
                            TaskProcessor.Instance.Add(new BeeTask(task));

                            //set Presentation page tp appPage
                            pageURL = appInfo.page;

                            Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=Unable+to+launch++application,+please+notify+your+administrator.", true);
                    { // An existing Experiment
                        task = dbManager.GetTask(expID, sbStr);
                        if (task.Status == LabTask.eStatus.Scheduled)
                            pageURL = appInfo.appURL;
                        else if (task.Status == LabTask.eStatus.Running)
                            pageURL = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent.codeBaseUrl + @"/BEEgraph.aspx";
                        else if (task.Status == LabTask.eStatus.Aborted
                            || task.Status == LabTask.eStatus.Closed
                            || task.Status == LabTask.eStatus.Completed
                            || task.Status == LabTask.eStatus.Expired)
                            Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=The+requested+experiment+is+no+longer+running.", true);

                if (pageURL != null && pageURL.Length > 0)
                    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(pageURL + "?expid=" + expID);
                    Session["opCouponID"] = coupon_Id;
                    Session["opPasscode"] = passkey;
                    Session["opIssuer"] = issuerGUID;
                    buf.Append("&coupon_id=" + coupon_Id);
                    buf.Append("&passkey=" + passkey);
                    buf.Append("&issuer_guid=" + issuerGUID);
                    buf.Append("&sb_url=" + returnTarget);
                    if(expLen != null && expLen.Length > 0)
                        buf.Append("&explen=" + expLen);
                    //if (useTaskDuration)
                    //    TimeSpan taskDur = task.endTime.Subtract(DateTime.UtcNow);
                    //    int hours = Convert.ToInt32(taskDur.TotalHours);
                    //    buf.Append("&explen=" + hours);
                    Response.Redirect(buf.ToString(), true);
                    Response.Redirect("AccessDenied.aspx?text=Unable+to+launch++application,+please+notify+your+administrator.", true);