コード例 #1
ファイル: DataContext.cs プロジェクト: mdabbagh88/iFixit-WP
        public static Guide GetCompleteGuide(string guideID, iFixitDataContext dc)
            Guide g = null;

            //get the node
            g = dc.GuidesTable.FirstOrDefault(c => c.GuideID == guideID);

            if (g == null)
                return null;

            //get its child steps
            g.Steps = dc.StepsTable.Where(s => s.parentName == g.GuideID).Distinct().ToList();

            List<Step> completeSteps = new List<Step>();
            for (int i = 0; i < g.Steps.Count; ++i)
                string parentGuideId = g.Steps.ElementAt(i).parentName;
                string stepIndex = g.Steps.ElementAt(i).StepIndex;
                completeSteps.Add(GetCompleteStep(parentGuideId, stepIndex, dc));

            g.Steps = completeSteps.OrderBy(s => int.Parse(s.StepIndex)).ToList();

            return g;
コード例 #2
        private void DeleteCached_Tap(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //go through all guides/steps/lines and topics and dump them
            using (iFixitDataContext db = new iFixitDataContext(App.DBConnectionString))
                var cachedGuides =
                    from g in db.GuidesTable
                    where g.Populated == true
                    select g;
                foreach (Guide g in cachedGuides)
                    var cachedSteps =
                        from s in db.StepsTable
                        where s.parentName == g.GuideID
                        select s;

                    foreach (Step s in cachedSteps)
                        var cachedLines =
                            from l in db.LinesTable
                            where l.parentName == g.GuideID
                            select l;

                        //Debug.WriteLine("got " + cachedLines.Count() + " lines");
                    //Debug.WriteLine("got " + cachedSteps.Count() + " steps");
                //Debug.WriteLine("got " + cachedGuides.Count() + " guides");

                var cachedTopics =
                        from top in db.TopicsTable
                        where top.Populated == true
                        select top;


            //nuke all cached images
            using (IsolatedStorageFile isoStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
                //iterate through all files
                if (isoStore.DirectoryExists(ImgCache.BASE_PATH))
                    foreach (string file in isoStore.GetFileNames(ImgCache.BASE_PATH + "\\*"))

コード例 #3
ファイル: DataContext.cs プロジェクト: mdabbagh88/iFixit-WP
         * FIXME add methods simillar to above for Topic, Guide, Step!
        public static Topic GetCompleteTopic(string name, iFixitDataContext dc)
            Topic t = null;

            //get the node
            t = dc.TopicsTable.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == name);

            if (t == null)
                return null;

            //get its child guides
            t.Guides = dc.GuidesTable.Where(g => g.parentName == name).Distinct().OrderBy(g => g.Title).ToList();

            return t;
コード例 #4
ファイル: DataContext.cs プロジェクト: mdabbagh88/iFixit-WP
        public static Step GetCompleteStep(string parentGuideId, string stepNumber, iFixitDataContext dc)
            Step s = null;

            //get the node
            s = dc.StepsTable.FirstOrDefault(c => c.parentName == parentGuideId && c.StepIndex == stepNumber);

            if (s == null)
                return null;

            //get its child lines
            s.Lines = dc.LinesTable.Where(l => l.parentName == s.parentName + stepNumber).Distinct().ToList();

            return s;
コード例 #5
ファイル: App.xaml.cs プロジェクト: mdabbagh88/iFixit-WP
        // Code to execute when the application is launching (eg, from Start)
        // This code will not execute when the application is reactivated
        private void Application_Launching(object sender, LaunchingEventArgs e)
            using (IsolatedStorageFile myIsolatedStorage = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
                if (myIsolatedStorage.FileExists(SerialStore))

            //this has asynchroneous components that will run while the UI loads and whatnot NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable()
            if (DeviceNetworkInformation.IsNetworkAvailable && !rootHasBeenSavedInISO)

                //in the future
                // clear loading screen
                PhoneApplicationService.Current.State[App.InitializeWithLoadingScreen] = false;
            // Create the database if it does not exist.
            //the using statement guarntees that setup and teardown will always happen, and properly
            using (iFixitDataContext tDB = new iFixitDataContext(DBConnectionString))
                // Create the local database.
                if (!tDB.DatabaseExists())

                    // Save categories to the database.
コード例 #6
        private void UpdateBinding()
            using (iFixitDataContext db = new iFixitDataContext(App.DBConnectionString))
                // this.CachedList.ItemsSource = DBHelpers.GetCompleteCategory("root", db).Categories;

                IQueryable<Topic> queryCached =
                    from top in db.TopicsTable
                    where top.Populated == true
                    select top;
                this.CachedList.ItemsSource = queryCached;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Guide.xaml.cs プロジェクト: mdabbagh88/iFixit-WP
         * Iterate through all steps and their lines, inserting them into the DB
        private void InsertStepsAndLines(Guide parentGuide, GHStep[] steps, iFixitDataContext db)
            //loop through all steps and attempt to insert them
            foreach (GHStep newStep in steps)
                //see if it exists
                //Step sOld = db.StepsTable.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Title == newStep.title);
                Step sOld = DBHelpers.GetCompleteStep(parentGuide.GuideID, newStep.number, db);
                if (sOld == null)
                    //insert it
                    sOld = new Step(newStep);
                    sOld.parentName = parentGuide.GuideID;
                    //update it

                //go through all lines
                foreach (GHStepLines newLine in newStep.lines)
                    Lines oldLine = db.LinesTable.FirstOrDefault(l => l.parentName == sOld.parentName + sOld.StepIndex);
                    if (oldLine == null)
                        //insert it
                        Lines l = new Lines(newLine);
                        l.parentName = sOld.parentName + sOld.StepIndex;
                        //add it
                        oldLine.parentName = sOld.parentName + sOld.StepIndex;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Guide.xaml.cs プロジェクト: mdabbagh88/iFixit-WP
        protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
            Debug.WriteLine("A Guide has been navigated to. We are going to make API calls and do SCIENCE");
            this.guideID = this.NavigationContext.QueryString["GuideID"];
            Debug.WriteLine("\tgot guide id = " + guideID);

            if (tapped != null)
                tapped.Foreground = App.Current.Resources["PhoneForegroundBrush"] as Brush;

            //if the VM is already populated, don't reload it
            if (vm != null)

            int numCols = -1;
            string key = guideID;
            //if online, do an api call. The callback will be fired to populate the view
            if (DeviceNetworkInformation.IsNetworkAvailable && !this.State.ContainsKey(key))
                Debug.WriteLine("online. Querying for new guide content");

                vm = new GuideViewModel(SourceGuide);
                this.DataContext = vm;

                new JSONInterface2().populateGuideView(this.guideID, insertGuideIntoDB);
            //if not online, populate view from DB
                Debug.WriteLine("offline. Using DB for guide content");
                using (iFixitDataContext db = new iFixitDataContext(App.DBConnectionString))
                    //get the guide, if it already exists
                    //SourceGuide = db.GuidesTable.SingleOrDefault(g => g.GuideID == this.guideID);
                    SourceGuide = DBHelpers.GetCompleteGuide(this.guideID, db);
                    vm = new GuideViewModel(SourceGuide);

                    //force view model to update
                    this.DataContext = vm;

                    //hide the loading bar
                    LoadingBarInfo.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;

            if (SourceGuide != null)
                numCols = SourceGuide.Steps.Count + 1;
            // if there is a saved index, re-navigate to it
            if (key != null && this.State.ContainsKey(key))
                int selectedTabIndex = (int)this.State[key];
                if (0 <= selectedTabIndex && selectedTabIndex < numCols)
                    GuidePivot.SelectedIndex = selectedTabIndex;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Guide.xaml.cs プロジェクト: mdabbagh88/iFixit-WP
        public bool insertGuideIntoDB(GuideHolder guide)
            //convert the GuideHolder we got into a DB object

            Debug.WriteLine("inserting guide " + guide.guide.title + " into db from net");

            using (iFixitDataContext db = new iFixitDataContext(App.DBConnectionString))
                //SourceGuide = db.GuidesTable.SingleOrDefault(g => g.GuideID == this.guideID);
                SourceGuide = DBHelpers.GetCompleteGuide(this.guideID, db);

                if (SourceGuide == null)
                    Debug.WriteLine("\tdid not find old");
                    SourceGuide = new Guide(guide);
                    Debug.WriteLine("\tfound old");

                InsertStepsAndLines(SourceGuide, guide.guide.steps, db);

                //insert it into the DB
                SourceGuide.Populated = true;


            //force view model to update
            this.gTitle.Text = vm.GuideTitle;
            this.gTopic.Text = vm.GuideTopic;
            //PivotItem infoPivot = buildInfoPivotItem();

            this.DataContext = vm;
            //GuidePivot.ItemsSource = temp;
            //hide the loading bar
            LoadingBarInfo.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
            return true;
コード例 #10
         * force this view model to update all its internal data
        public void UpdateData()
            Debug.WriteLine("Updating view model...");

            //run queries
            Topic top = null;
            using (iFixitDataContext db = new iFixitDataContext(App.DBConnectionString))
                top = DBHelpers.GetCompleteTopic(Name, db);
            if (top == null)
                Debug.WriteLine(">>couldnt find DeviceInfo topic in DB to display it");

            //fill in internal collections
            this.Name = top.Name;
            this.Description = top.Description;
            this.Contents = top.Contents;
            this.ImageURL = top.ImageURL;

            this.BaseURL = "http://www.ifixit.com/Device/" + this.Name;

            //fill in guides
            foreach (Guide g in top.Guides)
                Debug.WriteLine("\tinside updating view model. Found guide: " + g.Title);
コード例 #11
         * Insert the data from the JSON parser into the database
        private bool insertDevInfoIntoDB(DeviceInfoHolder devInfo)
            //something is wrong and the device was not found. Bail
            if (devInfo == null)
                Debug.WriteLine("something went terribly wrong with a DeviceInfo. Bailing");
                return false;

            Topic top = null;
            Debug.WriteLine("putting device info into DB...");

            //try to get a topic of this name from the DB
            //if it fails, make a new one. if it works, update the old
            using (iFixitDataContext db = new iFixitDataContext(App.DBConnectionString))
                bool gotTopicFromDB = true;
                top = DBHelpers.GetCompleteTopic(devInfo.topic_info.name, db);

                if (top == null)
                    top = new Topic();
                    gotTopicFromDB = false;

                //translate devInfo in a Topic()
                //name is already the same
                top.Name = devInfo.topic_info.name;
                top.parentName = devInfo.title;
                top.Contents = devInfo.description;
                top.ImageURL = devInfo.image.text + ".medium";
                top.Populated = true;

                //TODO inject metatdata here like # answers
                top.Description = "";
                top.Description += prepHTML(devInfo.contents, devInfo);

                //now do the same for all attached guides
                foreach (DIGuides g in devInfo.guides)
                    Debug.WriteLine("\tguide " + g.title);

                    //search if the guide already exists, and get or update it
                    Guide gOld = new Guide();
                    gOld.FillFieldsFromDeviceInfo(navTopicName, g);
                    gOld = db.GuidesTable.FirstOrDefault(other => other.GuideID == gOld.GuideID);
                    if (gOld == null)
                        gOld = new Guide();

                    gOld.FillFieldsFromDeviceInfo(navTopicName, g);

                    // hang it below the topic, it its collection of guides

                    //FIXME do we need to specifically add this to the guide table? is that magic?

                if (!gotTopicFromDB)

                //update the Topic() into the database

                //force the view model to update

                //force the views to update
                this.InfoStack.DataContext = infoVM;
                this.GuidesStack.DataContext = infoVM;

                //disable the loading bars
                this.LoadingBarInfo.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
                this.LoadingBarGuides.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;


            return true;