コード例 #1
ファイル: Fjp.cs プロジェクト: sungxgit/sun_code
        private void toolStripButton3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (MessageBox.Show("退料将关闭任务单", "确认", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.No)
                return;  //否就退出操作
            SqlCommand sqlcmd = new SqlCommand();

            sqlcmd.Connection = conn;
                // DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                catch { }
                //string ylsyl = "select sum(FSycd) from  Tylcpgx  where FCptm in(select FBarcode from  Tgx  where FICMOBillNo ='"+comboBox1.Text+"' and FWork='印刷')";
                // string ylsyl = "select sum( fsycd) * ISNULL(fcoefficient , 1) as yl,fitemid,fcoefficient from  V_ylgx where FCptm in(select FBarcode from  Tgx  where FICMOBillNo ='" + comboBox1.Text + "' and FWork='印刷')  group by fitemid,coefficient";
                // string ly = "select sum(fqty)lyl ,FItemID from  v_flrw where FICMOBillNo='"+comboBox1.Text+"' group by FItemID";
                //string ylsyl = "select 0-lyl+yl tll,tb1.FItemID,FBatchNo from (select sum( fsycd) * ISNULL(fcoefficient , 1) as yl,fitemid,fcoefficient,FBatchNo from  V_ylgx where FCptm in(select FBarcode from  Tgx  where FICMOBillNo ='" + comboBox1.Text + "' and FWork='印刷' and FHj=0)  group by fitemid,fcoefficient,FBatchNo)tb1  left join(select sum(fqty)lyl ,FItemID from  v_flrw where FICMOBillNo='" + comboBox1.Text + "' group by FItemID )tb2 on tb1.fitemid= tb2.FItemID  where tb1.FItemID is not null";
                string ylsyl = "select 0-lyl+yl tll,tb1.FItemID,tb1.FBatchNo from (select sum( fsycd) * ISNULL(fcoefficient , 1) as yl,fitemid,fcoefficient,FBatchNo  from  V_ylgx where FCptm in(select FBarcode from  Tgx  where FICMOBillNo ='" + comboBox1.Text + "' and FWork='印刷')  group by fitemid,fcoefficient,FBatchNo)tb1  left join(select sum(fqty)lyl ,FItemID,FBatchNo from  v_flrw where FICMOBillNo='" + comboBox1.Text + "' group by FItemID,FBatchNo ) tb2 on tb1.fitemid= tb2.FItemID  and tb1.Fbatchno=tb2.FBatchNo  where tb1.fitemid  is not null and 0-lyl+yl<0";
                string blql  = "select 0-lyl+yl tll,tb1.FItemID,tb1.FBatchNo from (select sum( fsycd) * ISNULL(fcoefficient , 1) as yl,fitemid,fcoefficient,FBatchNo  from  V_ylgx where FCptm in(select FBarcode from  Tgx  where FICMOBillNo ='" + comboBox1.Text + "' and FWork='印刷')  group by fitemid,fcoefficient,FBatchNo)tb1  left join(select sum(fqty)lyl ,FItemID,FBatchNo from  v_flrw where FICMOBillNo='" + comboBox1.Text + "' group by FItemID,FBatchNo ) tb2 on tb1.fitemid= tb2.FItemID  and tb1.Fbatchno=tb2.FBatchNo  where tb1.fitemid  is not null and 0-lyl+yl>0";
                tlbl(ylsyl, conn, -1, "退料");
                tlbl(blql, conn, 1, "补料");
                Globals.E_proc_closeicmo(conn, comboBox1.Text);
            catch { }
            string sql = "select FBillNo,FName,khmc,xsdd,fworkshop,fitemid,FNumber,finterid,fqty,FDefaultLoc,FSPID,FGMPBatchNo,FModel from  v_xdxx where FBillNo in(select FICMOBillNo from  V_Flrw)  and fworkshop='" + comboBox2.SelectedValue + "'";

            comboBox1.DataSource    = null;
            comboBox1.DataSource    = dt = sj.ds(sql, "rw", conn);
            comboBox1.DisplayMember = "FBillNo";
            comboBox1.ValueMember   = "FBillNo";
コード例 #2
ファイル: FZd.cs プロジェクト: sungxgit/sun_code
        private void toolStripButton3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (MessageBox.Show("任务完成后批量退料", "确认", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.No)
                return;  //否就退出操作
            SqlCommand sqlcmd = new SqlCommand();

            sqlcmd.Connection = conn;
                // DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                catch { }
                //string ylsyl = "select sum(FSycd) from  Tylcpgx  where FCptm in(select FBarcode from  Tgx  where FICMOBillNo ='"+comboBox1.Text+"' and FWork='印刷')";
                // string ylsyl = "select sum( fsycd) * ISNULL(fcoefficient , 1) as yl,fitemid,fcoefficient from  V_ylgx where FCptm in(select FBarcode from  Tgx  where FICMOBillNo ='" + comboBox1.Text + "' and FWork='印刷')  group by fitemid,coefficient";
                // string ly = "select sum(fqty)lyl ,FItemID from  v_flrw where FICMOBillNo='"+comboBox1.Text+"' group by FItemID";
                // string ylsyl = "select 0-lyl+yl tll,tb1.FItemID,FBatchNo from (select sum( fsycd) * ISNULL(fcoefficient , 1) as yl,fitemid,fcoefficient,FBatchNo from  V_ylgx where FCptm in(select FBarcode from  Tgx  where FICMOBillNo ='" + comboBox1.Text + "' and FWork='分切' and FHj=0)  group by fitemid,fcoefficient,FBatchNo)tb1  left join(select sum(fqty)lyl ,FItemID from  v_flrw where FICMOBillNo='" + comboBox1.Text + "' group by FItemID )tb2 on tb1.fitemid= tb2.FItemID  where tb1.FItemID is not null";
                string ylsyl = "select 0-lyl+yl tll,tb1.FItemID,tb1.FBatchNo from (select sum( fsycd) * ISNULL(fcoefficient , 1) as yl,fitemid,fcoefficient,FBatchNo  from  V_ylgx where FCptm in(select FBarcode from  Tgx  where FICMOBillNo ='" + comboBox1.Text + "' and FWork='分切' and FHj=0)  group by fitemid,fcoefficient,FBatchNo)tb1  left join(select sum(fqty)lyl ,FItemID,FBatchNo from  v_flrw where FICMOBillNo='" + comboBox1.Text + "' group by FItemID,FBatchNo ) tb2 on tb1.fitemid= tb2.FItemID  and tb1.Fbatchno=tb2.FBatchNo  where tb1.fitemid  is not null and 0-lyl+yl<0";

                SqlDataAdapter sd2 = new SqlDataAdapter(ylsyl, conn);

                catch { }
                sd2.Fill(ds, "ylsyl");
                {   //与领用做比对
                    if (ds.Tables["ylsyl"].Rows[0][0].ToString() == "")
                tj tj = new tj();
                RK ck = new RK(tj);


                // ArrayList al = Globals.Return_proc(conn);

                ArrayList al = Globals.Return_proc(conn, "24");
                string    sql_icstockbill = "select FBillerID,FSelTranType, FBrNo, FInterID, FTranType, FBillNo, FDate, FDeptID,Frob,FPurposeID  from ICStockBill  where  1=2";

                SqlDataAdapter icstockbill = new SqlDataAdapter(sql_icstockbill, conn);
                catch { }

                icstockbill.Fill(ds, "icstockbill");
                DataRow rk = ds.Tables["icstockbill"].NewRow();
                rk["FPurposeID"]   = 12000;
                rk["FBillerID"]    = 16394; //制单人
                rk["FSelTranType"] = 85;
                rk["FBrNo"]        = 0;
                rk["FInterID"]     = al[1];
                rk["FTranType"]    = 24;
                rk["FBillNo"]      = al[0];
                rk["fdate"]        = DateTime.Now.ToString("d");
                rk["FDeptID"]      = comboBox2.SelectedValue;
                rk["Frob"]         = -1;
                SqlCommandBuilder sb = new SqlCommandBuilder(icstockbill);

                string         sql_icstockbillentry = "select FChkPassItem,FSourceInterId,FDCStockID,FDCSPID,FSCStockID,FBrNo,FEntryID,FUnitID,FQty,FAuxQty,FItemID,FInterID,FQtyMust,FAuxQtyMust,FBatchNo,FSourceTranType,FSourceBillNo,FICMOBillNo,FICMOInterID,FCostOBJID from  ICStockBillEntry where 1=2";
                SqlDataAdapter icstockbillentry     = new SqlDataAdapter(sql_icstockbillentry, conn);
                icstockbillentry.Fill(ds, "icstockbillentry");
                sb = new SqlCommandBuilder(icstockbillentry);
                for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables["ylsyl"].Rows.Count; i++)
                    rk = ds.Tables["icstockbillentry"].NewRow();
                    rk["FChkPassItem"]   = 1058;
                    rk["FSourceInterId"] = ydnm.Text;
                    rk["FSCStockID"]     = tj.ck;//仓库
                    rk["FCostOBJID"]     = cbdx.Text;
                    if (tj.cw != "0")
                        rk["FDCSPID"] = tj.cw;//仓位
                    rk["FBrNo"]       = 0;
                    rk["FEntryID"]    = i + 1;
                    rk["FUnitID"]     = 259;
                    rk["FAuxQty"]     = rk["FQty"] = ds.Tables["ylsyl"].Rows[i][0];
                    rk["FItemID"]     = ds.Tables["ylsyl"].Rows[i][1];
                    rk["FInterID"]    = al[1];
                    rk["FAuxQtyMust"] = rk["FQtyMust"] = ds.Tables["ylsyl"].Rows[i][0];
                    rk["FBatchNo"]    = ds.Tables["ylsyl"].Rows[i][2];
                    // rk["FBatchNo"] = label6.Text;
                    rk["FSourceTranType"] = 85;
                    rk["FSourceBillNo"]   = comboBox1.Text;
                    rk["FICMOBillNo"]     = comboBox1.Text;
                    rk["FICMOInterID"]    = ydnm.Text;
                Globals.E_proc_closeicmo(conn, comboBox1.Text);


            catch { }
            string sql = "select FBillNo,FName,khmc,xsdd,fworkshop,fitemid,FNumber,finterid,fqty,FDefaultLoc,FSPID,FGMPBatchNo,FModel,FApproveNo,FWidth,jg,zxbz from  v_xdxx where FBillNo in(select FICMOBillNo from  V_Flrw)  and fworkshop='" + comboBox2.SelectedValue + "'";

            comboBox1.DataSource    = null;
            comboBox1.DataSource    = dt = sj.ds(sql, "rw", conn);
            comboBox1.DisplayMember = "FBillNo";
            comboBox1.ValueMember   = "FBillNo";