/* Using SenseManager to handle data */ public void SimplePipeline() { _form.UpdateInfo(String.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.Black); bool liveCamera = false; bool flag = true; SenseManager instance = null; _disconnected = false; instance = _form.session.CreateSenseManager(); if (instance == null) { _form.UpdateStatus("Failed creating SenseManager"); _form.EnableTrackingMode(true); return; } CaptureManager captureManager = instance.CaptureManager; DeviceInfo info = null; if (captureManager != null) { if (_form.GetPlaybackState()) { captureManager.SetFileName(_form.GetFileName(), false); info = _form.GetDeviceFromFileMenu(_form.GetFileName()); } else { if (_form.Devices.Count == 0) { _form.UpdateStatus("No device were found"); return; } _form.Devices.TryGetValue(_form.GetCheckedDevice(), out info); if (_form.GetRecordState()) { captureManager.SetFileName(_form.GetFileName(), true); if (_form.Devices.TryGetValue(_form.GetCheckedDevice(), out info)) { captureManager.FilterByDeviceInfo(_form.GetCheckedDeviceInfo()); } } else { captureManager.FilterByDeviceInfo(_form.GetCheckedDeviceInfo()); liveCamera = true; } if (info == null) { _form.UpdateStatus("Device Failure"); return; } } } /* Set Module */ HandModule handAnalysis; // SenseManager.Handler handler = new SenseManager Handler(); // handler.onModuleProcessedFrame = new SenseManager.Handler.OnModuleProcessedFrameDelegate(OnNewFrame); HandConfiguration handConfiguration = null; HandData handData = null; handAnalysis = HandModule.Activate(instance); if (handAnalysis == null) { _form.UpdateStatus("Failed Loading Module"); _form.EnableTrackingMode(true); return; } handConfiguration = handAnalysis.CreateActiveConfiguration(); if (handConfiguration == null) { _form.UpdateStatus("Failed Create Configuration"); _form.EnableTrackingMode(true); instance.Close(); instance.Dispose(); return; } handData = handAnalysis.CreateOutput(); if (handData == null) { _form.UpdateStatus("Failed Create Output"); _form.EnableTrackingMode(true); handConfiguration.Dispose(); instance.Close(); instance.Dispose(); return; } FPSTimer timer = new FPSTimer(_form); _form.UpdateStatus("Init Started"); if (instance.Init() == Status.STATUS_NO_ERROR) { DeviceInfo dinfo; DeviceModel dModel = DeviceModel.DEVICE_MODEL_F200; Device device = instance.CaptureManager.Device; if (device != null) { device.QueryDeviceInfo(out dinfo); dModel = dinfo.model; _maxRange = device.DepthSensorRange.max; } if (handConfiguration != null) { TrackingModeType trackingMode = TrackingModeType.TRACKING_MODE_FULL_HAND; if (_form.GetFullHandModeState()) { trackingMode = TrackingModeType.TRACKING_MODE_FULL_HAND; } handConfiguration.TrackingMode = trackingMode; handConfiguration.EnableAllAlerts(); handConfiguration.SegmentationImageEnabled = true; bool isEnabled = handConfiguration.SegmentationImageEnabled; handConfiguration.ApplyChanges(); _form.resetGesturesList(); int totalNumOfGestures = handConfiguration.NumberOfGestures; if (totalNumOfGestures > 0) { this._form.UpdateGesturesToList("", 0); for (int i = 0; i < totalNumOfGestures; i++) { string gestureName = string.Empty; if (handConfiguration.QueryGestureNameByIndex(i, out gestureName) == Status.STATUS_NO_ERROR) { this._form.UpdateGesturesToList(gestureName, i + 1); } } _form.UpdateGesturesListSize(); } } _form.UpdateStatus("Streaming"); int frameCounter = 0; int frameNumber = 0; while (!_form.stop) { string gestureName = _form.GetGestureName(); if (handConfiguration != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gestureName) == false) { if (handConfiguration.IsGestureEnabled(gestureName) == false) { handConfiguration.DisableAllGestures(); handConfiguration.EnableGesture(gestureName, true); handConfiguration.ApplyChanges(); } } else { handConfiguration.DisableAllGestures(); handConfiguration.ApplyChanges(); } } if (instance.AcquireFrame(true) < Status.STATUS_NO_ERROR) { break; } frameCounter++; if (!DisplayDeviceConnection(!instance.IsConnected())) { Sample sample = instance.Sample; if (sample != null && sample.Depth != null) { frameNumber = liveCamera ? frameCounter : instance.CaptureManager.FrameIndex; if (handData != null) { handData.Update(); DisplayPicture(sample.Depth, handData); DisplayGesture(handData, frameNumber); DisplayJoints(handData); DisplayAlerts(handData, frameNumber); } _form.UpdatePanel(); } timer.Tick(); } instance.ReleaseFrame(); } } else { _form.UpdateStatus("Init Failed"); flag = false; } foreach (Image Image in _mImages) { Image.Dispose(); } // Clean Up if (handData != null) { handData.Dispose(); } if (handConfiguration != null) { handConfiguration.Dispose(); } instance.Close(); instance.Dispose(); if (flag) { _form.UpdateStatus("Stopped"); } }
/* Using PXCMSenseManager to handle data */ public void SimplePipeline() { form.UpdateInfo(String.Empty, Color.Black); bool liveCamera = false; bool flag = true; PXCMSenseManager instance = null; _disconnected = false; instance = form.g_session.CreateSenseManager(); if (instance == null) { form.UpdateStatus("Failed creating SenseManager"); return; } PXCMCaptureManager captureManager = instance.captureManager; if (captureManager != null) { if (form.GetRecordState()) { captureManager.SetFileName(form.GetFileName(), true); PXCMCapture.DeviceInfo info; if (form.Devices.TryGetValue(form.GetCheckedDevice(), out info)) { captureManager.FilterByDeviceInfo(info); } } else if (form.GetPlaybackState()) { captureManager.SetFileName(form.GetFileName(), false); } else { PXCMCapture.DeviceInfo info; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(form.GetCheckedDevice())) { form.UpdateStatus("Device Failure"); return; } if (form.Devices.TryGetValue(form.GetCheckedDevice(), out info)) { captureManager.FilterByDeviceInfo(info); } liveCamera = true; } } /* Set Module */ pxcmStatus status = instance.EnableHand(form.GetCheckedModule()); PXCMHandModule handAnalysis = instance.QueryHand(); if (status != pxcmStatus.PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR || handAnalysis == null) { form.UpdateStatus("Failed Loading Module"); return; } PXCMSenseManager.Handler handler = new PXCMSenseManager.Handler(); handler.onModuleProcessedFrame = new PXCMSenseManager.Handler.OnModuleProcessedFrameDelegate(OnNewFrame); PXCMHandConfiguration handConfiguration = handAnalysis.CreateActiveConfiguration(); PXCMHandData handData = handAnalysis.CreateOutput(); if (handConfiguration == null) { form.UpdateStatus("Failed Create Configuration"); return; } if (handData == null) { form.UpdateStatus("Failed Create Output"); return; } if (form.getInitGesturesFirstTime() == false) { int totalNumOfGestures = handConfiguration.QueryGesturesTotalNumber(); if (totalNumOfGestures > 0) { this.form.UpdateGesturesToList("", 0); for (int i = 0; i < totalNumOfGestures; i++) { string gestureName = string.Empty; if (handConfiguration.QueryGestureNameByIndex(i, out gestureName) == pxcmStatus.PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR) { this.form.UpdateGesturesToList(gestureName, i + 1); } } form.setInitGesturesFirstTime(true); form.UpdateGesturesListSize(); } } FPSTimer timer = new FPSTimer(form); form.UpdateStatus("Init Started"); if (handAnalysis != null && instance.Init(handler) == pxcmStatus.PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR) { PXCMCapture.DeviceInfo dinfo; PXCMCapture.Device device = instance.captureManager.device; if (device != null) { device.QueryDeviceInfo(out dinfo); _maxRange = device.QueryDepthSensorRange().max; } if (handConfiguration != null) { handConfiguration.EnableAllAlerts(); handConfiguration.EnableSegmentationImage(true); handConfiguration.ApplyChanges(); handConfiguration.Update(); } form.UpdateStatus("Streaming"); int frameCounter = 0; int frameNumber = 0; while (!form.stop) { string gestureName = form.GetGestureName(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gestureName) == false) { if (handConfiguration.IsGestureEnabled(gestureName) == false) { handConfiguration.DisableAllGestures(); handConfiguration.EnableGesture(gestureName, true); handConfiguration.ApplyChanges(); } } else { handConfiguration.DisableAllGestures(); handConfiguration.ApplyChanges(); } if (instance.AcquireFrame(true) < pxcmStatus.PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR) { break; } frameCounter++; if (!DisplayDeviceConnection(!instance.IsConnected())) { if (handData != null) { handData.Update(); } PXCMCapture.Sample sample = instance.QueryHandSample(); if (sample != null && sample.depth != null) { DisplayPicture(sample.depth, handData); if (handData != null) { frameNumber = liveCamera ? frameCounter : instance.captureManager.QueryFrameIndex(); DisplayJoints(handData); DisplayGesture(handData, frameNumber); DisplayAlerts(handData, frameNumber); } form.UpdatePanel(); } timer.Tick(); } instance.ReleaseFrame(); } } else { form.UpdateStatus("Init Failed"); flag = false; } foreach (PXCMImage pxcmImage in m_images) { pxcmImage.Dispose(); } // Clean Up if (handData != null) { handData.Dispose(); } if (handConfiguration != null) { handConfiguration.Dispose(); } instance.Close(); instance.Dispose(); if (flag) { form.UpdateStatus("Stopped"); } }