public PatientTO getDemographics() { PatientTO result = new PatientTO(); string msg = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(mySession); if (msg != "OK") { result.fault = new FaultTO(msg); } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection.Pid) || mySession.Patient == null) { result.fault = new FaultTO("Need to select patient"); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { result = new PatientTO(getHomeData(mySession.Patient)); } catch (Exception exc) { result.fault = new FaultTO(exc); } return(result); }
public TaggedTextArray getUsersWithOption(string optionName) { TaggedTextArray result = new TaggedTextArray(); if (!(MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(mySession) == "OK")) { result.fault = new FaultTO("Connections not ready for operation", "Need to login?"); } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(optionName)) { result.fault = new FaultTO("Empty Option Name"); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { OrderedDictionary d = User.getUsersWithOption(mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection, optionName); result = new TaggedTextArray(d); } catch (Exception exc) { result.fault = new FaultTO(exc); } return(result); }
public UserSecurityKeyArray getUserSecurityKeys(string uid) { UserSecurityKeyArray result = new UserSecurityKeyArray(); if (!(MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(mySession) == "OK")) { result.fault = new FaultTO("Connections not ready for operation", "Need to login?"); } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(uid)) { result.fault = new FaultTO("Empty UID"); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { Dictionary <string, AbstractPermission> d = User.getPermissions(mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection, uid, PermissionType.SecurityKey); result = new UserSecurityKeyArray(d); } catch (Exception exc) { result.fault = new FaultTO(exc); } return(result); }
public TextTO getOrderStatusForPatient(string pid, string orderableItemId) { TextTO result = new TextTO(); if (!(MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(mySession) == "OK")) { result.fault = new FaultTO("Connections not ready for operation", "Need to login?"); } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(pid)) { result.fault = new FaultTO("Empty PID"); } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(orderableItemId)) { result.fault = new FaultTO("Empty Orderable Item ID"); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { string s = Order.getOrderStatusForPatient(mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection, pid, orderableItemId); result = new TextTO(s); } catch (Exception exc) { result.fault = new FaultTO(exc); } return(result); }
// public UserArray cprsUserLookup(string sitecode, string target) { UserArray result = new UserArray(); string msg = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(mySession, sitecode); if (msg != "OK") { result.fault = new FaultTO(msg); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sitecode)) { sitecode = mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseSiteId; } try { AbstractConnection cxn = mySession.ConnectionSet.getConnection(sitecode); UserApi api = new UserApi(); User[] matches = api.providerLookup(cxn, new KeyValuePair <string, string>("NAME", target)); result = new UserArray(matches); } catch (Exception e) { result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message); } return(result); }
public TextTO getVariableValue(string sitecode, string arg) { TextTO result = new TextTO(); string msg = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(mySession, sitecode); if (msg != "OK") { result.fault = new FaultTO(msg); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } if (sitecode == null) { sitecode = mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseSiteId; } try { AbstractConnection cxn = mySession.ConnectionSet.getConnection(sitecode); ToolsApi api = new ToolsApi(); string s = api.getVariableValue(cxn, arg); result = new TextTO(s); } catch (Exception e) { result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message); } return(result); }
public TaggedTextArray getDiscontinueReasons() { TaggedTextArray result = new TaggedTextArray(); if (MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(mySession) == "OK") { result.fault = new FaultTO("Connections not ready for operation", "Need to login?"); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { MedsApi medsApi = new MedsApi(); IndexedHashtable ht = medsApi.getDiscontinueReasons(mySession.ConnectionSet); return(new TaggedTextArray(ht)); } catch (Exception exc) { result.fault = new FaultTO(exc); } return(result); }
public TaggedTextArray getCrisisNotes(string fromDate, string toDate, int nrpts) { TaggedTextArray result = new TaggedTextArray(); string msg = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(_mySession); if (msg != "OK") { result.fault = new FaultTO(msg); } else if (fromDate == "") { result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing fromDate"); } else if (toDate == "") { result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing toDate"); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { NoteApi api = new NoteApi(); IndexedHashtable t = api.getCrisisNotes(_mySession.ConnectionSet, fromDate, toDate, nrpts); return(new TaggedTextArray(t)); } catch (Exception e) { result.fault = new FaultTO(e); return(result); } }
public TaggedTextArray getComplications() { TaggedTextArray result = new TaggedTextArray(); String sessionCheck = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(_mySession); if (!String.Equals(sessionCheck, "OK", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { result.fault = new FaultTO(sessionCheck); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { Dictionary <String, String> complications = new RadiologyApi().getComplications(_mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection); result = new TaggedTextArray(complications); } catch (Exception exc) { result.fault = new FaultTO(exc); } return(result); }
public TextTO getNote(string siteId, string noteId) { TextTO result = new TextTO(); string msg = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(_mySession, siteId); if (msg != "OK") { result.fault = new FaultTO(msg); } else if (siteId == "") { result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing siteId"); } else if (noteId == "") { result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing noteId"); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { NoteApi api = new NoteApi(); string s = api.getNoteText(_mySession.ConnectionSet.getConnection(siteId), noteId); result = new TextTO(s); } catch (Exception e) { result.fault = new FaultTO(e); } return(result); }
public TaggedNoteArrays getDischargeSummaries(String fromDate, String toDate, int nNotes) { TaggedNoteArrays result = new TaggedNoteArrays(); string msg = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(_mySession); if (msg != "OK") { result.fault = new FaultTO(msg); } else if (fromDate == "") { result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing fromDate"); } else if (toDate == "") { result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing toDate"); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { NoteApi api = new NoteApi(); IndexedHashtable t = api.getDischargeSummaries(_mySession.ConnectionSet, fromDate, toDate, nNotes); result = new TaggedNoteArrays(t); } catch (Exception e) { result.fault = new FaultTO(e); } return(result); }
public PatientRecordFlagArray getPrfNoteActions(string sitecode, string noteDefinitionIEN) { PatientRecordFlagArray result = new PatientRecordFlagArray(); string msg = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(_mySession, sitecode); if (msg != "OK") { result.fault = new FaultTO(msg); } else if (noteDefinitionIEN == "") { result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing noteDefinitionIEN"); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } if (sitecode == null) { sitecode = _mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseSiteId; } try { AbstractConnection cxn = _mySession.ConnectionSet.getConnection(sitecode); PatientRecordFlag[] flags = _api.getPrfNoteActions(cxn, noteDefinitionIEN); result = new PatientRecordFlagArray(flags); } catch (Exception e) { result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message); } return(result); }
public TextTO getNoteText(string sitecode, string noteIEN) { TextTO result = new TextTO(); string msg = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(_mySession, sitecode); if (msg != "OK") { result.fault = new FaultTO(msg); } else if (noteIEN == "") { result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing noteIEN"); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } if (sitecode == null) { sitecode = _mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseSiteId; } try { AbstractConnection cxn = _mySession.ConnectionSet.getConnection(sitecode); result.text = _api.getNoteText(cxn, noteIEN); } catch (Exception e) { result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message); } return(result); }
public TaggedTextArray getNoteTitles(string sitecode, string target, string direction) { TaggedTextArray result = new TaggedTextArray(); string msg = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(_mySession, sitecode); if (msg != "OK") { result.fault = new FaultTO(msg); } if (sitecode == null) { sitecode = _mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseSiteId; } if (direction == "") { direction = "1"; } try { AbstractConnection cxn = _mySession.ConnectionSet.getConnection(sitecode); Dictionary <string, ArrayList> x = _api.getNoteTitles(cxn, target, direction); IndexedHashtable t = new IndexedHashtable(); t.Add(sitecode, x); result = new TaggedTextArray(t); } catch (Exception e) { result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message); } return(result); }
public TextTO cancelImagingExam(String examIdentifier, String reasonIen, bool cancelAssociatedOrder, String holdDescription) { TextTO result = new TextTO(); String sessionCheck = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(_mySession); if (!String.Equals(sessionCheck, "OK", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { result.fault = new FaultTO(sessionCheck); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { new RadiologyApi().cancelExam(_mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection, examIdentifier, reasonIen, cancelAssociatedOrder, holdDescription); result.text = "OK"; } catch (Exception exc) { result.fault = new FaultTO(exc); } return(result); }
public ImagingExamTO registerExam(String orderId, String examDateTime, String examCategory, String hospitalLocation, String ward, String service, String technologistComment) { ImagingExamTO result = new ImagingExamTO(); String sessionCheck = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(_mySession); if (!String.Equals(sessionCheck, "OK", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { result.fault = new FaultTO(sessionCheck); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { result.fault = new FaultTO("Not yet implemented"); } catch (Exception exc) { result.fault = new FaultTO(exc); } return(result); }
public PatientArray getPatientsByClinic(string clinicId, string startDate, string stopDate) { PatientArray result = new PatientArray(); string msg = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(_mySession); if (msg != "OK") { result.fault = new FaultTO(msg); } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(clinicId)) { result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing clinicId"); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { Patient[] matches = new PatientApi().getPatientsByClinic(_mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection, clinicId, startDate, stopDate); result = new PatientArray(matches); } catch (Exception e) { result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message); } return(result); }
public RadiologyCancellationReasonArray getCancellationReasons() { RadiologyCancellationReasonArray result = new RadiologyCancellationReasonArray(); String sessionCheck = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(_mySession); if (!String.Equals(sessionCheck, "OK", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { result.fault = new FaultTO(sessionCheck); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { IList <RadiologyCancellationReason> reasons = new RadiologyApi().getCancellationsReasons(_mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection); result = new RadiologyCancellationReasonArray(reasons); } catch (Exception exc) { result.fault = new FaultTO(exc); } return(result); }
public TextArray ddrGetsEntry(string file, string iens, string flds, string flags) { TextArray result = new TextArray(); string msg = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(mySession); if (msg != "OK") { result.fault = new FaultTO(msg); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { ToolsApi api = new ToolsApi(); string[] response = api.ddrGetsEntry(mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection, file, iens, flds, flags); return(new TextArray(response)); } catch (Exception exc) { result.fault = new FaultTO(exc); return(result); } }
public OrderTO discontinueAndSignRadiologyOrder(String patientId, String orderIen, String providerDuz, String locationIen, String reasonIen, String eSig) { OrderTO result = new OrderTO(); String sessionCheck = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(_mySession); if (!String.Equals(sessionCheck, "OK", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { result.fault = new FaultTO(sessionCheck); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { Order mdo = new RadiologyApi().discontinueAndSignOrder(_mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection, patientId, orderIen, providerDuz, locationIen, reasonIen, eSig); result = new OrderTO(mdo); } catch (Exception exc) { result.fault = new FaultTO(exc); } return(result); }
public TaggedOrderArrays getOrdersForPatient() { TaggedOrderArrays result = new TaggedOrderArrays(); if (!(MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(mySession) == "OK")) { result.fault = new FaultTO("Connections not ready for operation", "Need to login?"); } else if (mySession.Patient == null) { result.fault = new FaultTO("No patient selected", "Need to select patient"); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { IndexedHashtable t = Order.getOrdersForPatient(mySession.ConnectionSet); result = new TaggedOrderArrays(t); } catch (Exception exc) { result.fault = new FaultTO(exc); } return(result); }
public TextTO signOrder(String orderId, String providerDuz, String locationIen, String eSig) { TextTO result = new TextTO(); String sessionCheck = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(_mySession); if (!String.Equals(sessionCheck, "OK", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { result.fault = new FaultTO(sessionCheck); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { new RadiologyApi().signOrder(_mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection, orderId, providerDuz, locationIen, eSig); result.text = "OK"; } catch (Exception exc) { result.fault = new FaultTO(exc); } return(result); }
public TaggedTextArray getOrderDialogsForDisplayGroup(string displayGroupId) { TaggedTextArray result = new TaggedTextArray(); if (!(MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(mySession) == "OK")) { result.fault = new FaultTO("Connections not ready for operation", "Need to login?"); } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(displayGroupId)) { result.fault = new FaultTO("Empty Display Group ID"); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { OrderedDictionary d = Order.getOrderDialogsForDisplayGroup(mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection, displayGroupId); result = new TaggedTextArray(d); } catch (Exception exc) { result.fault = new FaultTO(exc); } return(result); }
public List <OrderTypeTO> getOrderableItems(String dialogId) { List <OrderTypeTO> result = new List <OrderTypeTO>(); if ("OK" != MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(_mySession)) { result.Add(new OrderTypeTO(new UnauthorizedAccessException("No active session. You need to login first"))); } if (result.Count > 0) { return(result); } try { IList <OrderType> mdos = new RadiologyApi().getOrderableItems(_mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection, dialogId); foreach (OrderType ot in mdos) { result.Add(new OrderTypeTO(ot)); } } catch (Exception exc) { result.Add(new OrderTypeTO(exc)); } return(result); }
public UserTO userLookup(string duz) { UserTO result = new UserTO(); string msg = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(mySession); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(duz)) { result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing DUZ param"); } else if (msg != "OK") { result.fault = new FaultTO(msg); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { AbstractConnection cxn = mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection; UserApi api = new UserApi(); User[] user = api.userLookup(cxn, new System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair <string, string>("DUZ", duz)); result = new UserTO(user[0]); } catch (Exception exc) { result.fault = new FaultTO(exc); } return(result); }
public RadiologyOrderDialogTO getRadiologyOrderDialog(String patientId, String dialogId) { RadiologyOrderDialogTO result = new RadiologyOrderDialogTO(); if ("OK" != MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(_mySession)) { result = new RadiologyOrderDialogTO(new UnauthorizedAccessException("No active session. You need to login first")); } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(patientId) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(dialogId)) { result = new RadiologyOrderDialogTO(new ArgumentNullException("Must supply all arguments")); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { RadiologyOrderDialog dialog = new RadiologyApi().getRadiologyDialogData(_mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection, patientId, dialogId); result = new RadiologyOrderDialogTO(dialog); } catch (Exception exc) { result = new RadiologyOrderDialogTO(exc); } return(result); }
public BoolTO hasPermission(string uid, string permissionName) { BoolTO result = new BoolTO(); if (!(MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(mySession) == "OK")) { result.fault = new FaultTO("Connections not ready for operation", "Need to login?"); } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(uid)) { result.fault = new FaultTO("Empty UID"); } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(permissionName)) { result.fault = new FaultTO("Empty permission name"); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { AbstractPermission p = new; bool f = User.hasPermission(mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection, uid, p); result = new BoolTO(f); } catch (Exception exc) { result.fault = new FaultTO(exc); } return(result); }
public TaggedImagingExamArray getImagingExamsByPatient(String patientId) { TaggedImagingExamArray result = new TaggedImagingExamArray(); String sessionCheck = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(_mySession); if (!String.Equals(sessionCheck, "OK", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { result.fault = new FaultTO(sessionCheck); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { IList <ImagingExam> exams = new RadiologyApi().getExamsByPatient(_mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseConnection, patientId); result = new TaggedImagingExamArray(_mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseSiteId, exams); } catch (Exception exc) { result.fault = new FaultTO(exc); } return(result); }
// DON'T SEE A USERLOOKUPBYNAME FUNCTION ON USERAPI public TaggedUserArrays lookupMS(string target, string maxRex) { TaggedUserArrays result = new TaggedUserArrays(); string msg = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(mySession); if (msg != "OK") { result.fault = new FaultTO(msg); } else if (target == "") { result.fault = new FaultTO("Missing target"); } //else if (!StringUtils.isNumeric(maxRex)) //{ // result.fault = new FaultTO("Non-numeric maxRex"); //} if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp = new KeyValuePair <string, string>("NAME", target); UserApi api = new UserApi(); IndexedHashtable t = api.userLookup(mySession.ConnectionSet, kvp, maxRex); result = new TaggedUserArrays(t); } catch (Exception e) { result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message); } return(result); }
public TaggedOefOifArray getOefOif() { TaggedOefOifArray result = new TaggedOefOifArray(); string msg = MdwsUtils.isAuthorizedConnection(mySession, null); if (msg != "OK") { result.fault = new FaultTO(msg); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } string sitecode = mySession.ConnectionSet.BaseSiteId; try { AbstractConnection cxn = mySession.ConnectionSet.getConnection(sitecode); PatientApi api = new PatientApi(); OEF_OIF[] rex = api.getOefOif(cxn); result = new TaggedOefOifArray(sitecode, rex); } catch (Exception e) { result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message); } return(result); }