コード例 #1
        public void LoadMSIDPackets()
            JObject top;

            using (var file = File.OpenText(MSIDPacketFilename))
                using (var jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(file))
                    var serializer = new JsonSerializer();
                    top = serializer.Deserialize(jsonReader) as JObject;
            if (top == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format(@"Failed to read {0}", MSIDPacketFilename));

            Packets = new List <PacketInfo>();
            //MSIDToPointInfo = new Dictionary<string, MSID>();
            foreach (var prop in top.Properties())
                var pktName = prop.Name;
                var dotted  = pktName + ".";
                var points  = new List <PointInfo>();
                var packet  = new PacketInfo {
                    Id = pktName, Name = pktName, Points = points
                foreach (var pn in prop.Value)
                        var  pointName = (string)pn;
                        MSID msid;
                        if (!MSIDToPointInfo.TryGetValue(pointName, out msid))
                            msid = new MSID {
                                Id = dotted + pointName, Name = pointName, APID = 513
                            };                                                                      // default apid
                            MSIDToPointInfo.Add(pointName, msid);
                            msid.Id = dotted + pointName;
                    catch (Exception e1)
コード例 #2
        public void LoadMSIDCsv()
            MSIDToPointInfo = new Dictionary <string, MSID>();
            using (var csv = new CsvReader(File.OpenText(MSIDFilename)))
                while (csv.Read())
                    if (csv.CurrentRecord.Length < 11)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format(@"Wrong number of columns in {0}", MSIDFilename));
                    var label        = csv.GetField <string>(5);
                    var valueString  = csv.GetField <string>(6);
                    var value        = Convert.ToUInt16(valueString.Substring(2), 16);
                    var nomenclature = csv.GetField <string>(9);
                    var system       = csv.GetField <string>(10);
                    var typeString   = csv.GetField <string>(11);
                    if ("Command".Equals(typeString))

                    MSID pi;
                    if (MSIDToPointInfo.TryGetValue(label, out pi))
                        throw new Exception(@"Duplicate MSID");
                    var msid = new MSID
                        Label        = label,
                        Value        = value,
                        Nomenclature = nomenclature,
                        System       = system,
                        Name         = label + " - " + nomenclature,
                        APID         = 513 // not all MSIDs will really come on that apid, but all DataPointFrame apids dispatch to the same handler
                    MSIDToPointInfo.Add(label, msid);

            MSIDValueToPointInfo = new MSID[65536];
            foreach (var msid in MSIDToPointInfo.Values)
                MSIDValueToPointInfo[msid.Value] = msid;