コード例 #1
        public static void Recycle()
            foreach (var shader in _shadersToDelete)
            foreach (var program in _programsToDelete)
            foreach (var vbo in _vbosToDelete)
                OpenGL.glDeleteBuffers(1, new[] { vbo });
            foreach (var texture in _texturesToDelete)
                OpenGL.glDeleteTextures(1, new[] { texture });
            foreach (var texturePtr in _texturePtrsToDelete)

コード例 #2
ファイル: PerFrameCache.cs プロジェクト: structurecraft/ghgl
 public static uint GetTextureId(string name)
     if (_componentSamplers.TryGetValue(name.ToLowerInvariant(), out IntPtr ptrTexture))
コード例 #3
ファイル: PerFrameCache.cs プロジェクト: structurecraft/ghgl
        public static System.Drawing.Bitmap GetTextureImage(GLShaderComponentBase component, bool colorBuffer)
            string id = colorBuffer ?
                        $"{component.InstanceGuid}:color".ToLowerInvariant() :

            if (_componentSamplers.TryGetValue(id.ToLowerInvariant(), out IntPtr ptrColorTexture))
コード例 #4
ファイル: PerFrameCache.cs プロジェクト: structurecraft/ghgl
        public static IDisposable BeginFrame(Rhino.Display.DisplayPipeline display, List <GLShaderComponentBase> components)
            // check to see if any components use _colorBuffer or _depthBuffer
            bool usesInitialColorBuffer = false;
            bool usesInitialDepthBuffer = false;

            foreach (var component in components)
                if (!usesInitialColorBuffer && component._model.TryGetUniformType("_colorBuffer", out string dataType, out int arrayLength))
                    usesInitialColorBuffer = true;
                if (!usesInitialDepthBuffer && component._model.TryGetUniformType("_depthBuffer", out dataType, out arrayLength))
                    usesInitialDepthBuffer = true;
            if (usesInitialColorBuffer)
                IntPtr texture2dPtr = Rhino7NativeMethods.RhTexture2dCreate();
                Rhino7NativeMethods.RhTexture2dCapture(display, texture2dPtr, Rhino7NativeMethods.CaptureFormat.kRGBA);
                InitialColorBuffer = texture2dPtr;
            if (usesInitialDepthBuffer)
                IntPtr texture2dPtr = Rhino7NativeMethods.RhTexture2dCreate();
                Rhino7NativeMethods.RhTexture2dCapture(display, texture2dPtr, Rhino7NativeMethods.CaptureFormat.kDEPTH24);
                InitialDepthBuffer = texture2dPtr;

            foreach (var texture in _componentSamplers.Values)

            // figure out list of per component depth and color textures that need to be created/retrieved
            foreach (var component in components)
                string[] samplers = component._model.GetUniformsAndAttributes(0).GetComponentSamplers();
                foreach (var sampler in samplers)
                    _componentSamplers[sampler.ToLowerInvariant()] = IntPtr.Zero;

            return(new PerFrameLifetimeObject());
コード例 #5
ファイル: BuiltIn.cs プロジェクト: structurecraft/ghgl
        public static List <BuiltIn> GetUniformBuiltIns()
            if (_uniformBuiltins == null)
                // "Start stime" is now based on when the shader was last compiled. Setting it here does not allow
                // for time based shaders to "start over" if/when they're based on overall frame time/counts.
                // Resetting the start time here, means that time continues to ellapse even when the shader isn't
                // running. Until we have a way to start and stop a shader at a given point, allow for edits, and
                // then continue, picking up where we left off...this is the only "easy" way of doing this for now.
                //_startTime = DateTime.Now;
                Register("_colorBuffer", "sampler2D", "texture representing the color information in the viewport before any shader components have executed", (location, display) =>
                    IntPtr texture2dPtr = PerFrameCache.InitialColorBuffer;
                    uint textureId      = 0;
                    textureId           = Rhino7NativeMethods.RhTexture2dHandle(texture2dPtr);

                    const int textureUnit = (int)SamplerTextureUnit.InitialColorBuffer;
                    OpenGL.glUniform1i(location, textureUnit);
                    OpenGL.glActiveTexture(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE0 + (uint)textureUnit);
                    OpenGL.glBindTexture(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureId);

                Register("_depthBuffer", "sampler2D", "texture representing the depth information in the viewport before any shader components have executed", (location, display) =>
                    IntPtr texture2dPtr = PerFrameCache.InitialDepthBuffer;
                    uint textureId      = 0;
                    textureId           = Rhino7NativeMethods.RhTexture2dHandle(texture2dPtr);

                    const int textureUnit = (int)SamplerTextureUnit.InitialDepthBuffer;
                    OpenGL.glUniform1i(location, textureUnit);
                    OpenGL.glActiveTexture(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE0 + (uint)textureUnit);
                    OpenGL.glBindTexture(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureId);

                Register("_worldToClip", "mat4", "transformation from world to clipping coordinates", (location, display) =>
                    float[] w2c = display.GetOpenGLWorldToClip(true);
                    OpenGL.glUniformMatrix4fv(location, 1, false, w2c);
                Register("_viewportSize", "vec2", "width and height of viewport in pixels", (location, display) =>
                    var viewportSize = display.Viewport.Size;
                    OpenGL.glUniform2f(location, (float)viewportSize.Width, (float)viewportSize.Height);
                Register("_frameSize", "vec2", "width and height of overall rendered frame in pixels", (location, display) =>
                    var frameSize = display.FrameSize;
                    OpenGL.glUniform2f(location, (float)frameSize.Width, (float)frameSize.Height);
                Register("_mousePosition", "vec2", "current mouse postion", (location, display) =>
                    var mouse = display.Viewport.ParentView.ScreenToClient(System.Windows.Forms.Control.MousePosition);
                    mouse.Y   = display.Viewport.Size.Height - mouse.Y - 1;

                    OpenGL.glUniform2f(location, mouse.X, mouse.Y);
                Register("_mouseDownPosition", "vec2", "current mouse postion", (location, display) =>
                    if (MouseDownPosition == null)
                        MouseDownPosition = new System.Drawing.Point(-1, -1);

                    if (System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseButtons == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.None)
                        // No mouse button is being pressed...reset the "down" position to reflect that...
                        var mdp           = MouseDownPosition;
                        mdp.X             = mdp.Y = -1;
                        MouseDownPosition = mdp;

                    // If the "down" position hasn't been set yet, set it to the current mouse position...
                    if (MouseDownPosition.X == -1 && MouseDownPosition.Y == -1)
                        // Note: Mouse down position is stored in screen coordinates and translated to
                        //       client coordinates prior to sending it to the shader... This is done
                        //       so that a mouse down in one viewport doesn't confuse the shader running
                        //       in another viewport.
                        MouseDownPosition = System.Windows.Forms.Control.MousePosition;

                    var mouse = display.Viewport.ParentView.ScreenToClient(MouseDownPosition);
                    mouse.Y   = display.Viewport.Size.Height - mouse.Y - 1;

                    OpenGL.glUniform2f(location, mouse.X, mouse.Y);
                Register("_mouseState", "ivec3", "current mouse postion and button state", (location, display) =>
                    bool lmb = System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseButtons == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left;
                    bool rmb = System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseButtons == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right;
                    bool mmb = System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseButtons == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Middle;
                    OpenGL.glUniform3i(location, lmb?1:0, mmb?1:0, rmb?1:0);
                Register("_worldToCamera", "mat4", "transformation from world to camera coordinates", (location, display) =>
                    float[] w2c = display.GetOpenGLWorldToCamera(true);
                    OpenGL.glUniformMatrix4fv(location, 1, false, w2c);
                Register("_worldToCameraNormal", "mat3", "transformation to apply to normals for world to camera", (location, display) =>
                    var xf = display.Viewport.GetTransform(Rhino.DocObjects.CoordinateSystem.World, Rhino.DocObjects.CoordinateSystem.Camera);
                    xf     = xf.Transpose();
                    Rhino.Geometry.Transform m;
                    xf.TryGetInverse(out m);
                    m            = m.Transpose();
                    float[] w2cn = new float[] { (float)m.M00, (float)m.M01, (float)m.M02,
                                                 (float)m.M10, (float)m.M11, (float)m.M12,
                                                 (float)m.M20, (float)m.M21, (float)m.M22 };
                    OpenGL.glUniformMatrix3fv(location, 1, false, w2cn);
                Register("_worldToScreen", "mat4", "transformation from world to screen coordinates. Screen origin is upper left", (location, display) =>
                    var m       = display.Viewport.GetTransform(Rhino.DocObjects.CoordinateSystem.World, Rhino.DocObjects.CoordinateSystem.Screen);
                    m           = m.Transpose();
                    float[] w2s = new float[] { (float)m.M00, (float)m.M01, (float)m.M02, (float)m.M03,
                                                (float)m.M10, (float)m.M11, (float)m.M12, (float)m.M13,
                                                (float)m.M20, (float)m.M21, (float)m.M22, (float)m.M23,
                                                (float)m.M30, (float)m.M31, (float)m.M32, (float)m.M33 };
                    // flip z
                    w2s[2]  = -w2s[2];
                    w2s[6]  = -w2s[6];
                    w2s[10] = -w2s[10];
                    w2s[14] = -w2s[14];
                    OpenGL.glUniformMatrix4fv(location, 1, false, w2s);
                Register("_cameraToClip", "mat4", "transformation from camera to clipping coordinates", (location, display) =>
                    float[] c2c = display.GetOpenGLCameraToClip();
                    OpenGL.glUniformMatrix4fv(location, 1, false, c2c);
                Register("_time", "float", "total elapsed seconds since starting GL Component", (location, display) =>
                    var span       = DateTime.Now - _startTime;
                    double seconds = span.TotalSeconds;
                    OpenGL.glUniform1f(location, (float)seconds);
                Register("_date", "vec4", "year, month, day, time in seconds", (location, display) =>
                    var date = DateTime.Now;
                    OpenGL.glUniform4f(location, (float)date.Year, (float)date.Month, (float)date.Day, (float)date.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds);
                Register("_timeDelta", "float", "seconds since the last time this view was drawn", (location, display) =>
                    if (_drawTimes == null)
                        _drawTimes = new Dictionary <uint, DateTime>();
                    uint viewSerialNumber = display.Viewport.ParentView.RuntimeSerialNumber;
                    DateTime previousTime;
                    double seconds = 0;
                    if (_drawTimes.TryGetValue(viewSerialNumber, out previousTime))
                        var span = DateTime.Now - previousTime;
                        seconds  = span.TotalSeconds;
                    _drawTimes[viewSerialNumber] = DateTime.Now;
                    OpenGL.glUniform1f(location, (float)seconds);
                Register("_cameraLocation", "vec3", "world location of camera", (location, display) =>
                    var camLoc = display.Viewport.CameraLocation;
                    OpenGL.glUniform3f(location, (float)camLoc.X, (float)camLoc.Y, (float)camLoc.Z);
                Register("_cameraNear", "float", "near clip plane distance in camera coordinates", (location, display) =>
                    display.Viewport.GetFrustum(out double l, out double r, out double b, out double t, out double near, out double far);
                    OpenGL.glUniform1f(location, (float)near);
                Register("_cameraFar", "float", "farclip  plane distance in camera coordinates", (location, display) =>
                    display.Viewport.GetFrustum(out double l, out double r, out double b, out double t, out double near, out double far);
                    OpenGL.glUniform1f(location, (float)far);
                Register("_parallelViewport", "int", "1 if viewport has a parallel projection. 0 if perspective", (location, display) =>
                    int parallel = display.Viewport.IsParallelProjection ? 1:0;
                    OpenGL.glUniform1i(location, parallel);
                const int maxlights = 4;
                Register("_lightCount", "int", "number of lights in the scene", (location, display) =>
                    // Use reflection until 6.3 goes to release candidate. GetLights is not available until 6.3
                    //var lights = display.GetLights();
                    var lights = GetLightsHelper(display);
                    int count  = lights.Length < maxlights ? lights.Length : 4;
                    OpenGL.glUniform1i(location, count);

                Register($"_lightPosition[{maxlights}]", "vec3", "array of four light positions", (location, display) =>
                    // Use reflection until 6.3 goes to release candidate. GetLights is not available until 6.3
                    //var lights = display.GetLights();
                    var lights = GetLightsHelper(display);
                    float[] v  = new float[3 * maxlights];
                    for (int i = 0; i < lights.Length; i++)
                        if (i >= maxlights)
                        var loc      = lights[i].Location;
                        v[i * 3]     = (float)loc.X;
                        v[i * 3 + 1] = (float)loc.Y;
                        v[i * 3 + 2] = (float)loc.Z;
                    OpenGL.glUniform3fv(location, maxlights, v);
                Register($"_lightDirection[{maxlights}]", "vec3", "array of four light direction vectors", (location, display) =>
                    // Use reflection until 6.3 goes to release candidate. GetLights is not available until 6.3
                    //var lights = display.GetLights();
                    var lights = GetLightsHelper(display);
                    float[] v  = new float[3 * maxlights];
                    for (int i = 0; i < lights.Length; i++)
                        if (i >= maxlights)
                        var direction = lights[i].Direction;
                        v[i * 3]      = (float)direction.X;
                        v[i * 3 + 1]  = (float)direction.Y;
                        v[i * 3 + 2]  = (float)direction.Z;
                    OpenGL.glUniform3fv(location, maxlights, v);
                Register($"_lightInCameraSpace[{maxlights}]", "vec3", "array of four light posiitons in camera space", (location, display) =>
                    // Use reflection until 6.3 goes to release candidate. GetLights is not available until 6.3
                    //var lights = display.GetLights();
                    var lights = GetLightsHelper(display);
                    int[] v    = new int[maxlights];
                    for (int i = 0; i < lights.Length; i++)
                        if (i >= maxlights)

                        bool isCameraLight = lights[i].CoordinateSystem == Rhino.DocObjects.CoordinateSystem.Camera;
                        v[i] = isCameraLight ? 1 : 0;
                    OpenGL.glUniform1iv(location, maxlights, v);

                _uniformBuiltins.Sort((a, b) => (a.Name.CompareTo(b.Name)));