/// <summary> /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load /// all of your content. /// </summary> protected override void LoadContent() { // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures. spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); // applause[0] = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("applause-2"); // Loads the sound effect applause[0] = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("woof"); // Loads the sound effect applause[1] = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("yipee"); // Loads the sound effect applause[5] = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("fandab"); // Loads the sound effect applause[2] = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("woop"); // Loads the sound effect applause[3] = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("yeah"); // Loads the sound effect applause[4] = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("yeah2"); // Loads the sound effect // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here mainfont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("andynew"); // Load font digfont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("quartz4"); // Load font fontwhite = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("miramonte9"); // Load font background = new graphic2d(Content, "kinectbackground", displaywidth, displayheight); gamebackground1 = new graphic2d(Content, "game screen 3", displaywidth, displayheight); gamebackground1.stretch2fit(displaywidth, displayheight); gamebackground2 = new graphic2d(Content, "game screen 4", displaywidth, displayheight); gamebackground2.stretch2fit(displaywidth, displayheight); gamebackground3 = new graphic2d(Content, "game screen 5", displaywidth, displayheight); gamebackground3.stretch2fit(displaywidth, displayheight); gamelogo = new sprite2d(Content, "kinect angles", displaywidth / 2, displayheight - 100, 0.4f, Color.White, true); gamelogo.rect.Y = displayheight-gamelogo.rect.Height/2; mousepointer1 = new sprite2d(Content, "X-Games-Cursor", 0, 0, 0.15f, Color.White, true); mousepointer2 = new sprite2d(Content, "X-Games-Cursor-Highlight", 0, 0, 0.15f, Color.White, true); hand[0] = new sprite2d(Content, "conniehand", displaywidth/4, 84, 0.5f, Color.White, true); hand[1] = new sprite2d(Content, "conniehand", (displaywidth / 4)*3, 84, 0.5f, Color.White, true); menuoptions[0, 0] = new sprite2d(Content, "player1", displaywidth / 2, 180, 1, Color.White, true); menuoptions[0, 1] = new sprite2d(Content, "player1over", displaywidth / 2, 180, 1, Color.White, true); menuoptions[1, 0] = new sprite2d(Content, "player2", displaywidth / 2, 260, 1, Color.White, true); menuoptions[1, 1] = new sprite2d(Content, "player2over", displaywidth / 2, 260, 1, Color.White, true); menuoptions[2, 0] = new sprite2d(Content, "options", displaywidth / 2, 340, 1, Color.White, true); menuoptions[2, 1] = new sprite2d(Content, "optionsover", displaywidth / 2, 340, 1, Color.White, true); menuoptions[3, 0] = new sprite2d(Content, "highscores", displaywidth / 2, 420, 1, Color.White, true); menuoptions[3, 1] = new sprite2d(Content, "highscoreover", displaywidth / 2, 420, 1, Color.White, true); menuoptions[4, 0] = new sprite2d(Content, "exit", displaywidth / 2, 500, 1, Color.White, true); menuoptions[4, 1] = new sprite2d(Content, "exitover", displaywidth / 2, 500, 1, Color.White, true); for (int i = 0; i < numberofoptions; i++) menuoptions[i, 0].updateobject(); backbutton[0] = new sprite2d(Content, "xboxControllerBack", 60, 60, 1, Color.White, true); backbutton[1] = new sprite2d(Content, "backglow", 60, 60, 1, Color.White, true); typeoptions[0, 0] = new sprite2d(Content, "angles1", 100, 140, 1, Color.White, true); typeoptions[0, 1] = new sprite2d(Content, "angles2", 100, 140, 1, Color.White, true); typeoptions[1, 0] = new sprite2d(Content, "percentages1", 250, 140, 1, Color.White, true); typeoptions[1, 1] = new sprite2d(Content, "percentages2", 250, 140, 1, Color.Yellow, true); typeoptions[2, 0] = new sprite2d(Content, "decimal1", 400, 140, 1, Color.White, true); typeoptions[2, 1] = new sprite2d(Content, "decimal2", 400, 140, 1, Color.White, true); typeoptions[3, 0] = new sprite2d(Content, "fractions1", 550, 140, 1, Color.White, true); typeoptions[3, 1] = new sprite2d(Content, "fractions2", 550, 140, 1, Color.Yellow, true); typeoptions[4, 0] = new sprite2d(Content, "all1", 700, 140, 1, Color.White, true); typeoptions[4, 1] = new sprite2d(Content, "all2", 700, 140, 1, Color.Yellow, true); for (int i = 0; i < numberoftypes; i++) typeoptions[i, 0].updateobject(); leveloptions[0, 0] = new sprite2d(Content, "easy", 200, 220, 1, Color.White, true); leveloptions[0, 1] = new sprite2d(Content, "easy2", 200, 220, 1, Color.White, true); leveloptions[1, 0] = new sprite2d(Content, "medium", 400, 220, 1, Color.White, true); leveloptions[1, 1] = new sprite2d(Content, "medium2", 400, 220, 1, Color.Yellow, true); leveloptions[2, 0] = new sprite2d(Content, "hard", 600, 220, 1, Color.White, true); leveloptions[2, 1] = new sprite2d(Content, "hard2", 600, 220, 1, Color.White, true); for (int i = 0; i < numberoflevels; i++) leveloptions[i, 0].updateobject(); lefthanded[0, 0] = new sprite2d(Content, "p1left", 300, 300, 1, Color.White, true); lefthanded[0, 1] = new sprite2d(Content, "p1lefthigh", 300, 300, 1, Color.White, true); lefthanded[0, 2] = new sprite2d(Content, "p1right", 300, 300, 1, Color.White, true); lefthanded[0, 3] = new sprite2d(Content, "p1rightglow", 300, 300, 1, Color.White, true); lefthanded[0, 0].updateobject(); lefthanded[1, 0] = new sprite2d(Content, "p2left", 500, 300, 1, Color.White, true); lefthanded[1, 1] = new sprite2d(Content, "p2lefthigh", 500, 300, 1, Color.White, true); lefthanded[1, 2] = new sprite2d(Content, "p2right", 500, 300, 1, Color.White, true); lefthanded[1, 3] = new sprite2d(Content, "p2rightglow", 500, 300, 1, Color.White, true); lefthanded[1, 0].updateobject(); questionsto = new sprite2d(Content, "questions2ask", 340, 400, 1, Color.White, true); questionspinner[0] = new sprite2d(Content, "spinner", 500, 400, 1, Color.White, true); questionspinner[1] = new sprite2d(Content, "spinnerup", 500, 400, 1, Color.White, true); questionspinner[2] = new sprite2d(Content, "spinnerdown", 500, 400, 1, Color.White, true); questionspinner[1].updateobject(); questionspinner[2].updateobject(); questionspinner[1].bbox.Max.Y -= questionspinner[1].rect.Height / 2; questionspinner[2].bbox.Min.Y += questionspinner[2].rect.Height / 2; savepicbutton[0, 0] = new sprite2d(Content, "savepicson", 400, 500, 1, Color.White, true); savepicbutton[0, 1] = new sprite2d(Content, "savepicsonglow", 400, 500, 1, Color.White, true); savepicbutton[1, 0] = new sprite2d(Content, "savepicturesoff", 400, 500, 1, Color.White, true); savepicbutton[1, 1] = new sprite2d(Content, "savepicturesoffglow", 400, 500, 1, Color.White, true); savepicbutton[0, 0].updateobject(); fullscreenbutton[0, 0] = new sprite2d(Content, "full screen off", 700, 60, 1, Color.White, true); fullscreenbutton[0, 1] = new sprite2d(Content, "fullscreenoffglow", displaywidth - (fullscreenbutton[0, 0].rect.Width / 2), fullscreenbutton[0, 0].rect.Height / 2, 1, Color.White, true); fullscreenbutton[1, 0] = new sprite2d(Content, "full screen on", fullscreenbutton[0, 1].rect.X, fullscreenbutton[0, 1].rect.Y, 1, Color.White, true); fullscreenbutton[1, 1] = new sprite2d(Content, "fullscreenonglow", fullscreenbutton[0, 1].rect.X, fullscreenbutton[0, 1].rect.Y, 1, Color.White, true); fullscreenbutton[0, 0].position = fullscreenbutton[0, 1].position; fullscreenbutton[0, 0].updateobject(); funnypics = new Texture2D[questions2ask]; aline1 = new angleart(Content, "line3", displaywidth / 4, displayheight / 2, 1f, Color.White, true); aline2 = new angleart(Content, "line4", (displaywidth / 4) * 3, displayheight / 2, 1f, Color.White, true); gamer[0] = new players(); gamer[1] = new players(); if (File.Exists(@"options.txt")) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(@"options.txt"); // Open the file String line; // Create a string variable to read each line into if (!sr.EndOfStream) { line = sr.ReadLine(); // Read the first line in the text file questions2ask = (int)Convert.ToDecimal(line); // This converts line to numeric } if (!sr.EndOfStream) { line = sr.ReadLine(); // Read the first line in the text file delaybetween = (int)Convert.ToDecimal(line); // This converts line to numeric } if (!sr.EndOfStream) { line = sr.ReadLine(); // Read the first line in the text file roundlength = (int)Convert.ToDecimal(line); // This converts line to numeric } if (!sr.EndOfStream) { line = sr.ReadLine(); // Read the first line in the text file bonuspoints = (int)Convert.ToDecimal(line); // This converts line to numeric } if (!sr.EndOfStream) { line = sr.ReadLine(); // Read the first line in the text file gamemode = (int)Convert.ToDecimal(line); // This converts line to numeric } if (!sr.EndOfStream) { line = sr.ReadLine(); // Read the first line in the text file skilllevel = (int)Convert.ToDecimal(line); // This converts line to numeric } if (!sr.EndOfStream) { line = sr.ReadLine(); // Read the first line in the text file saveallpics = (Convert.ToDecimal(line)==1); // This converts line to numeric then boolean } if (!sr.EndOfStream) { line = sr.ReadLine(); // Read the first line in the text file cameraangle = (int)Convert.ToDecimal(line); // This converts line to numeric } sr.Close(); // Close the file } loadhighscores("highscore" + gamemode.ToString("0") + skilllevel.ToString("0") + questions2ask.ToString("00") + ".txt"); if (!Directory.Exists(Content.RootDirectory + "\\..\\pictures")) Directory.CreateDirectory(Content.RootDirectory + "\\..\\pictures"); // Set up Kinect to stream video kinectSensor.ElevationAngle = cameraangle; kinectRGBVideo = new Texture2D(GraphicsDevice, 640, 480); //vframe = new Texture2D(GraphicsDevice, kinectRGBVideo.Width, kinectRGBVideo.Height); //vcolour = new Color[kinectRGBVideo.Height * kinectRGBVideo.Width]; }
public void updatemenu(float gtime) { Random randomiser = new Random(); if (mousepointer1.position == mousepointer1.oldposition) { if (screensavertimer >= 0) { screensavertimer -= gtime; if (picnames.Count() > 0) { screensavepic.rect.X++; screensavepic.rect.Y++; screensavesize -= 0.002f; screensavepic.rect.Width = (int)((float)screensavepic.image.Width * screensavesize); screensavepic.rect.Height = (int)((float)screensavepic.image.Height * screensavesize); } } } else { screensavertimer = screensavertime; } if (screensavertimer < 0) { screensavesize = 1.2f; loadfilenames(); if (picnames.Count() > 0) { string filename = Content.RootDirectory + "\\..\\pictures\\" + picnames[randomiser.Next(picnames.Count())]; screensavertimer = timebetweenpics; if (File.Exists(@filename)) screensavepic = new graphic2d(graphics, Content, filename, displaywidth, displayheight); } else screensavertimer = screensavertime; } optionselected = -1; // Check for mousepointer being over a menu option for (int i = 0; i < numberofoptions; i++) { // Check for mouse over a menu option if (mousepointer1.bsphere.Intersects(menuoptions[i, 0].bbox)) { optionselected = i; if (mouse.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) gamestate = optionselected; } } // Start 1 player game if (gamestate == 0) { numberofplayers = 1; aline1.rect.X = displaywidth / 2; gamebackground1.image = Content.Load<Texture2D>("game screen 3b"); gamebackground2.image = Content.Load<Texture2D>("game screen 4b"); gamebackground3.image = Content.Load<Texture2D>("game screen 5b"); reset(); } // Start 2 player game if (gamestate == 1) { numberofplayers = 2; aline1.rect.X = displaywidth / 4; gamebackground1.image = Content.Load<Texture2D>("game screen 3"); gamebackground2.image = Content.Load<Texture2D>("game screen 4"); gamebackground3.image = Content.Load<Texture2D>("game screen 5"); reset(); } // Load options screen if (gamestate == 2) { mousereleased = false; savehighscores("highscore" + gamemode.ToString("0") + skilllevel.ToString("0") + questions2ask.ToString("00") + ".txt"); } }