public override DbCommand SelectSpatialReferenceIds(gView.Framework.OGC.DB.OgcSpatialFeatureclass fc) { string cmdText = "select top(100) " + ToDbName(fc.ShapeFieldName) + ".STSrid as srid from " + ToDbName(fc.Name) + " where " + ToDbName(fc.ShapeFieldName) + " is not null"; DbCommand command = this.ProviderFactory.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = cmdText; return(command); }
public override DbCommand SelectSpatialReferenceIds(gView.Framework.OGC.DB.OgcSpatialFeatureclass fc) { //string cmdText = "select distinct " + fc.ShapeFieldName + ".STSrid as srid from " + fc.Name + " where " + fc.ShapeFieldName + " is not null"; //DbCommand command = this.ProviderFactory.CreateCommand(); //command.CommandText = cmdText; //return command; return(null); }
virtual protected object ShapeParameterValue(OgcSpatialFeatureclass featureClass, IGeometry shape, int srid, out bool AsSqlParameter) { AsSqlParameter = true; byte[] geometry = gView.Framework.OGC.OGC.GeometryToWKB(shape, 0, gView.Framework.OGC.OGC.WkbByteOrder.Ndr); string geometryString = gView.Framework.OGC.OGC.BytesToHexString(geometry); return(geometryString); }
async virtual public Task <IDatasetElement> Element(string title) { try { DataTable tab = new DataTable(); using (DbConnection conn = this.ProviderFactory.CreateConnection()) { conn.ConnectionString = _connectionString; await conn.OpenAsync(); DbDataAdapter adapter = this.ProviderFactory.CreateDataAdapter(); adapter.SelectCommand = this.ProviderFactory.CreateCommand(); if (title.Contains(".")) { string schema = title.Split('.')[0]; string table = title.Substring(schema.Length + 1); adapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM " + DbSchemaPrefix + OgcDictionary("geometry_columns") + " WHERE " + OgcDictionary("geometry_columns.f_table_name") + "='" + table + "' AND " + OgcDictionary("geometry_columns.f_table_schema") + "='" + schema + "'"; } else { adapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM " + DbSchemaPrefix + OgcDictionary("geometry_columns") + " WHERE " + OgcDictionary("geometry_columns.f_table_name") + "='" + title + "'"; } adapter.SelectCommand.Connection = conn; adapter.Fill(tab); conn.Close(); } if (tab.Rows.Count != 1) { _errMsg = "Layer not found: " + title; return(null); } return(new DatasetElement(await OgcSpatialFeatureclass.Create(this, tab.Rows[0]))); } catch (Exception ex) { _errMsg = ex.Message; return(null); } }
async virtual public Task <List <IDatasetElement> > Elements() { if (_layers == null || _layers.Count == 0) { List <IDatasetElement> layers = new List <IDatasetElement>(); DataTable tab = new DataTable(); try { using (DbConnection conn = this.ProviderFactory.CreateConnection()) { conn.ConnectionString = _connectionString; conn.Open(); DbDataAdapter adapter = this.ProviderFactory.CreateDataAdapter(); adapter.SelectCommand = this.ProviderFactory.CreateCommand(); adapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM " + DbSchemaPrefix + OgcDictionary("geometry_columns"); adapter.SelectCommand.Connection = conn; adapter.Fill(tab); conn.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { _errMsg = ex.Message; return(layers); } foreach (DataRow row in tab.Rows) { IFeatureClass fc = await OgcSpatialFeatureclass.Create(this, row); layers.Add(new DatasetElement(fc)); } _layers = layers; } return(_layers); }
public override DbCommand SelectCommand(gView.Framework.OGC.DB.OgcSpatialFeatureclass fc, IQueryFilter filter, out string shapeFieldName) { shapeFieldName = String.Empty; DbCommand command = this.ProviderFactory.CreateCommand(); filter.fieldPrefix = "["; filter.fieldPostfix = "]"; if (filter.SubFields == "*") { filter.SubFields = ""; foreach (IField field in fc.Fields.ToEnumerable()) { filter.AddField(; } filter.AddField(fc.IDFieldName); filter.AddField(fc.ShapeFieldName); } else { filter.AddField(fc.IDFieldName); } string where = String.Empty; if (filter is ISpatialFilter && ((ISpatialFilter)filter).Geometry != null) { ISpatialFilter sFilter = filter as ISpatialFilter; if (sFilter.SpatialRelation == spatialRelation.SpatialRelationMapEnvelopeIntersects || sFilter.Geometry is IEnvelope) { IEnvelope env = sFilter.Geometry.Envelope; where = fc.ShapeFieldName + ".Filter("; where += "geography::STGeomFromText('POLYGON(("; where += Math.Max(-179.99, env.minx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Max(-89.99, env.miny).ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += Math.Min(179.99, env.maxx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Max(-89.99, env.miny).ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += Math.Min(179.99, env.maxx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Min(89.99, env.maxy).ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += Math.Max(-179.99, env.minx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Min(89.99, env.maxy).ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += Math.Max(-179.99, env.minx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Max(-89.99, env.miny).ToString(_nhi) + "))',4326))=1"; } else if (sFilter.Geometry != null) { IEnvelope env = sFilter.Geometry.Envelope; where = fc.ShapeFieldName + ".STIntersects("; where += "geography::STGeomFromText('POLYGON(("; where += Math.Max(-180.0, env.minx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Max(-89.99, env.miny).ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += Math.Max(-180.0, env.minx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Min(89.99, env.maxy).ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += Math.Min(180.0, env.maxx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Min(89.99, env.maxy).ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += Math.Min(180.0, env.maxx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Max(-89.99, env.miny).ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += Math.Max(-180.0, env.minx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Max(-89.99, env.miny).ToString(_nhi) + "))',4326))=1"; } filter.AddField(fc.ShapeFieldName); } string filterWhereClause = (filter is IRowIDFilter) ? ((IRowIDFilter)filter).RowIDWhereClause : filter.WhereClause; StringBuilder fieldNames = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string fieldName in filter.SubFields.Split(' ')) { if (fieldNames.Length > 0) { fieldNames.Append(","); } if (fieldName == "[" + fc.ShapeFieldName + "]") { fieldNames.Append(fc.ShapeFieldName + ".STAsBinary() as temp_geometry"); shapeFieldName = "temp_geometry"; } else { fieldNames.Append(fieldName); } } command.CommandText = "SELECT " + fieldNames + " FROM " + fc.Name; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(where)) { command.CommandText += " WHERE " + where + ((filterWhereClause != "") ? " AND " + filterWhereClause : ""); } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filterWhereClause)) { command.CommandText += " WHERE " + filterWhereClause; } //command.CommandText = "SELECT " + fieldNames + " FROM " + table + ((filterWhereClause != "") ? " WHERE " + filterWhereClause : ""); return(command); }
public override DbCommand SelectCommand(gView.Framework.OGC.DB.OgcSpatialFeatureclass fc, IQueryFilter filter, out string shapeFieldName, string functionName = "", string functionField = "", string functionAlias = "") { shapeFieldName = String.Empty; DbCommand command = this.ProviderFactory.CreateCommand(); filter.fieldPrefix = "["; filter.fieldPostfix = "]"; if (filter.QuerySubFields.Contains("*")) { // var subFieldFunctions = filter.QuerySubFields.Where(f => f.IsSubFieldFunction()); filter.SubFields = ""; foreach (IField field in fc.Fields.ToEnumerable()) { filter.AddField(; } filter.AddField(fc.IDFieldName); filter.AddField(fc.ShapeFieldName); //foreach(var subFieldFunction in subFieldFunctions) //{ // filter.AddField(subFieldFunction); //} } else { filter.AddField(fc.IDFieldName); } string where = String.Empty; if (filter is ISpatialFilter && ((ISpatialFilter)filter).Geometry != null) { ISpatialFilter sFilter = filter as ISpatialFilter; int srid = 0; try { if (fc.SpatialReference != null && fc.SpatialReference.Name.ToLower().StartsWith("epsg:")) { srid = Convert.ToInt32(fc.SpatialReference.Name.Split(':')[1]); } } catch { } if (sFilter.SpatialRelation == spatialRelation.SpatialRelationMapEnvelopeIntersects /*|| sFilter.Geometry is IEnvelope*/) { IEnvelope env = sFilter.Geometry.Envelope; where = fc.ShapeFieldName + ".Filter("; where += "geometry::STGeomFromText('POLYGON(("; where += env.minx.ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += env.miny.ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += env.minx.ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += env.maxy.ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += env.maxx.ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += env.maxy.ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += env.maxx.ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += env.miny.ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += env.minx.ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += env.miny.ToString(_nhi) + "))'," + srid + "))=1"; } else if (sFilter.Geometry != null) { IEnvelope env = sFilter.Geometry.Envelope; where = fc.ShapeFieldName + ".STIntersects("; where += "geometry::STGeomFromText('POLYGON(("; where += env.minx.ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += env.miny.ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += env.minx.ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += env.maxy.ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += env.maxx.ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += env.maxy.ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += env.maxx.ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += env.miny.ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += env.minx.ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += env.miny.ToString(_nhi) + "))'," + srid + "))=1"; } filter.AddField(fc.ShapeFieldName); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(functionName) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(functionField)) { filter.SubFields = ""; filter.AddField(functionName + "(" + filter.fieldPrefix + functionField + filter.fieldPostfix + ")"); } string filterWhereClause = (filter is IRowIDFilter) ? ((IRowIDFilter)filter).RowIDWhereClause : filter.WhereClause; StringBuilder fieldNames = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string fieldName in filter.QuerySubFields) { if (fieldNames.Length > 0) { fieldNames.Append(","); } if (fieldName == "[" + fc.ShapeFieldName + "]") { fieldNames.Append(fc.ShapeFieldName + ".STAsBinary() as temp_geometry"); shapeFieldName = "temp_geometry"; } else { fieldNames.Append(fieldName); } } string limit = String.Empty, top = String.Empty, orderBy = String.Empty; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.OrderBy)) { orderBy = " order by " + filter.OrderBy; } if (filter.Limit > 0) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fc.IDFieldName) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderBy)) { top = "top(" + filter.Limit + ") "; } else { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderBy)) { orderBy = " order by " + filter.fieldPrefix + fc.IDFieldName + filter.fieldPostfix; } limit = " offset " + Math.Max(0, filter.BeginRecord - 1) + " rows fetch next " + filter.Limit + " rows only"; } } string fcName = fc.Name; if (fc is SdeFeatureClass && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(((SdeFeatureClass)fc).MultiVersionedViewName)) { fcName = ((SdeFeatureClass)fc).MultiVersionedViewName; // ToDo: filterWhereClause? SDE_STATE_ID=0?? } command.CommandText = "SELECT " + top + fieldNames + " FROM " + fcName; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(where)) { command.CommandText += " WHERE " + where + ((filterWhereClause != "") ? $" AND ({ filterWhereClause })" : ""); } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filterWhereClause)) { command.CommandText += " WHERE " + filterWhereClause; } command.CommandText += orderBy + limit; return(command); }
public override DbCommand SelectCommand(gView.Framework.OGC.DB.OgcSpatialFeatureclass fc, IQueryFilter filter, out string shapeFieldName, string functionName = "", string functionField = "", string functionAlias = "") { shapeFieldName = String.Empty; DbCommand command = this.ProviderFactory.CreateCommand(); filter.fieldPrefix = "["; filter.fieldPostfix = "]"; if (filter.SubFields == "*") { filter.SubFields = ""; foreach (IField field in fc.Fields.ToEnumerable()) { filter.AddField(; } filter.AddField(fc.IDFieldName); filter.AddField(fc.ShapeFieldName); } else { filter.AddField(fc.IDFieldName); } string where = String.Empty; if (filter is ISpatialFilter && ((ISpatialFilter)filter).Geometry != null) { ISpatialFilter sFilter = filter as ISpatialFilter; if (sFilter.SpatialRelation == spatialRelation.SpatialRelationMapEnvelopeIntersects /*|| sFilter.Geometry is IEnvelope*/) { IEnvelope env = sFilter.Geometry.Envelope; where = fc.ShapeFieldName + ".Filter("; where += "geography::STGeomFromText('POLYGON(("; where += Math.Max(-179.99, env.minx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Max(-89.99, env.miny).ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += Math.Min(179.99, env.maxx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Max(-89.99, env.miny).ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += Math.Min(179.99, env.maxx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Min(89.99, env.maxy).ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += Math.Max(-179.99, env.minx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Min(89.99, env.maxy).ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += Math.Max(-179.99, env.minx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Max(-89.99, env.miny).ToString(_nhi) + "))',4326))=1"; } else if (sFilter.Geometry != null) { IEnvelope env = sFilter.Geometry.Envelope; where = fc.ShapeFieldName + ".STIntersects("; where += "geography::STGeomFromText('POLYGON(("; where += Math.Max(-180.0, env.minx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Max(-89.99, env.miny).ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += Math.Max(-180.0, env.minx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Min(89.99, env.maxy).ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += Math.Min(180.0, env.maxx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Min(89.99, env.maxy).ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += Math.Min(180.0, env.maxx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Max(-89.99, env.miny).ToString(_nhi) + ","; where += Math.Max(-180.0, env.minx).ToString(_nhi) + " "; where += Math.Max(-89.99, env.miny).ToString(_nhi) + "))',4326))=1"; } filter.AddField(fc.ShapeFieldName); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(functionName) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(functionField)) { filter.SubFields = ""; filter.AddField(functionName + "(" + filter.fieldPrefix + functionField + filter.fieldPostfix + ")"); } string filterWhereClause = (filter is IRowIDFilter) ? ((IRowIDFilter)filter).RowIDWhereClause : filter.WhereClause; StringBuilder fieldNames = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string fieldName in filter.SubFields.Split(' ')) { if (fieldNames.Length > 0) { fieldNames.Append(","); } if (fieldName == "[" + fc.ShapeFieldName + "]") { fieldNames.Append(fc.ShapeFieldName + ".STAsBinary() as temp_geometry"); shapeFieldName = "temp_geometry"; } else { fieldNames.Append(fieldName); } } string limit = String.Empty, top = String.Empty, orderBy = String.Empty; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.OrderBy)) { orderBy = " order by " + filter.OrderBy; } if (filter.Limit > 0) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fc.IDFieldName) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderBy)) { top = "top(" + filter.Limit + ") "; } else { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderBy)) { orderBy = " order by " + filter.fieldPrefix + fc.IDFieldName + filter.fieldPostfix; } limit = " offset " + Math.Max(0, filter.BeginRecord - 1) + " rows fetch next " + filter.Limit + " rows only"; } } command.CommandText = "SELECT " + limit + fieldNames + " FROM " + fc.Name; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(where)) { command.CommandText += " WHERE " + where + ((filterWhereClause != "") ? $" AND ({ filterWhereClause })" : ""); } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filterWhereClause)) { command.CommandText += " WHERE " + filterWhereClause; } command.CommandText += orderBy + limit; return(command); }
async static public Task <IFeatureCursor> Create(OgcSpatialFeatureclass fc, IQueryFilter filter) { var featureCursor = new OgcSpatialFeatureCursor(fc, filter); if (fc == null || fc.Dataset == null) { return(featureCursor); } featureCursor._idField = fc.IDFieldName; if (filter is ISpatialFilter) { featureCursor._spatialfilter = (ISpatialFilter)filter; } try { if (fc.SpatialReference != null && filter is ISpatialFilter && ((ISpatialFilter)filter).FilterSpatialReference != null && !((ISpatialFilter)filter).FilterSpatialReference.Equals(fc.SpatialReference)) { filter = (ISpatialFilter)filter.Clone(); ((ISpatialFilter)filter).Geometry = GeometricTransformerFactory.Transform2D(((ISpatialFilter)filter).Geometry, ((ISpatialFilter)filter).FilterSpatialReference, fc.SpatialReference); ((ISpatialFilter)filter).FilterSpatialReference = null; if (((ISpatialFilter)filter).SpatialRelation == spatialRelation.SpatialRelationMapEnvelopeIntersects && ((ISpatialFilter)filter).Geometry != null) { ((ISpatialFilter)filter).Geometry = ((ISpatialFilter)filter).Geometry.Envelope; } featureCursor._spatialfilter = (ISpatialFilter)filter; } DbCommand command = ((OgcSpatialDataset)fc.Dataset).SelectCommand( fc, filter, out featureCursor._shapeField); if (command == null) { return(featureCursor); } featureCursor._subFields = filter.QuerySubFields.ToArray(); featureCursor._conn = ((OgcSpatialDataset)fc.Dataset).ProviderFactory.CreateConnection(); featureCursor._conn.ConnectionString = fc.Dataset.ConnectionString; command.Connection = featureCursor._conn; if (featureCursor._conn.State != ConnectionState.Closed) { try { featureCursor._conn.Close(); } catch { } } await featureCursor._conn.OpenAsync(); command.SetCustomCursorTimeout(); featureCursor._reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync(); return(featureCursor); } catch (Exception ex) { if (featureCursor._fc != null) { featureCursor._fc.LastException = ex; } if (featureCursor._conn != null && featureCursor._conn.State != ConnectionState.Closed) { featureCursor._conn.Close(); featureCursor._conn = null; } fc.LastException = ex; return(null); } }
private OgcSpatialFeatureCursor(OgcSpatialFeatureclass fc, IQueryFilter filter) : base((fc != null) ? fc.SpatialReference : null, (filter != null) ? filter.FeatureSpatialReference : null) { base.CancelTracker = filter?.CancelTracker; }
virtual protected string InsertShapeParameterExpression(OgcSpatialFeatureclass featureClass, IGeometry shape) { return("{0}"); }
virtual public DbCommand SelectSpatialReferenceIds(OgcSpatialFeatureclass fc) { return(null); }
virtual public DbCommand SelectCommand(OgcSpatialFeatureclass fc, IQueryFilter filter, out string shapeFieldName) { shapeFieldName = String.Empty; filter.fieldPostfix = filter.fieldPrefix = "\""; if (filter.SubFields == "*") { filter.SubFields = ""; foreach (IField field in fc.Fields.ToEnumerable()) { filter.AddField(; } filter.AddField(fc.IDFieldName); filter.AddField(fc.ShapeFieldName); } else { filter.AddField(fc.IDFieldName); } string where = ""; if (filter is ISpatialFilter) { ISpatialFilter sFilter = filter as ISpatialFilter; if (sFilter.Geometry is IEnvelope) { where = fc.ShapeFieldName + " && " + gView.Framework.OGC.OGC.Envelope2box2(sFilter.Geometry as IEnvelope, fc.SpatialReference); } else if (sFilter.Geometry != null) { where = fc.ShapeFieldName + " && " + gView.Framework.OGC.OGC.Envelope2box2(sFilter.Geometry.Envelope, fc.SpatialReference); } filter.AddField(fc.ShapeFieldName); } string filterWhereClause = (filter is IRowIDFilter) ? ((IRowIDFilter)filter).RowIDWhereClause : filter.WhereClause; if (where != "" && filterWhereClause != "") { where += " AND "; } where += filterWhereClause; StringBuilder fieldNames = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string fieldName in filter.SubFields.Split(' ')) { if (fieldNames.Length > 0) { fieldNames.Append(","); } if (fieldName == "\"" + fc.ShapeFieldName + "\"") { fieldNames.Append("ST_AsBinary(\"" + fc.ShapeFieldName + "\") as temp_geometry"); shapeFieldName = "temp_geometry"; } else { fieldNames.Append(fieldName); } } DbCommand command = ((OgcSpatialDataset)fc.Dataset).ProviderFactory.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = "SELECT " + fieldNames + " FROM " + DbTableName(fc.Name) + ((where != "") ? " WHERE " + where : ""); return(command); }
async public static Task <IFeatureClass> Create(OgcSpatialDataset dataset, DataRow geometry_columns_row) { var featureClass = new OgcSpatialFeatureclass(dataset, geometry_columns_row); featureClass._dataset = dataset; if (featureClass._dataset == null || geometry_columns_row == null) { return(featureClass); } try { featureClass._lastException = null; string schema = String.Empty; try { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(featureClass._dataset.OgcDictionary("geometry_columns.f_table_schema"))) { schema = geometry_columns_row[featureClass._dataset.OgcDictionary("geometry_columns.f_table_schema")].ToString(); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(schema)) { schema += "."; } } catch { schema = ""; } featureClass._name = schema + geometry_columns_row[featureClass._dataset.OgcDictionary("geometry_columns.f_table_name")].ToString(); featureClass._shapefield = geometry_columns_row[featureClass._dataset.OgcDictionary("geometry_columns.f_geometry_column")].ToString(); featureClass._idfield = featureClass._dataset.OgcDictionary("gid"); // Read Primary Key -> PostGIS id is not always "gid"; string pKey = featureClass.GetPKey(); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pKey) && !pKey.Equals(featureClass._idfield)) { featureClass._idfield = pKey; } featureClass._geometry_columns_type = geometry_columns_row[featureClass._dataset.OgcDictionary("geometry_columns.type")].ToString().ToUpper(); switch (featureClass._geometry_columns_type) { case "MULTIPOLYGON": case "POLYGON": case "MULTIPOLYGONM": case "POLYGONM": featureClass._geomType = geometryType.Polygon; break; case "MULTILINESTRING": case "LINESTRING": case "MULTILINESTRINGM": case "LINESTRINGM": featureClass._geomType = geometryType.Polyline; break; case "POINT": case "POINTM": case "MULTIPOINT": case "MULTIPOINTM": featureClass._geomType = geometryType.Point; break; default: featureClass._geomType = geometryType.Unknown; break; } featureClass._hasZ = (int)geometry_columns_row[featureClass._dataset.OgcDictionary("geometry_columns.coord_dimension")] == 3; try { int srid = int.Parse(geometry_columns_row[featureClass._dataset.OgcDictionary("geometry_columns.srid")].ToString()); if (srid > 0) { featureClass._sRef = gView.Framework.Geometry.SpatialReference.FromID("epsg:" + srid.ToString()); } else { featureClass._sRef = await TrySelectSpatialReference(dataset, featureClass); } } catch { } await featureClass.ReadSchema(); } catch (Exception ex) { featureClass._lastException = ex; string msg = ex.Message; } return(featureClass); }
public OgcSpatialFeatureCursor(OgcSpatialFeatureclass fc, IQueryFilter filter) : base((fc != null) ? fc.SpatialReference : null, (filter != null) ? filter.FeatureSpatialReference : null) { if (fc == null || fc.Dataset == null) { return; } _idField = fc.IDFieldName; if (filter is ISpatialFilter) { _spatialfilter = (ISpatialFilter)filter; } try { if (fc.SpatialReference != null && filter is ISpatialFilter && ((ISpatialFilter)filter).FilterSpatialReference != null && !((ISpatialFilter)filter).FilterSpatialReference.Equals(fc.SpatialReference)) { filter = (ISpatialFilter)filter.Clone(); ((ISpatialFilter)filter).Geometry = GeometricTransformer.Transform2D(((ISpatialFilter)filter).Geometry, ((ISpatialFilter)filter).FilterSpatialReference, fc.SpatialReference); ((ISpatialFilter)filter).FilterSpatialReference = null; if (((ISpatialFilter)filter).SpatialRelation == spatialRelation.SpatialRelationMapEnvelopeIntersects && ((ISpatialFilter)filter).Geometry != null) { ((ISpatialFilter)filter).Geometry = ((ISpatialFilter)filter).Geometry.Envelope; } _spatialfilter = (ISpatialFilter)filter; } DbCommand command = ((OgcSpatialDataset)fc.Dataset).SelectCommand( fc, filter, out _shapeField); if (command == null) { return; } _conn = ((OgcSpatialDataset)fc.Dataset).ProviderFactory.CreateConnection(); _conn.ConnectionString = fc.Dataset.ConnectionString; command.Connection = _conn; if (_conn.State != ConnectionState.Closed) { try { _conn.Close(); } catch { } } _conn.Open(); //command.Prepare(); _reader = command.ExecuteReader(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (_fc != null) { _fc.LastException = ex; } if (_conn != null && _conn.State != ConnectionState.Closed) { _conn.Close(); _conn = null; } } }
async public static Task <ISpatialReference> TrySelectSpatialReference(OgcSpatialDataset dataset, OgcSpatialFeatureclass fc) { try { DbCommand sridCommand = dataset.SelectSpatialReferenceIds(fc); if (sridCommand != null) { using (DbConnection connection = dataset.ProviderFactory.CreateConnection()) { connection.ConnectionString = dataset.ConnectionString; sridCommand.Connection = connection; await connection.OpenAsync(); using (DbDataReader reader = await sridCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync()) { while (await reader.ReadAsync()) { object sridObj = reader["srid"]; if (sridObj != null && sridObj != DBNull.Value) { int srid = Convert.ToInt32(sridObj); if (srid > 0) { var sRef = gView.Framework.Geometry.SpatialReference.FromID("epsg:" + srid.ToString()); if (sRef != null) { return(sRef); } } } } } connection.Close(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = ex.Message; } return(null); }
virtual public DbCommand SelectCommand(OgcSpatialFeatureclass fc, IQueryFilter filter, out string shapeFieldName, string functionName = "", string functionField = "", string functionAlias = "") { shapeFieldName = String.Empty; filter.fieldPostfix = filter.fieldPrefix = "\""; if (filter.SubFields == "*") { filter.SubFields = ""; foreach (IField field in fc.Fields.ToEnumerable()) { filter.AddField(; } filter.AddField(fc.IDFieldName); filter.AddField(fc.ShapeFieldName); } else { filter.AddField(fc.IDFieldName); } string where = ""; if (filter is ISpatialFilter) { ISpatialFilter sFilter = filter as ISpatialFilter; if (sFilter.Geometry is IEnvelope) { where = fc.ShapeFieldName + " && " + gView.Framework.OGC.OGC.Envelope2box2(sFilter.Geometry as IEnvelope, fc.SpatialReference); } else if (sFilter.Geometry != null) { where = fc.ShapeFieldName + " && " + gView.Framework.OGC.OGC.Envelope2box2(sFilter.Geometry.Envelope, fc.SpatialReference); } filter.AddField(fc.ShapeFieldName); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(functionName) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(functionField)) { filter.SubFields = ""; filter.AddField(functionName + "(" + filter.fieldPrefix + functionField + filter.fieldPostfix + ")"); } string filterWhereClause = (filter is IRowIDFilter) ? ((IRowIDFilter)filter).RowIDWhereClause : filter.WhereClause; //if (where != "" && filterWhereClause != "") //{ // where += " AND "; //} where = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(where) ? filterWhereClause : where + (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filterWhereClause) ? "" : $" AND ({ filterWhereClause })"); StringBuilder fieldNames = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string fieldName in filter.SubFields.Split(' ')) { if (fieldNames.Length > 0) { fieldNames.Append(","); } if (fieldName == "\"" + fc.ShapeFieldName + "\"") { fieldNames.Append("ST_AsBinary(\"" + fc.ShapeFieldName + "\") as temp_geometry"); shapeFieldName = "temp_geometry"; } else { fieldNames.Append(fieldName); } } string limit = String.Empty, orderBy = String.Empty; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.OrderBy)) { orderBy = " order by " + filter.OrderBy; } if (filter.Limit > 0) { limit = " limit " + filter.Limit; } if (filter.BeginRecord > 1) // Default in QueryFilter is one!!! { limit += " offset " + Math.Max(0, filter.BeginRecord - 1); } DbCommand command = ((OgcSpatialDataset)fc.Dataset).ProviderFactory.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = ("SELECT " + fieldNames + " FROM " + DbTableName(fc.Name) + ((where != "") ? " WHERE " + where : "") + orderBy + limit).Trim(); return(command); }