コード例 #1
        public void RunPages(Pages pgs) // this does all the work
            bool isRollPaper = r.ReportDefinition.RollPaper;

            if (isRollPaper)
                #region DMP Page Setting
                //Set Page Settings
                StringBuilder startStr = new StringBuilder();
                //Send an ESC @ command to initialize the printer

                //Select 10-cpi printing (character width of 1/10 inch)
                int CPI = 10;
                int LPI = 6;
                //Set Left and right margin from report
                RSize rptWidth = r.ReportDefinition.PageWidth;
                RSize lM       = r.ReportDefinition.LeftMargin;
                RSize rM       = r.ReportDefinition.RightMargin;

                int noOfCharPerLine     = (int)((rptWidth.Size / RSize.PARTS_PER_INCH) * CPI);
                int noOfCharLeftMargin  = (int)((lM.Size / RSize.PARTS_PER_INCH) * CPI);
                int noOfCharRightMargin = (int)((rM.Size / RSize.PARTS_PER_INCH) * CPI);

                startStr.Append(EscCodes.RightMargin(noOfCharPerLine - noOfCharRightMargin));

                //Set Page Length
                //RSize rptHeight = r.ReportDefinition.PageHeight;
                //int rptHeightinInches = (int)(rptHeight.Size / RSize.PARTS_PER_INCH);

                //Set Print Quality

                foreach (Page p in pgs)
                    ProcessPageForRollPaper(pgs, p);
                tw.Write(EscCodes.FF + EscCodes.CR);
                foreach (Page p in pgs)
                    ProcessPage(pgs, p);
コード例 #2
        // render all the objects in a page in PDF
        private void ProcessPage(Pages pgs, IEnumerable items)
            #region DMP Page Setting
            //Set Page Settings
            StringBuilder startStr = new StringBuilder();
            //Send an ESC @ command to initialize the printer

            //Select 10-cpi printing (character width of 1/10 inch)
            int CPI = 10;
            int LPI = 6;
            //Set Left and right margin from report
            RSize rptWidth = r.ReportDefinition.PageWidth;
            RSize lM       = r.ReportDefinition.LeftMargin;
            RSize rM       = r.ReportDefinition.RightMargin;

            bool isRollPaper = r.ReportDefinition.RollPaper;

            int noOfCharPerLine     = (int)((rptWidth.Size / RSize.PARTS_PER_INCH) * CPI);
            int noOfCharLeftMargin  = (int)((lM.Size / RSize.PARTS_PER_INCH) * CPI);
            int noOfCharRightMargin = (int)((rM.Size / RSize.PARTS_PER_INCH) * CPI);

            startStr.Append(EscCodes.RightMargin(noOfCharPerLine - noOfCharRightMargin));

            //Set Page Length
            RSize rptHeight         = r.ReportDefinition.PageHeight;
            int   rptHeightinInches = (int)(rptHeight.Size / RSize.PARTS_PER_INCH);

            //Set Print Quality


            List <DMPItem> lstDmpItems = new List <DMPItem>();

            foreach (PageItem pi in items)
                if (pi is PageText)
                    PageText pt = pi as PageText;
                    lstDmpItems.Add(new DMPItem(pt.X, pt.Y, pt.W, pt.H, LPI, pt.Text, pt.SI));
                #region OtherItems

                 * if (pi.SI.BackgroundImage != null)
                 * {	// put out any background image
                 *  PageImage bgImg = pi.SI.BackgroundImage;
                 *  //					elements.AddImage(images, i.Name, content.objectNum, i.SI, i.ImgFormat,
                 *  //						pi.X, pi.Y, pi.W, pi.H, i.ImageData,i.SamplesW, i.SamplesH, null);
                 *  //Duc Phan modified 10 Dec, 2007 to support on background image
                 *  float imW = Measurement.PointsFromPixels(bgImg.SamplesW, pgs.G.DpiX);
                 *  float imH = Measurement.PointsFromPixels(bgImg.SamplesH, pgs.G.DpiY);
                 *  int repeatX = 0;
                 *  int repeatY = 0;
                 *  float itemW = pi.W - (pi.SI.PaddingLeft + pi.SI.PaddingRight);
                 *  float itemH = pi.H - (pi.SI.PaddingTop + pi.SI.PaddingBottom);
                 *  switch (bgImg.Repeat)
                 *  {
                 *      case ImageRepeat.Repeat:
                 *          repeatX = (int)Math.Floor(itemW / imW);
                 *          repeatY = (int)Math.Floor(itemH / imH);
                 *          break;
                 *      case ImageRepeat.RepeatX:
                 *          repeatX = (int)Math.Floor(itemW / imW);
                 *          repeatY = 1;
                 *          break;
                 *      case ImageRepeat.RepeatY:
                 *          repeatY = (int)Math.Floor(itemH / imH);
                 *          repeatX = 1;
                 *          break;
                 *      case ImageRepeat.NoRepeat:
                 *      default:
                 *          repeatX = repeatY = 1;
                 *          break;
                 *  }
                 *  //make sure the image is drawn at least 1 times
                 *  repeatX = Math.Max(repeatX, 1);
                 *  repeatY = Math.Max(repeatY, 1);
                 *  float currX = pi.X + pi.SI.PaddingLeft;
                 *  float currY = pi.Y + pi.SI.PaddingTop;
                 *  float startX = currX;
                 *  float startY = currY;
                 *  for (int i = 0; i < repeatX; i++)
                 *  {
                 *      for (int j = 0; j < repeatY; j++)
                 *      {
                 *          currX = startX + i * imW;
                 *          currY = startY + j * imH;
                 *          if (r.ItextPDF)
                 *          {
                 *              iAddImage(images, bgImg.Name,
                 *                              content.objectNum, bgImg.SI, bgImg.ImgFormat,
                 *                              currX, currY, imW, imH, RectangleF.Empty, bgImg.ImageData, bgImg.SamplesW, bgImg.SamplesH, null, pi.Tooltip);
                 *          }
                 *          else
                 *          {
                 *              elements.AddImage(images, bgImg.Name,
                 *                         content.objectNum, bgImg.SI, bgImg.ImgFormat,
                 *                         currX, currY, imW, imH, RectangleF.Empty, bgImg.ImageData, bgImg.SamplesW, bgImg.SamplesH, null, pi.Tooltip);
                 *          }
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 * }
                 * if (pi is PageTextHtml)
                 * {
                 *  PageTextHtml pth = pi as PageTextHtml;
                 *  pth.Build(pgs.G);
                 *  ProcessPage(pgs, pth);
                 *  continue;
                 * }
                 * if (pi is PageLine)
                 * {
                 *  PageLine pl = pi as PageLine;
                 *  if (r.ItextPDF)
                 *  {
                 *      iAddLine(pl.X, pl.Y, pl.X2, pl.Y2, pl.SI);
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      elements.AddLine(pl.X, pl.Y, pl.X2, pl.Y2, pl.SI);
                 *  }
                 *  continue;
                 * }
                 * if (pi is PageEllipse)
                 * {
                 *  PageEllipse pe = pi as PageEllipse;
                 *  if (r.ItextPDF)
                 *  {
                 *      iAddEllipse(pe.X, pe.Y, pe.H, pe.W, pe.SI, pe.HyperLink);
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      elements.AddEllipse(pe.X, pe.Y, pe.H, pe.W, pe.SI, pe.HyperLink);
                 *  }
                 *  continue;
                 * }
                 * if (pi is PageImage)
                 * {
                 *  //PageImage i = pi as PageImage;
                 *  //float x = i.X + i.SI.PaddingLeft;
                 *  //float y = i.Y + i.SI.PaddingTop;
                 *  //float w = i.W - i.SI.PaddingLeft - i.SI.PaddingRight;
                 *  //float h = i.H - i.SI.PaddingTop - i.SI.PaddingBottom;
                 *  //elements.AddImage(images, i.Name, content.objectNum, i.SI, i.ImgFormat,
                 *  //	x, y, w, h, i.ImageData,i.SamplesW, i.SamplesH, i.HyperLink);
                 *  //continue;
                 *  PageImage i = pi as PageImage;
                 *  //Duc Phan added 20 Dec, 2007 to support sized image
                 *  RectangleF r2 = new RectangleF(i.X + i.SI.PaddingLeft, i.Y + i.SI.PaddingTop, i.W - i.SI.PaddingLeft - i.SI.PaddingRight, i.H - i.SI.PaddingTop - i.SI.PaddingBottom);
                 *  RectangleF adjustedRect;   // work rectangle
                 *  RectangleF clipRect = RectangleF.Empty;
                 *  switch (i.Sizing)
                 *  {
                 *      case ImageSizingEnum.AutoSize:
                 *          adjustedRect = new RectangleF(r2.Left, r2.Top,
                 *                          r2.Width, r2.Height);
                 *          break;
                 *      case ImageSizingEnum.Clip:
                 *          adjustedRect = new RectangleF(r2.Left, r2.Top,
                 *                          Measurement.PointsFromPixels(i.SamplesW, pgs.G.DpiX), Measurement.PointsFromPixels(i.SamplesH, pgs.G.DpiY));
                 *          clipRect = new RectangleF(r2.Left, r2.Top,
                 *                          r2.Width, r2.Height);
                 *          break;
                 *      case ImageSizingEnum.FitProportional:
                 *          float height;
                 *          float width;
                 *          float ratioIm = (float)i.SamplesH / i.SamplesW;
                 *          float ratioR = r2.Height / r2.Width;
                 *          height = r2.Height;
                 *          width = r2.Width;
                 *          if (ratioIm > ratioR)
                 *          {   // this means the rectangle width must be corrected
                 *              width = height * (1 / ratioIm);
                 *          }
                 *          else if (ratioIm < ratioR)
                 *          {   // this means the rectangle height must be corrected
                 *              height = width * ratioIm;
                 *          }
                 *          adjustedRect = new RectangleF(r2.X, r2.Y, width, height);
                 *          break;
                 *      case ImageSizingEnum.Fit:
                 *      default:
                 *          adjustedRect = r2;
                 *          break;
                 *  }
                 *  if (i.ImgFormat == System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Wmf || i.ImgFormat == System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Emf)
                 *  {
                 *      //We dont want to add it - its already been broken down into page items;
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      if (r.ItextPDF)
                 *      {
                 *          iAddImage(images, i.Name, content.objectNum, i.SI, i.ImgFormat,
                 *          adjustedRect.X, adjustedRect.Y, adjustedRect.Width, adjustedRect.Height, clipRect, i.ImageData, i.SamplesW, i.SamplesH, i.HyperLink, i.Tooltip);
                 *      }
                 *      else
                 *      {
                 *          elements.AddImage(images, i.Name, content.objectNum, i.SI, i.ImgFormat,
                 *         adjustedRect.X, adjustedRect.Y, adjustedRect.Width, adjustedRect.Height, clipRect, i.ImageData, i.SamplesW, i.SamplesH, i.HyperLink, i.Tooltip);
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 *  continue;
                 * }
                 * if (pi is PageRectangle)
                 * {
                 *  PageRectangle pr = pi as PageRectangle;
                 *  if (r.ItextPDF)
                 *  {
                 *      iAddRectangle(pr.X, pr.Y, pr.H, pr.W, pi.SI, pi.HyperLink, patterns, pi.Tooltip);
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      elements.AddRectangle(pr.X, pr.Y, pr.H, pr.W, pi.SI, pi.HyperLink, patterns, pi.Tooltip);
                 *  }
                 *  continue;
                 * }
                 * if (pi is PagePie)
                 * {   // TODO
                 *  PagePie pp = pi as PagePie;
                 *  //
                 *  if (r.ItextPDF)
                 *  {
                 *      iAddPie(pp.X, pp.Y, pp.H, pp.W, pi.SI, pi.HyperLink, patterns, pi.Tooltip);
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      elements.AddPie(pp.X, pp.Y, pp.H, pp.W, pi.SI, pi.HyperLink, patterns, pi.Tooltip);
                 *  }
                 *  continue;
                 * }
                 * if (pi is PagePolygon)
                 * {
                 *  PagePolygon ppo = pi as PagePolygon;
                 *  if (r.ItextPDF)
                 *  {
                 *      iAddPolygon(ppo.Points, pi.SI, pi.HyperLink, patterns);
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      elements.AddPolygon(ppo.Points, pi.SI, pi.HyperLink, patterns);
                 *  }
                 *  continue;
                 * }
                 * if (pi is PageCurve)
                 * {
                 *  PageCurve pc = pi as PageCurve;
                 *  if (r.ItextPDF)
                 *  {
                 *      iAddCurve(pc.Points, pi.SI);
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      elements.AddCurve(pc.Points, pi.SI);
                 *  }
                 *  continue;
                 * }

            //Sort Dmp Items
            lstDmpItems = lstDmpItems.OrderBy(q => q.R).ThenBy(q => q.C).ToList();

             * //If page begins with nth line... Fill n-1 empty lines.
             * DMPItem fstItm = lstDmpItems.FirstOrDefault();
             * if (fstItm != null && fstItm.Y > 0)
             * {
             *  for (int i = (fstItm.R - 1); i > 0; i--) tw.Write(EscCodes.CRLF);
             * }

            var grpLines = from dmpItm in lstDmpItems
                           group dmpItm by dmpItm.R into newgrpDmpItm
                           select newgrpDmpItm;
            int curLine = 1;
            foreach (var dmpLine in grpLines)
                StringBuilder strLine  = new StringBuilder();
                DMPItem       firstItm = dmpLine.FirstOrDefault();

                //If Line not matching curr line add empty lines.
                while (curLine < firstItm.R)

                if (firstItm != null && firstItm.X > lM.Points)
                    int    wcin10CPI = (int)Math.Ceiling((firstItm.X - lM.Points) / (72.27f / 10));
                    String str       = "";
                    str = str.PadLeft(wcin10CPI);
                    strLine.Append(EscCodes._10CPI + str);

                foreach (DMPItem dmpTxt in dmpLine)

            tw.Write(EscCodes.FF + EscCodes.CR);