public RemoteFileComment(int id, string text, User user, DateTime created) { Id = id; Text = text; User = user; Created = created; }
public FormUser(User user) { InitializeComponent(); User = user; labelUsernameValue.Text = User.Username; labelRatingValue.Text = User.GetTotalRating().ToString(); labelFilesizeValue.Text = Filesize.ConvertByteToMegaByte(User.GetFilesizeCurrentlyUploaded()).ToString(); comboBoxUploadLimit.Items.Add(Filesize.ConvertByteToMegaByte(User.UploadLimit).ToString()); comboBoxUploadLimit.SelectedIndex = 0; // Add the preset values to the ComboBox. for (int i = 2000; i <= 20000; i += 1000) { comboBoxUploadLimit.Items.Add(i); } labelAmountOfFilesValue.Text = User.GetAmountOfFiles().ToString(); labelAmountReportsValue.Text = User.GetAmountOfReports().ToString(); }
public FormRemoteFile(RemoteFile file, User user) { InitializeComponent(); RemoteFile = file; User = user; labelTitleValue.Text = RemoteFile.Title; labelSizeValue.Text = Filesize.ConvertByteToMegaByte(RemoteFile.Size).ToString(); labelCategoryValue.Text = RemoteFile.Category != null ? RemoteFile.Category.Title : ""; labelRatingValue.Text = RemoteFile.Rating.ToString(); try { labelUserValue.Text = RemoteFile.User.Username; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } textBoxDescriptionValue.Text = RemoteFile.Description; ReloadComments(); }
public FormMain(User user) { InitializeComponent(); this.user = user; // If the user is not an employee remove the moderator tab. if (!user.IsEmployee) { tabControl.Controls.Remove(tabPageModerator); } // Bind the events to the background workers. FtpUpload.BackgroundWorker.ProgressChanged += ftpUpload_ProgressChanged; FtpUpload.BackgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += ftpUpload_RunWorkerCompleted; FtpDownload.BackgroundWorker.ProgressChanged += ftpDownload_ProgressChanged; FtpDownload.BackgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += ftpDownload_RunWorkerCompleted; // Bind the events to the listviews. listViewUpload.SelectedIndexChanged += control_RefreshInterfaceUpload; listViewUpload.ItemChecked += control_RefreshInterfaceUpload; listViewDownload.SelectedIndexChanged += control_RefreshInterfaceDownload; listViewDownload.SelectedIndexChanged += listViewDownload_SelectedIndexChanged; listViewDownload.ItemChecked += control_RefreshInterfaceDownload; // Add the default setting for the filesize filter. { comboBoxDownloadFilterFilesize.Items.Add(new ComboBoxItem("<Niet filteren>", null)); comboBoxDownloadFilterFilesize.SelectedIndex = 0; } // Add filesize filter ComboBox items. for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++) { int limit = i*100 - 100; int lowerLimit = limit; int upperLimit = 0; if (comboBoxDownloadFilterFilesize.Items.Count == 1) { comboBoxDownloadFilterFilesize.Items.Add(new ComboBoxItem("", new FilterFilesize(lowerLimit, upperLimit))); } else { // Get the previous ComboBox and set the correct upper limit. ComboBoxItem item = comboBoxDownloadFilterFilesize.Items[i - 1] as ComboBoxItem; if (item != null) { FilterFilesize filter = item.Value as FilterFilesize; if (filter != null) { filter.UpperLimit = limit; if (i - 1 == 0) { item.Text = filter.UpperLimit.ToString() + " < "; } else { item.Text = filter.LowerLimit.ToString() + " - " + filter.UpperLimit.ToString(); } comboBoxDownloadFilterFilesize.Items.Add(new ComboBoxItem(" > " + lowerLimit.ToString(), new FilterFilesize(lowerLimit, upperLimit))); } } } } // Add the default value for the category ComboBox. { comboBoxCategories.Items.Add(new ComboBoxItem("<Alle categorieën>", null)); comboBoxCategories.SelectedIndex = 0; } try { // Add all categories nested correctly in the ComboBox. foreach (Category category in Category.GetAll()) { if (category.ParentId < 1) { AddCategoryToComboboxRecursive(category, 0); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } this.BringToFront(); }
/// <summary> /// Uploads the file to the FTP server, with the owner(user). /// </summary> /// <param name="localFile"></param> /// <param name="user"></param> public static void Upload(LocalFile localFile, User user) { FtpUpload.localFile = localFile; FtpUpload.user = user; backgroundWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the user based on the given id. /// Returns null when the user is not found. /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static User GetById(int id) { User user = null; Database db = new Database(); try { db.CreateCommand("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = :id"); db.AddParameter("id", id); db.OpenConnection(); db.ExecuteCommand(); OracleDataReader dr = db.DataReader; if (dr.HasRows) { dr.Read(); int userId = dr.GetValueByColumn<int>("id"); string username = dr.GetValueByColumn<string>("Username"); long uploadLimit = dr.GetValueByColumn<long>("uploadlimit"); bool isEmployee = dr.GetValueByColumn<int>("isemployee") == 1 ? true : false; user = new User(id, username, uploadLimit, isEmployee); } } finally { db.CloseConnection(); } return user; }
/// <summary> /// Loads the current rating of the file. /// </summary> private void LoadRating() { Database db = new Database(); try { db.CreateCommand( "SELECT files_likes.positive, users.* FROM files_likes LEFT JOIN users ON = files_likes.users_id WHERE files_likes.files_id = :files_id"); db.AddParameter("files_id", Id); db.OpenConnection(); db.ExecuteCommand(); OracleDataReader dr = db.DataReader; while (dr.Read()) { User user = new User(dr.GetInt32(1), dr.GetString(2)); // If the rating is positive it is a like else it is a dislike. if (dr.GetValueByColumn<int>("positive") == 1) { likes.Add(user); } else { dislikes.Add(user); } } } finally { db.CloseConnection(); } ratingsLoaded = true; }
/// <summary> /// Reports the file. If the file has 3 or more reports the file will be deactivated and hidden to all users. /// </summary> /// <param name="user"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool Report(User user) { Database db = new Database(); int count = 0; try { db.CreateCommand("SELECT * FROM files_reports WHERE files_id = :id"); db.AddParameter("files_id", Id); db.OpenConnection(); db.ExecuteCommand(); OracleDataReader dr = db.DataReader; while (dr.Read()) { count++; int userId = dr.GetValueByColumn<int>("users_id"); if (userId == user.Id) { throw new Exception("U heeft dit bestand al gerapporteerd."); } } } finally { db.CloseConnection(); } try { db.CreateCommand("INSERT INTO files_reports(files_id, users_id) VALUES(:filesId, :usersId)"); db.AddParameter("filesId", Id); db.AddParameter("usersId", user.Id); db.OpenConnection(); db.ExecuteCommand(); } finally { db.CloseConnection(); } if (count >= 2) { try { db.CreateCommand("UPDATE files SET active = 0 WHERE id = :filesId"); db.AddParameter("filesId", Id); db.OpenConnection(); db.ExecuteCommand(); } finally { db.CloseConnection(); } } return true; }
/// <summary> /// Rates the file for the given user. Positive(true) for a like, Positive(false) for a dislike. /// </summary> /// <param name="user"></param> /// <param name="positive"></param> public void Rate(User user, bool positive) { Database db = new Database(); int currentRating = CurrentRating(user); try { if (currentRating == 0) { db.CreateCommand( "INSERT INTO files_likes(positive, files_id, users_id) VALUES(:positive, :filesId, :usersId)"); } else { if (currentRating == 1 && !positive) { int index = likes.FindIndex(x => x.Id == user.Id); if (index >= 0) { likes.RemoveAt(index); } } else if (currentRating == -1 && positive) { int index = dislikes.FindIndex(x => x.Id == user.Id); if (index >= 0) { dislikes.RemoveAt(index); } } db.CreateCommand( "UPDATE files_likes SET positive = :positive WHERE files_id = :filesId AND users_id = :usersId"); } db.AddParameter("positive", positive ? "1" : "-1"); db.AddParameter("filesId", Id); db.AddParameter("usersId", user.Id); db.OpenConnection(); db.ExecuteCommand(); } finally { db.CloseConnection(); } if (positive) { likes.Add(user); } else { dislikes.Add(user); } }
/// <summary> /// Checks if the user has liked or disliked the file or not rated. Returns 1 for like, -1 for dislike, 0 for no rating. /// </summary> /// <param name="user"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int CurrentRating(User user) { if (!ratingsLoaded) { LoadRating(); } if (likes.Find(x => x.Id == user.Id) != null) { return 1; } if (dislikes.Find(x => x.Id == user.Id) != null) { return -1; } return 0; }
public void Comment(User user, String comment) { Database db = new Database(); try { db.CreateCommand( "INSERT INTO files_comments(files_id, users_id, text) VALUES(:filesId, :usersId, :text)"); db.AddParameter("filesId", Id); db.AddParameter("usersId", user.Id); db.AddParameter("text", comment); db.OpenConnection(); db.ExecuteCommand(); } finally { db.CloseConnection(); } LoadRating(); }
/// <summary> /// Correctly inserts the file into the database. /// </summary> /// <param name="filename"></param> /// <param name="title"></param> /// <param name="size"></param> /// <param name="description"></param> /// <param name="user"></param> /// <param name="category"></param> /// <param name="privacy"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool Insert(string filename, string title, long size, string description, User user, Category category, Privacy privacy) { Database db = new Database(); try { db.CreateCommand( "INSERT INTO files(filename, title, filesize, description, users_id, files_categories_id, private, active) VALUES(:filename, :title, :filesize, :description, :users_id, :files_categories_id, :private, 1)"); db.AddParameter("filename", filename); db.AddParameter("title", title); db.AddParameter("filesize", size); db.AddParameter("description", description); db.AddParameter("users_id", user.Id); if (category != null) { db.AddParameter("files_categories_id", category.Id); } else { db.AddParameter("files_categories_id", DBNull.Value); } if (privacy == Privacy.@private) { db.AddParameter("private", 1); } else { db.AddParameter("private", DBNull.Value); } db.OpenConnection(); db.ExecuteCommand(); } finally { db.CloseConnection(); } return true; }
public ListViewItemModerator(User user) { User = user; Refresh(); }