public static void DoGoThruHole(object sender, GameActionEventArgs e) { Locations.Set(Locations.Narnia); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Locations.InitializeMap(); Items.InitializeItems(); // THIS IS ONLY FOR TESTING PURPOSES. REMOVE NEXT LINE / COMMENT IT OUT WHEN RELEASING goto startzork; #region Loading/Splash Console.Title = "awfully chaotic"; int previous = 0; try { previous = int.Parse(File.ReadAllText("System.FallLibrary.dll")); } catch { } File.WriteAllText("System.FallLibrary.dll", (previous + 1).ToString()); if (File.Exists("System.FallLibrary.HardwareMode.dll")) { flag_hardmode = true; flag_hardmode_caught = true; } if (File.Exists("System.FallLibrary.OnlineServices.dll")) { flag_online_caught = true; } int superkey = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode()).Next(0, 10); for (int x = 0; x < superkey; x++) { Console.Beep(); Thread.Sleep(500); } Console.WriteLine("progress does not save. do not exit."); Console.WriteLine("this is a game like zork except if you lose your computer will be unwillingly stress tested"); Console.Write("press any key to agree: "); KeyCont(); Console.Clear(); Thread.Sleep(2000); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.Write("are u sure? (yes/no): "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; string input = Console.ReadLine(); if (input != "no") { Console.WriteLine("the only purpose of this failtrap is to teach you what happens if you fail."); Console.WriteLine("type no next time."); Fail(); } #endregion #region Introduction #region Memorization Stage Console.WriteLine("good, then you're playing the game right."); Thread.Sleep(2000); Console.WriteLine("write everything down, or you will fail."); Thread.Sleep(2000); Console.WriteLine("you already missed one thing, i promise. don't miss this."); Thread.Sleep(2000); int superkeytwo = Rdm(2000); Console.WriteLine(superkeytwo); Thread.Sleep(500); Console.Clear(); Console.Write("hope you didnt miss that: "); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (input != superkeytwo.ToString()) { Fail(); } Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("impressive, have you done this before? let's check"); Thread.Sleep(2000); if (previous == 0) { Console.WriteLine("no? good job then. but i am gonna make ur life hell. hard mode enabled."); flag_hardmode = true; File.WriteAllText("System.FallLibrary.HardwareMode.dll", "!dll"); } else if (previous == 1) { Console.WriteLine("just once. well done."); } else { Console.WriteLine("hmm, shows you've done this " + previous + " times before. that is incredibly sad."); } if (flag_hardmode_caught) { Thread.Sleep(2000); Console.WriteLine("wait a second, did you die after hard mode? that's really sad. sorry, but it IS still enabled."); } Console.WriteLine("press a key."); KeyCont(); Console.Clear(); Console.WindowWidth = Console.WindowWidth + 3; Console.WriteLine("little more roomy. press a key."); KeyCont(); #endregion #region Online Check (get name) Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("i know everything about you. you live on your computer, and i know everything about your computer, and by extension, you"); Thread.Sleep(2000); if (!flag_online_caught) { try { WebClient c = new WebClient(); c.DownloadString(""); Console.WriteLine("you're playing online i see. hopefully with friends."); File.WriteAllText("System.FallLibrary.OnlineServices.dll", "1"); Thread.Sleep(2000); Console.WriteLine("unfortunately, you missed a critical step. will bite you in ass later, not now."); } catch { Console.Title = "436"; Console.WriteLine("you're offline. just you and me i guess. my name is 436"); } } else { try { WebClient c = new WebClient(); c.DownloadString(""); Console.WriteLine("you're still playing online i see. hopefully with friends."); File.WriteAllText("System.FallLibrary.OnlineServices.dll", "1"); Thread.Sleep(2000); Console.WriteLine("you still messed up, go back."); } catch { Console.WriteLine("i know what you did. you're offline because you missed that step and want to reconcile."); Console.WriteLine("i remember. here's what i would've said:"); Console.Title = "436"; Console.WriteLine("you're offline. just you and me i guess. my name is 436"); } } #endregion #region Who are you Stage Thread.Sleep(2000); Console.WriteLine("who are you?: "); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (input == "436") { Fail(); } if (input == "-DUMP") { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("FLAG DUMP:"); Console.WriteLine("hard mode: " + flag_hardmode); Console.WriteLine("hard mode caught: " + flag_hardmode_caught); Console.WriteLine("online mode: " + flag_online); Console.WriteLine("online mode caught: " + flag_online_caught); Console.ReadLine(); input = "debugger"; } Console.Write("hmmm. let me think about that."); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.Write("."); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.Write("."); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.Write("."); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.Write("."); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.Write("."); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.Write("."); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.Write("."); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine(". hmmm..."); Thread.Sleep(5000); Console.WriteLine("okay."); Thread.Sleep(3000); Console.WriteLine("after careful deliberation, i've decided."); Thread.Sleep(3000); Console.Write("i've decided that "); Thread.Sleep(3000); if (input == "436") { Console.WriteLine("YOU ARE NOT ME. DO NOT LIE NEXT TIME."); Thread.Sleep(1000); Fail(); } else if (input == "-DUMP") { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("FLAG DUMP:"); Console.WriteLine("hard mode: " + flag_hardmode); Console.WriteLine("hard mode caught: " + flag_hardmode_caught); Console.WriteLine("online mode: " + flag_online); Console.WriteLine("online mode caught: " + flag_online_caught); Console.ReadLine(); input = "debugger"; } else if (input == Environment.UserName) { Console.WriteLine("i like you."); Thread.Sleep(2000); Console.Title = "436 & " + input + "'s Adventures; COPYRIGHT DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE 2106"; Console.WriteLine("this can be our adventure."); Thread.Sleep(2000); Console.WriteLine("where are we going?"); Thread.Sleep(2000); Console.WriteLine("i dont know, dont ask questions, just go with it, this whole adventure."); Thread.Sleep(2000); Console.WriteLine("so let's get going."); Thread.Sleep(3000); Console.Clear(); } else { Console.WriteLine("YOU ARE NOT THEM. DO NOT LIE NEXT TIME."); Thread.Sleep(1000); Fail(); } #endregion // chapter 1 beginning Console.WriteLine("just walk through that door right there and we can get going."); goto startzork; #endregion #region Chapter I // literally zork murder your computer edition startzork: Locations.Set(Locations.CoolHouse); Items.Current.Add(Items.BagOfSprite, 3); demo: Console.WriteLine(Locations.Get().FriendlyName); Console.WriteLine(Locations.Get().ID); Console.WriteLine(Locations.Get().Description); Console.WriteLine("where to?: "); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (Locations.TryTravel(input)) { goto demo; } else if (input.ToUpper() == "CHECK INVENTORY" || input.ToUpper() == "INVENTORY") { foreach (Item i in Items.Current.Collection.Keys) { Console.WriteLine("ITEM: " + i.FriendlyName); Console.WriteLine("DESCRIPTION: " + i.Description); Console.WriteLine("QUANTITY: " + Items.Current.Collection[i]); Console.WriteLine(); } } else if (input.ToUpper() == "LOOK AROUND") { Console.WriteLine("you look around:"); foreach (Item i in Locations.Get().LocationInventory.Collection.Keys) { Console.WriteLine("you see a " + i.FriendlyName); Console.WriteLine("you can describe it as " + i.Description); Console.WriteLine(); } } else { // if this command translates to an already-defined action bool found = false; // temporary list since the collection gets modified when an action is found Item[] templist = Items.Current.Collection.Keys.ToArray(); foreach (Item i in templist) { if (i.DoAction(input, out GameAction triggered)) { found = true; Console.WriteLine(triggered.Response); } } // change templist to now search 'inventory' of location templist = Locations.Get().LocationInventory.Collection.Keys.ToArray(); foreach (Item i in templist) { if (i.DoAction(input, out GameAction triggered)) { found = true; Console.WriteLine(triggered.Response); } } // if no actions were possible, tell the user off if (!found) { Console.WriteLine("not possible here dumbfuck, or i made a coding mistake, in which case i am a dumbfuck"); } } goto demo; #endregion // fires at EOD Console.ReadLine(); }