コード例 #1
        internal static FB_ParticipantRemoved _parse(Session session, JToken data)
            (FB_User author, FB_Thread thread, long at) = FB_ParticipantRemoved._parse_metadata(session, data);
            var removed = new FB_User(data?.get("leftParticipantFbId")?.Value <string>(), session);

            return(new FB_ParticipantRemoved()
                author = author,
                thread = thread as FB_Group,
                removed = removed,
                at = at
コード例 #2
        internal static FB_ParticipantRemoved _from_fetch(FB_Thread thread, JToken data)
            (FB_User author, long at) = FB_ParticipantRemoved._parse_fetch(thread.session, data);
            var removed = new FB_User(data?.get("participants_removed")?.FirstOrDefault()?.get("id")?.Value <string>(), thread.session);

            return(new FB_ParticipantRemoved()
                author = author,
                thread = thread as FB_Group,
                removed = removed,
                at = at
コード例 #3
ファイル: Group.cs プロジェクト: xuan2261/fbchat-sharp
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove user from the group.
        /// If the group's approval mode is set to require admin approval, and you're not an
        /// admin, this will fail.
        /// Args:
        ///     user_id: User ID to remove
        /// Example:
        ///     >>> group.remove_participant("1234")
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user_id">User ID to remove</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <FB_ParticipantRemoved> removeParticipant(string user_id)
             * Removes users from a group.
             * :param user_id: User ID to remove
             * :raises: FBchatException if request failed
             * */
            var data = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "uid", user_id }, { "tid", this.uid }
            var j = await this.session._payload_post("/chat/remove_participants/", data);

            return(FB_ParticipantRemoved._from_send(thread: this, removed_id: user_id));
コード例 #4
        public static FB_Event parse_delta(Session session, JToken data)
            var class_ = data?.get("class")?.Value <string>();

            if (class_ == "ParticipantsAddedToGroupThread")
                return(FB_ParticipantsAdded._parse(session, data));
            else if (class_ == "ParticipantLeftGroupThread")
                return(FB_ParticipantRemoved._parse(session, data));
            else if (class_ == "MarkFolderSeen")
                // TODO: Finish this
                var folders = data.get("folders")?.Select(folder =>
                                                          folder?.Value <string>().Replace("FOLDER_", ""));
                var at = long.Parse(data?.get("timestamp")?.Value <string>());
            else if (class_ == "ThreadName")
                return(FB_TitleSet._parse(session, data));
            else if (class_ == "ForcedFetch")
                return(FB_UnfetchedThreadEvent._parse(session, data));
            else if (class_ == "DeliveryReceipt")
                return(FB_MessagesDelivered._parse(session, data));
            else if (class_ == "ReadReceipt")
                return(FB_ThreadsRead._parse_read_receipt(session, data));
            else if (class_ == "MarkRead")
                return(FB_ThreadsRead._parse(session, data));
            else if (class_ == "NoOp")
                // Skip "no operation" events
            else if (class_ == "ClientPayload")
                throw new FBchatParseError("This is implemented in `parse_events`");
            else if (class_ == "NewMessage")
                return(FB_MessageEvent._parse(session, data));
            else if (class_ == "ThreadFolder")
                return(FB_ThreadFolder._parse(session, data));
            return(new FB_UnknownEvent()
                source = "Delta class", data = data