public void undefineAssociationTest() { defineAssociationTest(); API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); string name = Constants.TestAssociationDefName; target.undefineAssociation(name); try { target.getAssociationDefinition(name); } catch (Utility.FacebookException e) { //If it's not there, the we've we've succesfully removed the assn. if (e.ErrorCode != 803) throw e; //Return since we've passed return; } Assert.Fail("An exception should have been caught since the assn should have been removed"); }
public void getAssociationDefinitionTest() { defineAssociationTest(); API parent = _api; data target = new data(parent); string name = Constants.TestAssociationDefName; var resp = target.getAssociationDefinition(name); //Doesn't work right now... parsing from FB doesn't work because we don't have the new XSD. //You can see the values in the untyped value. Assert.AreEqual(resp.assoc_info1.alias, Constants.TestAssociationDefAlias1); Assert.AreEqual(resp.assoc_info2.alias, Constants.TestAssociationDefAlias2); }