コード例 #1
        public void Remove(SceneUIElement element, bool bDestroy)
            LayoutItem item;
            bool       bFound = find_item(element, out item);

            if (bFound == false)
                throw new Exception("BoxModelLayoutEngine.Remove: element is not in layout");
            if (element is HUDStandardItem == false)
                throw new Exception("BoxModelLayoutEngine.Add: element must be a HUDStandardItem");


            // this will remove from cockpit after transition
            if ((item.flags & LayoutFlags.AnimatedDismiss) != 0)
                HUDUtil.AnimatedDimiss_Cockpit(element as HUDStandardItem, this.Cockpit, bDestroy);
                this.Cockpit.RemoveUIElement(element, bDestroy);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Show the Toast widget with an animated fade in. The widget will fade out
        /// after Duration seconds, unless the user hovers over it, in which case it
        /// will stay until they end the hover.
        /// </summary>
        public void Show(Cockpit cockpit, float fDuration, float fFadeInOut = 0.25f)
            AlphaFade = 0.0f;

            hovering  = false;
            disappear = false;

            // if this goes true, toast will begin animated-fade on next frame
            dismiss = false;

            // we register a basic animator that just watches for dismiss=true and
            // when that happens we fade out and remove the toast
                new GenericAnimatable(() => {
                if (dismiss)
                    HUDUtil.AnimatedDimiss_Cockpit(this, cockpit, (disappear) ? 0.001f : fFadeInOut);

            // timer event that is called after the initial duration, and then ever
            // couple hundred MS to check that hover ended.
            // This is called from a Timer, which runs in a separate thread, and hence
            // we cannot manipulate the scene in this function
            // TODO: couldn't we just do this in animator above??
            Action timer_elapsed = () => {
                if (hovering)
                    dismiss_timer.Interval = 300;
                    dismiss = true;

            // ok, this kicks everything off - we do animated transition to show ourself,
            // and then start a timer that waits the initial duration
            HUDUtil.AnimatedShow(this, fFadeInOut, () => {
                dismiss_timer          = new Timer(fDuration * 1000);
                dismiss_timer.Elapsed += (o, e) => {
                dismiss_timer.Enabled = true;