private void Scene_SelectionChangedEvent(object sender, EventArgs e) { FScene scene = Context.Scene; List <SceneObject> vSelected = new List <SceneObject>(); foreach (SceneObject tso in scene.Selected) { if (tso != null) { if (SelectionFilterF == null || SelectionFilterF(tso)) { vSelected.Add(tso); } } } if (vSelected.Count == 0 && activeGizmo != null) { // object de-selected, dismiss gizmo DismissActiveGizmo(); return; } if (activeGizmo != null && unordered_lists_equal(vSelected, activeGizmo.Targets) == false) { DismissActiveGizmo(); } if (vSelected.Count > 0) { Context.RegisterNextFrameAction(add_gizmo_next_frame); } //AddGizmo(vSelected); }
public SurfaceBrushTool(FScene scene, DMeshSO target) { this.scene = scene; = target; behaviors = new InputBehaviorSet(); // TODO is this where we should be doing this?? behaviors.Add( new SurfaceBrushTool_2DInputBehavior(this, scene.Context) { Priority = 5 }); if (FPlatform.IsUsingVR()) { behaviors.Add( new SurfaceBrushTool_SpatialBehavior(this, scene.Context) { Priority = 5 }); } // shut off transform gizmo scene.Context.TransformManager.PushOverrideGizmoType(TransformManager.NoGizmoType); Indicators = new ToolIndicatorSet(this, scene); }
public void ResetScenePosition(FScene scene) { scene.RootGameObject.transform.position =; Vector3 targetPos =; getCamera().SetTarget(targetPos); }
public void DoCameraControl(FScene scene, fCamera mainCamera, InputState input) { Vector2f mouseDelta = InputExtension.Get.Mouse.PositionDelta; Vector2f stick1 = InputExtension.Get.GamepadLeftStick.Position; Vector2f stick2 = InputExtension.Get.GamepadRightStick.Position; float dx = mouseDelta.x + stick1.x; float dy = mouseDelta.y + stick1.y; float dx2 = stick2.x; float dy2 = stick2.y; if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { mainCamera.Manipulator().SceneOrbit(scene, mainCamera, MouseOrbitSpeed * dx, MouseOrbitSpeed * dy); } else if (Input.GetMouseButton(1)) { mainCamera.Manipulator().SceneZoom(scene, mainCamera, -MouseZoomSpeed * dy); //mainCamera.Manipulator().ScenePan(scene, mainCamera, 0.05f * dx, 0); } else if (Input.GetMouseButton(2)) { mainCamera.Manipulator().ScenePan(scene, mainCamera, MousePanSpeed * dx, MousePanSpeed * dy); } else if (InputExtension.Get.GamepadRightShoulder.Down) { mainCamera.Manipulator().SceneZoom(scene, mainCamera, GamepadZoomSpeed * dy); mainCamera.Manipulator().ScenePan(scene, mainCamera, (-0.5f * GamepadPanSpeed * dx) + (-GamepadPanSpeed * dx2), -GamepadPanSpeed * dy2); } else if (InputExtension.Get.GamepadLeftShoulder.Down) { mainCamera.Manipulator().SceneOrbit(scene, mainCamera, GamepadOrbitSpeed * dx, GamepadOrbitSpeed * dy); mainCamera.Manipulator().ScenePan(scene, mainCamera, -GamepadPanSpeed * dx2, -GamepadPanSpeed * dy2); } }
public ITransformGizmo Build(FScene scene, List <TransformableSO> targets) { var g = new AxisTransformGizmo(); g.Create(scene, targets); return(g); }
void update_geometry(FScene s) { if (bUpdatePending == false && curve_timestamp == curve.Timestamp) { return; } if (curve.VertexCount < 2) { return; } update_vertices(s); int N = (curve.Closed) ? curve.VertexCount + 1 : curve.VertexCount; Vector3f[] vertices = new Vector3f[N]; for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { vertices[i] = (Vector3f)curve[i % curve.VertexCount]; } curveObject.SetVertices(vertices); float fWidth = VRUtil.EstimateStableCurveWidth(s, Frame3f.Identity, curve, SceneGraphConfig.DefaultSceneCurveVisualDegrees); if (fWidth > 0) { curveObject.SetLineWidth(fWidth); } bUpdatePending = false; curve_timestamp = curve.Timestamp; }
private void Scene_SelectionChangedEvent(object sender, EventArgs e) { FScene scene = SceneManager.Scene; List <TransformableSO> vSelected = new List <TransformableSO>(); foreach (SceneObject so in scene.Selected) { TransformableSO tso = so as TransformableSO; if (tso != null) { vSelected.Add(tso); } } if (vSelected.Count == 0 && activeGizmo != null) { // object de-selected, dismiss gizmo DismissActiveGizmo(); return; } if (activeGizmo != null && unordered_lists_equal(vSelected, activeGizmo.Targets) == false) { DismissActiveGizmo(); } if (vSelected.Count > 0) { AddGizmo(vSelected); } }
public DrawSpaceCurveTool(FScene scene, SceneObject target) { this.Scene = scene; = target; behaviors = new InputBehaviorSet(); // TODO is this where we should be doing this?? if (FPlatform.IsUsingVR()) { behaviors.Add( new DrawSpaceCurveTool_SpatialDeviceBehavior(this, scene.Context) { Priority = 5 }); } // shut off transform gizmo scene.Context.TransformManager.PushOverrideGizmoType(TransformManager.NoGizmoType); scene.SelectionChangedEvent += Scene_SelectionChangedEvent; // restore radius //if (SavedSettings.Restore("DrawSpaceCurveTool_width") != null) // width = (float)SavedSettings.Restore("DrawSpaceCurveTool_width"); }
public virtual ITool Build(FScene scene, List <SceneObject> targets) { DMeshSO target = targets[0] as DMeshSO; SurfaceBrushTool tool = new_tool(scene, target); tool.Radius = InitialRadius.Clone(); return(tool); }
public virtual SceneObject BuildPivot(FScene scene, TypedAttribSet attributes) { PivotSO so = new PivotSO(); so.Create(scene.PivotSOMaterial, scene.FrameSOMaterial); RestorePivotSOType(scene, attributes, so); return(so); }
public void SceneOrbitAround(FScene scene, Vector3f position, float deltaAzimuth, float deltaAltitude) { Vector3f targetPos = Camera.GetTarget(); Camera.SetTarget(position); SceneOrbit(scene, Camera, deltaAzimuth, deltaAltitude); Camera.SetTarget(targetPos); }
// restores scene values & cam target (but not cam position) public void SetCurrentSceneState(FScene scene, CameraState s) { scene.RootGameObject.SetPosition(s.scenePosition); scene.RootGameObject.SetRotation(s.sceneRotation); Camera.SetTarget(; turntableAzimuthD = s.turntableAzimuth; turntableAltitudeD = s.turntableAltitude; }
public void SceneTumbleAround(FScene scene, Vector3f position, float dx, float dy) { Vector3 targetPos = Camera.GetTarget(); Camera.SetTarget(position); SceneTumble(scene, Camera, dx, dy); Camera.SetTarget(targetPos); }
// restores scene values & cam target (but not cam position) public void SetCurrentSceneState(FScene scene, CameraState s) { scene.RootGameObject.transform.position = s.scenePosition; scene.RootGameObject.transform.rotation = s.sceneRotation; getCamera().SetTarget(; turntableAzimuth = s.turntableAzimuth; turntableAltitude = s.turntableAltitude; }
public virtual SceneObject BuildPolyCurveSO(FScene scene, TypedAttribSet attributes) { PolyCurveSO so = new PolyCurveSO(); so.Create(scene.DefaultSOMaterial); RestorePolyCurveSOType(scene, attributes, so); return(so); }
public ITransformGizmo Build(FScene scene, List <SceneObject> targets) { SurfaceConstrainedGizmo gizmo = gizmo_factory(); gizmo.WidgetScale = WidgetScale; gizmo.Create(scene, targets); return(gizmo); }
public FScene GetScene() { if (scene == null) { scene = new FScene(this); } return(scene); }
public void SceneOrbitAround(FScene scene, Vector3f position, float deltaAzimuth, float deltaAltitude) { Vector3 targetPos = getCamera().GetTarget(); getCamera().SetTarget(position); SceneOrbit(scene, getCamera(), deltaAzimuth, deltaAltitude); getCamera().SetTarget(targetPos); }
protected virtual SceneObject BuildSOFromType(string typeIdentifier, FScene scene, SceneSerializer serializer, TypedAttribSet attributes) { // restore custom type if client has registered a builder for it if (scene.TypeRegistry.ContainsType(typeIdentifier)) { SOBuildFunc buildFunc = scene.TypeRegistry.FindBuilder(typeIdentifier); if (buildFunc != null) { SceneObject so = buildFunc(this, scene, attributes); if (so != null) { return(so); } } } if (typeIdentifier == IOStrings.TypeCylinder) { return(BuildCylinder(scene, attributes)); } else if (typeIdentifier == IOStrings.TypeBox) { return(BuildBox(scene, attributes)); } else if (typeIdentifier == IOStrings.TypeSphere) { return(BuildSphere(scene, attributes)); } else if (typeIdentifier == IOStrings.TypePivot) { return(BuildPivot(scene, attributes)); } else if (typeIdentifier == IOStrings.TypeMeshReference) { return(BuildMeshReference(scene, serializer.TargetFilePath, attributes)); } else if (typeIdentifier == IOStrings.TypePolyCurve) { return(BuildPolyCurveSO(scene, attributes)); } else if (typeIdentifier == IOStrings.TypePolyTube) { return(BuildPolyTubeSO(scene, attributes)); } else if (typeIdentifier == IOStrings.TypeMesh) { return(BuildMeshSO(scene, attributes)); } else if (typeIdentifier == IOStrings.TypeDMesh) { return(BuildDMeshSO(scene, attributes)); } else { return(null); } }
// straight teleport: // camera points at hit point, we back off and set target at hit point static public void TeleportTowards(Camera camera, FScene scene, Vector3 targetPoint, float fPullback) { fPullback *= scene.GetSceneScale(); Vector3 vCurCamFW = camera.transform.forward; Vector3 vNewCamPos = targetPoint - fPullback * vCurCamFW; Vector3 vNewTargetPos = vNewCamPos + fPullback * vCurCamFW; camera.GetComponent <CameraAnimator>().Teleport(vNewCamPos, vNewTargetPos); }
public virtual void RestoreDMeshSO(FScene scene, TypedAttribSet attributes, DMeshSO so) { DMesh3 mesh = RestoreDMesh(attributes); so.Create(mesh, scene.DefaultSOMaterial); RestoreSOInfo(so, attributes); RestoreTransform(so, attributes); RestoreMaterial(so, attributes); }
public static float DefaultHeightInM = 1.6f; // 1.6m ~= 5.5 feet // straight teleport: // camera points at hit point, we back off and set target at hit point static public void TeleportTowards(fCamera camera, FScene scene, Vector3f targetPoint, float fPullback) { fPullback *= scene.GetSceneScale(); Vector3f vCurCamFW = camera.GetWorldFrame().Z; Vector3f vNewCamPos = targetPoint - fPullback * vCurCamFW; Vector3f vNewTargetPos = vNewCamPos + fPullback * vCurCamFW; camera.Animator().Teleport(vNewCamPos, vNewTargetPos); }
public void SceneRotateAround(FScene scene, Quaternionf rotation, Vector3f position) { Frame3f curF = scene.RootGameObject.GetWorldFrame(); curF.RotateAround(position, rotation); scene.RootGameObject.SetPosition(curF.Origin); scene.RootGameObject.SetRotation(curF.Rotation); }
public ITool Build(FScene scene, List <SceneObject> targets) { return(new SculptCurveTool(scene, targets) { Radius = InitialRadius.Clone(), SmoothAlpha = this.SmoothAlpha, SmoothIterations = this.SmoothIterations, }); }
public IndicatorSet(FScene scene) { Scene = scene; preRender = new PreRenderHelper("indicators_helper") { PreRenderF = () => { this.PreRender(); } }; scene.AddUIElement(preRender); }
public virtual SceneObject BuildPivot(FScene scene, TypedAttribSet attributes) { PivotSO so = new PivotSO(); so.Create(scene.PivotSOMaterial, scene.FrameMaterial); safe_set_property_s(attributes, IOStrings.ASOName, (s) => { so.Name = s; }); RestoreTransform(so, attributes); RestoreMaterial(so, attributes); return(so); }
public static void AnimatedDimiss_Scene(HUDStandardItem hudItem, FScene scene, bool bDestroy, float fDuration = 0.25f) { AnimatedDismissHUDItem anim = hudItem.RootGameObject.AddComponent <AnimatedDismissHUDItem>(); anim.CompleteCallback += () => { anim.HUDItem.ClearGameObjects(false); scene.RemoveUIElement(anim.HUDItem, bDestroy); }; anim.Play(hudItem, fDuration); }
public ITool Build(FScene scene, List <SceneObject> targets) { CurveSelectFacesTool tool = build_tool(scene, targets[0] as DMeshSO); tool.OnStrokeCompletedF = this.OnStrokeCompletedF; tool.OnApplyF = this.OnApplyF; tool.LineWidth = DefaultLineWidth; tool.LineColor = DefaultLineColor; return(tool); }
// level teleport: // first we level the scene (ie scene up is y axis), then camera points // at ray hit point, pulled back along cam direction projected into xz plane static public void TeleportTowards_Level(Camera camera, FScene scene, Vector3 targetPoint, float fPullback) { fPullback *= scene.GetSceneScale(); Vector3 vCurCamFW = camera.transform.forward; Vector3 vCurCamFWXZ = new Vector3(vCurCamFW[0], 0.0f, vCurCamFW[2]).normalized; Vector3 vNewCamPos = targetPoint - fPullback * vCurCamFWXZ; Vector3 vNewTargetPos = vNewCamPos + fPullback * vCurCamFWXZ; camera.GetComponent <CameraAnimator>().Teleport_Level(vNewCamPos, vNewTargetPos); }
// level teleport: // first we level the scene (ie scene up is y axis), then camera points // at ray hit point, pulled back along cam direction projected into xz plane static public void TeleportTowards_Level(fCamera camera, FScene scene, Vector3f targetPoint, float fPullback) { fPullback *= scene.GetSceneScale(); Vector3f vCurCamFW = camera.GetWorldFrame().Z; Vector3f vCurCamFWXZ = new Vector3f(vCurCamFW[0], 0.0f, vCurCamFW[2]).Normalized; Vector3f vNewCamPos = targetPoint - fPullback * vCurCamFWXZ; Vector3f vNewTargetPos = vNewCamPos + fPullback * vCurCamFWXZ; camera.Animator().Teleport_Level(vNewCamPos, vNewTargetPos); }