public FScene(FContext context) { this.context = context; history = new ChangeHistory(); TypeRegistry = new SORegistry(); vObjects = new List <SceneObject> (); vSelected = new List <SceneObject> (); vUIElements = new List <SceneUIElement> (); vBoundsObjects = new List <GameObject> (); ObjectAnimator = new GenericAnimator(); sceneRoot = new GameObject("Scene"); // for animation playbacks sceneRoot.AddComponent <SceneAnimator>().Scene = this; sceneRoot.AddComponent <UnityPerFrameAnimationBehavior>().Animator = ObjectAnimator; scene_objects = new GameObject("scene_objects"); UnityUtil.AddChild(sceneRoot, scene_objects, false); deleted_objects = new GameObject("deleted_objects"); UnityUtil.AddChild(sceneRoot, deleted_objects, false); vDeleted = new List <SceneObject>(); // initialize materials DefaultSOMaterial = new SOMaterial() { Name = "DefaultSO", Type = SOMaterial.MaterialType.StandardRGBColor, RGBColor = ColorUtil.StandardBeige }; DefaultCurveSOMaterial = new SOMaterial() { Name = "DefaultCurveSO", Type = SOMaterial.MaterialType.UnlitRGBColor, RGBColor = Colorf.DarkSlateGrey }; DefaultMeshSOMaterial = new SOMaterial() { Name = "DefaultMeshSO", Type = SOMaterial.MaterialType.PerVertexColor, RGBColor = Colorf.White }; NewSOMaterial = new SOMaterial() { Name = "NewSO", Type = SOMaterial.MaterialType.StandardRGBColor, RGBColor = Colorf.CornflowerBlue }; TransparentNewSOMaterial = new SOMaterial() { Name = "NewSO", Type = SOMaterial.MaterialType.TransparentRGBColor, RGBColor = new Colorf(Colorf.CornflowerBlue, 0.5f) }; PivotSOMaterial = new SOMaterial() { Name = "PivotSO", Type = SOMaterial.MaterialType.TransparentRGBColor, RGBColor = ColorUtil.PivotYellow.SetAlpha(0.75f) }; FrameSOMaterial = new SOMaterial() { Name = "PivotFrame", Type = SOMaterial.MaterialType.StandardRGBColor, RGBColor = ColorUtil.DarkGrey }; SelectedMaterial = MaterialUtil.CreateStandardMaterial(ColorUtil.SelectionGold); FrameMaterial = MaterialUtil.CreateStandardMaterial(ColorUtil.DarkGrey); PivotMaterial = MaterialUtil.ToUnityMaterial(PivotSOMaterial); defaultPrimitiveType = SOTypes.Cylinder; }
public void Initialize_MouseGamepad(FContext s) { // [RMS] cannot differentiate these right now... eDevice = InputDevice.Mouse | InputDevice.Gamepad; bShiftKeyDown = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift); bCtrlKeyDown = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl); bCmdKeyDown = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftCommand) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightCommand); bAltKeyDown = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftAlt) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftAlt); bLeftMousePressed = Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0); bLeftMouseDown = Input.GetMouseButton(0); bLeftMouseReleased = Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0); bMiddleMousePressed = Input.GetMouseButtonDown(2); bMiddleMouseDown = Input.GetMouseButton(2); bMiddleMouseReleased = Input.GetMouseButtonUp(2); bRightMousePressed = Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1); bRightMouseDown = Input.GetMouseButton(1); bRightMouseReleased = Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1); fMouseWheel = InputExtension.Get.Mouse.WheelDelta; vMouseDelta2D = InputExtension.Get.Mouse.PositionDelta; vMousePosition2D = InputExtension.Get.Mouse.Position; vMouseWorldRay = s.MouseController.CurrentCursorWorldRay(); if (s.Use2DCockpit) { vMouseOrthoWorldRay = s.MouseController.CurrentCursorOrthoRay(); } bLeftTriggerPressed = InputExtension.Get.GamepadLeft.Pressed; bLeftTriggerDown = InputExtension.Get.GamepadLeft.Down; bLeftTriggerReleased = InputExtension.Get.GamepadLeft.Released; bRightTriggerPressed = InputExtension.Get.GamepadRight.Pressed; bRightTriggerDown = InputExtension.Get.GamepadRight.Down; bRightTriggerReleased = InputExtension.Get.GamepadRight.Released; bAButtonPressed = InputExtension.Get.GamepadA.Pressed; bAButtonDown = InputExtension.Get.GamepadA.Down; bAButtonReleased = InputExtension.Get.GamepadA.Released; bBButtonPressed = InputExtension.Get.GamepadB.Pressed; bBButtonDown = InputExtension.Get.GamepadB.Down; bBButtonReleased = InputExtension.Get.GamepadB.Released; bXButtonPressed = InputExtension.Get.GamepadX.Pressed; bXButtonDown = InputExtension.Get.GamepadX.Down; bXButtonReleased = InputExtension.Get.GamepadX.Released; bYButtonPressed = InputExtension.Get.GamepadY.Pressed; bYButtonDown = InputExtension.Get.GamepadY.Down; bYButtonReleased = InputExtension.Get.GamepadY.Released; vLeftStickDelta2D = InputExtension.Get.GamepadLeftStick.Position; vRightStickDelta2D = InputExtension.Get.GamepadRightStick.Position; // [RMS] assuming that left joystick/mouse are the same cursor pos... vGamepadWorldRay = vMouseWorldRay; }
public Touch2DCockpitUIBehavior(FContext scene) { this.scene = scene; pCapturing = null; Priority = 0; }
public UndoShortcutBehavior(FContext context) { this.context = context; Priority = 10; }
// Use this for initialization public void Initialize(FContext controller) { this.controller = controller; // find main camera GameObject[] mainCameras = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MainCamera"); if (mainCameras.Length == 0) { throw new MissingComponentException("CameraTracking.Initialize: could not find camera with tag MainCamera"); } var mainCameraObj = mainCameras[0]; if (mainCameras.Length > 1) { DebugUtil.Log(2, "CameraTracking.Initialize: there are multiple objects with tag MainCamera. Using the one named " + mainCameraObj.GetName()); } mainCamera = new fCamera(mainCameraObj.GetComponent <Camera> () as Camera); // on Vive the MainCamera will have some child cameras that are a problem, // so get rid of them if (gs.VRPlatform.CurrentVRDevice == gs.VRPlatform.Device.HTCVive) { List <GameObject> children = new List <GameObject>(mainCameraObj.Children()); foreach (var child in children) { mainCameraObj.RemoveChild(child); child.Destroy(); } } is_orthographic_view = mainCamera.IsOrthographic; List <Camera> newCameras = new List <Camera>(); Vector3f mainPos = mainCamera.GetPosition(); Quaternionf mainRot = mainCamera.GetRotation(); // create camera for 3D widgets layer widgetCamera = new fCamera(Camera.Instantiate((Camera)mainCamera, mainPos, mainRot)); widgetCamera.SetName("WidgetCamera"); newCameras.Add(widgetCamera); // create camera for HUD layer hudCamera = new fCamera(Camera.Instantiate((Camera)mainCamera, mainPos, mainRot)); hudCamera.SetName("HUDCamera"); newCameras.Add(hudCamera); // create camera for UI uiCamera = new fCamera(Camera.Instantiate((Camera)mainCamera, mainPos, mainRot)); uiCamera.SetName("UICamera"); ((Camera)uiCamera).orthographic = true; ((Camera)uiCamera).orthographicSize = 0.5f; newCameras.Add(uiCamera); // create camera for cursor cursorCamera = new fCamera(Camera.Instantiate((Camera)mainCamera, mainPos, mainRot)); cursorCamera.SetName("CursorCamera"); newCameras.Add(cursorCamera); // configure these cameras // - must disable audio listener if it exists // - do depth clear so we can draw on top of other layers foreach (Camera cam in newCameras) { AudioListener listener = cam.GetComponent <AudioListener>(); if (listener != null) { listener.enabled = false; } cam.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Depth; cam.tag = "Untagged"; } // set up camera masks // this camera only renders 3DWidgetOverlay layer, and mainCam does not! int nWidgetLayer = FPlatform.WidgetOverlayLayer; int nHUDLayer = FPlatform.HUDLayer; int nUILayer = FPlatform.UILayer; int nCursorLayer = FPlatform.CursorLayer; ((Camera)widgetCamera).cullingMask = (1 << nWidgetLayer); ((Camera)hudCamera).cullingMask = (1 << nHUDLayer); ((Camera)uiCamera).cullingMask = (1 << nUILayer); ((Camera)cursorCamera).cullingMask = (1 << nCursorLayer); ((Camera)mainCamera).cullingMask &= ~(1 << nWidgetLayer); ((Camera)mainCamera).cullingMask &= ~(1 << nHUDLayer); ((Camera)mainCamera).cullingMask &= ~(1 << nUILayer); ((Camera)mainCamera).cullingMask &= ~(1 << nCursorLayer); // attach camera animation object to main camera CameraAnimator anim = mainCamera.AddComponent <CameraAnimator>(); anim.UseCamera = mainCamera; anim.UseScene = this.controller.Scene; // add target point to camera CameraTarget target = mainCamera.AddComponent <CameraTarget>(); target.TargetPoint = new Vector3f(0.0f, mainCamera.GetPosition().y, 0.0f); target.context = this.controller; // add camera manipulator to camera // TODO: this does not need to be a monobehavior... var manipulator = mainCamera.AddComponent <CameraManipulator>(); manipulator.Camera = mainCamera; // initialize FPlatform FPlatform.MainCamera = mainCamera; FPlatform.WidgetCamera = widgetCamera; FPlatform.HUDCamera = hudCamera; FPlatform.OrthoUICamera = uiCamera; FPlatform.CursorCamera = cursorCamera; }
public MouseViewRotateBehavior(FContext context) { this.Context = context; }
public FileBrowserTextFieldKeyHandler(FContext c, HUDTextEntry entry) { controller = c; entryField = entry; }
public MouseMultiSelectBehavior(FContext scene) { this.scene = scene; Priority = 10; }
public DrawPrimitivesTool_MouseBehavior(FContext s) { context = s; }
public BaseSurfacePointTool_2DBehavior(FContext s, Func <SceneObject, bool> filterF) { context = s; ObjectFilterF = filterF; }
public DrawPrimitivesTool_SpatialDeviceBehavior(FContext s) { context = s; }
public void Initialize(FContext manager) { SceneManager = manager; //SceneManager.Scene.SelectionChangedEvent += Scene_SelectionChangedEvent; }
public GamepadDeselectBehavior(FContext scene) { this.scene = scene; Priority = 1000; }
public void Initialize_SpatialController(FContext s) { eDevice = (VRPlatform.CurrentVRDevice == VRPlatform.Device.HTCVive) ? InputDevice.HTCViveWands : InputDevice.OculusTouch; // would we ever get this far if controller was not tracked? bLeftControllerActive = VRPlatform.IsLeftControllerTracked; bRightControllerActive = VRPlatform.IsRightControllerTracked; bLeftTriggerPressed = InputExtension.Get.SpatialLeftTrigger.Pressed; bLeftTriggerDown = InputExtension.Get.SpatialLeftTrigger.Down; bLeftTriggerReleased = InputExtension.Get.SpatialLeftTrigger.Released; bRightTriggerPressed = InputExtension.Get.SpatialRightTrigger.Pressed; bRightTriggerDown = InputExtension.Get.SpatialRightTrigger.Down; bRightTriggerReleased = InputExtension.Get.SpatialRightTrigger.Released; bLeftShoulderPressed = InputExtension.Get.SpatialLeftShoulder.Pressed; bLeftShoulderDown = InputExtension.Get.SpatialLeftShoulder.Down; bLeftShoulderReleased = InputExtension.Get.SpatialLeftShoulder.Released; bRightShoulderPressed = InputExtension.Get.SpatialRightShoulder.Pressed; bRightShoulderDown = InputExtension.Get.SpatialRightShoulder.Down; bRightShoulderReleased = InputExtension.Get.SpatialRightShoulder.Released; bLeftStickPressed = VRPlatform.LeftStickPressed; bLeftStickDown = VRPlatform.LeftStickDown; bLeftStickReleased = VRPlatform.LeftStickReleased; bLeftStickTouching = VRPlatform.LeftStickTouching; bRightStickPressed = VRPlatform.RightStickPressed; bRightStickDown = VRPlatform.RightStickDown; bRightStickReleased = VRPlatform.RightStickReleased; bRightStickTouching = VRPlatform.RightStickTouching; // [TODO] emulate these buttons w/ vive touchpad locations? bAButtonPressed = VRPlatform.AButtonPressed; bAButtonDown = VRPlatform.AButtonDown; bAButtonReleased = VRPlatform.AButtonReleased; bBButtonPressed = VRPlatform.BButtonPressed; bBButtonDown = VRPlatform.BButtonDown; bBButtonReleased = VRPlatform.BButtonReleased; bXButtonPressed = VRPlatform.XButtonPressed; bXButtonDown = VRPlatform.XButtonDown; bXButtonReleased = VRPlatform.XButtonReleased; bYButtonPressed = VRPlatform.YButtonPressed; bYButtonDown = VRPlatform.YButtonDown; bYButtonReleased = VRPlatform.YButtonReleased; bLeftMenuButtonPressed = VRPlatform.LeftMenuButtonPressed; bLeftMenuButtonDown = VRPlatform.LeftMenuButtonDown; bLeftMenuButtonReleased = VRPlatform.LeftMenuButtonReleased; bRightMenuButtonPressed = VRPlatform.RightMenuButtonPressed; bRightMenuButtonDown = VRPlatform.RightMenuButtonDown; bRightMenuButtonReleased = VRPlatform.RightMenuButtonReleased; vLeftStickDelta2D = VRPlatform.LeftStickPosition; vRightStickDelta2D = VRPlatform.RightStickPosition; // [RMS] bit of a hack here, if controller is not active then ray is 0/0, and // that causes lots of exceptions elsewhere! So we return a default ray pointing // straight up, but hopefully clients are checking active flag and will ignore it... vLeftSpatialWorldRay = (bLeftControllerActive) ? s.SpatialController.Left.CursorRay : new Ray(Vector3f.Zero, Vector3f.AxisY); vRightSpatialWorldRay = (bRightControllerActive) ? s.SpatialController.Right.CursorRay : new Ray(Vector3f.Zero, Vector3f.AxisY); LeftHandFrame = s.SpatialController.Left.SmoothedHandFrame; RightHandFrame = s.SpatialController.Right.SmoothedHandFrame; }
public BaseSingleClickTool_2DBehavior(FContext s, Func <SceneObject, bool> filterF) { context = s; ObjectFilterF = filterF; }
// Use this for initialization public void Start(SceneOptions options) { this.options = options; DebugUtil.LogLevel = options.LogLevel; FPlatform.InitializeMainThreadID(); // initialize VR platform if VR is active if (gs.VRPlatform.VREnabled) { if (options.Use2DCockpit) { throw new Exception("FContext.Start: cannot use 2D Orthographic Cockpit with VR!"); } if (options.SpatialCameraRig != null) { gs.VRPlatform.Initialize(options.SpatialCameraRig); } } InputExtension.Get.Start(); nextFrameActions = new ActionSet(); // intialize camera stuff camTracker = new CameraTracking(); camTracker.Initialize(this); GetScene(); if (options.SceneInitializer != null) { options.SceneInitializer.Initialize(GetScene()); } if (options.DefaultGizmoBuilder != null) { transformManager = new TransformManager(options.DefaultGizmoBuilder); } else { transformManager = new TransformManager(new AxisTransformGizmoBuilder()); } if (options.EnableTransforms) { transformManager.Initialize(this); } toolManager = new ToolManager(); toolManager.Initialize(this); toolManager.OnToolActivationChanged += OnToolActivationChanged; MouseController.Start(); SpatialController.Start(); // [RMS] hardcode starting cam target point to origin ActiveCamera.SetTarget(Vector3f.Zero); if (options.MouseCameraControls != null) { MouseCameraController = options.MouseCameraControls; } // apply initial transformation to scene ActiveCamera.Manipulator().SceneTranslate(Scene, SceneGraphConfig.InitialSceneTranslate, true); // create behavior sets inputBehaviors = new InputBehaviorSet(); overrideBehaviors = new InputBehaviorSet(); // cockpit needs to go last because UI setup may depend on above cockpitStack = new Stack <Cockpit>(); if (options.EnableCockpit) { PushCockpit(options.CockpitInitializer); } captureMouse = null; captureTouch = null; captureLeft = captureRight = null; bInCameraControl = false; // [RMS] this locks cursor to game unless user presses escape or exits if (FPlatform.IsUsingVR() || options.UseSystemMouseCursor == false) { Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked; } // set hacky hackenstein global ActiveContext_HACK = this; startup_checks(); }
public void Initialize(FContext manager) { Context = manager; Context.Scene.SelectionChangedEvent += Scene_SelectionChangedEvent; }
public CurveSelectFacesTool_2DBehavior(CurveSelectFacesTool tool, FContext context) { Tool = tool; Context = context; }
public SurfaceBrushTool_SpatialBehavior(SurfaceBrushTool tool, FContext s) { context = s; this.tool = tool; }
public SpatialInputController(GameObject spatialCamRig, Camera viewCam, FContext context) { this.spatialCamRig = spatialCamRig; = viewCam; this.context = context; }
public SurfaceBrushTool_2DInputBehavior(SurfaceBrushTool tool, FContext s) { this.tool = tool; context = s; }
public MouseViewPanBehavior(FContext context) { this.Context = context; }
//SceneController controller; public SplashScreenKeyHandler(FContext c) { //controller = c; }
public SpatialDeviceMultiSelectBehavior(FContext scene) { this.scene = scene; Priority = 10; }
public MouseDeselectBehavior(FContext scene) { this.scene = scene; Priority = 1000; }
public VRSpatialDeviceUIBehavior(FContext scene) { this.scene = scene; Priority = 0; }
public TouchMouseCursorController(FContext context) { this.context = context; }