コード例 #1
    public static void ResultSetCapture 
       (SqlString Command, 
        SqlString rsTable1, SqlString rsColumnList1, 
        SqlString rsTable2, SqlString rsColumnList2
        // Storage for the parameters: 
        CommandCall cmd = new CommandCall();

        // the command to execute
        cmd.Command = Command.ToString();

        // the tables to hold the result sets produced
        cmd.rsTable = new List<ResultTables>();

        // rsTableN where N = result set sequence number
        // rsColumnList is the list of columns to capture * = All
        if ( rsTable1.ToString() != "")
            cmd.rsTable.Add(new ResultTables { resultSetSeq = 1, tableName = rsTable1.ToString(), columnList = rsColumnList1.ToString().ToLower() });
        if  ( rsTable2.ToString() != "" )
            cmd.rsTable.Add(new ResultTables { resultSetSeq = 2, tableName = rsTable2.ToString(), columnList = rsColumnList2.ToString().ToLower() });

        // Execute & Save results to a dataSet
        DataSet CommnandResults = CommandCallUtilities.ExecCommand(cmd);

        DataSet dsTargetTablesOut = CommandCallUtilities.getTargetTableMetaData(cmd);

        // Build a dataset with the output tables
        DataSet dsResultSetSchema = CommandCallUtilities.getResultSetMetaData(cmd);

        // Use the columnList choose the columns and meta data from the result set
        // and then add any columns that are missing to the target table

        // Map the columns of the result set to the columns of the output table; 
        bool result = CommandCallUtilities.mapResultsToOutputTables(CommnandResults, dsTargetTablesOut, dsResultSetSchema, cmd);

コード例 #2
        // map matching column names between the results table and the target table
        internal static bool mapResultsToOutputTables(DataSet CommnandResults, DataSet dsTargetTableOut, DataSet dsResultSetSchema, CommandCall CallRequest)
            // loop through result set tables; find matching columns and write out the results
            DataTable dtResultsTable = new DataTable();
            DataTable dtOuptutTable = new DataTable();
            List<string> matchedColumns = new List<string>();
            List<ColumnRef> crSelectedCoulmns = GetTargetColumns("");
            string sqlInsert = "";
            var sqlValues = "";
            string sqlCommandText = "";

            int dtIdx = 0;
            // Check how many we have of each; not enough output tables means nothing written to it
            int resultTableCount = CommnandResults.Tables.Count;
            int targetTableCount = dsResultSetSchema.Tables.Count;

            // no results, we're done
            if (resultTableCount == 0) return true;

            // no target tables, we're done
            if (targetTableCount == 0) return true;

            // resultToTargetMap let's us map a specific result set to a target table
            int resultToTargetMap;
            string tblName;
            string csvColList;

            // as long as we have another result set and target table, keep looping
            while(dtIdx <= targetTableCount -1 )
                // get the output table name and find it in the target table list; get the resultSetSeq number
                tblName = dsResultSetSchema.Tables[dtIdx].TableName;

                resultToTargetMap = CallRequest.rsTable.Find(m => m.tableName == tblName).resultSetSeq -1;

                csvColList = CallRequest.rsTable.Find(m => m.tableName == tblName).columnList;

                // call function to get a list of the matching columns if a mapping exists
                if(resultToTargetMap > -1)
                    matchedColumns = FindMatchingColumns(CommnandResults.Tables[resultToTargetMap], dsTargetTableOut.Tables[dtIdx], dsResultSetSchema.Tables[dtIdx], csvColList);
                // use the matching column list to build and execute an insert; loop through all rows
                if (matchedColumns.Count > 0)
                    // We have matching columns:
                    // Build the insert statement with the column names from the matched columns
                    sqlInsert = "INSERT " + dsResultSetSchema.Tables[dtIdx].TableName + " (";

                    // Add the columns to be inserted
                    foreach(string m in matchedColumns)
                        sqlInsert += m + ", ";

                    // Remove the trailing comma and space(do we need to remove the space?)
                    sqlInsert = sqlInsert.TrimEnd(',', ' ');

                    // add the closing parenthesis
                    sqlInsert += ") ";

                    // get the connection string
                    string connectionString = getConnectionString();

                    LogMessage(""); // create a line break

                    // for each row in the result set, build the VALUES clause and execute the INSERT
                    using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                        SqlCommand tsqlWrite = new SqlCommand("", conn);
                        int rowCount;
                        bool mRow;
                        System.Type dc;
                        string colValue;
                        byte[] ba;

                        foreach (DataRow r in CommnandResults.Tables[resultToTargetMap].Rows)
                            // Add the VALUES clause
                            sqlValues = " VALUES ( ";
                            // get the data from the columns
                            foreach (string m in matchedColumns)
                                //quoteName = true; //quote every thing 

                                mRow = DBNull.Value.Equals(r[m]);
                                dc = r[m].GetType();
                                switch (dc.Name.ToLower())
                                    case "byte[]":
                                        ba = (byte[])r[m];
                                        colValue = BitConverter.ToString(ba);
                                        colValue = "0x" + colValue.Replace("-","") + ",";
                                    case "boolean":
                                        if(r[m].ToString() == "True")
                                            colValue = "1,";
                                            colValue = "0,";
                                        colValue = "N'" + r[m].ToString().Replace("'","''") + "', ";

                                if (DBNull.Value.Equals(r[m]))
                                    sqlValues +=  "NULL, ";
                                    sqlValues += colValue;

                            //strip out the remnants
                            sqlValues = sqlValues.TrimEnd(',', ' ');

                            // add the closing parenthesis
                            sqlValues += ") ";

                            // Form the full INSERT statement
                            sqlCommandText = sqlInsert + sqlValues;

                            LogMessage("Command: " + sqlInsert + sqlValues);

                            // Prepare command
                            tsqlWrite.CommandText = sqlCommandText;
                            tsqlWrite.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                            // Execute the insert
                            rowCount = tsqlWrite.ExecuteNonQuery();

            return true;
コード例 #3
        // Returns dataset with meta data of the target tables
        internal static DataSet getTargetTableMetaData(CommandCall cmd)
            DataSet dsTargets = new DataSet();
            DataTable dtTarget = new DataTable();
            string queryStr;
            string connectionString = getConnectionString();

            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))

                foreach (ResultTables tgt in cmd.rsTable)
                    // ** Should be a Try Catch block here ************

                    queryStr = "SELECT * FROM " + tgt.tableName + " WHERE 1 = 0";
                    SqlDataAdapter daTgtTable = new SqlDataAdapter(queryStr, conn);
                    daTgtTable.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                    daTgtTable.Fill(dsTargets, tgt.tableName);



            return dsTargets;
コード例 #4
        // Returns a DataSet with meta data of the result sets
        internal static DataSet getResultSetMetaData(CommandCall CallRequest)
            DataSet dsResultSetSchema = new DataSet();
            DataTable schemaTable = new DataTable();
            DataTable resultSetTable = new DataTable();
            string connectionString = getConnectionString();

            // Get Schema Table for the result sets
            SqlDataReader SqlDr;
            SqlCommand SqlCmd;

            //int rowCount;
            int tblCount = 0;
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))

                SqlCmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                SqlCmd.CommandText = CallRequest.Command; 

                SqlDr = SqlCmd.ExecuteReader();
                tblCount = 0;
                // for each result table in SqlDataReader:
                while (SqlDr.HasRows)
                    schemaTable = SqlDr.GetSchemaTable();
                    schemaTable.TableName = CallRequest.rsTable[tblCount].tableName;
                    // capture the result set table here?

                    tblCount += 1;


            return dsResultSetSchema;
コード例 #5
        // Execute the SQL command, Return a DataSet with the result set(s)
        internal static DataSet ExecCommand(CommandCall cmd)
            DataSet dsResults = new DataSet();
            string connectionString = getConnectionString();

            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))

                SqlDataAdapter daExecCommand = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd.Command, conn);
                daExecCommand.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                int rc = daExecCommand.Fill(dsResults);
                LogMessage("ExecCommand result = " + rc.ToString());


            return dsResults;