コード例 #1
            public void ModifyWithOverlapSetsDtoCorrectly()
                // Arrange
                IPeriodManager managerMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IPeriodManager>();
                Period mockPeriod = new Period
                    PricingPeriodError = PricingPeriodError.SeasonOverSeason,
                    PeriodDateRanges = new List<PeriodDateRange>
                        new PeriodDateRange
                            PricingPeriodError = PricingPeriodError.SeasonOverSeason

                managerMock.Expect(pm => pm.ModifyPeriod(Arg<Period>.Matches(p => p.PeriodType.PeriodTypeEnum == PeriodTypeEnum.Season), Arg<string>.Is.Equal(ENGLISH_CULTURE))).Return(mockPeriod);

                // Stub the BusinessCache to be used by our service method

                // invalidate the cache so we make sure our business is loaded into the cache

                PropertyManagementSystemService.PeriodManager = managerMock;

                // Act
                PeriodDto resultPeriodDto = PropertyManagementSystemService.ModifySeason(VALID_BUSINESS_ID, new PeriodDto { BusinessId = VALID_BUSINESS_ID }, ENGLISH_CULTURE);

                // Assert
                Assert.IsNotNull(resultPeriodDto, "Period Dto should not be null");
                Assert.AreEqual(PricingPeriodErrorDto.SeasonOverSeason, resultPeriodDto.PricingPeriodError.Value, "Overlap error didn't get mapped correctly");

コード例 #2
ファイル: PeriodManager.cs プロジェクト: ognjenm/egle
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if date ranges for a given period have overlap with others of the same type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="period">period to check</param>
        /// <returns>true if they overlap</returns>
        private bool DoDateRangesOverlap(Period period)
            foreach (PeriodDateRange periodDateRange in period.PeriodDateRanges)
                if (periodDateRangeDao.IsDateRangeForPeriodTypeOverlapping(period.PeriodType.PeriodTypeEnum,
                                                                           period.BusinessId, periodDateRange))
                    periodDateRange.PricingPeriodError = GetOverlapError(period.PeriodType.PeriodTypeEnum);
                    period.PricingPeriodError = periodDateRange.PricingPeriodError;

                    // return with overlap error recorded in object
                    return true;

            return false;
コード例 #3
ファイル: PeriodManager.cs プロジェクト: ognjenm/egle
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate the date ranges and period for modify/create
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="period">period to check</param>
        /// <param name="cultureCode">culture</param>
        /// <param name="isCreate">true if it is a create</param>
        private void ValidatePeriod(Period period, string cultureCode, bool isCreate)
            string callMethod = isCreate ? "PeriodManager.CreatePeriod" : "PeriodManager.ModifyPeriod";

            if (!period.IsValid())
                //Throw validation exception here SRVEX30082
                throw new ValidationException(ErrorFactory.CreateAndLogError(Errors.SRVEX30082, callMethod,
                    additionalDescriptionParameters: (new object[] { period }), arguments: new object[] { period, cultureCode }));

            if (period.PeriodDateRanges.Exists(pdr => pdr.IsValid() == false))
                PeriodDateRange invalidPeriodDateRange = period.PeriodDateRanges.First(pdr => pdr.IsValid() == false);

                // more than 365 day exception here
                if ((invalidPeriodDateRange.EndDate - invalidPeriodDateRange.StartDate).Days > 365)
                    // throw exception for a bad date range
                    throw new ValidationException(ErrorFactory.CreateAndLogError(Errors.SRVEX30029, callMethod,
                        additionalDescriptionParameters: (new object[] { invalidPeriodDateRange.StartDate, invalidPeriodDateRange.EndDate }), arguments: new object[] { period, cultureCode }));
                    // throw exception for a bad date range
                    throw new ValidationException(ErrorFactory.CreateAndLogError(Errors.SRVEX30002, callMethod,
                        additionalDescriptionParameters: (new object[] { invalidPeriodDateRange.StartDate, invalidPeriodDateRange.EndDate }), arguments: new object[] { period, cultureCode }));
コード例 #4
ファイル: PeriodManager.cs プロジェクト: ognjenm/egle
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a period
        /// Assumes that if period id is filled in then it is adding a date range
        /// Otherwise creates full new period
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="period">Period to create</param>
        /// <param name="cultureCode">culture for translation</param>
        /// <returns>Period with id filled in</returns>
        public Period CreatePeriod(Period period, string cultureCode)
            ValidatePeriod(period, cultureCode, true);

            // check for duplicate name only when creating new period
            if (period.Id == default(int) &&
                periodDao.DoesPeriodNameAlreadyExist(period.BusinessId, period.Name))
                // set error code
                period.PricingPeriodError = PricingPeriodError.DuplicateName;
                return period;

            // check for any overlaps
            if (DoDateRangesOverlap(period))
                return period;

            string reference = string.Empty;
            bool isModify = false;

            using (var bex = new BusinessTransaction())
                //First check if period has an ID, that determines logic for rest of method
                if (period.Id <= default(int))
                    //get the next colour to use for the create
                    period.PeriodColor = periodColorDao.GetNextPeriodColorForPeriodType(period.BusinessId,
                    period.PeriodColorId = period.PeriodColor.Id;

                    //create of period using the next colour for the type
                    periodDao.Create(period, cultureCode);
                    // it is modify
                    isModify = true;

                if (period.PeriodColor == null || period.PeriodColorId == default(int) ||
                    period.PeriodColor.Id == default(int))
                    //Fetch the colour for the period that exists
                    period.PeriodColor = periodColorDao.GetByPeriodId(period.Id, cultureCode);
                    period.PeriodColorId = period.PeriodColor.Id;

                // add date range to it since period and colour should be good now
                foreach (PeriodDateRange periodDateRange in period.PeriodDateRanges)
                    // Only create new date ranges for periods that exist in the db
                    if (periodDateRange.PeriodId == default(int) || periodDateRange.Id == default(int))
                        periodDateRange.PeriodId = period.Id;

                        // add to reference string
                        reference = reference + periodDateRange.StartDate.ToString(StandardDateTimeFormatProvider.GetShortDBFormat()) + ",";
                        reference = reference + periodDateRange.EndDate.ToString(StandardDateTimeFormatProvider.GetShortDBFormat()) + ",";


            BusinessEventTypesEnum businessEvent = GetBusinessEventForPeriodType(period.PeriodType.PeriodTypeEnum, isCreate: !isModify, isEdit: isModify);

            // event for creation of period / date range here
            eventTrackingManager.CreateBusinessEventAsync(period.BusinessId, businessEvent, reference.TrimEnd(','));
            return period;
コード例 #5
ファイル: PeriodManager.cs プロジェクト: ognjenm/egle
        /// <summary>
        /// Modify a period by changing the date range specified
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Assumes only date range changes are possible at the moment
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="period">Period to modify</param>
        /// <param name="cultureCode">culture for translation</param>
        /// <returns>Period with date changed</returns>
        public Period ModifyPeriod(Period period, string cultureCode)
            ValidatePeriod(period, cultureCode, false);

            // Make sure period date range id is set
            if (period.PeriodDateRanges == null || 
                period.PeriodDateRanges.Any() == false ||
                period.PeriodDateRanges.Any(pdr => pdr.Id == default(int)))
                throw new ValidationException(ErrorFactory.CreateAndLogError(Errors.SRVEX30084, "PricingManager.ModifyPeriod",
                                                                             arguments: new object[] { period, cultureCode }));

            // only one date range modify per call
            if (period.PeriodDateRanges.Count > 1)
                // only one period can be modified at a time
                throw new ValidationException(ErrorFactory.CreateAndLogError(Errors.SRVEX30143, "PricingManager.ModifyPeriod",
                                                                             arguments: new object[] { period, cultureCode }));

            // check for any overlaps
            if (DoDateRangesOverlap(period))
                return period;

            BusinessEventTypesEnum businessEvent = BusinessEventTypesEnum.Unknown;
            string reference = string.Empty;
            List<PeriodDateRange> existingDateRanges = periodDateRangeDao.GetAllByPeriodId(period.Id);

            // All ok, so modify the date ranges
            using (var bex = new BusinessTransaction())
                if (period.PeriodColor == null || period.PeriodColorId == default(int) ||
                    period.PeriodColor.Id == default(int))
                    //Fetch the colour for the period that exists
                    period.PeriodColor = periodColorDao.GetByPeriodId(period.Id, cultureCode);
                    period.PeriodColorId = period.PeriodColor.Id;
                PeriodDateRange pdr = period.PeriodDateRanges.First();

                if (period.PeriodDateRanges.Count == 1)
                    // get the one being modified:
                    if (existingDateRanges.Any(p => p.Id == pdr.Id))
                        PeriodDateRange modifyPdr = existingDateRanges.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == pdr.Id);
                        reference = reference +
                                    modifyPdr.StartDate.ToString(StandardDateTimeFormatProvider.GetShortDBFormat()) +
                        reference = reference +
                                    modifyPdr.EndDate.ToString(StandardDateTimeFormatProvider.GetShortDBFormat()) + ",";

                    // get the new dates as well
                    reference = reference + pdr.StartDate.ToString(StandardDateTimeFormatProvider.GetShortDBFormat()) +
                    reference = reference + pdr.EndDate.ToString(StandardDateTimeFormatProvider.GetShortDBFormat()) +

                businessEvent = GetBusinessEventForPeriodType(period.PeriodType.PeriodTypeEnum, isEdit: true);


            // event for modify of period / date range here
            eventTrackingManager.CreateBusinessEventAsync(period.BusinessId, businessEvent, reference.TrimEnd(','));
            return period;
コード例 #6
ファイル: RatePlanManager.cs プロジェクト: ognjenm/egle
 /// <summary>
 ///  Create non evergreen occupant rate plan from base rate plan
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="baseRatePlan">BaseRatePlan</param>
 /// <param name="roomTypeName">>RoomType name</param>
 /// <param name="ratePlanRate">RatePlanRate</param>
 /// <param name="period">Period</param>
 /// <param name="occupancyRateType">OccupancyRateType</param>
 /// <returns>RatePlan</returns>
 private VariantRatePlan CreateNonEvergreenOccupantRatePlan(BaseRatePlan baseRatePlan, string roomTypeName, RatePlanRate ratePlanRate, Period period, OccupancyRateType occupancyRateType)
     var occupantRatePlan = CreateVariantFromBase(baseRatePlan, roomTypeName);
     occupantRatePlan.Id = 0;
     occupantRatePlan.RatePlanType = new RatePlanType { Type = RatePlanTypeEnum.Base };
     occupantRatePlan.Period = period;
     occupantRatePlan.PeriodId = period.Id;
     occupantRatePlan.Rates = GetNulRates(occupantRatePlan);
     occupantRatePlan.Rates.Id = 0;
     occupantRatePlan.Rates.RatePlanId = baseRatePlan.Id;
     occupantRatePlan.Rates.OccupancyRateType = occupancyRateType;
     occupantRatePlan.UseOccupancyRates = true;
     return occupantRatePlan;
コード例 #7
ファイル: RatePlanManager.cs プロジェクト: ognjenm/egle
        /// <summary>
        /// Create collection of VariantRatePlanPeriod
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="variantRatePlanPeriod"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List<VariantRatePlanPeriod> CreateVariantRatePlanPeriods(Period period)
            return new List<VariantRatePlanPeriod>()
                new VariantRatePlanPeriod()
                    PeriodId = period.Id,      
                    BusinessId = period.BusinessId,
                    Name = period.Name,
                    PeriodColor = period.PeriodColor,
                    PeriodDateRanges = period.PeriodDateRanges,
                    UpdatedByUserId = period.UpdatedByUserId,
                    Id  = period.Id

コード例 #8
ファイル: PeriodDao.cs プロジェクト: ognjenm/egle
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a period and assigns colour to it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="period">period to create</param>
        /// <param name="cultureCode">culture for names</param>
        public void Create(Period period, string cultureCode)
            const string SQL_STATEMENT = @"
                INSERT INTO Pricing.Period
                SELECT @Id = SCOPE_IDENTITY()";

            var parameters = new List<SqlParameter>
                DbHelper.CreateParameter(PeriodMapper.Parameters.BusinessId, period.BusinessId),
                DbHelper.CreateParameter(PeriodMapper.Parameters.Name, period.Name),
                DbHelper.CreateParameter(PeriodMapper.Parameters.PeriodColorId, period.PeriodColor.Id),
                DbHelper.CreateParameter(PeriodMapper.Parameters.PeriodTypeCode, period.PeriodType.PeriodTypeEnum.GetCode())

            // Add auditing parameters

            SqlParameter outputKey;
            parameters.Add(outputKey = DbHelper.CreateParameterOut<int>(PeriodMapper.Parameters.Id, SqlDbType.Int));

            DbHelper.ExecuteNonQueryCommand(SQL_STATEMENT, parameters: parameters);
            period.Id = DbHelper.ParameterValue<int>(outputKey);
コード例 #9
ファイル: PeriodDao.cs プロジェクト: ognjenm/egle
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles calling each sub dao for the period in question
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="period">period to fill in</param>
 /// <param name="cultureCode">culture for names</param>
 private void CallSubDaosForPeriod(Period period, string cultureCode)
     period.PeriodColor = periodColorDao.GetByKey(period.PeriodColorId, cultureCode);
     period.PeriodDateRanges = periodDateRangeDao.GetAllByPeriodId(period.Id);
コード例 #10
ファイル: PeriodDaoTest.cs プロジェクト: ognjenm/egle
            public void CreatePeriodWithValidDataIsSuccessful()
                // Arrange
                PeriodColor color = periodColorDao.GetNextPeriodColorForPeriodType(BUSINESS1_ID, PeriodTypeEnum.Season, ENGLISH_CULTURE);

                Period periodToCreate = new Period
                    PeriodColor = color,
                    PeriodColorId = color.Id,
                    Name = "new period",
                    PeriodType = new PeriodType { PeriodTypeEnum = PeriodTypeEnum.Season, Name = Enum.GetName(typeof(PeriodTypeEnum), PeriodTypeEnum.Season) },
                    BusinessId = BUSINESS1_ID

                // Act
                periodDao.Create(periodToCreate, ENGLISH_CULTURE);

                // Assert
                Assert.AreNotEqual(default(int), periodToCreate.Id, "Id was not assigned after create");