public string create_cust_update_xml(instancedata id, custdata cust) { string outxml = xmlhdr(); outxml = outxml + startxml("POS_CUST_UPD_IN"); outxml = outxml + startxml("POS_DATA_IN.XMLDB"); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("CUSTOMER", cust.Customer); if (cust.Initials.Length > 0) { outxml = outxml + xmlelement("INITIALS", cust.Initials); } outxml = outxml + xmlelement("SURNAME", cust.Surname); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("ADDRESS", cust.Address); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("POST_CODE", cust.PostCode); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("EMAIL_ADDRESS", cust.EmailAddress); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("NO_PROMOTE", cust.NoPromote); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("NO_MAIL", cust.NoMail); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("NO_EMAIL", cust.NoEmail); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("NO_PHONE", cust.NoPhone); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("NO_SMS", cust.NoSMS); //outxml = outxml + xmlelement("NO_EXCH", cust.NoSMS); //2016-11-02 SL - ADD E-RECEIPT FIELD. //if (cust.Medical) // outxml = outxml + xmlelement("MEDICAL_EXEMPTION", "T"); //else // outxml = outxml + xmlelement("MEDICAL_EXEMPTION", "F"); //2016-11-23 SL - MODIFY TO MATCH MAGENTO if (cust.Medical) { outxml = outxml + xmlelement("MEDICAL_EXEMPTION", "Y"); } else { outxml = outxml + xmlelement("MEDICAL_EXEMPTION", ""); } //2017-12-18 IC - outxml = outxml + xmlelement("SKIP_EMAIL_CHECK", cust.SkipEmailCheck); //2017-12-20 IC - outxml = outxml + xmlelement("PHONE", cust.Phone); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("PHONE_EVE", cust.PhoneEve); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("MOBILE", cust.Mobile); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("DOB", cust.DOB); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("USER_NAME", id.UserName); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("TILL_NUMBER", id.TillNumber); outxml = outxml + endxml("POS_DATA_IN.XMLDB"); outxml = outxml + endxml("POS_CUST_UPD_IN"); outxml = outxml.Replace("&", "&"); //outxml = outxml.Replace("\r\n", ""); return(outxml); }
string create_cust_search_xml(instancedata id, custdata cust) { string outxml = xmlhdr(); outxml = outxml + startxml("POS_CUST_SEARCH_IN"); outxml = outxml + startxml("POS_DATA_IN.XMLDB"); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("CUSTOMER", cust.Customer); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("SURNAME", cust.Surname); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("POST_CODE", cust.PostCode); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("EMAIL_ADDRESS", cust.EmailAddress); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("USER_NAME", id.UserName); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("ORDER_NUMBER", cust.Order); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("TILL_NUMBER", id.TillNumber); outxml = outxml + endxml("POS_DATA_IN.XMLDB"); outxml = outxml + endxml("POS_CUST_SEARCH_IN"); outxml = outxml.Replace("&", "&"); return(outxml); }
public string create_cust_add_xml(instancedata id, custdata cust) { string outxml = xmlhdr(); outxml = outxml + startxml("POS_CUST_ADD_IN"); outxml = outxml + startxml("POS_DATA_IN.XMLDB"); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("USER_NAME", id.UserName); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("TILL_NUMBER", id.TillNumber); if (cust.Initials.Length > 0) { outxml = outxml + xmlelement("INITIALS", cust.Initials); } outxml = outxml + xmlelement("SURNAME", cust.Surname); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("POST_CODE", cust.PostCode); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("ADDRESS", cust.Address); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("EMAIL_ADDRESS", cust.EmailAddress); // DOD 21/06/2016 Set city if (cust.City.Length > 0) //<<-- 2016-08-03 - keep as NULL { outxml = outxml + xmlelement("CITY", cust.City); } // SL 25/07/2016 Set Country from default if (cust.CountryCode.Length > 0) { outxml = outxml + xmlelement("COUNTRY_CODE", cust.CountryCode); } // SL 01/08/2016 Set CUSTOMER NUMBER IS ALREADY ACQUIRED if (cust.Customer.Length > 0) { outxml = outxml + xmlelement("BUYER", cust.Customer); } else if (id.CustomerGenerateCode.Length > 0) { outxml = outxml + xmlelement("CUSTOMER_GEN_CODE", id.CustomerGenerateCode); } outxml = outxml + xmlelement("NO_MAIL", cust.NoMail); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("NO_PROMOTE", cust.NoPromote); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("NO_EMAIL", cust.NoEmail); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("NO_PHONE", cust.NoPhone); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("NO_SMS", cust.NoSMS); //outxml = outxml + xmlelement("NO_EXCH", cust.NoSMS); //2016-11-02 SL - ADD E-RECEIPT(ERECEIPT) FIELD. //if (cust.Medical) // outxml = outxml + xmlelement("MEDICAL_EXEMPTION", "T"); //else // outxml = outxml + xmlelement("MEDICAL_EXEMPTION", "F"); //2016-11-23 SL - MODIFY TO MATCH MAGENTO if (cust.Medical) { outxml = outxml + xmlelement("MEDICAL_EXEMPTION", "Y"); } else { outxml = outxml + xmlelement("MEDICAL_EXEMPTION", ""); } //2017-12-18 IC - outxml = outxml + xmlelement("SKIP_EMAIL_CHECK", cust.SkipEmailCheck); //2017-12-20 IC - outxml = outxml + xmlelement("PHONE", cust.Phone); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("PHONE_EVE", cust.PhoneEve); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("MOBILE", cust.Mobile); outxml = outxml + xmlelement("DOB", cust.DOB); //outxml = outxml + xmlelement("CUSTOMER_GEN_CODE", id.CustomerGenerateCode); //outxml = outxml + xmlelement("USER_NAME", id.UserName); //outxml = outxml + xmlelement("TILL_NUMBER", id.TillNumber); outxml = outxml + endxml("POS_DATA_IN.XMLDB"); outxml = outxml + endxml("POS_CUST_ADD_IN"); outxml = outxml.Replace("&", "&"); return(outxml); }
public int custupdate(instancedata id, custdata cust) { string send_xml; string recieve_xml = "";; string table = "upd_mprefs"; XmlDocument LResult; XmlElement root; XmlNode child; try { LResult = new XmlDocument(); id.ErrorNumber = 0; id.ErrorMessage = ""; send_xml = create_cust_update_xml(id, cust); try { id.Status = storedprocedure("elucid_epos_upd_mprefs", table, connectionstring, send_xml, ref recieve_xml); } catch (Exception ex) { if (id.Status == 0) { id.Status = -2; } id.ErrorNumber = -2; //id.ErrorNumber = id.Status; id.ErrorMessage = ex.Message; } if (id.Status != 0) // dont try to decipher xml if error { id.ErrorNumber = id.Status; id.ErrorMessage = recieve_xml; debugsql(send_xml, true, table); return(id.Status); } debugsql(send_xml + "OutputXml->" + CRLF + "(" + recieve_xml + ")", false, table); if (recieve_xml.Length == 0) { return(0); } try { LResult.LoadXml(recieve_xml); root = LResult.DocumentElement; child = root.FirstChild; cust.Customer = child.SelectSingleNode("CUSTOMER").InnerXml; } catch (Exception) { } } catch (Exception) { } return(id.Status); }
public int custcreate(instancedata id, custdata cust, string connectionStringOverride) { string send_xml; string recieve_xml = "";; string table = "cust_create"; XmlDocument LResult; XmlElement root; XmlNode child; try { LResult = new XmlDocument(); id.ErrorNumber = 0; id.ErrorMessage = ""; send_xml = create_cust_add_xml(id, cust); try { if (connectionStringOverride.Length > 0) { id.Status = storedprocedure("elucid_epos_cust_create", table, connectionStringOverride, send_xml, ref recieve_xml); } else { id.Status = storedprocedure("elucid_epos_cust_create", table, connectionstring, send_xml, ref recieve_xml); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (id.Status == 0) { id.Status = -2; } id.ErrorNumber = -2; id.ErrorMessage = ex.Message; } if (id.Status != 0) // dont try to decipher xml if error { id.ErrorNumber = id.Status; if (recieve_xml.Length > 0) { id.ErrorMessage = recieve_xml; } debugsql(send_xml, true, table); return(id.Status); } if (recieve_xml.Length == 0) { return(0); } debugsql(send_xml + "OutputXml->" + CRLF + "(" + recieve_xml + ")", false, table); LResult.LoadXml(recieve_xml); root = LResult.DocumentElement; child = root.FirstChild; try { cust.Customer = child.SelectSingleNode("CUSTOMER").InnerXml; //2017-12-18 IC - cust.ReturnMsg = child.SelectSingleNode("RETURN_MSG").InnerXml; } catch (Exception) { } } catch (Exception) { } return(id.Status); }
public int searchcust(instancedata id, custdata cust, custsearch res) { string send_xml; string strTemp; string recieve_xml = "";; int idx; bool more_data; string txt; string table = "cust_search"; XmlDocument LResult; XmlElement root; XmlNode child; XmlNode cust_lev2; XmlNode cust_defl; XmlNode more; XmlNodeList vouchers; try { LResult = new XmlDocument(); id.ErrorNumber = 0; id.ErrorMessage = ""; send_xml = create_cust_search_xml(id, cust); try { id.Status = storedprocedure("elucid_epos_cust_search", table, connectionstring, send_xml, ref recieve_xml); } catch (Exception ex) { if (id.Status == 0) { id.Status = -2; } id.ErrorNumber = -2; id.ErrorMessage = ex.Message; } if (id.Status != 0) // dont try to decipher xml if error { id.ErrorNumber = id.Status; id.ErrorMessage = recieve_xml; debugsql(send_xml, true, table); return(id.Status); } if (recieve_xml.Length == 0) { return(0); } debugsql(send_xml + "OutputXml->" + CRLF + "(" + recieve_xml + ")", false, table); //recieve_xml = recieve_xml.Replace("\"", ""); LResult.LoadXml(recieve_xml); root = LResult.DocumentElement; try { more = root.SelectSingleNode("POS_DATA_OUT.XMLDB"); txt = more.SelectSingleNode("MORE_DATA").InnerXml; more_data = (txt == "T"); } catch (Exception) { more_data = false; } child = root.FirstChild; idx = res.NumLines; while (idx < 200) { try { res.lns[idx].Customer = child.SelectSingleNode("CUSTOMER").InnerXml; res.lns[idx].Title = child.SelectSingleNode("TITLE").InnerXml; res.lns[idx].Surname = (child.SelectSingleNode("FULL_NAME").InnerXml).Replace("&", "&"); res.lns[idx].CompanyName = (child.SelectSingleNode("COMPANY_NAME").InnerXml).Replace("&", "&"); strTemp = (child.SelectSingleNode("ADDRESS").InnerXml).Replace("&", "&"); // 2016-11-29 SL - NOT NEEDED WITH NEW STORED PROCEDURE >> //strTemp = strTemp.Replace("\r", CRLF); res.lns[idx].Address = strTemp; res.lns[idx].City = child.SelectSingleNode("CITY").InnerXml; res.lns[idx].PostCode = child.SelectSingleNode("POSTCODE").InnerXml; res.lns[idx].Phone = child.SelectSingleNode("PHONE_DAY").InnerXml; //2017-12-20 IC - try { res.lns[idx].PhoneEve = child.SelectSingleNode("PHONE_EVE").InnerXml; } catch { res.lns[idx].PhoneEve = ""; } try { res.lns[idx].DOB = child.SelectSingleNode("DOB").InnerXml; } catch { res.lns[idx].DOB = ""; } try { res.lns[idx].Initials = child.SelectSingleNode("INITIALS").InnerXml; } catch { res.lns[idx].Initials = ""; } try { res.lns[idx].Mobile = child.SelectSingleNode("MOBILE").InnerXml; res.lns[idx].County = child.SelectSingleNode("COUNTY").InnerXml; res.lns[idx].CountryCode = child.SelectSingleNode("COUNTRY").InnerXml; } catch (Exception) { res.lns[idx].Mobile = ""; } try { cust_defl = child.SelectSingleNode("CUST_DEFL.PSEDB"); if (cust_defl != null) { res.lns[idx].NoPromote = "0"; res.lns[idx].NoMail = "0"; res.lns[idx].NoEmail = "0"; res.lns[idx].NoPhone = "0"; res.lns[idx].NoSMS = "0"; if (cust_defl.SelectSingleNode("NO_PROMOTE").InnerXml == "T") { res.lns[idx].NoPromote = "1"; } if (cust_defl.SelectSingleNode("NO_MAIL").InnerXml == "T") { res.lns[idx].NoMail = "1"; } if (cust_defl.SelectSingleNode("NO_EMAIL").InnerXml == "T") { res.lns[idx].NoEmail = "1"; } try { if (cust_defl.SelectSingleNode("NO_PHONE").InnerXml == "T") { res.lns[idx].NoPhone = "1"; } } catch { res.lns[idx].NoPhone = "0"; } try { if (cust_defl.SelectSingleNode("NO_SMS").InnerXml == "T") { res.lns[idx].NoSMS = "1"; } } catch { res.lns[idx].NoSMS = "0"; } try { if (cust_defl.SelectSingleNode("NO_EXCH").InnerXml == "T") { res.lns[idx].NoSMS = "1"; } } catch { res.lns[idx].NoSMS = "0"; } } } catch { res.lns[idx].NoPromote = "0"; res.lns[idx].NoMail = "0"; res.lns[idx].NoEmail = "0"; } res.lns[idx].EmailAddress = child.SelectSingleNode("EMAIL_ADDRESS").InnerXml; try { res.lns[idx].PriceList = child.SelectSingleNode("PRICE_LIST").InnerXml; } catch (Exception) { res.lns[idx].PriceList = ""; } try { res.lns[idx].NoteInd = (child.SelectSingleNode("NOTE_IND").InnerXml == "T"); } catch (Exception) { res.lns[idx].NoteInd = false; } try { res.lns[idx].TradeAccount = (child.SelectSingleNode("TRADE_ACCOUNT").InnerXml.ToUpper() == "T"); try { cust_lev2 = child.SelectSingleNode("CUST_CRED.PSEDB"); strTemp = cust_lev2.SelectSingleNode("ACCOUNT_BALANCE").InnerXml; //here res.lns[idx].Balance = Convert.ToDecimal(strTemp); res.lns[idx].OnStop = (cust_lev2.SelectSingleNode("CREDIT_STATUS").InnerXml.ToUpper() == "T"); } catch { res.lns[idx].OnStop = false; res.lns[idx].Balance = 0.0M; } } catch (Exception) { res.lns[idx].TradeAccount = false; res.lns[idx].OnStop = false; res.lns[idx].Balance = 0.0M; } try { cust_lev2 = child.SelectSingleNode("CUST_ATTR.PSEDB"); strTemp = cust_lev2.SelectSingleNode("MEDICAL_EXEMPTION").InnerXml; //TO MATCH MAGENTO //res.lns[idx].Medical = (strTemp == "T"); res.lns[idx].Medical = (strTemp == "Y"); try { res.lns[idx].CustType = cust_lev2.SelectSingleNode("CUST_TYPE").InnerXml; res.lns[idx].CustTypeDesc = cust_lev2.SelectSingleNode("CUST_TYPE_DESCR").InnerXml; } catch { res.lns[idx].CustType = ""; res.lns[idx].CustTypeDesc = ""; } } catch (Exception) { res.lns[idx].Medical = false; } try { cust_lev2 = child.SelectSingleNode("CUST_PNTS.PSEDB"); strTemp = cust_lev2.SelectSingleNode("CURR_PNTS").InnerXml; res.lns[idx].Points = decimal.Parse(strTemp); strTemp = cust_lev2.SelectSingleNode("PNTS_VALUE").InnerXml; res.lns[idx].PointsValue = decimal.Parse(strTemp); res.lns[idx].PointsUsed = false; } catch (Exception) { res.lns[idx].Points = 0.00M; res.lns[idx].PointsValue = 0.00M; res.lns[idx].PointsUsed = false; } res.lns[idx].VouchersHeld.Clear(); int vIDX = 1; try { vouchers = child.SelectNodes("CUST_VOUC.PSEDB"); foreach (XmlNode nd in vouchers) { try { string vouch = nd.SelectSingleNode("VOUCHER").InnerXml; decimal val = decimal.Parse(nd.SelectSingleNode("VOUC_VALUE").InnerXml); res.lns[idx].VouchersHeld.Add(vIDX, new voucher(vouch, val)); vIDX++; } catch { } } } catch (Exception) { } idx++; child = child.NextSibling; if (child == null) { break; } if (idx == 200) { more_data = true; break; } } catch (Exception) { break; } } if ((idx > 199) && (more_data)) { res.lns[idx].Surname = "More Data"; idx++; } res.NumLines = idx; } catch { } return(id.Status); }