public override void OnInspectorGUI() { base.OnInspectorGUI(); serializedObject.Update(); NSTMaster.EnsureExistsInScene("NST Master").EnsureHasCorrectAdapter(); var nstsettings = (NSTSettings)target; nstsettings.MaxNSTObjects = (uint)System.Math.Pow(2, nstsettings.bitsForNstId); nstsettings.frameCount = (int)System.Math.Pow(2, nstsettings.bitsForPacketCount); float adjustedFixedTime = Time.fixedDeltaTime; EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(new GUIContent("Summary:"), "BoldLabel"); string str = "Physics Rate: " + adjustedFixedTime.ToString("0.000") + "ms (" + (1 / adjustedFixedTime).ToString("0.0") + " ticks/sec)\n\n" + "You can change the physics rate by changing the Edit/Project Settings/Time/Fixed Step value. \n\n" + NSTMapBoundsEditor.WorldBoundsSummary() ; EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(str, MessageType.None); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); }
public override void OnEnable() { nstMaster = (NSTMaster)target; mna = nstMaster.EnsureHasCorrectAdapter(); headerName = HeaderMasterName; headerColor = HeaderSettingsColor; base.OnEnable(); }
public override void OnEnable() { headerName = HeaderMasterName; headerColor = HeaderSettingsColor; base.OnEnable(); _target = (NSTMaster)target; _target.EnsureNSTMasterConforms(); //// Remove any stray NetworkIdentities that do not belong //NetAdapterTools.RemovedUnusedNetworkIdentity(_target.gameObject); }
private void Update() { for (int i = 0; i < NetworkSyncTransform.allNsts.Count; i++) { NetworkSyncTransform.allNsts[i].MasterCommandToInterpolate(); } if (updateDue) { NSTMaster.PollAllForUpdates(); } updateDue = false; }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { nstMaster = (NSTMaster)target; mna = nstMaster.EnsureHasCorrectAdapter(); nstSettings = NSTSettings.EnsureExistsInScene(NSTSettings.DEFAULT_GO_NAME); base.OnInspectorGUI(); if (mna == null) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( "No network library adapter found for '" + Enum.GetName(typeof(NetworkLibrary), nstSettings.networkingLibrary) + "'", MessageType.Error); } EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("The NST Master is a required engine singleton. It collects and dispatches all NST Updates, and receives incoming updates from the network.", MessageType.None); }
/// <summary> /// Updates over the network arrive here - AFTER the Update() runs (not tested for all platforms... thanks unet for the great docs.) /// The incoming bitstream is read /// </summary> /// <param name="msg"></param> private static void ReceiveUpdate(NetworkMessage msg) { UdpBitStream bitstream = new UdpBitStream(msg.reader.ReadBytesNonAlloc(NSTMaster.bitstreamByteArray, msg.reader.Length), msg.reader.Length); UdpBitStream outstream = new UdpBitStream(NSTMaster.outstreamByteArray); NSTMaster.ReceiveUpdate(ref bitstream, ref outstream,; BandwidthUsage.ReportMasterBits(ref bitstream, BandwidthLogType.MasterIn); // Write a clone message and pass it to all the clients if this is the server receiving if ( // && msg.conn == nst.NI.clientAuthorityOwner) { writer.StartMessage(msg.msgType); //writer.WriteUncountedByteArray(bitstream.Data, msg.reader.Length); writer.WriteUncountedByteArray(outstream.Data, outstream.BytesUsed); writer.SendPayloadArrayToAllClients(msg.msgType); } }
/// <summary> /// Ensures NSTSettings as well as (NSTMaster/MasterAdapter/NetworkIdentity) exist in the scene. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static void EnsureSceneNetLibDependencies(bool immediate = true) { if (Application.isPlaying) { return; } NSTSettings.EnsureExistsInScene(); // If a post-recompile rebuild of dependencies is pending... do it now. TryToAddDependenciesEverywhere(); if (MasterNetAdapter.NetLib == NetworkLibrary.UNET) { GetNetworkManager(true); CopyPlayerPrefab(); } NSTMaster.EnsureExistsInScene(NSTMaster.DEFAULT_GO_NAME); NSTSettings.EnsureExistsInScene(NSTSettings.DEFAULT_GO_NAME); }
private void AddAllDependencies(bool silence = false) { headerName = HeaderNSTName; headerColor = HeaderNSTColor; base.OnEnable(); nst = (NetworkSyncTransform)target; // Add this NST to the prefab spawn list (and as player prefab if none exists yet) as an idiot prevention if (!Application.isPlaying) { MasterNetAdapter.AddAsRegisteredPrefab(nst.gameObject, silence); } // If user tried to put NST where it shouldn't be... remove it and all of the required components it added. if (nst.transform.parent != null) { Debug.LogError("NetworkSyncTransform must be on the root of an prefab object."); nst.nstElementsEngine = nst.transform.GetComponent <NSTElementsEngine>(); NSTNetAdapter.RemoveAdapter(nst); DestroyImmediate(nst); if (nst.nstElementsEngine != null) { DestroyImmediate(nst.nstElementsEngine); } return; } = NSTNetAdapter.EnsureNstAdapterExists(nst.gameObject); nst.nstSettings = NSTSettings.EnsureExistsInScene(NSTSettings.DEFAULT_GO_NAME); nst.nstElementsEngine = NSTElementsEngine.EnsureExistsOnRoot(nst.transform, false); NSTMaster.EnsureExistsInScene("NST Master"); }
protected override void Awake() { // Base does singleton enforcement base.Awake(); NSTMaster.EnsureExistsInScene("NST Master"); // TODO Add items like this to an idiot check test bool so they can be disabled. DestroyAllNSTsInScene(); // Tell DebugX what the logging choices were. DebugX.logInfo = logTestingInfo; DebugX.logWarnings = logWarnings; DebugX.logErrors = true; //Calculate the max objects at the current bits for NstId MaxNSTObjects = (uint)Mathf.Pow(2, bitsForNstId); frameCount = (bitsForPacketCount == 4) ? 16 : (bitsForPacketCount == 5) ? 32 : (bitsForPacketCount == 6) ? 64 : 0; // zero will break things, but it should never happen so breaking it would be good. }
public static void SendUpdate(ref UdpBitStream bitstream, ref UdpBitStream outstream) { // Send the bitstream to the UNET writer writer.StartMessage(masterMsgTypeId); writer.WriteUncountedByteArray(NSTMaster.bitstreamByteArray, bitstream.BytesUsed); writer.FinishMessage(); // if this is the server - send to all. if ( { writer.SendPayloadArrayToAllClients(masterMsgTypeId, Channels.DefaultUnreliable); //NetworkServer.connections[0].FlushChannels(); // If this is the server as client, run the ReceiveUpdate since local won't get this run. //if ( NSTMaster.ReceiveUpdate(ref bitstream, ref outstream, false, 0); } // if this is a client send to server. else { NetworkManager.singleton.client.SendWriter(writer, Channels.DefaultUnreliable); //NetworkManager.singleton.client.connection.FlushChannels(); } }