public DataTable getDataTable(string SQLQuery, string connectionstring) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(); SqlDataAdapter adap = new SqlDataAdapter(); try { comm.CommandText = SQLQuery.Trim(); comm.Connection = getConnection(connectionstring); comm.CommandType = CommandType.Text; adap.SelectCommand = comm; adap.Fill(dt); } catch (Exception exp) { ecomserv.Common.clsLog clslog = new ecomserv.Common.clsLog(); clslog.Log("Get Data From SQL Database", exp.Message + "(query:" + SQLQuery + ")", true, exp); } finally { if (comm.Connection.State > 0) { comm.Connection.Close(); } comm.Connection.Dispose(); comm.Dispose(); adap.Dispose(); } return(dt); }
public void RollBack(SqlCommand comm) { try { if (comm == null) { return; } if (comm.Transaction != null) { comm.Transaction.Rollback(); } else { return; } if (comm.Connection.State > 0) { comm.Connection.Close(); } if (comm != null) { comm.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception exp) { ecomserv.Common.clsLog clslog = new ecomserv.Common.clsLog(); clslog.Log("Roll Back SQL Query Execution", exp.Message, true, exp); } }
public bool ExecuteNonQuery(string query, SqlParameter[] SqlPar, string connectionstring, CommandType comm_type, out string ret_msg) { bool res = false; ret_msg = ""; try { SqlConnection conn = getConnection(connectionstring); SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(query, conn); comm.CommandType = comm_type; comm.Parameters.AddRange(SqlPar); int rAff = comm.ExecuteNonQuery(); res = rAff > 0 ? true : false; if (conn.State > 0) { conn.Close(); } comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception exp) { ecomserv.Common.clsLog clslog = new ecomserv.Common.clsLog(); clslog.Log("Execute Non Query in SQL with Par", exp.Message + "(query:" + query + ")", true, exp); ret_msg = exp.ToString(); } return(res); }
public DataTable getDataTable(string SQLQuery, SqlParameter[] SqlPar, string connectionstring, CommandType comm_type) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(); SqlDataAdapter adap = new SqlDataAdapter(); try { comm = new SqlCommand(SQLQuery.Trim(), getConnection(connectionstring)); comm.CommandType = comm_type; comm.Parameters.AddRange(SqlPar); adap = new SqlDataAdapter(comm); adap.Fill(dt); } catch (Exception exp) { ecomserv.Common.clsLog clslog = new ecomserv.Common.clsLog(); clslog.Log("Get Data From SQL Database with Par", SQLQuery + "-" + exp.Message + "(query:" + SQLQuery + ")", true, exp); } finally { if (comm.Connection.State > 0) { comm.Connection.Close(); } comm.Connection.Dispose(); comm.Dispose(); adap.Dispose(); } return(dt); }
public bool ExecuteNonQuery(string query, string connectionstring, bool need_log, out string ret_msg) { bool res = false; ret_msg = ""; try { SqlConnection conn = getConnection(connectionstring); SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(query, conn); int rAff = comm.ExecuteNonQuery(); res = rAff > 0 ? true : false; if (conn.State > 0) { conn.Close(); } comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception exp) { if (need_log) { ecomserv.Common.clsLog clslog = new ecomserv.Common.clsLog(); clslog.Log("Execute Non Query in SQL", exp.Message + "(query:" + query + ")", true, exp); } ret_msg = exp.ToString(); } return(res); }
public string ExecuteScalar(string query, string connectionstring) { string res = ""; SqlConnection conn = getConnection(connectionstring); try { if (conn.State == 0) { conn.Open(); } SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(query, conn); object obj = comm.ExecuteScalar(); if (conn.State > 0) { conn.Close(); } conn.Close(); comm.Dispose(); if (obj == null) { return(""); } res = obj.ToString(); } catch (Exception exp) { ecomserv.Common.clsLog clslog = new ecomserv.Common.clsLog(); clslog.Log("Execute Scalar Query in SQL", exp.Message + "(query:" + query + ")", true, exp); } return(res); }
public void KillCommand(SqlCommand comm) { try { if (comm.Connection.State > 0) { comm.Connection.Close(); } comm.Dispose(); } catch (Exception exp) { ecomserv.Common.clsLog clslog = new ecomserv.Common.clsLog(); clslog.Log("KillCommand", exp.Message, true, exp); } }
public SqlCommand GetCommandWithTransaction(string connectionstring) { SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(); try { comm.Connection = getConnection(connectionstring); SqlTransaction trans = comm.Connection.BeginTransaction(); comm.Transaction = trans; } catch (Exception exp) { ecomserv.Common.clsLog clslog = new ecomserv.Common.clsLog(); clslog.Log("Get Command with Transaction in SQL", exp.Message + ", Connection string: " + connectionstring, true, exp); } return(comm); }
public SqlConnection getConnection(string connectionString) { SqlConnection Sq1 = new SqlConnection(); try { Sq1 = new SqlConnection(getConnectionString(connectionString)); if (Sq1.State == 0) { Sq1.Open(); } } catch (Exception exp) { ecomserv.Common.clsLog clslog = new ecomserv.Common.clsLog(); clslog.Log("Establish Connection with SQL Server", exp.Message, true, exp); } return(Sq1); }
public bool ExecuteNonQuery(string query, SqlParameter[] SqlPar, CommandType comm_type, SqlCommand comm) { bool res = false; try { if (comm == null) { comm = new SqlCommand(query, getConnection("")); } comm.CommandText = query; comm.Parameters.Clear(); comm.Parameters.AddRange(SqlPar); comm.CommandType = comm_type; return(ExecuteNonQuery(query, comm)); } catch (Exception exp) { ecomserv.Common.clsLog clslog = new ecomserv.Common.clsLog(); clslog.Log("Execute Non Query in SQL with Par", exp.Message + "(query:" + query + ")", true, exp); } return(res); }
public string getConnectionString(string connectionString) { string res = ""; try { if (connectionString.Trim().Length == 0) { clsCommon common = new clsCommon(); res = common.GetConfig("sqlconn"); } else { return(connectionString); } } catch (Exception exp) { ecomserv.Common.clsLog clslog = new ecomserv.Common.clsLog(); clslog.Log("connectionstring", exp.Message, true, exp); } return(res); }
public string ExecuteScalar(string query, string connectionstring, SqlCommand comm) { try { bool is_new_command = false; if (comm == null) { is_new_command = true; comm = new SqlCommand(query, getConnection(connectionstring)); } else { comm.CommandText = query; } object obj = comm.ExecuteScalar(); if (is_new_command) { if (comm.Connection.State > 0) { comm.Connection.Close(); } comm.Connection.Close(); comm.Dispose(); } if (obj == null) { return(""); } return(obj.ToString()); } catch (Exception exp) { ecomserv.Common.clsLog clslog = new ecomserv.Common.clsLog(); clslog.Log("ExecuteScalar", exp.Message + "(query:" + query + ")", true, exp); return(""); } }
public bool ExecuteNonQuery(string query, string connectionstring, SqlCommand comm, out string ret_msg) { bool res = false; bool is_new_command = false; ret_msg = ""; try { if (comm == null) { comm = new SqlCommand(query, getConnection(connectionstring)); is_new_command = true; } else { comm.CommandText = query; } int rAff = comm.ExecuteNonQuery(); res = rAff > 0 ? true : false; if (is_new_command) { if (comm.Connection.State > 0) { comm.Connection.Close(); } comm.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception exp) { ret_msg = exp.Message; ecomserv.Common.clsLog clslog = new ecomserv.Common.clsLog(); clslog.Log("Execute Non Query in SQL with Command Par", exp.Message + "(query:" + query + ")", true, exp); } return(res); }
public void Log(string action, string logDesc, bool isError, Exception expp) { ecomserv.Common.clsLog clslog = new ecomserv.Common.clsLog(); clslog.Log(action, logDesc, isError, expp); }