コード例 #1
        public static string[] getTestList(string xlPth)
            Excel.Application xlApp;
            Excel.Workbooks   tmp;
            Excel.Workbook    wrkBook;
            Excel.Worksheet   wrkSheet;
            Process[]         initXLProc;

            int numRows;

            string[] outArray;

            outArray = null;
            wrkBook  = null;
            numRows  = 0;

            //Get the Process Id of any Excel processes that are currently running
            initXLProc = Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL");

            //Establish Excel objects
            xlApp = new Excel.Application();
            tmp   = xlApp.Workbooks;

            if (File.Exists(xlPth))
                wrkBook  = tmp.Open(xlPth);
                wrkSheet = wrkBook.Sheets[1];

                //Get the number of lines used in the data sheet
                for (int x = 2; x < 10000; x++)
                    if (wrkSheet.Cells[x, 1].Value == null)
                        numRows = x - 1;

                //Instantiate outarray
                outArray = new string[numRows - 1];

                //populate outArray
                for (int x = 2; x <= numRows; x++)
                    outArray[x - 2] = wrkSheet.Cells[x, 1].Value;

                //kill the Excel process just opened
                MessageBox.Show("The Excel workbook at the path " + xlPth + " is not present",
                                "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);

コード例 #2
        public static string[,] getXLData(string tstName, String xlPath, string shtName)
            //This function will extract the data from the data sheets. First, we need get the list from the Master sheet by matching
            //the first column to the test.
            Excel.Application xlApp;
            Excel.Workbook    wrkBook;
            Excel.Workbooks   tmp;
            Excel.Worksheet   wrkSheet;
            Process[]         initXLProc;

            string[,] arrString;
            string[] tmpArray;
            int      tstRows;           //the sheet row containing the test being processed
            int      numRows;           //the number of used rows in the spreadsheet
            int      numCols;           //the number of used columns row (tstRow)

            //Get the Process Id of any Excel processes that are currently running
            initXLProc = Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL");

            //Setting the Excel objects
            xlApp = new Excel.Application();

            tmp      = xlApp.Workbooks;
            wrkBook  = tmp.Open(xlPath);
            wrkSheet = wrkBook.Sheets[shtName];

            //Get the number of lines used in the data sheet
            numRows = wrkSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(Excel.XlCellType.xlCellTypeLastCell, Type.Missing).Row;

            //Set the numCols variable
            tstRows = 0;
            numCols = 0;

            //Check for test name in the Master sheet
            for (int x = 2; x <= numRows; x++)
                if (wrkSheet.Cells[x, 1].Value == tstName)
                    //Set tstRow  = the row of the spreadsheet that matches the test
                    tstRows = x;

                    //Call numCols function to get the number of steps in the test
                    numCols = TestSuite.getCols(wrkSheet, "Master", x);

                    //Exit the for loop once the the test has been found and number of steps identified

            //set tmpArray to list of steps in the Master sheet and go get the values
            tmpArray = new string[numCols - 2];

            //set arrString to a two dimesional array that will contain the
            arrString = new string[numCols - 2, 3];
            tmpArray  = TestSuite.getArray(wrkSheet, tstRows, numCols);

            //Call array to split the test step and line number in the test sheet (Testname|X)
            arrString = TestSuite.splitArray(wrkBook, tmpArray);

            //kill the Excel process just opened

            //return the arrString value