static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(" _ _______ __ "); Console.WriteLine(" ___ ____ ________ _| | / / ___// / "); Console.WriteLine(" / _ \\/ __ `/ ___/ / / / | /| / /\\__ \\/ / "); Console.WriteLine(" / __/ /_/ (__ ) /_/ /| |/ |/ /___/ / /___"); Console.WriteLine(" \\___/\\__,_/____/\\__, / |__/|__//____/_____/"); Console.WriteLine(" /____/ "); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.ResetColor(); } dynamic sources = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <Sources>(File.ReadAllText("sources.json")); string distroImage = "", distroName = "", distroPath = ""; int distroNumber = 0; bool isConversionSuccessful; bool isCustomImageSpecified = false; string easyWSLDirectory = (Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase)).Remove(0, 6); string easyWSLDataDirectory = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "easyWSL"); string distrosDirectory = $"{easyWSLDataDirectory}\\distros"; Directory.CreateDirectory(distrosDirectory); if (args.Length >= 2) { foreach (int argument in Enumerable.Range(0, args.Length)) { if ((args[argument] == "-i") ^ (args[argument] == "--image")) { distroImage = args[argument + 1]; } else if ((args[argument] == "-n") ^ (args[argument] == "--name")) { distroName = args[argument + 1]; } else if ((args[argument] == "-p") ^ (args[argument] == "--path")) { distroPath = args[argument + 1]; } } } if (distroImage == "") { int count = 1; foreach (var source in sources.sources) { Console.WriteLine($"{count}. {}"); count++; } // additional entry for a custom image option Console.WriteLine($"{count}. Specify a docker image"); do { Console.Write("A number of a distro you want to install: "); isConversionSuccessful = Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out distroNumber); } while ((distroNumber < 1) ^ (distroNumber > sources.sources.Count + 1) ^ (isConversionSuccessful == false) ^ (distroNumber == 0)); if (distroNumber == sources.sources.Count + 1) { while (distroImage == "") { Console.Write("Specify a docker container: "); distroImage = Console.ReadLine(); } isCustomImageSpecified = true; } else { distroImage = sources.sources[distroNumber - 1].image; } } if (distroName == "") { if ((isCustomImageSpecified == true) || (distroNumber == 0)) { Console.Write("A name for your distro: "); } else { Console.Write("A name for your distro (default " + sources.sources[distroNumber - 1].name + "): "); } distroName = Console.ReadLine(); if (distroName == "") { if (isCustomImageSpecified == true) { while (distroName == "") { Console.Write("A name for your distro: "); distroName = Console.ReadLine(); } } else { distroName = sources.sources[distroNumber - 1].name; } } distroName = Regex.Replace(distroName, @"\s+", ""); } if (Directory.Exists(distroPath) == false) { do { Console.Write("A path to a directory where you want to store your distro (default is " + distrosDirectory + "\\" + distroName + "): "); distroPath = Console.ReadLine(); } while((Directory.Exists(distroPath) == false) ^ (distroPath == "")); if (distroPath == "") { distroPath = distrosDirectory + "\\" + distroName; } } Directory.CreateDirectory(distroPath); DistroInstaller.InstallDistro(distroImage, distroName, distroPath, easyWSLDataDirectory, easyWSLDirectory, isCustomImageSpecified); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(" _ _______ __ "); Console.WriteLine(" ___ ____ ________ _| | / / ___// / "); Console.WriteLine(" / _ \\/ __ `/ ___/ / / / | /| / /\\__ \\/ / "); Console.WriteLine(" / __/ /_/ (__ ) /_/ /| |/ |/ /___/ / /___"); Console.WriteLine(" \\___/\\__,_/____/\\__, / |__/|__//____/_____/"); Console.WriteLine(" /____/ "); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.ResetColor(); } SortedDictionary <string, Sources> sources = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <SortedDictionary <string, Sources> >(File.ReadAllText("sources.json"), new JsonSerializerOptions { PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = true }); string distroID = "", distroName = "", distroPath = ""; int distroNumber; bool isConversionSuccessful; string easyWSLDirectory = (Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase)).Remove(0, 6); string easyWSLDataDirectory = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "easyWSL"); string distrosDirectory = $"{easyWSLDataDirectory}\\distros"; Directory.CreateDirectory(distrosDirectory); if (args.Length >= 2) { foreach (int argument in Enumerable.Range(0, args.Length)) { if ((args[argument] == "-d") ^ (args[argument] == "--distro")) { distroID = args[argument + 1]; } else if ((args[argument] == "-n") ^ (args[argument] == "--name")) { distroName = args[argument + 1]; } else if ((args[argument] == "-p") ^ (args[argument] == "--path")) { distroID = args[argument + 1]; } } } if (distroID == "") { int count = 1; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Sources> kvp in sources) { Console.WriteLine($"{count}. {sources[kvp.Key].Name}"); count++; } do { Console.Write("A number of a distro you want to install: "); isConversionSuccessful = Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out distroNumber); } while ((distroNumber > sources.Count) ^ (isConversionSuccessful == false)); count = 1; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Sources> kvp in sources) { distroID = kvp.Key; count++; if (count > distroNumber) { break; } } } if (distroName == "") { Console.Write("A name for your distro (default " + sources[distroID].Name + "): "); distroName = Console.ReadLine(); if (distroName == "") { distroName = sources[distroID].Name; } distroName = Regex.Replace(distroName, @"\s+", ""); } if (Directory.Exists(distroPath) == false) { do { Console.Write("A path to a directory where you want to store your distro (default is " + distrosDirectory + "\\" + distroName + "): "); distroPath = Console.ReadLine(); } while((Directory.Exists(distroPath) == false) ^ (distroPath == "")); if (distroPath == "") { distroPath = distrosDirectory + "\\" + distroName; } } Directory.CreateDirectory(distroPath); DistroInstaller.InstallDistro(distroID, distroName, distroPath, easyWSLDataDirectory, easyWSLDirectory); }