private void OtherOpportunityDataBind() { Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(); ddlOtherOpportunity.DataSource = opp.GetAllOpportunities(); ddlOtherOpportunity.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlOtherOpportunity.DataValueField = "OpportunityID"; ddlOtherOpportunity.DataBind(); }
protected void DataBind(Opportunity opp) { if (opp != null) { tbName.Text = opp.Name; tbThisLocation.Text = opp.Location; tbJobDescription.Text = opp.JobDescription; tbRequirement.Text = opp.Requirement; ddlType.SelectedValue = opp.OpportunityTypeId.ToString(); ddlSupervisor.SelectedValue = opp.CPPId.ToString(); ddlQuarter.SelectedValue = opp.QuarterId.ToString(); tbJobHours.Text = opp.JobHours; tbRequirementAge.Text = opp.MinimumAge; rblResume.SelectedValue = opp.ResumeRequired; rblCRC.SelectedValue = opp.CrcRequiredByPartner; tbDistance.Text = opp.DistanceFromSU; tbLink.Text = opp.LinkToOnlineApp; tbDate.Text = opp.OrientationDate.ToString(); tbSlot.Text = opp.TotalNumberSlots.ToString(); ddlTimeCommitment.SelectedValue = opp.TimeCommittment; adminOppStatus = opp.Status; if (adminOppStatus == "Open") { btnApproval.Text = "Close"; } } if (Session["AdminOppId"] != null) { //tbName.Enabled = false; //tbDate.Enabled = false; //tbSlot.Enabled = false; //ddlSupervisor.Enabled = false; //tbThisLocation.Enabled = false; //tbJobDescription.Enabled = false; //tbRequirement.Enabled = false; //ddlType.Enabled = false; //ddlQuarter.Enabled = false; //tbJobHours.Enabled = false; //tbRequirementAge.Enabled = false; //rblResume.Enabled = false; //rblCRC.Enabled = false; //tbDistance.Enabled = false; //tbLink.Enabled = false; //ddlTimeCommitment.Enabled = false; //ddlFocusArea.Enabled = false; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { DataBind_OpportunityType(); DataBind_FocusArea(); DataBind_Quarter(); DataBind_CommunityPartnerPeople(); if (Session["FacultyOppId"] != null) { Opportunity thisOpp = new Opportunity(); thisOpp = thisOpp.GetOneOpportunityById(Convert.ToInt32(Session["FacultyOppId"])); DataBind(thisOpp); } } }
protected void DeleteOpportunity(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Get the button that raised the event LinkButton lbtn = (LinkButton)sender; //Get the row that contains this button GridViewRow gvr = (GridViewRow)lbtn.NamingContainer; Label lblOppId = (Label)gvr.FindControl("lblOppId"); //datasource Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(); opp.OpportunityId = Convert.ToInt32(lblOppId.Text); opp.Delete(); DataBind(); }
private void DataBind() { Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(); List <Opportunity> oppList = opp.GetOpportunityListForFaculty(); if (oppList.Count == 0) { Opportunity oppS = new Opportunity(); oppList.Add(oppS); gvOpportunityFaculty.DataSource = oppList; gvOpportunityFaculty.DataBind(); gvOpportunityFaculty.Rows[0].Visible = false; } else { gvOpportunityFaculty.DataSource = oppList; gvOpportunityFaculty.DataBind(); } }
public List <Opportunity> GetAllOpportunities() { var reader = dbHelper.GetOpportunityList(Constant.SP_GetOpportunityList); List <Opportunity> oppList = new List <Opportunity>(); Opportunity opp = null; while (reader.Read()) { opp = new Opportunity(); opp.OpportunityId = Convert.ToInt32(reader["OpportunityId"]); opp.Name = reader["Name"].ToString(); opp.Location = reader["Location"].ToString(); opp.OpportunityTypeName = reader["OpportunityTypeName"].ToString(); opp.Status = reader["Status"].ToString(); opp.SupervisorName = reader["Supervisor"].ToString(); opp.DateApproved = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["DateApproved"]); oppList.Add(opp); } return(oppList); }
protected void gvOpportunity_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e) { //Get the new Values. GridViewRow row = gvOpportunity.Rows[e.RowIndex]; TextBox tbName = (TextBox)row.FindControl("tbName"); TextBox tbLocation = (TextBox)row.FindControl("tbLocation"); TextBox tbJobDes = (TextBox)row.FindControl("tbJobDes"); Label lblOppId = (Label)row.FindControl("lblOppId"); // Code to update the DataSource. Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(); opp.Name = tbName.Text; opp.Location = tbLocation.Text; opp.JobDescription = tbJobDes.Text; opp.OpportunityId = Convert.ToInt32(lblOppId.Text); opp.Update(); //Reset the edit index. gvOpportunity.EditIndex = -1; //Bind data to the GridView control. DataBind(); }
protected void btnAdd_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Button clickedButton = (Button)sender; if (clickedButton.Text == "Close") { string close = @"<script type='text/javascript'> window.returnValue = true; window.close(); </script>"; base.Response.Write(close); } // When the button is clicked, // change the button text, and disable it. clickedButton.Text = "...Processing..."; clickedButton.Enabled = false; // Save to database Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(); opp.Name = tbName.Text; opp.Location = tbThisLocation.Text; opp.JobDescription = tbJobDescription.Text; opp.Requirement = tbRequirement.Text; opp.DateApproved = DateTime.Now; opp.OpportunityTypeId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlType.SelectedItem.Value); opp.CPId = 1; opp.CPPId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlSupervisor.SelectedItem.Value); opp.QuarterId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlQuarter.SelectedItem.Value); opp.JobHours = tbJobHours.Text; opp.MinimumAge = tbRequirementAge.Text; opp.ResumeRequired = rblResume.SelectedValue; opp.CrcRequiredByPartner = rblCRC.SelectedValue; opp.DistanceFromSU = tbDistance.Text; opp.LinkToOnlineApp = tbLink.Text; try { opp.OrientationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(tbDate.Text); opp.TotalNumberSlots = Convert.ToInt32(tbSlot.Text); opp.TimeCommittment = ddlTimeCommitment.SelectedItem.Value; } catch { } if (Session["OppId"] != null && Session["IsClone"] == null) { opp.OpportunityId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["OppId"].ToString()); opp.Update(); lblEmpty.Text = "The opportunity was updated successfully. Please refresh the Opportunity page to review. Please close the window."; } else { opp.Add(); lblEmpty.Text = "New opportunity was added successfully. Please refresh the Opportunity page to review. Please close the window."; } clickedButton.Enabled = true; clickedButton.Text = "Close"; Session["OppId"] = null; Session["IsClone"] = null; }