コード例 #1
        private void OrderProcessing(object ordStrObj)
            string ordstring = ordStrObj.ToString();
            Coder  cod       = new Coder();
            Order  ord       = cod.Decoder(ordstring);
            int    BuyCard   = ord.getCardNo();

            Console.WriteLine("ChickenFarm received one order from store{0}", ord.getID());
            double taxRate = 0.09;
            double tot     = (taxRate + 1) * ord.getPrice() * ord.getAmt();

            Console.WriteLine("Store{0} wants to buy {1} chickens in totally {2} dollars!", ord.getID(), ord.getAmt(), tot);
            if (BuyCard >= 350 && BuyCard <= 450)     //check card # correct or not
                Program.confirmed = false;
                confrim(ord);    //call order confirm
                Console.WriteLine("Store{0} failed to buy chickens cause of wrong Card #!", ord.getID());
コード例 #2
        public string Encoder(Order order)
            string str = Convert.ToString(order.getID()) + "_" + Convert.ToString(order.getCardNo())
                         + "_" + Convert.ToString(order.getAmt()) + "_" + Convert.ToString(order.getPrice());

            webEncrypt.ServiceClient proxy = new webEncrypt.ServiceClient();//make sure your internet is connected
            //  proxy.Close();
コード例 #3
 public string Encoder(Order order)
     string  str = Convert.ToString(order.getID()) + "_" + Convert.ToString(order.getCardNo()) 
         + "_" + Convert.ToString(order.getAmt())+"_"+Convert.ToString(order.getPrice());
     webEncrypt.ServiceClient proxy = new webEncrypt.ServiceClient();//make sure your internet is connected
     return proxy.Encrypt(str);
   //  proxy.Close();