コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// SaveModule
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="module"></param>
 public void SaveModule(Module module)
     if (module.ModuleId.Equals(0))
         module.ModuleCode = _commonManager.GetNextCode(EntityConstants.Module);
         module.CreatedById = UserContextDetails.UserId;
         module.CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
         Module oldModule = eCollabroDbContext.Repository<Module>().Find(module.ModuleId);
         if (oldModule != null)
             oldModule.ModuleCode = module.ModuleCode;
             oldModule.ModuleName = module.ModuleName;
             oldModule.ModuleDescription = module.ModuleDescription;
             oldModule.ModifiedById = UserContextDetails.UserId;
             oldModule.ModifiedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
             throw new DBConcurrencyException();
コード例 #2
ファイル: SetupManager.cs プロジェクト: eCollobro/eCollabro
        /// <summary>
        /// SetupEcollabro
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adminUser"></param>
        public void SetupEcollabro(UserMembership adminUser)
            if (IsEcollabroSetupReady())
                throw new BusinessException(_coreValidationResourceManager.GetString(CoreValidationMessagesConstants.eCollabroAlreadySetup), CoreValidationMessagesConstants.eCollabroAlreadySetup);
                KeyValuePair<string, string> pass = DataEncryption.CreateHashedText(DataEncryption.Decrypt(adminUser.Password), true);

                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<lkpLanguage>().Insert(new lkpLanguage { Language = "English", LanguageCode = "en-US", CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsActive = true });

                //Code Formats
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<CodeFormat>().Insert(new CodeFormat { EntityName = "Role", Suffix = "", Prefix = "RL", CurrentSeed = 1, Seprator = "", Codelength = 10 });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<CodeFormat>().Insert(new CodeFormat { EntityName = "Site", Suffix = "", Prefix = "ST", CurrentSeed = 1, Seprator = "", Codelength = 10 });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<CodeFormat>().Insert(new CodeFormat { EntityName = "Module", Suffix = "", Prefix = "MD", CurrentSeed = 2, Seprator = "", Codelength = 10 });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<CodeFormat>().Insert(new CodeFormat { EntityName = "Feature", Suffix = "", Prefix = "FT", CurrentSeed = 9, Seprator = "", Codelength = 10 });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<CodeFormat>().Insert(new CodeFormat { EntityName = "Navigation", Suffix = "", Prefix = "NAV", CurrentSeed = 13, Seprator = "", Codelength = 10 });

                //navigation type
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<lkpNavigationType>().Insert(new lkpNavigationType { NavigationTypeCode = "NAVTYP0001", NavigationType = "None", CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsActive = true });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<lkpNavigationType>().Insert(new lkpNavigationType { NavigationTypeCode = "NAVTYP0002", NavigationType = "Content", CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsActive = true });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<lkpNavigationType>().Insert(new lkpNavigationType { NavigationTypeCode = "NAVTYP0003", NavigationType = "Feature", CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsActive = true });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<lkpNavigationType>().Insert(new lkpNavigationType { NavigationTypeCode = "NAVTYP0004", NavigationType = "Link", CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsActive = true });

                //Module - Setup
                Module moduleSetup = new Module { ModuleCode = "MD00000001", ModuleName = "Setup", ModuleDescription = "Site Settings/Setup Options", CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow };
                moduleSetup.Features.Add(new Feature { FeatureCode = "FT00000001", FeatureName = "Manage Roles", IsNavigationLink = true, Link = "/security/roles", CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsActive = true });
                moduleSetup.Features.Add(new Feature { FeatureCode = "FT00000002", FeatureName = "Manage Users", IsNavigationLink = true, Link = "/security/users", CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsActive = true });
                moduleSetup.Features.Add(new Feature { FeatureCode = "FT00000003", FeatureName = "Manage Navigations", IsNavigationLink = true, Link = "/security/navigations", CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsActive = true });
                moduleSetup.Features.Add(new Feature { FeatureCode = "FT00000004", FeatureName = "Site Configuration", IsNavigationLink = true, Link = "/security/siteconfiguration", CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsActive = true });

                //Module Content
                Module moduleContent = new Module { ModuleCode = "MD00000002", ModuleName = "Content", ModuleDescription = "Content Module - Blog, Document Library, Image Gallery, Content Pages & Announcements", CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow };
                moduleContent.Features.Add(new Feature { FeatureCode = "FT00000005", FeatureName = "Manage Content Pages", IsNavigationLink = true, Link = "/content/contentpage/categories", CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsActive = true });
                moduleContent.Features.Add(new Feature { FeatureCode = "FT00000006", FeatureName = "Manage Blogs", IsNavigationLink = true, Link = "/content/blog/blogcategories", CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsActive = true });
                moduleContent.Features.Add(new Feature { FeatureCode = "FT00000007", FeatureName = "Manage Document Libraries", IsNavigationLink = true, Link = "/content/documentlibrary/documentlibraries", CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsActive = true });
                moduleContent.Features.Add(new Feature { FeatureCode = "FT00000008", FeatureName = "Manage Image Galleries", IsNavigationLink = true, Link = "/content/imagegallery/imagegalleries", CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsActive = true });
                moduleContent.Features.Add(new Feature { FeatureCode = "FT00000009", FeatureName = "Manage Announcements", IsNavigationLink = true, Link = "/content/announcement/announcements", CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsActive = true });



                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<lkpContext>().Insert(new lkpContext { Context = "User", IsActive = true, CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<lkpContext>().Insert(new lkpContext { Context = "Content Page", IsActive = true, CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<lkpContext>().Insert(new lkpContext { Context = "Blog", IsActive = true, CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<lkpContext>().Insert(new lkpContext { Context = "Document", IsActive = true, CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<lkpContext>().Insert(new lkpContext { Context = "Image", IsActive = true, CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<lkpContext>().Insert(new lkpContext { Context = "Announcement", IsActive = true, CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow });

                //Content Permission

                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<ContentPermission>().Insert(new ContentPermission { ContentPermissionName = "View Content", ContentPermissionDescription = "View Content" });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<ContentPermission>().Insert(new ContentPermission { ContentPermissionName = "View Unapproved Content", ContentPermissionDescription = "View Unapproved Content" });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<ContentPermission>().Insert(new ContentPermission { ContentPermissionName = "View Inactive Content", ContentPermissionDescription = "View Inactive Content" });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<ContentPermission>().Insert(new ContentPermission { ContentPermissionName = "Add Content", ContentPermissionDescription = "Add Content" });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<ContentPermission>().Insert(new ContentPermission { ContentPermissionName = "Edit Content", ContentPermissionDescription = "Edit Content" });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<ContentPermission>().Insert(new ContentPermission { ContentPermissionName = "Delete Content", ContentPermissionDescription = "Delete Content" });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<ContentPermission>().Insert(new ContentPermission { ContentPermissionName = "Approve Content", ContentPermissionDescription = "Approve Content" });

                //Content Setting
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<ContentSetting>().Insert(new ContentSetting { ContentSettingName = "Approval Required", ContentSettingDescription = "Approval Required" });

                // Site
                Site site = new Site { SiteCode = "ST00000001", SiteName = "Primary", SiteDesc = "Primary Site", CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsActive = true };
                site.Roles.Add(new Role { RoleCode = "RL00000001", RoleName = "Site Admin", RoleDescription = "Site Admin role has access to all options available for Site.", CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsActive = true, IsSystem = true });


                // setup admin user
                adminUser.PasswordChangedDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                adminUser.Password = pass.Key;
                adminUser.PasswordSalt = pass.Value;
                adminUser.CreatedById = 1;
                adminUser.CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
                adminUser.IsConfirmed = true;
                adminUser.IsActive = true;
                adminUser.IsApproved = true;
                adminUser.SiteCollectionAdmins.Add(new SiteCollectionAdmin { CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow });


                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<Navigation>().Insert(new Navigation { NavigationCode = "NAV0000001", NavigationText = "Home", AdditionalHtml = "<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-home\"></span>&nbsp;", SiteId = site.SiteId, NavigationTypeId = 4, Link = "/", CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsAnomynousAccess = true, DisplayOrder = 1, IsActive = true });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<Navigation>().Insert(new Navigation { NavigationCode = "NAV0000002", NavigationText = "Dashboard", AdditionalHtml = "<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-dashboard\"></span>&nbsp;", SiteId = site.SiteId, NavigationTypeId = 4, Link = "/home/dashboard", CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsAnomynousAccess = false, DisplayOrder = 2, IsActive = true });

                Navigation navigationSetup = new Navigation { NavigationCode = "NAV0000003", NavigationText = "Setup", SiteId = site.SiteId, NavigationTypeId = 1, CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsAnomynousAccess = false, DisplayOrder = 3, IsActive = true };
                Navigation navigationContent = new Navigation { NavigationCode = "NAV0000008", NavigationText = "Content", SiteId = site.SiteId, NavigationTypeId = 1, CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsAnomynousAccess = false, DisplayOrder = 8, IsActive = true };


                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<Navigation>().Insert(new Navigation { NavigationCode = "NAV0000004", NavigationText = "Roles", SiteId = site.SiteId, NavigationParentId = navigationSetup.NavigationId, NavigationTypeId = 3, FeatureId = 1, CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsAnomynousAccess = false, DisplayOrder = 4, IsActive = true });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<Navigation>().Insert(new Navigation { NavigationCode = "NAV0000005", NavigationText = "Users", SiteId = site.SiteId, NavigationParentId = navigationSetup.NavigationId, NavigationTypeId = 3, FeatureId = 2, CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsAnomynousAccess = false, DisplayOrder = 5, IsActive = true });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<Navigation>().Insert(new Navigation { NavigationCode = "NAV0000006", NavigationText = "Navigations", SiteId = site.SiteId, NavigationParentId = navigationSetup.NavigationId, NavigationTypeId = 3, FeatureId = 3, CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsAnomynousAccess = false, DisplayOrder = 6, IsActive = true });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<Navigation>().Insert(new Navigation { NavigationCode = "NAV0000007", NavigationText = "Site Settings", SiteId = site.SiteId, NavigationParentId = navigationSetup.NavigationId, NavigationTypeId = 3, FeatureId = 4, CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsAnomynousAccess = false, DisplayOrder = 7, IsActive = true });

                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<Navigation>().Insert(new Navigation { NavigationCode = "NAV0000009", NavigationText = "Pages", SiteId = site.SiteId, NavigationParentId = navigationContent.NavigationId, NavigationTypeId = 3, FeatureId = 5, CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsAnomynousAccess = false, DisplayOrder = 9, IsActive = true });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<Navigation>().Insert(new Navigation { NavigationCode = "NAV0000010", NavigationText = "Blogs", SiteId = site.SiteId, NavigationParentId = navigationContent.NavigationId, NavigationTypeId = 3, FeatureId = 6, CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsAnomynousAccess = false, DisplayOrder = 10, IsActive = true });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<Navigation>().Insert(new Navigation { NavigationCode = "NAV0000011", NavigationText = "Document Libraries", SiteId = site.SiteId, NavigationParentId = navigationContent.NavigationId, NavigationTypeId = 3, FeatureId = 7, CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsAnomynousAccess = false, DisplayOrder = 11, IsActive = true });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<Navigation>().Insert(new Navigation { NavigationCode = "NAV0000012", NavigationText = "Image Galleries", SiteId = site.SiteId, NavigationParentId = navigationContent.NavigationId, NavigationTypeId = 3, FeatureId = 8, CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsAnomynousAccess = false, DisplayOrder = 12, IsActive = true });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<Navigation>().Insert(new Navigation { NavigationCode = "NAV0000013", NavigationText = "Announcements", SiteId = site.SiteId, NavigationParentId = navigationContent.NavigationId, NavigationTypeId = 3, FeatureId = 9, CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsAnomynousAccess = false, DisplayOrder = 13, IsActive = true });

                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<UserRole>().Insert(new UserRole { RoleId = site.Roles.FirstOrDefault().RoleId, SiteId = site.SiteId, UserId = adminUser.UserId, CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, IsActive = true });

                //Feature Permission
                for (int ctr = 1; ctr <= 6; ctr++)
                    if (ctr != 2)
                        eCollabroDbContext.Repository<FeaturePermission>().Insert(new FeaturePermission { FeatureId = 1, PermissionId = ctr });
                for (int ctr = 1; ctr <= 7; ctr++)
                    eCollabroDbContext.Repository<FeaturePermission>().Insert(new FeaturePermission { FeatureId = 2, PermissionId = ctr });
                for (int ctr = 1; ctr <= 6; ctr++)
                    if (ctr != 2)
                        eCollabroDbContext.Repository<FeaturePermission>().Insert(new FeaturePermission { FeatureId = 3, PermissionId = ctr });
                //Site Settings
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<FeaturePermission>().Insert(new FeaturePermission { FeatureId = 4, PermissionId = 1 });
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<FeaturePermission>().Insert(new FeaturePermission { FeatureId = 4, PermissionId = 5 });
                //Content Page
                for (int ctr = 1; ctr <= 7; ctr++)
                    eCollabroDbContext.Repository<FeaturePermission>().Insert(new FeaturePermission { FeatureId = 5, PermissionId = ctr });
                for (int ctr = 1; ctr <= 7; ctr++)
                    eCollabroDbContext.Repository<FeaturePermission>().Insert(new FeaturePermission { FeatureId = 6, PermissionId = ctr });
                //Document Library
                for (int ctr = 1; ctr <= 7; ctr++)
                    eCollabroDbContext.Repository<FeaturePermission>().Insert(new FeaturePermission { FeatureId = 7, PermissionId = ctr });
                //Image Gallery
                for (int ctr = 1; ctr <= 7; ctr++)
                    eCollabroDbContext.Repository<FeaturePermission>().Insert(new FeaturePermission { FeatureId = 8, PermissionId = ctr });
                for (int ctr = 1; ctr <= 7; ctr++)
                    eCollabroDbContext.Repository<FeaturePermission>().Insert(new FeaturePermission { FeatureId = 9, PermissionId = ctr });

                //Content Setting
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<FeatureContentSetting>().Insert(new FeatureContentSetting { FeatureId = 2, ContentSettingId = 1 }); //User,ApprovalRequired

                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<FeatureContentSetting>().Insert(new FeatureContentSetting { FeatureId = 5, ContentSettingId = 1 }); //Content Page,ApprovalRequired
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<FeatureContentSetting>().Insert(new FeatureContentSetting { FeatureId = 6, ContentSettingId = 1 }); //Blog,ApprovalRequired
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<FeatureContentSetting>().Insert(new FeatureContentSetting { FeatureId = 7, ContentSettingId = 1 }); //Document Library,ApprovalRequired
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<FeatureContentSetting>().Insert(new FeatureContentSetting { FeatureId = 8, ContentSettingId = 1 }); //Image Gallery,ApprovalRequired
                eCollabroDbContext.Repository<FeatureContentSetting>().Insert(new FeatureContentSetting { FeatureId = 9, ContentSettingId = 1 }); //Announcement,ApprovalRequired

                // add all features to primary site
                for (int ctr = 1; ctr <= 9; ctr++)
                    eCollabroDbContext.Repository<SiteFeature>().Insert(new SiteFeature { SiteId = site.SiteId, FeatureId = ctr, CreatedById = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow });
