コード例 #1
         * Constructs a new RtfPhrase for the RtfDocument with the given Phrase
         * @param doc The RtfDocument this RtfPhrase belongs to
         * @param phrase The Phrase this RtfPhrase is based on
        public RtfPhrase(RtfDocument doc, Phrase phrase) : base(doc)
            if (phrase == null)

            if (phrase.HasLeading())
                this.lineLeading = (int)(phrase.Leading * TWIPS_FACTOR);
                this.lineLeading = 0;

            ST.RtfFont phraseFont = new ST.RtfFont(null, phrase.Font);
            for (int i = 0; i < phrase.Count; i++)
                IElement chunk = (IElement)phrase[i];
                if (chunk is Chunk)
                    ((Chunk)chunk).Font = phraseFont.Difference(((Chunk)chunk).Font);
                try {
                    IRtfBasicElement[] rtfElements = doc.GetMapper().MapElement(chunk);
                    for (int j = 0; j < rtfElements.Length; j++)
                } catch (DocumentException) {
コード例 #2
         * Tests for equality of RtfFonts. RtfFonts are equal if their fontName,
         * fontSize, fontStyle and fontSuperSubscript are equal
         * @param obj The RtfFont to compare with this RtfFont
         * @return <code>True</code> if the RtfFonts are equal, <code>false</code> otherwise
        public override bool Equals(Object obj)
            if (!(obj is RtfFont))
            RtfFont font   = (RtfFont)obj;
            bool    result = true;

            result = result & this.fontName.Equals(font.GetFontName());
コード例 #3
         * Constructs a RtfParagraph belonging to a RtfDocument based on a Paragraph.
         * @param doc The RtfDocument this RtfParagraph belongs to
         * @param paragraph The Paragraph that this RtfParagraph is based on
        public RtfParagraph(RtfDocument doc, Paragraph paragraph) : base(doc)
            ST.RtfFont baseFont = null;
            if (paragraph.Font is ST.RtfParagraphStyle)
                this.paragraphStyle = this.document.GetDocumentHeader().GetRtfParagraphStyle(((ST.RtfParagraphStyle)paragraph.Font).GetStyleName());
                baseFont            = this.paragraphStyle;
                baseFont            = new ST.RtfFont(this.document, paragraph.Font);
                this.paragraphStyle = new ST.RtfParagraphStyle(this.document, this.document.GetDocumentHeader().GetRtfParagraphStyle("Normal"));
                this.paragraphStyle.SetFirstLineIndent((int)(paragraph.FirstLineIndent * RtfElement.TWIPS_FACTOR));
                this.paragraphStyle.SetIndentLeft((int)(paragraph.IndentationLeft * RtfElement.TWIPS_FACTOR));
                this.paragraphStyle.SetIndentRight((int)(paragraph.IndentationRight * RtfElement.TWIPS_FACTOR));
                this.paragraphStyle.SetSpacingBefore((int)(paragraph.SpacingBefore * RtfElement.TWIPS_FACTOR));
                this.paragraphStyle.SetSpacingAfter((int)(paragraph.SpacingAfter * RtfElement.TWIPS_FACTOR));
                if (paragraph.HasLeading())
                    this.paragraphStyle.SetLineLeading((int)(paragraph.Leading * RtfElement.TWIPS_FACTOR));

            for (int i = 0; i < paragraph.Count; i++)
                IElement chunk = (IElement)paragraph[i];
                if (chunk is Chunk)
                    ((Chunk)chunk).Font = baseFont.Difference(((Chunk)chunk).Font);
                else if (chunk is RtfImage)
                try {
                    IRtfBasicElement[] rtfElements = doc.GetMapper().MapElement(chunk);
                    for (int j = 0; j < rtfElements.Length; j++)
                } catch (DocumentException) {
コード例 #4
         * Constructs a RtfChunk based on the content of a Chunk
         * @param doc The RtfDocument that this Chunk belongs to
         * @param chunk The Chunk that this RtfChunk is based on
        public RtfChunk(RtfDocument doc, Chunk chunk) : base(doc)
            if (chunk == null)

            if (chunk.Attributes != null && chunk.Attributes[Chunk.SUBSUPSCRIPT] != null)
                this.superSubScript = (float)chunk.Attributes[Chunk.SUBSUPSCRIPT];
            if (chunk.Attributes != null && chunk.Attributes[Chunk.BACKGROUND] != null)
                this.background = new RtfColor(this.document, (Color)((Object[])chunk.Attributes[Chunk.BACKGROUND])[0]);
            font    = new ST.RtfFont(doc, chunk.Font);
            content = chunk.Content;
コード例 #5
  * Writes the definition of the font list
 public virtual void WriteDefinition(Stream result)
     byte[] t;
     result.Write(DEFAULT_FONT, 0, DEFAULT_FONT.Length);
     result.Write(t = IntToByteArray(0), 0, t.Length);
     result.Write(OPEN_GROUP, 0, OPEN_GROUP.Length);
     result.Write(FONT_TABLE, 0, FONT_TABLE.Length);
     for (int i = 0; i < fontList.Count; i++)
         result.Write(OPEN_GROUP, 0, OPEN_GROUP.Length);
         result.Write(FONT_NUMBER, 0, FONT_NUMBER.Length);
         result.Write(t = IntToByteArray(i), 0, t.Length);
         RtfFont rf = (RtfFont)fontList[i];
         result.Write(COMMA_DELIMITER, 0, COMMA_DELIMITER.Length);
         result.Write(CLOSE_GROUP, 0, CLOSE_GROUP.Length);
     result.Write(CLOSE_GROUP, 0, CLOSE_GROUP.Length);
コード例 #6
         * Gets the index of the font in the list of fonts. If the font does not
         * exist in the list, it is added.
         * @param font The font to get the id for
         * @return The index of the font
        public int GetFontNumber(RtfFont font)
            if (font is RtfParagraphStyle)
                font = new RtfFont(this.document, (RtfParagraphStyle)font);
            int fontIndex = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < fontList.Count; i++)
                if (fontList[i].Equals(font))
                    fontIndex = i;
            if (fontIndex == -1)
                fontIndex = fontList.Count;
コード例 #7
  * Gets the number of the specified RtfFont
  * @param font The RtfFont for which to get the number
  * @return The number of the font
 public int GetFontNumber(ST.RtfFont font)
コード例 #8
  * Constructs a RtfField for a RtfDocument. This is not very usefull,
  * since the RtfField by itself does not do anything. Use one of the
  * subclasses instead.
  * @param doc The RtfDocument this RtfField belongs to.
  * @param font The Font this RtfField should use
 protected RtfField(RtfDocument doc, Font font) : base("", font)
     this.document = doc;
     this.font     = new ST.RtfFont(this.document, font);