コード例 #1
        public virtual void write(ExtendedDataOutput @out, SymbolBaseCollection collection)
            int dataType = (int)getDataType() + 128;
            int flag     = ((int)DATA_FORM.DF_VECTOR << 8) + dataType;

            collection.write(@out, @base);
コード例 #2
        protected internal BasicSymbolVector(DATA_FORM df, ExtendedDataInput @in, SymbolBaseCollection collection) : base(df)
            int rows    = @in.readInt();
            int columns = @in.readInt();
            int size    = rows * columns;

            values = new List <int>(new int[rows]);
            @base  = collection.add(@in);
            for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
                values[i] = @in.readInt();
コード例 #3
        public BasicTable(ExtendedDataInput @in)
            int rows = @in.readInt();
            int cols = @in.readInt();

            _tableName = @in.readString();

            //read column names
            for (int i = 0; i < cols; ++i)
                string name = @in.readString();
                name2index_[name] = name2index_.Count;

            BasicEntityFactory   factory      = new BasicEntityFactory();
            VectorDecompressor   decompressor = null;
            SymbolBaseCollection collection   = null;

            //read columns
            for (int i = 0; i < cols; ++i)
                short flag     = @in.readShort();
                int   form     = flag >> 8;
                int   type     = flag & 0xff;
                bool  extended = type >= 128;
                if (type >= 128)
                    type -= 128;

                DATA_FORM df = (DATA_FORM)form;
                DATA_TYPE dt = (DATA_TYPE)type;
                if (df != DATA_FORM.DF_VECTOR)
                    throw new IOException("Invalid form for column [" + names_[i] + "] for table " + _tableName);
                IVector vector;
                if (dt == DATA_TYPE.DT_SYMBOL && extended)
                    if (collection == null)
                        collection = new SymbolBaseCollection();
                    vector = new BasicSymbolVector(df, @in, collection);
                else if (dt == DATA_TYPE.DT_COMPRESS)
                    if (decompressor == null)
                        decompressor = new VectorDecompressor();
                    vector = decompressor.Decompress(factory, @in, false, true);
                    vector = (IVector)factory.createEntity(df, dt, @in, extended);
                if (vector.rows() != rows && vector.rows() != 1)
                    int tmp = vector.rows();
                    throw new IOException("The number of rows for column " + names_[i] + " is not consistent with other columns");