コード例 #1
 // Writes push dword ptr [esp+displ]
 static void WritePushDwordPtrEspDispl(NativeCodeGenerator code, sbyte displ)
     code.WriteBytes(0xFF, 0x74);
     code.WriteBytes(0x24, (byte)displ);
コード例 #2
        unsafe void CreateOurCode()
            var code = new NativeCodeGenerator();

            // our compileMethod() func
            int compileMethodOffset = code.Size;

            int numPushedArgs = compileMethodIsThisCall ? 5 : 6;

            code.WriteByte(0x51);                               // push ecx
            code.WriteByte(0x50);                               // push eax
            code.WriteByte(0x54);                               // push esp
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                WritePushDwordPtrEspDispl(code, (sbyte)(0xC + numPushedArgs * 4));                      // push dword ptr [esp+XXh]
            if (!compileMethodIsThisCall)
                WritePushDwordPtrEspDispl(code, (sbyte)(0xC + numPushedArgs * 4));                      // push dword ptr [esp+XXh]
                code.WriteByte(0x51);                           // push ecx
            code.WriteByte(0x5A);                               // pop edx
            code.WriteByte(0x59);                               // pop ecx
            code.WriteBytes(0x84, 0xD2);                        // test dl, dl
            code.WriteBytes(0x74, 0x03);                        // jz $+5
            code.WriteBytes(0xC2, (ushort)(numPushedArgs * 4)); // retn 14h/18h
            for (int i = 0; i < numPushedArgs; i++)
                WritePushDwordPtrEspDispl(code, (sbyte)(numPushedArgs * 4));                    // push dword ptr [esp+XXh]
            code.WriteBytes(0xC2, (ushort)(numPushedArgs * 4));             // retn 14h/18h

            // Our callMethod() code. 1st arg is the method to call. stdcall calling convention.
            int callMethodOffset = code.Size;

            code.WriteByte(0x58);                               // pop eax (ret addr)
            code.WriteByte(0x5A);                               // pop edx (method to call)
            if (compileMethodIsThisCall)
                code.WriteByte(0x59);                   // pop ecx (this ptr)
            code.WriteByte(0x50);                       // push eax (ret addr)
            code.WriteBytes(0xFF, 0xE2);                // jmp edx

            // Returns token of method
            int getMethodTokenOffset = code.Size;

            code.WriteBytes(0xC2, (ushort)(IntPtr.Size * 2));

            // Returns name of method
            int getMethodNameOffset = code.Size;

            code.WriteBytes(0xC2, (ushort)(IntPtr.Size * 3));

            ourCodeAddr = VirtualAlloc(IntPtr.Zero, new UIntPtr((ulong)code.Size), 0x00001000, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
            IntPtr baseAddr = ourCodeAddr;

            ourCompileMethodInfo.ptrInDll = new IntPtr((byte *)baseAddr + compileMethodOffset);
            callMethod = new IntPtr((byte *)baseAddr + callMethodOffset);
            returnMethodTokenInfo.ptrInDll  = new IntPtr((byte *)baseAddr + getMethodTokenOffset);
            returnNameOfMethodInfo.ptrInDll = new IntPtr((byte *)baseAddr + getMethodNameOffset);
            byte[] theCode = code.GetCode(baseAddr);
            Marshal.Copy(theCode, 0, baseAddr, theCode.Length);