コード例 #1
ファイル: PositionTrigger.cs プロジェクト: MintL/datx02-rally
 public PositionTrigger(CurveRasterization curve, int index, bool preventReverse, bool keepProgress)
     : base(curve)
     this.triggerPointIndex = index;
     this.preventReverse = preventReverse;
     this.keepProgress = keepProgress;
コード例 #2
ファイル: SimpleRaceMode.cs プロジェクト: MintL/datx02-rally
        public override void Initialize()
            checkpointRasterization = raceTrack.GetCurveRasterization(checkpoints);

            List<AbstractTrigger> checkpointTriggers = new List<AbstractTrigger>();
            for (int i = 0; i < checkpoints; i++)
                PositionTrigger trigger = new PositionTrigger(checkpointRasterization, i, true, true);
                string outputDebug = "Passing checkpoint " + i;
                trigger.Triggered += (sender, e) =>

                    var now = DateTime.Now;
                    if (lastCheckpointPass != DateTime.MinValue)
                        gameInstance.GetService<HUDComponent>().ShowTextNotification(Color.BurlyWood, (now - lastCheckpointPass).ToString(@"m\:ss\:ff"));
                    lastCheckpointPass = now;

                    var current = states[CurrentState];
                    var aTrigger = sender as AbstractTrigger;
                    if (e.Object == car && current.Triggers.ContainsKey(aTrigger))
                        current.Triggers[aTrigger] = e;

                string checkpointID = "checkpoint" + i;
                gameInstance.GetService<TriggerManager>().Triggers.Add(checkpointID, trigger);

            // Keep track of times when passing goal line
            var goalTrigger = checkpointTriggers[0];
            goalTrigger.Triggered += (sender, e) =>
                var player = gameInstance.GetService<Player>();
                string notification = (++player.Lap) > laps ? "Race finished!" : "Lap " + (player.Lap);
                gameInstance.GetService<HUDComponent>().ShowTextNotification(Color.Teal, notification);

            for (int i = 0; i < laps; i++)
                List<AbstractTrigger> lapTriggers = new List<AbstractTrigger>();

                states.Add(new GameModeState(lapTriggers));

            // Add state for passing the finish line
            states.Add(new GameModeState(checkpointTriggers.GetRange(index: 0, count: 1)));
コード例 #3
ファイル: SimpleRaceMode.cs プロジェクト: MintL/datx02-rally
        public SimpleRaceMode(GameManager gameInstance, int laps, int noOfCheckpoints, RaceTrack raceTrack, Car localCar)
            : base(gameInstance)
            this.laps = laps;
            this.checkpoints = noOfCheckpoints;
            this.raceTrack = raceTrack;
            this.car = localCar;
            this.placementRasterization = raceTrack.GetCurveRasterization(100);
            PlayerPlace = 1;
            GameStarted = false;
            TotalRaceTime = TimeSpan.Zero;

            var player = gameInstance.GetService<Player>();
            player.Lap = 0;

コード例 #4
ファイル: PositionTrigger.cs プロジェクト: MintL/datx02-rally
        private bool IsInFrontOf(Vector3 position, CurveRasterization.CurvePoint point)
            var relativePosition = Vector3.Normalize(position - point.Position);

            return Vector3.Dot(relativePosition, point.Heading) > 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: GamePlayView.cs プロジェクト: MintL/datx02-rally
        protected override void LoadContent()
            // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);

            // Overlay component, used to draw the pause menu and game over menu
            overlayComponent = new OverlayComponent(Game, spriteBatch);

            projectionMatrix = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(MathHelper.PiOver4,
                GraphicsDevice.Viewport.AspectRatio, 0.1f, 50000);

            directionalLight = new DirectionalLight(
                new Vector3(-1.25f, -2f, 5.0f), // Direction
                new Vector3(.1f, .1f, .1f),//new Vector3(.15f, .14f, .29f), // Ambient
                new Vector3(.46f, .33f, .75f)); // Diffuse

            Game.AddService(typeof(DirectionalLight), directionalLight);

            #region Level terrain generation

            int heightMapSize = terrainSegmentsCount * terrainSegmentSize + 1;
            float halfHeightMapSize = heightMapSize / 2f;
            HeightMap heightmapGenerator = new HeightMap(heightMapSize);
            var heightMap = heightmapGenerator.Generate();

            var roadMap = new float[heightMapSize, heightMapSize];
            raceTrack = new RaceTrack(heightMapSize, terrainScale);

            navMesh = new NavMesh(GraphicsDevice, raceTrack.Curve, //1500, roadWidth, terrainScale);
                750, roadWidth, terrainScale);

            Vector3 lastPosition = raceTrack.Curve.GetPoint(.01f) / terrainScale;

            for (float t = 0; t < 1; t += .0002f)
                var e = raceTrack.Curve.GetPoint(t) / terrainScale;

                for (float j = -roadFalloff; j <= roadFalloff; j++)
                    var pos = e + j * Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(lastPosition - e, Vector3.Up));

                    // Indices
                    int x = (int)(pos.X + halfHeightMapSize),
                        z = (int)(pos.Z + halfHeightMapSize);

                    float height = e.Y;

                    if (Math.Abs(j) <= roadWidth)
                        heightMap[x, z] = height;
                        roadMap[x, z] = 1;
                        float amount = (Math.Abs(j) - roadWidth) / (roadFalloff - roadWidth);
                        heightMap[x, z] = MathHelper.Lerp(height,
                            heightMap[x, z], amount);
                        roadMap[x, z] = amount / 10f;
                lastPosition = e;


            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

            terrainEffect = content.Load<Effect>(@"Effects\TerrainShading");

            #region TEXTURE RENDERING

            //var unprocessedGrassTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Terrain\grass");
            //var grassTexture = new RenderTarget2D(GraphicsDevice, unprocessedGrassTexture.Width, unprocessedGrassTexture.Height);

            //spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend);
            //spriteBatch.Draw(unprocessedGrassTexture, new Rectangle(0, 0, unprocessedGrassTexture.Width, unprocessedGrassTexture.Height), Color.White);
            //spriteBatch.Draw(content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Particles\fire"), new Rectangle(0, 0, unprocessedGrassTexture.Width, unprocessedGrassTexture.Height), Color.White);



            // Creates a terrainmodel around Vector3.Zero
            terrainSegments = new TerrainModel[terrainSegmentsCount, terrainSegmentsCount];

            float terrainStart = -.5f * heightMapSize;

            for (int z = 0; z < terrainSegmentsCount; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < terrainSegmentsCount; x++)
                    terrainSegments[x, z] = new TerrainModel(GraphicsDevice,
                        terrainSegmentSize, terrainSegmentsCount, terrainStart,
                        x * terrainSegmentSize, z * terrainSegmentSize,
                        terrainScale, heightMap, roadMap, terrainEffect, directionalLight);


            #region Car

            Car = MakeCar();
            gameInstance.AddService(typeof(Car), Car);
            Player localPlayer = gameInstance.GetService<ServerClient>().LocalPlayer;
            gameInstance.GetService<CarControlComponent>().Cars[localPlayer] = Car;
            gameInstance.AddService(typeof(Player), localPlayer);


            #region Lights

            // Load model to represent our lightsources
            var pointLightModel = content.Load<Model>(@"Models\light");

            //spotLightModel = content.Load<Model>(@"Models\Cone");

            Vector3 pointLightOffset = new Vector3(0, 250, 0);

            var cr = new CurveRasterization(raceTrack.Curve, 50);

            float colorOffset = 0f;

            foreach (var point in cr.Points)
                Random r = UniversalRandom.GetInstance();

                Vector3 color = new Vector3(0f,0f,0f);
                PointLight pl = new PointLight(point.Position + pointLightOffset +
                    Vector3.Transform(50 * Vector3.Up, Matrix.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.TwoPi * (float)UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble())),
                    color, 450)
                    Model = pointLightModel,
                    ColorTimeOffset = colorOffset


                colorOffset += 100 / cr.Points.Count;


            dustEmitter = new ParticleEmitter(dustSystem, 150, Car.Position);

            #region SkySphere

            skyBoxModel = content.Load<Model>(@"Models/skybox");
            skyBoxEffect = content.Load<Effect>(@"Effects/SkyBox");

            skyMap = new TextureCube(GraphicsDevice, 2048, false, SurfaceFormat.Color);
            string[] cubemapfaces = { @"SkyBoxes/PurpleSky/skybox_right1",

            //cubeMap = new TextureCube(GraphicsDevice, 1024, false, SurfaceFormat.Color);
            //string[] cubemapfaces = {
            //    @"SkyBoxes/StormyDays/stormydays_ft",
            //    @"SkyBoxes/StormyDays/stormydays_bk",
            //    @"SkyBoxes/StormyDays/stormydays_up",
            //    @"SkyBoxes/StormyDays/stormydays_dn",
            //    @"SkyBoxes/StormyDays/stormydays_rt",
            //    @"SkyBoxes/StormyDays/stormydays_lf"

            //cubeMap = new TextureCube(GraphicsDevice, 1024, false, SurfaceFormat.Color);
            //string[] cubemapfaces = {
            //    @"SkyBoxes/Miramar/miramar_ft",
            //    @"SkyBoxes/Miramar/miramar_bk",
            //    @"SkyBoxes/Miramar/miramar_up",
            //    @"SkyBoxes/Miramar/miramar_dn",
            //    @"SkyBoxes/Miramar/miramar_rt",
            //    @"SkyBoxes/Miramar/miramar_lf"

            for (int i = 0; i < cubemapfaces.Length; i++)
                LoadCubemapFace(skyMap, cubemapfaces[i], (CubeMapFace)i);


            foreach (var mesh in skyBoxModel.Meshes)
                foreach (var part in mesh.MeshParts)
                    part.Effect = skyBoxEffect;


            #region Weather

            thunderBoltGenerator = new ThunderBoltGenerator(gameInstance, thunderParticleSystem);


            #region GameObjects


            int numObjects = 75;

            for (int i = 0; i < numObjects; i++)

                var t = navMesh.triangles[UniversalRandom.GetInstance().Next(navMesh.triangles.Length)];
                float v = (float)UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble();

                //float u = (float) (UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble() - 1/2f);
                //if (u < 0)
                //    u -= .5f;
                //    u += 1.5f;

                float u = 0;
                if (UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble() <= .5)
                    u = -.5f - .3f * (float)(-UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble());
                    u = (float)(1.5f + .3f * UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble());

                var pos = (t.vertices[0] + u * t.ab + v * t.ac) / terrainScale;
                //var treePos = new Vector3(-halfHeightMapSize + (float)UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble() * (heightMapSize-50), 0,
                //    -halfHeightMapSize + (float)UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble() * (heightMapSize-50));

                float X = pos.X + heightMapSize / 2f,
                    Z = pos.Z +heightMapSize / 2f;

                float Xlerp = X % 1f,
                    Zlerp = Z % 1f;

                int x0 = (int)X,
                    z0 = (int)Z,
                    x1 = x0 + 1,
                    z1 = z0 + 1;

                float height;
                float k;
                if (Xlerp + Zlerp > 1)
                    float h1 = MathHelper.Lerp(heightMap[x0, z1], heightMap[x1, z1], Xlerp);
                    float h2 = MathHelper.Lerp(heightMap[x1, z0], heightMap[x1, z1], Zlerp);
                    k = h2 / h1;
                    height = MathHelper.Lerp(h1, h2, .5f);
                    float h1 = MathHelper.Lerp(heightMap[x0, z0], heightMap[x1, z0], Xlerp),
                        h2 = MathHelper.Lerp(heightMap[x0, z0], heightMap[x0, z1], Zlerp);
                    k = h2 / h1;
                    height = MathHelper.Lerp(h1, h2, .5f);
                pos.Y = height - 0.002f;

                if (k > 1.02 ) continue;

                GameObject obj;
                switch(UniversalRandom.GetInstance().Next(0, 3))
                case 0:
                    obj = new OakTree(gameInstance);
                    obj.Scale = 3 + 3 * (float)UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble();
                case 1:
                    obj = new BirchTree(gameInstance);
                    obj.Scale = 3 + 3 * (float)UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble();
                    obj = new Stone(gameInstance);
                    obj.Scale = 0.5f + (float)(.25 * UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble());

                obj.Position = terrainScale * pos;
                obj.Rotation = new Vector3(0, MathHelper.Lerp(0, MathHelper.Pi * 2, (float)UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble()), 0);


            for (int i = 0; i < FireflyCandidates.Count; i+=5)
                ParticleEmitter emitter = new ParticleEmitter(fireflySystem, 80, FireflyCandidates[i].Position);
                emitter.Origin = FireflyCandidates[i].Position + Vector3.Up * 500;


            //foreach (GameObject obj in GraphicalObjects)
            //    pointLights.Add(new PointLight(obj.Position + Vector3.Up * 500, new Vector3(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f), 450)
            //    {
            //        Model = pointLightModel
            //    });

            //List<FireObject> list = new List<FireObject>();
            //foreach (PointLight p in pointLights)
            //    FireObject obj = new FireObject(gameInstance, content, p.Position, p.Position + Vector3.Up * 10);
            //    list.Add(obj);


            #region Cameras

            var input = gameInstance.GetService<InputComponent>();

            gameInstance.GetService<CameraComponent>().AddCamera(new DebugCamera(new Vector3(-11800, 3000, -8200), input));
            Camera c;
            gameInstance.GetService<CameraComponent>().AddCamera(c = new ThirdPersonCamera(Car, input));
            gameInstance.GetService<CameraComponent>().CurrentCamera = c;


            #region DynamicEnvironment

            // TODO: CARMOVE
            environmentCubeMap = new RenderTargetCube(this.GraphicsDevice, 256, true, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.Depth16);
            Car.EnvironmentMap = skyMap;


            #region PostProcess

            postProcessingComponent = new PostProcessingComponent(Game);

            postProcessTexture = new RenderTarget2D(GraphicsDevice,
                true, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.Depth24);


            // Adding a prelighingrenderer as a service
            prelightingRenderer = new PrelightingRenderer(GraphicsDevice, content);
            Game.AddService(typeof(PrelightingRenderer), prelightingRenderer);

            #region ShadowMapEffect

            shadowMapEffect = content.Load<Effect>(@"Effects\ShadowMap");


            #region Gameplay Trigger Manager (with sample)

            /// <summary>
            /// Gets the triggermanager
            /// Add new PositionTrigger
            /// Hook up to listener => when hit, use the thunderBoltGenerator and spawn a flash
            /// Adds it to triggers.
            /// </summary>

            //var triggerManager = gameInstance.GetService<TriggerManager>();

            //int noOfCheckpoints = 10;
            //for (int i = 0; i < noOfCheckpoints; i++)
            //    var trigger = new PositionTrigger(raceTrack.CurveRasterization, (int)(((float)i / noOfCheckpoints) * raceTrack.CurveRasterization.Points.Count), true, true);
            //    string cp = "Checkpoint " + i;
            //    trigger.Triggered += (sender, e) =>
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine(cp);
            //    };
            //    triggerManager.Triggers.Add("checkpoint"+i, trigger);


            #region Game Mode
            if (gameInstance.GetService<ServerClient>().connected)
                foreach (var player in gameInstance.GetService<ServerClient>().Players.Values)
                    gameInstance.GetService<CarControlComponent>().AddCar(player, null, this);
                var carList = gameInstance.GetService<CarControlComponent>().Cars.OrderBy(pc => pc.Key.ID).Select(pc => pc.Value).ToList();

            int cp = 6;
            if (gameModeChoice == GameModeChoice.SimpleRace)
                this.mode = new SimpleRaceMode(gameInstance, 3, cp, raceTrack, Car);
            else if (gameModeChoice == GameModeChoice.Multiplayer)
                this.mode = new MultiplayerRaceMode(gameInstance, 3, cp, raceTrack, Car);
                throw new Exception("Stop choosing weird game modes");

            gameInstance.AddService(typeof(GameplayMode), mode);


            #region Checkpoint lights
            for (int i=0; i<cp; i++) {
                var point = raceTrack.GetCurveRasterization(cp).Points[i];

                var pl = new CheckpointLight(point.Position + 500 * Vector3.Up)
                    Model = pointLightModel

                #region Fire
                int halfnumberoffire = 5;

                for (int o = -halfnumberoffire + 1; o < halfnumberoffire; o++)
                    Vector3 side = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.Normalize(raceTrack.Curve.GetPoint((i) / (float)cp + .001f) - point.Position), Vector3.Up);

                    var fire = new FireObject(content, fireSystem, fireSmokeSystem, point.Position + side * 100 * o -
                        Vector3.Up * 400 +
                        Vector3.Up * 650 * (float)Math.Cos(o/(float)halfnumberoffire), Vector3.Up * 10);

            #region BackgroundSound

            prelightingRenderer.GameObjects = GraphicalObjects;

            init = true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: GamePlayView.cs プロジェクト: MintL/datx02-rally
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            this.mode.Update(gameTime, this);

            if (this.mode.GameOver)
                gameOverMenu.Enabled = true;

            InputComponent input = gameInstance.GetService<InputComponent>();
            if (input.GetPressed(Input.Exit))
                pauseMenu.Enabled = !pauseMenu.Enabled;

            var hudComponent = Game.GetService<HUDComponent>();
            var cameraComponent = Game.GetService<CameraComponent>();
            var carControlComponent = Game.GetService<CarControlComponent>();

            carControlComponent.Enabled = mode.GameStarted;

            if (pauseMenu.Enabled || gameOverMenu.Enabled)
                if (cameraComponent.Enabled)
                    cameraComponent.Enabled = false;
                hudComponent.Visible = false;

                //GameState state = pauseMenu.UpdateState(gameTime);

                //if (state == GameState.Gameplay)
                //    Paused = false;
                //else if (state != GameState.PausedGameplay)
                //    // Exit
                //    Game.Exit();
                //    return;
                if (!cameraComponent.Enabled)
                    cameraComponent.Enabled = true;
                hudComponent.Visible = true;

                /*if (input.GetPressed(Input.ChangeController))
                    if (input.CurrentController == Controller.Keyboard)
                        input.CurrentController = Controller.GamePad;
                        Console.WriteLine("CurrentController equals GamePad");
                        input.CurrentController = Controller.Keyboard;
                        Console.WriteLine("CurrentController equals Keyboard");

                if (input.GetPressed(Input.Console))

                //Apply changes to car

                #region Ray

                bool onTrack = false;

                for (int i = 0; i < navMesh.triangles.Length; i++)
                    var triangle = navMesh.triangles[i];

                    if (CollisionCheck(triangle))
                        lastTriangle = i;
                        onTrack = true;

                if (!onTrack)
                    // Project car.Pos on lastTriangle.
                    var t = navMesh.triangles[lastTriangle];

                    float coord = Vector3.Dot(Car.Position - t.vertices[0], t.ac) / t.ac.LengthSquared();
                    bool trans = false;

                    if (coord < 0)
                        trans = true;
                        lastTriangle += (lastTriangle % 2 == 0 ? -2 : 2);
                    else if (coord > 1)
                        trans = true;
                        lastTriangle += (lastTriangle % 2 == 0 ? 2 : -2);

                    if (lastTriangle < 0)
                        lastTriangle += navMesh.triangles.Length;
                    if (lastTriangle >= navMesh.triangles.Length)
                        lastTriangle -= navMesh.triangles.Length;

                    if (!trans)
                        Car.Position = coord * t.ac + t.vertices[0];
                    else if (!CollisionCheck(navMesh.triangles[lastTriangle]))
                        t = navMesh.triangles[lastTriangle];
                        coord = MathHelper.Clamp(Vector3.Dot(Car.Position - t.vertices[0], t.ac) / t.ac.LengthSquared(), 0, 1);
                        Car.Position = coord * t.ac + t.vertices[0];
                        Car.Normal = t.normal;
                        Car.Speed *= 0.8f;


                #region View frustum
                // Update the view frustum
                Matrix view = gameInstance.GetService<CameraComponent>().View;
                viewFrustum = new BoundingFrustum(view * projectionMatrix);

                foreach (GameObject obj in GraphicalObjects)
                    if (obj.BoundingSphere.Intersects(viewFrustum))


            #region Audio
            // Spawn random audios
            if (gameTime.TotalGameTime.Milliseconds % 7000 < 10 && UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble() > 0.5)

            #region Particle emission
            // Particles should continue to spawn regardless of the pause state

            // Rain system
            for (int x = -4; x < 4; x++)
                for (int z = -4; z < 4; z++)
                    rainSystem.AddParticle(Car.Position + new Vector3(
                        (float)UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble() * x * 150,
                        500 * (float)UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble(),
                        (float)UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble() * z * 150),
                        new Vector3(-1, -1, -1));//Vector3.Down);

            // Smoke emission on part of track

            smokeTime += (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
            if (smokeTime > 0.35) {
                CurveRasterization cr = new CurveRasterization(raceTrack.Curve, 150);
                for(int i = 25 ; i < 55; i += 3){
                    smokeSystem.AddParticle(cr.Points[i].Position +
                        new Vector3(
                            (-1f + 2 * (float)UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble()) * 1100,
                            450 * (-1f + 2 * (float)UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble()),
                            (float)UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble() * 1100),

                smokeTime = 0;

            //if (smokeTime > 0.2)
            //    smokeSystem.AddParticle(Car.Position + Car.Heading * 500 +
            //        new Vector3(
            //            (-1f + 2 * (float)UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble()) * 500,
            //            500 * (-1f + 2 * (float)UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble()),
            //            (float)UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble() * 500),
            //            Vector3.Up);
            //    smokeTime = 0;

            foreach (ParticleEmitter emitter in fireflyEmitter)
                emitter.Update(gameTime, emitter.Origin +
                    new Vector3(
                        (-1f + 2 * (float)UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble()) * 200,
                        (-1f + 2 * (float)UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble()) * 200,
                        (-1f + 2 * (float)UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble()) * 200));

            if (Car.Speed > 10)
                dustEmitter.Update(gameTime, dustEmitter.Origin +
                    new Vector3(
                            (-1f + 2 * (float)UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble()) * 40,
                            (-1f + 2 * (float)UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble()) * 40));
                dustEmitter.Origin = Car.Position;

            #region Countdown Lights

            // Update all lights to represent the countdown state. Red - Orange - Yellow - Green
            if (countdownTimeGo.TotalSeconds < 1)
                foreach (PointLight light in pointLights)
                    light.Diffuse = countdownColors[mode.CountDownState].ToVector3();

                if (mode.CountDownState == 3)
                    countdownTimeGo += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime;


            //Vector3 originalDiffuse = new Vector3(.46f, .33f, .75f);
            Vector3 newDiffuse = new Vector3(.65f, .4f, .7f);
            Vector3 originalDiffuse = new Vector3(.7f, .6f, .8f);

            //float amount = (float)(Math.Sin(gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds * 2) + 1) * 0.5f * 0.4f;
            float amount = (float)(Math.Sin(gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds * 2));
            directionalLight.DefaultDiffuse = new Vector3(
                MathHelper.Lerp(originalDiffuse.X, newDiffuse.X, amount),
                MathHelper.Lerp(originalDiffuse.Y, newDiffuse.Y, amount),
                MathHelper.Lerp(originalDiffuse.Z, newDiffuse.Z, amount));

            //directionalLight.Direction = Vector3.Transform(
            //    directionalLight.Direction,
            //    Matrix.CreateRotationY(
            //    (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds));

            //Vector3 pointLightOffset = new Vector3(0, 250, 0), rotationAxis = new Vector3(0,-100,0);
            //int index = 0;
            //foreach (var point in raceTrack.CurveRasterization.Points)
            //    pointLights[index++].Position = terrainScale * point.Position + pointLightOffset +
            //        Vector3.Transform(rotationAxis, Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(point.Heading, 7 * (float)gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds));

            //yellowSystem.AddParticle(new Vector3(-200, 1500, 2000), Vector3.Up);
            //redSystem.AddParticle(new Vector3(1500, 1500, 2000), Vector3.Up);
            //plasmaSystem.AddParticle(new Vector3(-200, 1500, 4000), Vector3.Up);
            //greenSystem.AddParticle(new Vector3(1500, 1500, 4000), Vector3.Up);

            //airParticles.AddParticle(Car.Position + Car.Forward * (float)UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble() * 5000 +
            //    new Vector3(
            //        (-1f + 2 * (float)UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble()) * 500,
            //        500 * (-1f + 2 * (float)UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble()),
            //        (float)UniversalRandom.GetInstance().NextDouble() * 500),
            //        Vector3.Up);

コード例 #7
ファイル: NavMesh.cs プロジェクト: MintL/datx02-rally
        public NavMesh(GraphicsDevice device, datx02_rally.GameLogic.Curve curve, int resolution, float width, Vector3 terrainScale)
            this.device = device;

            #region Vertices

            //vertices = new NavMeshTriangleVertex[2 * resolution];
            vertices = new VertexPositionColor[2 * resolution];
                int i = 0;
                var curveRasterization = new CurveRasterization(curve, resolution).Points;
                foreach (var point in curveRasterization)
                    vertices[i++] = new VertexPositionColor(10 * Vector3.Up + point.Position - (terrainScale * width * point.Side), Color.White);
                    vertices[i++] = new VertexPositionColor(10 * Vector3.Up + point.Position + (terrainScale * width * point.Side), Color.White);


            #region Indicies

            int[] indices = new int[6 * resolution];

            int[] offsets = { 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0 };
            for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length; i++)
                int v = i / 3 + offsets[i % 6];
                if (v >= vertices.Length)
                    v -= vertices.Length;
                indices[i] = v;


            #region Triangles

            triangles = new NavMeshTriangle[2 * resolution];

            for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length; i += 3)
                triangles[i / 3] = new NavMeshTriangle(vertices[indices[i]].Position,
                    vertices[indices[i + 1]].Position,
                    vertices[indices[i + 2]].Position);

            // Smoothen out normals
            for (int i = 1; i < triangles.Length; i += 2)
                int j = i - 1, c = i - 2, d = j - 2;
                if (c < 0)
                    c += triangles.Length;
                    d += triangles.Length;

                Vector3 normal = Vector3.Lerp(triangles[i].normal, triangles[j].normal, .5f);
                Vector3 others = Vector3.Lerp(triangles[c].normal, triangles[d].normal, .5f);
                normal = Vector3.Lerp(normal, others, .6f);
                triangles[i].normal = triangles[j].normal = normal;


            #region Buffers

            indexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(device, typeof(int), indices.Length, BufferUsage.None);
            indexBuffer.SetData(indices, 0, 6);

            vertexbuffer = new VertexBuffer(device,
                    typeof(VertexPositionColor), vertices.Length,
            vertexbuffer.SetData(vertices, 0, 6);


            Effect = new BasicEffect(device);
コード例 #8
ファイル: AbstractTrigger.cs プロジェクト: MintL/datx02-rally
 public AbstractTrigger(CurveRasterization curve)
     : this()
     Curve = curve;