private async void button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)//添加 { string buildingnum; string wnum; GetInfo g = new GetInfo(); buildingnum = comboBox.SelectedValue.ToString().Replace("System.Windows.Controls.ComboBoxItem: ", ""); int num = g.getMnum(buildingnum) + 1; wnum = "00" + buildingnum + "00" + num.ToString(); string wname = textBox1.Text; string pwd = "111111"; labelwnum.Content = wnum; string s = "insert into worker(wnum,wname,bnum,pwd)values('" + wnum + "','" + wname + "','" + buildingnum + "','" + pwd + "')"; if (wname == "" || buildingnum == "") { await this.ShowMessageAsync("提示", "请输入完整的信息"); } MYSql mYSql = new MYSql(); try { mYSql.ExecuteQuery(s); await this.ShowMessageAsync("提示", "插入成功,新的工号是" + wnum); man.dataGrid.ItemsSource = mYSql.ExecuteQuery("select wnum as '工号',wname as '姓名',bnum as '管理栋号' from worker").DefaultView; this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { await this.ShowMessageAsync("提示", "未插入成功,已有此工号" + ex); } }
private async void button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { IntPtr p = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SecureStringToBSTR(this.passid.SecurePassword); string password = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringBSTR(p); if (userid.Text == "" || password == "") { await this.ShowMessageAsync("提示", "用户名和密码不能为空"); } else { if (selected == 0) { await this.ShowMessageAsync("提示", "请选择登陆属性"); } if (selected == 1) //弹出普通用户界面 { string username = userid.Text.Trim(); //账号 string pw = password;; //密码 string s1 = "select wnum,pwd,bnum from worker where wnum='" + username + "' and pwd='" + password + "'"; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = mysql.ExecuteQuery(s1); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { GetInfo getInfo = new GetInfo(); string buildingnum = getInfo.GetBuildingnum(username); userMain u = new userMain(buildingnum); = dt.Rows[0][2].ToString(); this.Close(); u.Show(); } else { await this.ShowMessageAsync("提示", "用户名或密码错误"); } } if (selected == 2)//弹出管理员界面 { if (userid.Text == "admin" && password == "admin") { manmain man = new manmain(); this.Close(); man.Show(); } else { await this.ShowMessageAsync("提示", "用户名或密码错误"); } } if (selected == 3)//学生界面 { string sid = userid.Text.Trim(); string pw = password;;//密码 string s1 = "select sid,password from student where sid='" + sid + "' and password='******'"; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = mysql.ExecuteQuery(s1); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { GetInfo gf = new GetInfo(); string[] temp = gf.GetTable(sid); string buildingnum = temp[0]; string roomnum = temp[1]; if (buildingnum == "error") { await this.ShowMessageAsync("提示", "不存在您的住宿信息"); } else { StuMain u = new StuMain(buildingnum, roomnum); this.Close(); u.Show(); } } else { await this.ShowMessageAsync("提示", "用户不存在或密码错误"); } } } //userMain u = new userMain(); //this.Close(); //u.Show(); //manmain man= new manmain(); //this.Close(); //man.Show(); }
private async void button2_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { GetInfo getInfo = new GetInfo(); string sid = textBox.Text.Trim(); string newroomnum = textBox1.Text.Trim(); MYSql mysql = new MYSql(); string s; if (selected == 0 || selected == 2 || selected == 1) { if (newroomnum == "" || sid == "") { await this.ShowMessageAsync("提示", "您还有属性未填写"); } else { if (selected == 0) { await this.ShowMessageAsync("提示", "请先选择更改属性"); } if (selected == 1)//修改个人 { string newbuildingnum = comboBox1.SelectedValue.ToString().Replace("System.Windows.Controls.ComboBoxItem: ", ""); if (Getin(newbuildingnum, newroomnum, 1)) { s = "update DS set buildingnum = '" + newbuildingnum + "' ,roomnum = '" + newroomnum + "' where sid = '" + sid + "'";//sql语句 MessageDialogResult result = await this.ShowMessageAsync("更改信息", "您真的要修改吗?", MessageDialogStyle.AffirmativeAndNegative); if (result != MessageDialogResult.Negative)//取消 { if (getInfo.setin(sid, newbuildingnum)) { try { mysql.ExecuteUpdate(s); await this.ShowMessageAsync("提示", "修改成功"); this.Close(); } catch { await this.ShowMessageAsync("提示", "无此寝室号"); } } else { await this.ShowMessageAsync("提示", "不同性别学生不能安排在同一寝室"); } } } else { await this.ShowMessageAsync("提示", "寝室无空余床位或是无此寝室号"); } } if (selected == 2)//修改整个寝室 { string newbuildingnum = comboBox1.SelectedValue.ToString().Replace("System.Windows.Controls.ComboBoxItem: ", ""); string oldbuildingnum = comboBox2.SelectedValue.ToString().Replace("System.Windows.Controls.ComboBoxItem: ", ""); if (Getin(newbuildingnum, newroomnum, 2)) { s = "update DS set buildingnum = '" + newbuildingnum + "',roomnum = '" + newroomnum + "'where buildingnum ='" + sid + "'and roomnum ='" + oldbuildingnum + "'"; MessageDialogResult result = await this.ShowMessageAsync("更改信息", "您真的要修改吗?", MessageDialogStyle.AffirmativeAndNegative); if (result != MessageDialogResult.Negative)//取消 { if ((Convert.ToInt32(newbuildingnum) % 2) != (Convert.ToInt32(oldbuildingnum) % 2)) { await this.ShowMessageAsync("提示", "不同性别不能安排在同一个寝室楼"); } else { try { mysql.ExecuteUpdate(s); await this.ShowMessageAsync("提示", "修改成功"); this.Close(); } catch { await this.ShowMessageAsync("提示", "无此寝室号"); } } } } else { await this.ShowMessageAsync("提示", "寝室无空余床位或是无此寝室号"); } } } } else if (selected == 3) { string year = yeartextbox.Text; if (year == "") { await this.ShowMessageAsync("提示", "请输入年份"); } else { AGSI gs = new AGSI(year); try { Progress1.IsActive = true; gs.DAlloc(); Progress1.IsActive = false; await this.ShowMessageAsync("提示", "完成"); } catch (Exception ex) { await this.ShowMessageAsync("异常", ex.ToString()); } this.Close(); } } }