public void Test_Equal_ReturnsTrueIfNameSame() { Restaurants firstRestaurants = new Restaurants("Carl's Jr.", "Canada", new DateTime(1999, 12, 15), "orange", 1); Restaurants secondRestaurants = new Restaurants("Carl's Jr.", "Canada", new DateTime(1999, 12, 15), "orange", 1); Assert.Equal(firstRestaurants, secondRestaurants); }
public void Test_Delete_DeletesCuisinesFromDatabase() { string name1 = "Ethiopian"; Cuisines testCuisines1 = new Cuisines(name1); testCuisines1.Save(); string name2 = "Brazilian"; Cuisines testCuisines2 = new Cuisines(name2); testCuisines2.Save(); Restaurants testRestaurants1 = new Restaurants("Chipotle", "2nd and Stark", new DateTime(1980, 12, 11), "red", testCuisines1.GetId()); testRestaurants1.Save(); Restaurants testRestaurants2 = new Restaurants("BurgerKing", "Division and 95th", new DateTime(1921, 02, 23), "turqoiuse", testCuisines2.GetId()); testRestaurants2.Save(); testCuisines1.Delete(); List <Cuisines> resultCuisines = Cuisines.GetAll(); List <Cuisines> testCuisinesList = new List <Cuisines> { testCuisines2 }; List <Restaurants> resultRestaurants = Restaurants.GetAll(); List <Restaurants> testRestaurantsList = new List <Restaurants> { testRestaurants2 }; Assert.Equal(testCuisinesList, resultCuisines); Assert.Equal(testRestaurantsList, resultRestaurants); }
public HomeModule() { Get ["/"] = _ => { List <Cuisines> allCuisines = Cuisines.GetAll(); return(View ["index.cshtml", allCuisines]); }; Get ["/cuisine/new"] = _ => { return(View ["cuisine_info.cshtml"]); }; Post["/"] = _ => { Cuisines newCuisines = new Cuisines(Request.Form["cuisine-name"]); newCuisines.Save(); List <Cuisines> allCuisines = Cuisines.GetAll(); return(View["index.cshtml", allCuisines]); }; Get["/cuisine/ClearAll"] = _ => { Cuisines.DeleteAll(); return(View ["cuisineClearAll.cshtml"]); }; Get["/cuisines/{id}"] = Parameters => { Dictionary <string, object> model = new Dictionary <string, object>(); var selectedCuisine = Cuisines.Find(; var Cusinerestaturant = selectedCuisine.GetRestaurants(); model.Add("cuisine", selectedCuisine); model.Add("restaurant", Cusinerestaturant); return(View["cuisine.cshtml", model]); }; Get["/cuisines/restaurantAdd"] = _ => { List <Cuisines> AllCuisines = Cuisines.GetAll(); return(View["addRestaurant.cshtml", AllCuisines]); }; Post["/cuisines/viewRestaurant"] = Parameters => { DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime((string)Request.Form["date"]); Restaurants newRestaurants = new Restaurants(Request.Form["name"], Request.Form["location"], dt, Request.Form["color"], Request.Form["cuisines-Id"]); newRestaurants.Save(); return(View["success.cshtml", newRestaurants]); }; Get["cuisines/edit/{id}"] = Parameters => { Cuisines SelectedCuisines = Cuisines.Find(; return(View["cuisines_edit.cshtml", SelectedCuisines]); }; Patch["/cuisines/edit/{id}"] = Parameters => { Cuisines newCusisines = Cuisines.Find(; newCusisines.Update(Request.Form["cuisine-name"]); return(View ["success.cshtml"]); }; Get["cuisines/delete/{id}"] = parameters => { Cuisines SelectedCuisines = Cuisines.Find(; return(View["cuisineDelete.cshtml", SelectedCuisines]); }; Delete["cuisines/delete/{id}"] = parameters => { Cuisines SelectedCuisines = Cuisines.Find(; SelectedCuisines.Delete(); return(View["success.cshtml"]); }; }
public void Test_Save_SaveobjecttoDB() { Restaurants testingRestaurant = new Restaurants("Gimilis Ale House", "Middle Earth", new DateTime(1753, 2, 2), "Orc Blood", 1); testingRestaurant.Save(); List <Restaurants> results = Restaurants.GetAll(); List <Restaurants> test = new List <Restaurants> { testingRestaurant }; Assert.Equal(results, test); }
public override bool Equals(System.Object otherRestaurants) { if (!(otherRestaurants is Restaurants)) { return(false); } else { Restaurants newRestaurants = (Restaurants)otherRestaurants; bool idEquality = this.GetId() == newRestaurants.GetId(); bool idCuisineEquality = this.GetCuisineId() == newRestaurants.GetCuisineId(); bool nameEquality = this.GetName() == newRestaurants.GetName(); bool locationEquality = this.GetLocation() == newRestaurants.GetLocation(); bool dateEquality = this.GetOpeningDate() == newRestaurants.GetOpeningDate(); bool colorEquality = this.GetColor() == newRestaurants.GetColor(); return(idEquality && nameEquality && locationEquality && dateEquality && colorEquality); } }
public static Restaurants Find(int id) { SqlConnection conn = DB.Connection(); SqlDataReader rdr = null; conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM restaurants WHERE id= @RestaurantsId;", conn); SqlParameter RestaurantsIdParameter = new SqlParameter(); RestaurantsIdParameter.ParameterName = "@RestaurantsId"; RestaurantsIdParameter.Value = id.ToString(); cmd.Parameters.Add(RestaurantsIdParameter); rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); int foundRestaurantsId = 0; string foundRestaurantsName = null; string foundRestaurantsLocation = null; DateTime foundRestaurantsDate = new DateTime(2016 - 02 - 23); string foundRestaurantsColor = null; int foundCuisinesId = 0; while (rdr.Read()) { foundRestaurantsId = rdr.GetInt32(0); foundRestaurantsName = rdr.GetString(1); foundRestaurantsLocation = rdr.GetString(2); foundRestaurantsColor = rdr.GetString(3); foundRestaurantsDate = rdr.GetDateTime(4); foundCuisinesId = rdr.GetInt32(5); } Restaurants foundRestaurants = new Restaurants(foundRestaurantsName, foundRestaurantsLocation, foundRestaurantsDate, foundRestaurantsColor, foundCuisinesId, foundRestaurantsId); if (rdr != null) { rdr.Close(); } if (conn != null) { conn.Close(); } return(foundRestaurants); }
public void Test_GetCuisines_RetrieveAllRestaurantsWithCuisines() { Cuisines testCuisines = new Cuisines("Indian"); testCuisines.Save(); Restaurants firstRestaurant = new Restaurants("TajMaHal", "2nd and Madison", new DateTime(2016, 2, 14), "blue", testCuisines.GetId()); firstRestaurant.Save(); Restaurants secondRestaurant = new Restaurants("TajMaBal", "3rd and Madison", new DateTime(2014, 8, 8), "red", testCuisines.GetId()); secondRestaurant.Save(); List <Restaurants> testRestaurantsList = new List <Restaurants> { firstRestaurant, secondRestaurant }; List <Restaurants> resultRestaurantsList = testCuisines.GetRestaurants(); Assert.Equal(testRestaurantsList, resultRestaurantsList); }
public List <Restaurants> GetRestaurants() { SqlConnection conn = DB.Connection(); SqlDataReader rdr = null; conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM restaurants WHERE cuisine_Id = @CuisinesId ORDER BY name DESC;", conn); SqlParameter CuisinesIdParameter = new SqlParameter(); CuisinesIdParameter.ParameterName = "@CuisinesId"; CuisinesIdParameter.Value = this.GetId(); cmd.Parameters.Add(CuisinesIdParameter); rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); List <Restaurants> restaurants = new List <Restaurants> { }; while (rdr.Read()) { int RestaurantsId = rdr.GetInt32(0); string RestaurantsName = rdr.GetString(1); string RestaurantsLocation = rdr.GetString(2); string RestaurantsColor = rdr.GetString(4); int cuisineId = rdr.GetInt32(5); DateTime RestaurantsDate = rdr.GetDateTime(3); Restaurants newRestaurants = new Restaurants(RestaurantsName, RestaurantsLocation, RestaurantsDate, RestaurantsColor, cuisineId, RestaurantsId); restaurants.Add(newRestaurants); } if (rdr != null) { rdr.Close(); } if (conn != null) { conn.Close(); } return(restaurants); }
public static List <Restaurants> GetAll() { List <Restaurants> allRestaurants = new List <Restaurants> { }; SqlConnection conn = DB.Connection(); SqlDataReader rdr = null; conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select * FROM restaurants ORDER BY name DESC;", conn); rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (rdr.Read()) { int RestaurantsId = rdr.GetInt32(0); string RestaurantsName = rdr.GetString(1); string RestaurantsLocation = rdr.GetString(2); DateTime RestaurantsDate = rdr.GetDateTime(3); string RestaurantsColor = rdr.GetString(4); int RestaurantsCuisineId = rdr.GetInt32(5); Restaurants newRestaurants = new Restaurants(RestaurantsName, RestaurantsLocation, RestaurantsDate, RestaurantsColor, RestaurantsCuisineId, RestaurantsId); allRestaurants.Add(newRestaurants); } if (rdr != null) { rdr.Close(); } if (conn != null) { conn.Close(); } return(allRestaurants); }
public void Dispose() { Restaurants.DeleteAll(); Cuisines.DeleteAll(); }
public void Test_DatabaseEmptyAtFirst() { int result = Restaurants.GetAll().Count; Assert.Equal(0, result); }