public KeyboardLayout(string name) { try { if (inis == null) { inis = IniStructure.ReadIni("Layouts\\" + name + ".keylayout"); if (inis == null) inis = IniStructure.ReadIni(name); = name; } if (inis.filename != "Layouts\\" + name + ".keylayout" && inis.filename != name) { inis = null; inis = IniStructure.ReadIni("Layouts\\" + name + ".keylayout"); if (inis == null) inis = IniStructure.ReadIni(name); = name; } } catch { inis = new IniStructure(); } }
private static string CreateData(IniStructure IniData, string comment) { //Iterates through all categories and keys and appends all data to Data int CategoryCount = IniData.GetCategories().Length; int[] KeyCountPerCategory = new int[CategoryCount]; string Data = comment; string[] temp = new string[2]; // will contain key-value pair for (int i = 0; i < CategoryCount; i++) // Gets keycount per category { string CategoryName = IniData.GetCategories()[i]; KeyCountPerCategory[i] = IniData.GetKeys(CategoryName).Length; } for (int catcounter = 0; catcounter < CategoryCount; catcounter++) { Data += "\r\n[" + IniData.GetCategoryName(catcounter) + "]\r\n"; // writes [Category] to Data for (int keycounter = 0; keycounter < KeyCountPerCategory[catcounter]; keycounter++) { temp[0] = IniData.GetKeyName(catcounter, keycounter); temp[1] = IniData.GetValue(catcounter, keycounter); Data += temp[0] + "=" + temp[1] + "\r\n"; // writes the key-value pair to Data } } return(Data); }
public Magazine_Driver(LabManager.LabManager parent, int nMagazine_ID) { _nMagazine_ID = nMagazine_ID; _parent = parent; myMagazineHelper = new MagazineHelper(_nMagazine_ID); string IniFilePath = myDef.LanguageFile; myIniHandler = IniStructure.ReadIni(IniFilePath); // _parent.InsertLoggingEntry((int)Definition.ThorLogWindows.ROUTING, "starting magazine '" + myMagazineHelper.GetMagazineName() + "' "); string strStarting = String.Format(myIniHandler.GetValue("Magazine", "StartMagazineInit"), myMagazineHelper.GetMagazineName()); WriteLoggEntry((int)Definition.ThorLogWindows.ROUTING, strStarting, (int)Definition.Message.D_MESSAGE); UpdateMagazine(); // Hook up the Elapsed event for the timer. MagazineDriverTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(OnTimedEvent); // Set the Interval to 1 seconds (1000 milliseconds). MagazineDriverTimer.Interval = 1000; MagazineDriverTimer.Enabled = true; if (myMagazineHelper.GetOutputPosition() == -1 || myMagazineHelper.GetMachine_ID() == -1) { string strCorruptConf = String.Format(myIniHandler.GetValue("Magazine", "CorruptConfiguration"), myMagazineHelper.GetOutputPosition(), myMagazineHelper.GetMachine_ID()); WriteLoggEntry((int)Definition.ThorLogWindows.ERROR, strCorruptConf, (int)Definition.Message.D_ALARM); } // Keep the timer alive until the end of Main. //GC.KeepAlive(MagazineDriverTimer); }
public Machine_Configuration_Form() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; InitializeComponent(); string IniFilePath = myDefinitions.LanguageFile; myIniHandler = IniStructure.ReadIni(IniFilePath); }
/// <summary> /// Reads an ini file and returns the content as an IniStructure. Returns null if an error occurred. /// </summary> /// <param name="Filename">The filename to read</param> /// <returns></returns> public static IniStructure ReadIni(string Filename) { string Data = ReadFile(Filename); if (Data == null) { return(null); } IniStructure data = InterpretIni(Data); return(data); }
public TCPIPConfiguration(C1FlexGrid grid) { c1FlexGrid_TCP_IP_Conf = grid; // errorProvider1 errorProvider = new System.Windows.Forms.ErrorProvider(); errorProvider.BlinkStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ErrorBlinkStyle.NeverBlink; string IniFilePath = myDefinitions.LanguageFile; myIniHandler = IniStructure.ReadIni(IniFilePath); grid.BeforeEdit += new C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RowColEventHandler(this.c1FlexGrid_TCPIPConfiguration_BeforeEdit); grid.GetCellErrorInfo += new C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.GetErrorInfoEventHandler(this.c1FlexGrid_Conditions_GetCellErrorInfo); // grid.GetRowErrorInfo += new C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.GetErrorInfoEventHandler(this.c1FlexGrid_Conditions_GetRowErrorInfo); }
public static IniStructure InterpretIni(string Data) { IniStructure IniData = new IniStructure(); string[] Lines = RemoveAndVerifyIni(DivideToLines(Data)); // Divides the Data in lines, removes comments and empty lines // and verifies if the ini is not corrupted // Returns null if it is. if (Lines == null) { return(null); } if (Lines.Length == 0 || IsLineACategoryDef(Lines[0]) != LineType.Category) { return(null); // Ini is faulty - does not begin with a categorydef } string CurrentCategory = ""; foreach (string line in Lines) { switch (IsLineACategoryDef(line)) { case LineType.Category: // the line is a correct category definition string NewCat = line.Substring(1, line.Length - 2); IniData.AddCategory(NewCat); // adds the category to the IniData CurrentCategory = NewCat; break; case LineType.NotACategory: // the line is not a category definition string[] keyvalue = GetDataFromLine(line); IniData.AddValue(CurrentCategory, keyvalue[0], keyvalue[1]); // Adds the key-value to the current category break; case LineType.Faulty: // the line is faulty return(null); } } return(IniData); }
public Administration_Form() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; InitializeComponent(); string IniFilePath = myDefinitions.LanguageFile; myIniHandler = IniStructure.ReadIni(IniFilePath); this.c1FlexGrid_Administartion.DrawMode = DrawModeEnum.OwnerDraw; this.c1FlexGrid_Administartion.Renderer = new MyRenderer(); this.c1FlexGrid_Administartion.FocusRect = C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.FocusRectEnum.None; myTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(TimerEventProcessor); // Sets the timer interval to x milliseconds. myTimer.Interval = 125; myTimer.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// Writes an IniStructure to a file with a comment. /// </summary> /// <param name="IniData">The contents to write</param> /// <param name="Filename">The complete path and name of the file</param> /// <param name="comment">Comment to add</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool WriteIni(IniStructure IniData, string Filename, string comment) { string DataToWrite = CreateData(IniData, BuildComment(comment)); return(WriteFile(Filename, DataToWrite)); }
// ---------------------------------------------- private void ReadSettings() { string file = findSettingFile(); try { if (File.Exists(file) == true) { ini = IniStructure.ReadIni(file); string[] allCategories = ini.GetCategories(); string[] keys; foreach (string category in allCategories) { keys = ini.GetKeys(category); foreach (string key in keys) { string settingValue = ini.GetValue(category, key); bool settingValueBool; if (settingValue != "") { try { settingValueBool = Convert.ToBoolean(settingValue); } catch { settingValueBool = false; } } else { settingValueBool = false; } switch (key) { #region cases case "UPDATESURL": UpdatesURL = settingValue; break; case "AUTOLAUNCHTIMER": autoLaunchTimer = Convert.ToInt32(settingValue); break; #endregion default: break; } } } } else { //settings file doesn't exist yet, manually set the UpdatesURL thing with the defaults // UpdatesURL = ""; } } catch (Exception e) { DebugLine("ReadSettings: " + e.Message); if (e.Message == "Object reference not set to an instance of an object.") { MessageBox.Show("Your settings file is somehow corrupted.\nPlease delete settings.ini or repair it."); } return; } }
public static IniStructure InterpretIni(string Data) { IniStructure IniData = new IniStructure(); string[] Lines = RemoveAndVerifyIni(DivideToLines(Data)); // Divides the Data in lines, removes comments and empty lines // and verifies if the ini is not corrupted // Returns null if it is. if (Lines == null) return null; if (IsLineACategoryDef(Lines[0]) != LineType.Category) { return null; // Ini is faulty - does not begin with a categorydef } string CurrentCategory = ""; foreach (string line in Lines) { switch (IsLineACategoryDef(line)) { case LineType.Category: // the line is a correct category definition string NewCat = line.Substring(1,line.Length - 2); IniData.AddCategory(NewCat); // adds the category to the IniData CurrentCategory = NewCat; break; case LineType.NotACategory: // the line is not a category definition string[] keyvalue = GetDataFromLine(line); IniData.AddValue(CurrentCategory, keyvalue[0], keyvalue[1]); // Adds the key-value to the current category break; case LineType.Faulty: // the line is faulty return null; } } return IniData; }
// ---------------------------------------------- public void PopulateLanguageSelector() { try { string file = findLangFile(); if (File.Exists(file)) { LanguageIni = IniStructure.ReadIni(file); string[] allCategories = LanguageIni.GetCategories(); if (allCategories.Length > 0) { setControlEnabled(langselect, true); SetComboBoxSelectedItem(langselect, Language); ResetLangVars(Language); } else { setControlEnabled(langselect, false); SetComboBoxSelectedItem(langselect, "English"); } } else { setControlEnabled(langselect, false); } } catch (Exception e) { DebugLines("PopulateLanguageSelector: " + e.Message); setControlEnabled(langselect, false); } }
private string SetConnectionString() { string conString = ""; string IniFilePath = definitions.PathIniFile; inis = IniStructure.ReadIni(IniFilePath); if (inis == null) MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong with the ini-Reader!\r\nerror reading from file: " + IniFilePath, "error"); conString = "server= " + inis.GetValue("DB", "server") + ";User Id=" + inis.GetValue("DB", "UserId") + ";password="******"DB", "password") + ";database=" + inis.GetValue("DB", "database") + ";Persist Security Info=no"; return conString; }
public string GetConnectionString() { string conString = ""; string IniFilePath = myDefinitions.PathIniFile; inis = IniStructure.ReadIni(IniFilePath); if (inis == null) { if (!bINIReaderError) { // MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong with the ini-Reader path!", "error"); InsertRow((int)Definition.Message.D_ALARM, "Something went wrong with the ini-Reader path!"); bINIReaderError = true; } } else { bINIReaderError = false; } // conString = inis.GetValue("DB", "ConnectionString"); conString = "server= " + inis.GetValue("DB", "server") + ";User Id=" + inis.GetValue("DB", "UserId") + ";password="******"DB", "password") + ";database=" + inis.GetValue("DB", "database") + ";Persist Security Info=no"; try { string debug = inis.GetValue("Logging", "DebugMode"); if (String.Equals(debug, "true", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { DEBUGMODE = true; } } catch { } try { string debug = inis.GetValue("Logging", "Debug"); if (String.Equals(debug, "true", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { DEBUG = true; } } catch { } try { string debug = inis.GetValue("Logging", "Message"); if (String.Equals(debug, "true", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { MESSAGE = true; } } catch { } try { string debug = inis.GetValue("Logging", "Alarm"); if (String.Equals(debug, "true", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { ALARM = true; } } catch { } try { string debug = inis.GetValue("Logging", "Receive"); if (String.Equals(debug, "true", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { RECEIVE = true; } } catch { } try { string debug = inis.GetValue("Logging", "Send"); if (String.Equals(debug, "true", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { SEND = true; } } catch { } return conString; }
/// <summary> /// Writes an IniStructure to a file without a comment. /// </summary> /// <param name="IniData">The contents to write</param> /// <param name="Filename">The complete path and name of the file</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool WriteIni(IniStructure IniData, string Filename) { string DataToWrite = CreateData(IniData); return(WriteFile(Filename, DataToWrite)); }
private static string CreateData(IniStructure IniData) { return(CreateData(IniData, "")); }
/// <summary> /// Writes an IniStructure to a file with a comment. /// </summary> /// <param name="IniData">The contents to write</param> /// <param name="Filename">The complete path and name of the file</param> /// <param name="comment">Comment to add</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool WriteIni(IniStructure IniData, string Filename, string comment) { string DataToWrite = CreateData(IniData, BuildComment(comment)); return WriteFile(Filename, DataToWrite); }
/// <summary> /// Writes an IniStructure to a file without a comment. /// </summary> /// <param name="IniData">The contents to write</param> /// <param name="Filename">The complete path and name of the file</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool WriteIni(IniStructure IniData, string Filename) { string DataToWrite = CreateData(IniData); return WriteFile(Filename, DataToWrite); }
private static string CreateData(IniStructure IniData) { return CreateData(IniData,""); }
// ---------------------------------------------- private void ReadSettings() { string file = findSettingFile(); try { if (File.Exists(file) == true) { ini = IniStructure.ReadIni(file); string[] allCategories = ini.GetCategories(); string[] keys; foreach (string category in allCategories) { keys = ini.GetKeys(category); foreach (string key in keys) { string settingValue = ini.GetValue(category, key); bool settingValueBool; if (settingValue != "") { try { settingValueBool = Convert.ToBoolean(settingValue); } catch { settingValueBool = false; } } else { settingValueBool = false; } switch (key) { #region cases case "HOMEURL": HomeURL.Text = settingValue; doHomeURL(HomeURL.Text); break; case "FORUMURL": ForumURL.Text = settingValue; doForumURL(ForumURL.Text); break; case "ROSTERURL": RosterURL.Text = settingValue; doRosterURL(RosterURL.Text); break; case "UNIADMINURL": UniAdminURL.Text = settingValue; checkHideUAURL(); break; case "UPLOADSVS": cbInclAddonData.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "UPLOADSCREENSHOTS": cbInclScreenShots.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "PURGEFIRST": purgefirstCh.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "ALLOWADDONDEL": chAllowDelAddons.Checked = settingValueBool; if (addonAutoUpdate.Checked) { chAllowDelAddons.Enabled = true; } else { chAllowDelAddons.Enabled = false; } break; case "SELECTEDACCT": selectedAcc = settingValue; break; //case "SELECTEDACCT": // AccountList.SelectedItem = settingValue; // break; case "UPLOADALLACCOUNTS": UploadALLAccounts.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "WEBWOWSVFILE": webWoWSvFile.Text = settingValue; break; case "AUTODETECTWOW": AutoInstallDirDetect.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "EXELOC": if (Directory.Exists(settingValue)) wowExeLoc = settingValue; populateAccountList(); populateSvList(); setupWatchers(); break; case "USERAGENT": userAgent.Text = settingValue; break; case "WOWARGS": launchWoWargs.Text = settingValue; break; case "PRIMARYURL": URL.Text = settingValue; break; case "USELAUNCHER": chUseLauncher.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "DOWNLOADAFTERUPLOAD": chWtoWOWafterUpload.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "DOWNLOADBEFOREUPLOAD": chWtoWOWbeforeUpload.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "DOWNLOADBEFOREWOWL": chWtoWOWbeforeWOWLaunch.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "SENDPWSECURE": sendPwSecurely.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "STOREPWSECURE": storePwSecurely.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "CHECKEDSVLIST": checkedSVsFromSettings = settingValue.Split('|'); break; case "CHECKEDADDONS": string[] cas = settingValue.Split('|'); foreach (string ca in cas) { checkedAddons.Add(ca); } break; case "EXEUULAUNCH": exeOnUuStart.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "EXEWOWLAUNCH": exeOnWowLaunch.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "EXE1": exe1.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "EXE2": exe2.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "EXE3": exe3.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "EXE1LOCATION": exe1Location.Text = settingValue; break; case "EXE2LOCATION": exe2Location.Text = settingValue; break; case "EXE3LOCATION": exe3Location.Text = settingValue; break; case "FILELOCATION": if (!PathFound) { mainSvLocation = settingValue; populateAccountList(); populateSvList(); setupWatchers(); if (!File.Exists(mainSvLocation)) { if (ProgramMode == "Basic") { //this.tabPage1.Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] {this.browse}); //DebugLine("Please click Browse to select the SV file."); } } else { PathFound = true; } } break; case "PROGRAMMODE": if (settingValue == "Advanced") { SwitchMode(); } break; case "WINDOWMODE": windowmode.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "OPENGL": OpenGl.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "RETRDATAURL": retrDataUrl.Text = settingValue; break; case "ADDONAUTOUPDATE": addonAutoUpdate.Checked = settingValueBool; if (addonAutoUpdate.Checked) { chAllowDelAddons.Enabled = true; } else { chAllowDelAddons.Enabled = false; } break; case "UUSETTINGSUPDATER": uuSettingsUpdater.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "UUUPDATERCHECK": UUUpdaterCheck.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "UUAUTOUPDATERCHECK": UUAutoUpdaterCheck.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "SYNCHROURL": AutoAddonURL.Text = settingValue; break; case "UPDATESURL": UpdatesURL.Text = settingValue; break; case "LANGUAGE": try { Language = settingValue; langselect.SelectedItem = settingValue; } catch (Exception e) { DebugLine(e.Message); } break; case "SYSTRAY": checkBox1.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "ALWAYSONTOP": checkBox6.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "AUTOUPLOADONFILECHANGES": autoUploader.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "ADDVAR1CH": arg1check.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "ADDVAR2CH": arg2check.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "ADDVAR3CH": arg3check.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "ADDVAR4CH": arg4check.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "ADDURL1CH": chaddurl1.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "ADDURL2CH": chaddurl2.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "ADDURL3CH": chaddurl3.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "ADDURL4CH": chaddurl4.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "ADDVARNAME1": arrg1.Text = settingValue; break; case "ADDVARNAME2": arrg2.Text = settingValue; break; case "ADDVARNAME3": arrg3.Text = settingValue; break; case "ADDVARNAME4": arrg4.Text = settingValue; break; case "ADDVARVAL1": valu1.Text = settingValue; break; case "ADDVARVAL2": if (storePwSecurely.Checked) { valu2.Text = Decrypt(settingValue); } else{ valu2.Text = settingValue; } break; case "ADDVARVAL3": valu3.Text = settingValue; break; case "ADDVARVAL4": valu4.Text = settingValue; break; case "ADDURL1": addurl1.Text = settingValue; break; case "ADDURL2": addurl2.Text = settingValue; break; case "ADDURL3": addurl3.Text = settingValue; break; case "ADDURL4": addurl4.Text = settingValue; break; case "GZIP": GZcompress.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "RETRDATAFROMSITE": retrDataUrl.Enabled = settingValueBool; retrdatafromsite.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "STARTWITHWINDOWS": stboot.Checked = settingValueBool; if (settingValueBool) DebugLine(InstallStartupKey()); else DebugLine(UninstallStartupKey()); break; case "AUTOLAUNCHWOW": stwowlaunch.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "STARTMINI": stmin.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "CLOSETOSYSTRAY": CloseToSysTray.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "DELAYUPLOAD": delaych.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "DELAYSECONDS": DelaySecs.Text = settingValue; break; case "UPERRPOPUP": cbUpErrorPop.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "CLOSEAFUPD": cbCloseAfterUpdates.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "CLOSEAFLAU": cbCloseAfterWowLaunch.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "AUTOSYNCIN": nudAutoSyncInterval.Value = Decimal.Parse(settingValue); break; case "USEAPPDATA": cbAppData.Checked = settingValueBool; break; case "AUTOLAUNCHTIMER": autoLaunchTimer = Convert.ToInt32(settingValue); break; case "UUTIMEOUT": UUTimeOut = Convert.ToInt32(settingValue); break; case "GUILDNAME": GuildName = settingValue; if (GuildName != "") // Only alter the title/systray text if theres an actual setting text to use { if (EnableOfficerBuild && !IsOfficerBuild) { OfficerStr = ""; } Text = GuildName + "UniUploader" + OfficerStr; notifyIcon1.Text = Text; } break; case "ENABLEOFFICERBUILD": EnableOfficerBuild = settingValueBool; break; case "OFFICERSTR": if (EnableOfficerBuild && IsOfficerBuild) { OfficerStr = settingValue; if (OfficerStr != "") // Only alter the title/systray text if theres an actual setting text to use { Text = GuildName + "UniUploader" + OfficerStr; notifyIcon1.Text = Text; } } else { OfficerStr = ""; Text = GuildName + "UniUploader" + OfficerStr; notifyIcon1.Text = Text; } break; case "MEMBERUUVAL": if (storePwSecurely.Checked) { MemberUUVal = Decrypt(settingValue); } else{ MemberUUVal = settingValue; } if (EnableOfficerBuild && !IsOfficerBuild) { if (MemberUUVal!="") { valu2.Text=MemberUUVal; } } break; case "OFFICERUUVAL": if (storePwSecurely.Checked) { OfficerUUVal = Decrypt(settingValue); } else{ OfficerUUVal = settingValue; } if (EnableOfficerBuild && IsOfficerBuild) { if (OfficerUUVal!="") { valu2.Text=OfficerUUVal; } } break; #endregion default: break; } } } } else { //settings file doesn't exist yet, manually set the checkedSVList thing with the defaults checkedSVsFromSettings = presets; //togSVList.Text = "Hide SVs"; //this.Width = 645; } } catch (Exception e) { DebugLine("ReadSettings: " + e.Message); if (e.Message == "Object reference not set to an instance of an object.") { MessageBox.Show("Your settings file is somehow corrupted.\nPlease delete settings.ini or repair it."); } return; } }
private static string CreateData(IniStructure IniData, string comment) { //Iterates through all categories and keys and appends all data to Data int CategoryCount = IniData.GetCategories().Length; int[] KeyCountPerCategory = new int[CategoryCount]; string Data = comment; string[] temp = new string[2]; // will contain key-value pair for (int i = 0; i < CategoryCount; i++) // Gets keycount per category { string CategoryName = IniData.GetCategories()[i]; KeyCountPerCategory[i] = IniData.GetKeys(CategoryName).Length; } for (int catcounter = 0; catcounter < CategoryCount; catcounter++) { Data += "\r\n[" + IniData.GetCategoryName(catcounter) + "]\r\n"; // writes [Category] to Data for (int keycounter = 0; keycounter < KeyCountPerCategory[catcounter]; keycounter++) { temp[0] = IniData.GetKeyName(catcounter, keycounter); temp[1] = IniData.GetValue(catcounter, keycounter); Data += temp[0] + "=" + temp[1] + "\r\n"; // writes the key-value pair to Data } } return Data; }
// ---------------------------------------------- public void ResetLangVars(string Lang) { string file = WorkSpacePath + "\\languages.ini"; LanguageIni = IniStructure.ReadIni(file); string[] allCategories = LanguageIni.GetCategories(); string[] keys; foreach (string category in allCategories) { if (category == Lang) { keys = LanguageIni.GetKeys(category); foreach (string key in keys) { string settingValue = LanguageIni.GetValue(category, key).Replace("<br>", '\n'.ToString()); switch (key) { #region cases case "_UPDATERHELP": _UPDATERHELP = @settingValue; break; case "_PURGEFIRST": _PURGEFIRST = @settingValue; break; case "_INSTALL": _INSTALL = @settingValue; break; case "_ADDONAME": _ADDONAME = @settingValue; break; case "_ADDOVERS": _ADDOVERS = @settingValue; break; case "_ADDOTOC": _ADDOTOC = @settingValue; break; case "_ADDODESCRIP": _ADDODESCRIP = @settingValue; break; case "_UNLISTEDFILE": _UNLISTEDFILE = @settingValue; break; case "_CREATINGDIR": _CREATINGDIR = @settingValue; break; case "_WRITINGFILE": _WRITINGFILE = @settingValue; break; case "_ALLOWUAADDONDEL": _ALLOWUAADDONDEL = @settingValue; break; case "_DELETINGADDON": _DELETINGADDON = @settingValue; break; case "_CONFIGG": _CONFIGG = @settingValue; break; case "_ADDONS": _ADDONS = @settingValue; break; case "_SVBLS": _SVBLS = @settingValue; break; case "_ARRGS": _ARRGS = @settingValue; break; case "_CLEARTHESVS": _CLEARTHESVS = @settingValue; break; case "_SHOWSVSBUT": _SHOWSVSBUT = @settingValue; break; case "_HIDESVSBUT": _HIDESVSBUT = @settingValue; break; case "_SHOWADDONSBUT": _SHOWADDONSBUT = @settingValue; break; case "_HIDEADDONSBUT": _HIDEADDONSBUT = @settingValue; break; case "_AUTODETECTWOWCH": _AUTODETECTWOWCH = @settingValue; break; case "_FINDWOWEXEBUT": _FINDWOWEXEBUT = @settingValue; break; case "_UPALLACC": _UPALLACC = @settingValue; break; case "_UPSCRSHT": _UPSCRSHT = @settingValue; break; case "_UPSVS": _UPSVS = @settingValue; break; case "_SENDPWSECURELE": _SENDPWSECURELE = @settingValue; break; case "_STOREPWSECURE": _STOREPWSECURE = @settingValue; break; case "_DELAYTHEUPLOAD": _DELAYTHEUPLOAD = @settingValue; break; case "_BEFOREWOWLAUNCH": _BEFOREWOWLAUNCH = @settingValue; break; case "_BEFOREUPLOADING": _BEFOREUPLOADING = @settingValue; break; case "_AFTERUPLOADING": _AFTERUPLOADING = @settingValue; break; case "_SVFILETOWRITETO": _SVFILETOWRITETO = @settingValue; break; case "_DOWNLOADIT": _DOWNLOADIT = @settingValue; break; case "_USETHELAUNCHER": _USETHELAUNCHER = @settingValue; break; case "_THEDEBUGINFO": _THEDEBUGINFO = @settingValue; break; case "_CANTFINDLICENSE": _CANTFINDLICENSE = @settingValue; break; case "_THELICENSE": _THELICENSE = @settingValue; break; case "_CANTFINDCHANGELOG": _CANTFINDCHANGELOG = @settingValue; break; case "_THECHANGELOG": _THECHANGELOG = @settingValue; break; case "_EXPANDALL": _EXPANDALL = @settingValue; break; case "_COLLAPSEALL": _COLLAPSEALL = @settingValue; break; case "_THESEAREADDONS": _THESEAREADDONS = @settingValue; break; case "_TRANSLATIONS": _TRANSLATIONS = @settingValue; break; case "_LOGINONCE": _LOGINONCE = @settingValue; break; case "_WARNING": _WARNING = @settingValue; break; case "_WARNINGWILLCLEAR": _WARNINGWILLCLEAR = @settingValue; break; case "_UPDSRCHTIMEOUT": _UPDSRCHTIMEOUT = @settingValue; break; case "_LAUNCHOTHERPROGRAMS": _LAUNCHOTHERPROGRAMS = @settingValue; break; case "_ONUULAUNCH": _ONUULAUNCH = @settingValue; break; case "_ONWOWLAUNCH": _ONWOWLAUNCH = @settingValue; break; case "_MD5ID": _MD5ID = @settingValue; break; case "_STING": _STING = @settingValue; break; case "_FILECHDET": _FILECHDET = @settingValue; break; case "_UPLDING": _UPLDING = @settingValue; break; case "_PARSING": _PARSING = @settingValue; break; case "_COMPING": _COMPING = @settingValue; break; case "_UPDLANGPACK": _UPDLANGPACK = @settingValue; break; case "_UPLOAD": _UPLOAD = @settingValue; break; case "_STOPT": _STOPT = @settingValue; break; case "_UPLACC": _UPLACC = @settingValue; break; case "_UPLOADING_PRIMARY": _UPLOADING_PRIMARY = @settingValue; break; case "_USEUP": _USEUP = @settingValue; break; case "_UPLOADING_ADDURL1": _UPLOADING_ADDURL1 = @settingValue; break; case "_UPLOADING_ADDURL2": _UPLOADING_ADDURL2 = @settingValue; break; case "_UPLOADING_ADDURL3": _UPLOADING_ADDURL3 = @settingValue; break; case "_UPLOADING_ADDURL4": _UPLOADING_ADDURL4 = @settingValue; break; case "_RETRDATA": _RETRDATA = @settingValue; break; case "_WRITINGSV": _WRITINGSV = @settingValue; break; case "_READY": _READY = @settingValue; break; case "_CANTREADFILE": _CANTREADFILE = @settingValue; break; case "_WOWACCSEARCH": _WOWACCSEARCH = @settingValue; break; case "_NOTFOUND": _NOTFOUND = @settingValue; break; case "_NOACCFOUND": _NOACCFOUND = @settingValue; break; case "_INIT": _INIT = @settingValue; break; case "_WOWNOTFOUND": _WOWNOTFOUND = @settingValue; break; case "_STVALCREATE": _STVALCREATE = @settingValue; break; case "_STVALFIX": _STVALFIX = @settingValue; break; case "_STVALFUNC": _STVALFUNC = @settingValue; break; case "_REGPROB": _REGPROB = @settingValue; break; case "_STVALDEL": _STVALDEL = @settingValue; break; case "_STVALNOTFD": _STVALNOTFD = @settingValue; break; case "_HITBROWSE": _HITBROWSE = @settingValue; break; case "_HELP1": _HELP1 = @settingValue; break; case "_HELP2": _HELP2 = @settingValue; break; case "_HELP3": _HELP3 = @settingValue; break; case "_HELP4": _HELP4 = @settingValue; break; case "_GZIPPING": _GZIPPING = @settingValue; break; case "_NOCOMP": _NOCOMP = @settingValue; break; case "_COMPSIZE": _COMPSIZE = @settingValue; break; case "_UPLERR": _UPLERR = @settingValue; break; case "_DATARETRERR": _DATARETRERR = @settingValue; break; case "_CHECKSET": _CHECKSET = @settingValue; break; case "_UPDWOWADDON": _UPDWOWADDON = @settingValue; break; case "_CHUUUPDATE": _CHUUUPDATE = @settingValue; break; case "_WINDOWMODE": _WINDOWMODE = @settingValue; break; case "_CHANGES": _CHANGES = @settingValue; break; case "_UPDYESNO": _UPDYESNO = @settingValue; break; case "_NEWUPDAVAIL": _NEWUPDAVAIL = @settingValue; break; case "_UPDEXENOTFD": _UPDEXENOTFD = @settingValue; break; case "_DOWNUPD": _DOWNUPD = @settingValue; break; case "_OF": _OF = @settingValue; break; case "_DOWNLOADING": _DOWNLOADING = @settingValue; break; case "_SAVLOG": _SAVLOG = @settingValue; break; case "_UPDADDONSST": _UPDADDONSST = @settingValue; break; case "_RETRXMLDATA": _RETRXMLDATA = @settingValue; break; case "_XMLDATA": _XMLDATA = @settingValue; break; case "_XMLPARS": _XMLPARS = @settingValue; break; case "_NUMADDONS": _NUMADDONS = @settingValue; break; case "_ADDONLIST": _ADDONLIST = @settingValue; break; case "_NOADDONS": _NOADDONS = @settingValue; break; case "_NOWUPD": _NOWUPD = @settingValue; break; case "_ADDONSUPD": _ADDONSUPD = @settingValue; break; case "_ADDONUPD": _ADDONUPD = @settingValue; break; case "_MD5NOMATCH": _MD5NOMATCH = @settingValue; break; case "_UNZIPPING": _UNZIPPING = @settingValue; break; case "_DELZIPFILE": _DELZIPFILE = @settingValue; break; case "_UPDFOR": _UPDFOR = @settingValue; break; case "_ISCOMP": _ISCOMP = @settingValue; break; case "_FILENAME": _FILENAME = @settingValue; break; case "_ADDONRETRRESP": _ADDONRETRRESP = @settingValue; break; case "_ADVMODE": _ADVMODE = @settingValue; break; case "_SIMPMODE": _SIMPMODE = @settingValue; break; case "_URLLABEL": _URLLABEL = @settingValue; break; case "_SELACC": _SELACC = @settingValue; break; case "_FILELOC": _FILELOC = @settingValue; break; case "_BROWSE": _BROWSE = @settingValue; break; case "_AUTOPATH": _AUTOPATH = @settingValue; break; case "_WINMODE": _WINMODE = @settingValue; break; case "_LAUNCHWOW": _LAUNCHWOW = @settingValue; break; case "_SETTINGS": _SETTINGS = @settingValue; break; case "_SERVRESP": _SERVRESP = @settingValue; break; case "_UPLLABEL": _UPLLABEL = @settingValue; break; case "_DATARESP1": _DATARESP1 = @settingValue; break; case "_DATARESP2": _DATARESP2 = @settingValue; break; case "_DATARESP3": _DATARESP3 = @settingValue; break; case "_OPTIONS": _OPTIONS = @settingValue; break; case "_SECURITY": _SECURITY = @settingValue; break; case "_HTTPCRED": _HTTPCRED = @settingValue; break; case "_DOMAIN": _DOMAIN = @settingValue; break; case "_USER": _USER = @settingValue; break; case "_MISC": _MISC = @settingValue; break; case "_FFNAME": _FFNAME = @settingValue; break; case "_SIST": _SIST = @settingValue; break; case "_CSIST": _CSIST = @settingValue; break; case "_AOT": _AOT = @settingValue; break; case "_AUOFC": _AUOFC = @settingValue; break; case "_UPERRPU": _UPERRPU = @settingValue; break; case "_CLAFUP": _CLAFUP = @settingValue; break; case "_CLAFWL": _CLAFWL = @settingValue; break; case "_SYSTICO": _SYSTICO = @settingValue; break; case "_USERAGENT": _USERAGENT = @settingValue; break; case "_ADDVARS": _ADDVARS = @settingValue; break; case "_ADDURLS": _ADDURLS = @settingValue; break; case "_UPDATER": _UPDATER = @settingValue; break; case "_AUTOUPD": _AUTOUPD = @settingValue; break; case "_KMAU": _KMAU = @settingValue; break; case "_KMCUSU": _KMCUSU = @settingValue; break; case "_CFUTU": _CFUTU = @settingValue; break; case "_AUTLU": _AUTLU = @settingValue; break; case "_SYNCHURL": _SYNCHURL = @settingValue; break; case "_UPDATESURL": _UPDATESURL = @settingValue; break; case "_SAPU": _SAPU = @settingValue; break; case "_SYNCHNOW": _SYNCHNOW = @settingValue; break; case "_UPDCHK": _UPDCHK = @settingValue; break; case "_WARN": _WARN = @settingValue; break; case "_WARNMSG": _WARNMSG = @settingValue; break; case "_DEBUGGER": _DEBUGGER = @settingValue; break; case "_CLEARDB": _CLEARDB = @settingValue; break; case "_SAVEASDB": _SAVEASDB = @settingValue; break; case "_ADVANCED": _ADVANCED = @settingValue; break; case "_ADVANCEDSETTINGS": _ADVANCEDSETTINGS = @settingValue; break; case "_EFF": _EFF = @settingValue; break; case "_GZIPLAB": _GZIPLAB = @settingValue; break; case "_USEAPPDATA": _USEAPPDATA = @settingValue; break; case "_PP": _PP = @settingValue; break; case "_VARKEEP": _VARKEEP = @settingValue; break; case "_SITEWOW": _SITEWOW = @settingValue; break; case "_RETRDATA2": _RETRDATA2 = @settingValue; break; case "_WRITEAS": _WRITEAS = @settingValue; break; case "_OTHEROPT": _OTHEROPT = @settingValue; break; case "_DELAYUP": _DELAYUP = @settingValue; break; case "_SECONDS": _SECONDS = @settingValue; break; case "_STOPTIONS": _STOPTIONS = @settingValue; break; case "_STWITHWIN": _STWITHWIN = @settingValue; break; case "_AUTOLCHWOW": _AUTOLCHWOW = @settingValue; break; case "_STMINI": _STMINI = @settingValue; break; case "_HELP": _HELP = @settingValue; break; case "_SETT": _SETT = @settingValue; break; case "_OPTI": _OPTI = @settingValue; break; case "_ADV": _ADV = @settingValue; break; case "_INFOZ": _INFOZ = @settingValue; break; case "_ABT": _ABT = @settingValue; break; case "_CPY": _CPY = @settingValue; break; case "_LANG": _LANG = @settingValue; break; case "_LANGNTFD": _LANGNTFD = @settingValue; break; case "_MINLBL": _MINLBL = @settingValue; break; case "_ASILBL": _ASILBL = @settingValue; break; case "_CRTDBY": _CRTDBY = @settingValue; break; case "_UPTDBY": _UPTDBY = @settingValue; break; default: break; #endregion } } } } InitLanguageChange(); }
public int RemoteObject(int nForm, int nMachine, int nReserve, string strSampleID) { int returnValue = -1; string IniFileName = CDef.PathIniFileName; string IniFilePath = null; string localPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(new System.Uri(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase).LocalPath); IniFilePath = localPath + @"\..\..\..\..\" + IniFileName; inis = IniStructure.ReadIni(IniFilePath); string ProjectPath = localPath + @"\..\..\..\..\"; string strAssemblyInfo = ""; if (inis == null) MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong", "error"); switch (nForm) { case 1: { Path = inis.GetValue("Path", "Machine_Info"); strAssemblyInfo = "Machine_Info.RemoteObject"; break; } case 2: { Path = inis.GetValue("Path", "Routing_Table"); strAssemblyInfo = "Routing_Table.RemoteObject"; break; } case 3: { Path = inis.GetValue("Path", "Sample_Info"); strAssemblyInfo = "Sample_Info.RemoteObject"; break; } case 4: { Path = inis.GetValue("Path", "Logging_Info"); strAssemblyInfo = "Logging_Info.RemoteObject"; break; } case 5: { Path = inis.GetValue("Path", "Sample_Registration"); strAssemblyInfo = "Sample_Registration.RemoteObject"; break; } case 6: { Path = inis.GetValue("Path", "Sample_Statistic"); strAssemblyInfo = "Sample_Statistic.RemoteObject"; break; } case 7: { Path = inis.GetValue("Path", "Sample_ValueStatistic"); strAssemblyInfo = "SampleValue_Statistic.RemoteObject"; break; } case 8: { Path = inis.GetValue("Path", "Magazine_Info"); strAssemblyInfo = "Magazine_Info.RemoteObject"; break; } case 9: { Path = inis.GetValue("Path", "Lab_Manager"); strAssemblyInfo = "LabManager.RemoteObject"; break; } case 10: { Path = @"d:\Arbeit\Hephaistos\WindowsFormsApplication1\WindowsFormsApplication1\bin\Debug\WindowsFormsApplication1.exe"; strAssemblyInfo = "WindowsFormsApplication1.RemoteObject"; object[] argstopass2 = new object[] { (object)nForm, (object)nMachine, (object)nReserve, (object)strSampleID }; System.Reflection.Assembly newAssembly2 = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom( Path); newAssembly2.CreateInstance(strAssemblyInfo, false, //do not ignore the case System.Reflection.BindingFlags.CreateInstance, //specifies we want to call a ctor method null, //a null binder specifies the default binder will be used (works in most cases) argstopass2, //the arguments (based on the arguments, CreateInstance() will decide which ctor to invoke) null, //CultureInfo is null so we will use the culture info from the current thread null //no activation attributes ); return 10; } } //the arguments we will pass object[] argstopass = new object[] { (object)nForm, (object)nMachine, (object)nReserve, (object)strSampleID }; System.Reflection.Assembly newAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(ProjectPath+Path); newAssembly.CreateInstance(strAssemblyInfo, false, //do not ignore the case System.Reflection.BindingFlags.CreateInstance, //specifies we want to call a ctor method null, //a null binder specifies the default binder will be used (works in most cases) argstopass, //the arguments (based on the arguments, CreateInstance() will decide which ctor to invoke) null, //CultureInfo is null so we will use the culture info from the current thread null //no activation attributes ); return returnValue; }