コード例 #1
        Variable   Define( VariableDefinition definition, params Object[] replacements )

            Delim=                  definition.Delim;
            FormatHints=            definition.FormatHints;
            FormatAttrAlignment=    definition.FormatAttrAlignment;

            // set Category, Name, Comment
            if(  definition.Category != null ) Category._( definition.Category );
            else                               Category._( definition.CategoryFallback );

            Name    ._( definition.Name    );
            Comments._( definition.Comments );
            if ( definition.DefaultValue != null )
                DefaultValue._()._( definition.DefaultValue );

            // replace strings
            if ( replacements != null && replacements.Length > 0 )
                AString search= Fullname;                        // just an alias name
                AString repl=   new AString(); values.Add(repl); // reuse this string later
                for( int i= 0; i < replacements.Length; i++ )
                    search._()._("%")._(i + 1);
                    repl  ._()._( replacements[i] );

                    Category    .SearchAndReplace( search, repl );
                    Name        .SearchAndReplace( search, repl );
                    Comments    .SearchAndReplace( search, repl );
                    DefaultValue.SearchAndReplace( search, repl );

            // set full name
            if( Category.IsNotEmpty() )
                Fullname._( Category )._( '_' );
            Fullname._( Name );

            ALIB.ASSERT_WARNING(  Name.IsNotEmpty(), "Empty variable name given" );

            return this;
コード例 #2
 /** ****************************************************************************************
  * Constructs a variable from a definition.
  * Strings named \c "%1", \c "%2" ... \c "%N" found in the fields #Category, #Name,
  * #Comments and #DefaultValue are replaced with given replacement strings found
  * in vector \p replacements.
  * @param definition     The definition data of the variable.
  * @param replacements   List of objects that will be converted to strings using
  *                       \ref cs::aworx::lib::strings::AString::_(Object) "AString._(Object)".
   public Variable( VariableDefinition definition, params Object[] replacements )
       Define( definition, replacements );