コード例 #1
ファイル: IndexHandler.cs プロジェクト: IgorBabalich/vtd-xml
        /// <summary>
        /// This function is called within VTDGen and 
        /// VTDNav's writeIndex
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="version"></param>
        /// <param name="encodingType"></param>
        /// <param name="ns"></param>
        /// <param name="byteOrder"></param>
        /// <param name="nestDepth"></param>
        /// <param name="LCLevel"></param>
        /// <param name="rootIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="xmlDoc"></param>
        /// <param name="docOffset"></param>
        /// <param name="docLen"></param>
        /// <param name="vtdBuffer"></param>
        /// <param name="l1Buffer"></param>
        /// <param name="l2Buffer"></param>
        /// <param name="l3Buffer"></param>
        /// <param name="os"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static void writeIndex_L3(byte version,
            int encodingType,
            bool ns,
            bool byteOrder,
            int nestDepth,
            int LCLevel,
            int rootIndex,
            byte[] xmlDoc,
            int docOffset,
            int docLen,
            FastLongBuffer vtdBuffer,
            FastLongBuffer l1Buffer,
            FastLongBuffer l2Buffer,
            FastIntBuffer l3Buffer,
            System.IO.Stream os)
            if (xmlDoc == null
                || docLen <= 0
                || vtdBuffer == null
                || l1Buffer == null
                || l2Buffer == null
                || l3Buffer == null
                || LCLevel != 3)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid argument for writeIndex ");
            if (vtdBuffer.size_Renamed_Field == 0)
                throw new IndexWriteException("VTDBuffer can't be zero length");
            int i;

            System.IO.BinaryWriter dos = new System.IO.BinaryWriter(os);
            // first 4 bytes
            byte[] ba = new byte[4];
            ba[0] = (byte)version; // version # is 1 
            ba[1] = (byte)encodingType;
            if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian == false)
                ba[2] = (byte)(ns ? 0xe0 : 0xa0); // big endien
                ba[2] = (byte)(ns ? 0xc0 : 0x80);
            ba[3] = (byte)nestDepth;
            // second 4 bytes
            ba[0] = 0;
            ba[1] = 4;
            ba[2] = (byte)((rootIndex & 0xff00) >> 8);
            ba[3] = (byte)(rootIndex & 0xff);
            // 2 reserved 32-bit words set to zero
            ba[1] = ba[2] = ba[3] = 0;
            // write XML doc in bytes
            dos.Write(xmlDoc, docOffset, docLen);
            //dos.Write(xmlDoc, docOffset, docLen);
            // zero padding to make it integer multiple of 64 bits
            if ((docLen & 0x07) != 0)
                int t = (((docLen >> 3) + 1) << 3) - docLen;
                for (; t > 0; t--)
            // write VTD

            if (docOffset != 0)
                for (i = 0; i < vtdBuffer.size_Renamed_Field; i++)
                    dos.Write(adjust(vtdBuffer.longAt(i), -docOffset));
                for (i = 0; i < vtdBuffer.size_Renamed_Field; i++)
            // write L1 
            for (i = 0; i < l1Buffer.size_Renamed_Field; i++)
            // write L2
            for (i = 0; i < l2Buffer.size_Renamed_Field; i++)
            // write L3
            for (i = 0; i < l3Buffer.size_Renamed_Field; i++)
            // pad zero if # of l3 entry is odd
            if ((l3Buffer.size_Renamed_Field & 1) != 0)
コード例 #2
ファイル: VTDNav_L5.cs プロジェクト: DuLerWeil/vtd-xml
        // lengnth of the XML document (in byte))
         * Initialize the VTD navigation object.
         * @param RootIndex
         *            int
         * @param maxDepth
         *            int
         * @param encoding
         *            int
         * @param NS
         *            boolean
         * @param x
         *            byte[]
         * @param vtd
         *            com.ximpleware.ILongBuffer
         * @param l1
         *            com.ximpleware.ILongBuffer
         * @param l2
         *            com.ximpleware.ILongBuffer
         * @param l3
         *            com.ximpleware.IIntBuffer
         * @param so
         *            int starting offset of the document(in byte)
         * @param length
         *            int length of the document (in byte)
        protected internal VTDNav_L5(
            int RootIndex,
            int enc,
            bool NS,
            int depth,
            IByteBuffer x,
            FastLongBuffer vtd,
            FastLongBuffer l1,
            FastLongBuffer l2,
            FastLongBuffer l3,
            FastLongBuffer l4,
            FastIntBuffer l5,
            int so, // start offset of the starting offset(in byte)
            int length)
            // initialize all buffers
            if (l1 == null
                || l2 == null
                || l3 == null
                || vtd == null
                || x == null
                || depth < 0
                || RootIndex < 0 //|| encoding <= FORMAT_UTF8
                //|| encoding >= FORMAT_ISO_8859_1
                || so < 0
                || length < 0)
                throw new System.ArgumentException();

            count = 0;
            l1Buffer = l1;
            l2Buffer = l2;
            l3Buffer = l3;
            l4Buffer = l4;
            l5Buffer = l5;
            vtdBuffer = vtd;
            XMLDoc = x;

            encoding = enc;
            //System.out.println("encoding " + encoding);
            rootIndex = RootIndex;
            nestingLevel = depth + 1;
            ns = NS; // namespace aware or not
            if (ns == false)
                MASK_TOKEN_OFFSET = 0x000000007fffffffL; // this allows xml size to
            // be 2GB
            else // if there is no namespace
                MASK_TOKEN_OFFSET = 0x000000003fffffffL;

            atTerminal = false; //this variable will only change value during XPath
            // eval

            // initialize the context object
            this.context = new int[nestingLevel];
            //depth value is the first entry in the context because root is
            // singular.
            context[0] = 0;
            //set the value to zero
            for (int i = 1; i < nestingLevel; i++)
                context[i] = -1;
            //currentOffset = 0;
            //contextStack = new ContextBuffer(1024, nestingLevel + 7);
            contextStack = new ContextBuffer(10, nestingLevel + 15);
            contextStack2 = new ContextBuffer(10, nestingLevel + 15);
            stackTemp = new int[nestingLevel + 15];

            // initial state of LC variables
            l1index = l2index = l3index = l4index = l5index = -1;
            l2lower = l3lower = l4lower = l5lower = -1;
            l2upper = l3upper = l4upper = l5upper = -1;
            docOffset = so;
            docLen = length;
            //System.out.println("offset " + offset + " length " + length);
            vtdSize = vtd.size_Renamed_Field;
            //writeOffsetAdjustment = false;
            //recentNS = -1;
            name = null;
            nameIndex = -1;
            localName = null;
            localNameIndex = -1;
            fib = new FastIntBuffer(5); // page size is 32 ints
            shallowDepth = false;
            maxLCDepthPlusOne = 6;
コード例 #3
ファイル: VTDGen.cs プロジェクト: DuLerWeil/vtd-xml
 /// <summary> Clear internal states so VTDGEn can process the next file.</summary>
 public void clear()
     if (br == false)
         VTDBuffer = null;
         l1Buffer = null;
         l2Buffer = null;
         l3Buffer = null;
         _l3Buffer = null;
         _l4Buffer = null;
         _l5Buffer = null;
     XMLDoc = null;
     offset = temp_offset = 0;
     last_depth = last_l1_index = last_l2_index = last_l3_index = last_l4_index = 0;
     rootIndex = 0;
     depth = -1;
     increment = 1;
     BOM_detected = false;
     must_utf_8 = false;
     ch = ch_temp = 0;
     r = new UTF8Reader(this);
     nsBuffer1.size_Renamed_Field = 0;
     nsBuffer2.size_Renamed_Field = 0;
     nsBuffer3.size_Renamed_Field = 0;
     currentElementRecord = 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: VTDNav.cs プロジェクト: IgorBabalich/vtd-xml
        /// <summary> Initialize the VTD navigation object.</summary>
        /// <param name="RootIndex">int
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="maxDepth">int
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="encoding">int
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="NS"> boolean
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="x">byte[]
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="vtd">com.ximpleware.ILongBuffer
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="l1">com.ximpleware.ILongBuffer
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="l2">com.ximpleware.ILongBuffer
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="l3">com.ximpleware.IIntBuffer
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="so">int  starting offset of the document(in byte)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="length">int length of the document (in byte)
        /// </param>
        protected internal VTDNav(int RootIndex, int enc, bool NS, int depth, IByteBuffer x, FastLongBuffer vtd, FastLongBuffer l1, FastLongBuffer l2, FastIntBuffer l3, int so, int length)
            // initialize all buffers
            if (l1 == null || l2 == null || l3 == null || vtd == null || x == null || depth < 0 || RootIndex < 0 || so < 0 || length < 0)
                throw new System.ArgumentException();
            count = 0;
            l1Buffer = l1;
            l2Buffer = l2;
            l3Buffer = l3;
            vtdBuffer = vtd;
            XMLDoc = x;

            encoding = enc;
            //System.out.println("encoding " + encoding);
            rootIndex = RootIndex;
            nestingLevel = depth + 1;
            ns = NS; // namespace aware or not
            if (ns == false)
                MASK_TOKEN_OFFSET = 0x000000007fffffff;
            // this allows xml size to be 2GB 
            // if there is no namespace
                MASK_TOKEN_OFFSET = 0x000000003fffffff;

            atTerminal = false; //this variable will only change value during XPath eval

            // initialize the context object
            context = new int[nestingLevel];
            //depth value is the first entry in the context because root is singular.
            context[0] = 0;
            //set the value to zero
            for (int i = 1; i < nestingLevel; i++)
                context[i] = -1;
            // currentOffset = 0;
            //contextStack = new ContextBuffer(1024, nestingLevel + 7);
            contextStack = new ContextBuffer(10, nestingLevel + 9);
            contextStack2 = new ContextBuffer(10, nestingLevel + 9);
            stackTemp = new int[nestingLevel + 9];

            // initial state of LC variables
            l1index = l2index = l3index = -1;
            l2lower = l3lower = -1;
            l2upper = l3upper = -1;
            docOffset = so;
            docLen = length;
            //System.out.println("offset " + offset + "  length " + length);
            vtdSize = vtd.size_Renamed_Field;
            name = null;
            nameIndex = -1;
            localName = null;
            localNameIndex = -1;
            fib = new FastIntBuffer(5);
            shallowDepth = true;
            //recentNS = -1;
コード例 #5
ファイル: VTDGen.cs プロジェクト: DuLerWeil/vtd-xml
        /// <summary> The buffer-reuse version of setDoc
        /// The concept is to reuse LC and VTD buffer for 
        /// XML parsing, instead of allocating every time
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ba">byte[]
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="os">int (in byte)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="len">int (in byte)
        /// </param>
        public void setDoc_BR(byte[] ba, int os, int len)
            int a;
            br = true;
            depth = -1;
            increment = 1;
            BOM_detected = false;
            must_utf_8 = false;
            ch = ch_temp = 0;
            temp_offset = 0;
            XMLDoc = ba;
            docOffset = offset = os;
            docLen = len;
            endOffset = os + len;
            last_l1_index = last_l2_index = last_l3_index = last_depth = 0;
            //int i1 = 7, i2 = 9, i3 = 11;
            currentElementRecord = 0;
            nsBuffer1.size_Renamed_Field = 0;
            nsBuffer2.size_Renamed_Field = 0;
            nsBuffer3.size_Renamed_Field = 0;
            r = new UTF8Reader(this);
            if (shallowDepth)
                int i1 = 7, i2 = 9, i3 = 11;
                if (docLen <= 1024)
                    // a = 1024; //set the floor
                    a = 6;
                    i1 = 5;
                    i2 = 5;
                    i3 = 5;
                else if (docLen <= 4096)
                    a = 7;
                    i1 = 6;
                    i2 = 6;
                    i3 = 6;
                else if (docLen <= 1024 * 16)
                    a = 8;
                    i1 = 7;
                    i2 = 7;
                    i3 = 7;
                else if (docLen <= 1024 * 16 * 4)
                    // a = 2048;
                    a = 11;
                else if (docLen <= 1024 * 256)
                    // a = 1024 * 4;
                    a = 12;
                    // a = 1 << 15;
                    a = 15;

                VTDBuffer = new FastLongBuffer(a, len >> (a + 1));
                l1Buffer = new FastLongBuffer(i1);
                l2Buffer = new FastLongBuffer(i2);
                l3Buffer = new FastIntBuffer(i3);

                int i1 = 7, i2 = 9, i3 = 11, i4 = 11, i5 = 11;
                if (docLen <= 1024)
                    // a = 1024; //set the floor
                    a = 6;
                    i1 = 5;
                    i2 = 5;
                    i3 = 5;
                    i4 = 5;
                    i5 = 5;
                else if (docLen <= 4096)
                    a = 7;
                    i1 = 6;
                    i2 = 6;
                    i3 = 6;
                    i4 = 6;
                    i5 = 6;
                else if (docLen <= 1024 * 16)
                    a = 8;
                    i1 = 7;
                    i2 = 7;
                    i3 = 7;
                    i4 = 7;
                    i5 = 7;
                else if (docLen <= 1024 * 16 * 4)
                    // a = 2048;
                    a = 11;
                    i2 = 8;
                    i3 = 8;
                    i4 = 8;
                    i5 = 8;
                else if (docLen <= 1024 * 256)
                    // a = 1024 * 4;
                    a = 12;
                    i1 = 8;
                    i2 = 9;
                    i3 = 9;
                    i4 = 9;
                    i5 = 9;
                    // a = 1 << 15;
                    a = 15;

                VTDBuffer = new FastLongBuffer(a, len >> (a + 1));
                l1Buffer = new FastLongBuffer(i1);
                l2Buffer = new FastLongBuffer(i2);
                _l3Buffer = new FastLongBuffer(i3);
                _l4Buffer = new FastLongBuffer(i4);
                _l5Buffer = new FastIntBuffer(i5);
コード例 #6
ファイル: VTDGen.cs プロジェクト: DuLerWeil/vtd-xml
        private bool ws; // to prserve whitespace or not, default to false

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        /// <summary> VTDGen constructor method.</summary>
        public VTDGen()
            attr_name_array = new long[ATTR_NAME_ARRAY_SIZE];
            prefixed_attr_name_array = new long[ATTR_NAME_ARRAY_SIZE];
            prefix_URL_array = new int[ATTR_NAME_ARRAY_SIZE];
            tag_stack = new long[TAG_STACK_SIZE];
            //scratch_buffer = new int[10];
            VTDDepth = 0;
            LcDepth = 3;
            br = false;
            e = new EOFException("permature EOF reached, XML document incomplete");
            ws = false;
            nsBuffer1 = new FastIntBuffer(4);
            nsBuffer2 = new FastLongBuffer(4);
            nsBuffer3 = new FastLongBuffer(4);
            currentElementRecord = 0;
            singleByteEncoding = true;
            shallowDepth = true;
コード例 #7
ファイル: VTDGen1.cs プロジェクト: IgorBabalich/vtd-xml
        /// <summary> Clear internal states so VTDGEn can process the next file.</summary>
        public void clear()
            if (br == false)
                VTDBuffer = null;
                l1Buffer = null;
                l2Buffer = null;
                l3Buffer = null;
            XMLDoc = null;
            offset = temp_offset = 0;
            last_depth = last_l1_index = last_l2_index = 0;
            rootIndex = 0;

            depth = -1;
            increment = 1;
            BOM_detected = false;
            must_utf_8 = false;
            ch = ch_temp = 0;
コード例 #8
ファイル: VTDGen1.cs プロジェクト: IgorBabalich/vtd-xml
        /// <summary> Set the XMLDoc container. Also set the offset and len of the document
        /// with respect to the container.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ba">byte[]
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="os">int (in byte)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="len">int (in byte)
        /// </param>
        public void setDoc(byte[] ba, int os, int len)

            int a;
            br = false;
            depth = -1;
            increment = 1;
            BOM_detected = false;
            must_utf_8 = false;
            ch = ch_temp = 0;
            temp_offset = 0;
            XMLDoc = ba;
            docOffset = offset = os;
            docLen = len;
            endOffset = os + len;
            last_l1_index = last_l2_index = last_l3_index = last_depth = 0;
            if (docLen <= 1024)
                //a = 1024; //set the floor
                a = 7;
            else if (docLen <= 4096 * 2)
                a = 9;
            else if (docLen <= 1024 * 16 * 4)
                //a = 2048;
                a = 10;
            else if (docLen <= 1024 * 256)
                //a = 1024 * 4;
                a = 12;
                //a = 1 << 15;
                a = 15;
            //		VTDBuffer = new FastLongBuffer(a);
            //		l1Buffer = new FastLongBuffer(128);
            //		l2Buffer = new FastLongBuffer(512);
            //		l3Buffer = new FastIntBuffer(2048);

            VTDBuffer = new FastLongBuffer(a, len >> (a + 1));
            l1Buffer = new FastLongBuffer(7);
            l2Buffer = new FastLongBuffer(9);
            l3Buffer = new FastIntBuffer(11);
コード例 #9
ファイル: IndexHandler.cs プロジェクト: zanyants/vtd-xml
        /// <summary>
        /// This function is called within VTDGen and
        /// VTDNav's writeIndex
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="version"></param>
        /// <param name="encodingType"></param>
        /// <param name="ns"></param>
        /// <param name="byteOrder"></param>
        /// <param name="nestDepth"></param>
        /// <param name="LCLevel"></param>
        /// <param name="rootIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="xmlDoc"></param>
        /// <param name="docOffset"></param>
        /// <param name="docLen"></param>
        /// <param name="vtdBuffer"></param>
        /// <param name="l1Buffer"></param>
        /// <param name="l2Buffer"></param>
        /// <param name="l3Buffer"></param>
        /// <param name="os"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static void writeIndex_L3(byte version,
                                         int encodingType,
                                         bool ns,
                                         bool byteOrder,
                                         int nestDepth,
                                         int LCLevel,
                                         int rootIndex,
                                         byte[] xmlDoc,
                                         int docOffset,
                                         int docLen,
                                         FastLongBuffer vtdBuffer,
                                         FastLongBuffer l1Buffer,
                                         FastLongBuffer l2Buffer,
                                         FastIntBuffer l3Buffer,
                                         System.IO.Stream os)
            if (xmlDoc == null ||
                docLen <= 0 ||
                vtdBuffer == null ||
                l1Buffer == null ||
                l2Buffer == null ||
                l3Buffer == null ||
                LCLevel != 3)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid argument for writeIndex ");
            if (vtdBuffer.size_Renamed_Field == 0)
                throw new IndexWriteException("VTDBuffer can't be zero length");
            int i;

            System.IO.BinaryWriter dos = new System.IO.BinaryWriter(os);
            // first 4 bytes
            byte[] ba = new byte[4];
            ba[0] = (byte)version; // version # is 1
            ba[1] = (byte)encodingType;
            if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian == false)
                ba[2] = (byte)(ns ? 0xe0 : 0xa0); // big endien
                ba[2] = (byte)(ns ? 0xc0 : 0x80);
            ba[3] = (byte)nestDepth;
            // second 4 bytes
            ba[0] = 0;
            ba[1] = 4;
            ba[2] = (byte)((rootIndex & 0xff00) >> 8);
            ba[3] = (byte)(rootIndex & 0xff);
            // 2 reserved 32-bit words set to zero
            ba[1] = ba[2] = ba[3] = 0;
            // write XML doc in bytes
            dos.Write(xmlDoc, docOffset, docLen);
            //dos.Write(xmlDoc, docOffset, docLen);
            // zero padding to make it integer multiple of 64 bits
            if ((docLen & 0x07) != 0)
                int t = (((docLen >> 3) + 1) << 3) - docLen;
                for (; t > 0; t--)
                    dos.Write((System.Byte) 0);
            // write VTD

            if (docOffset != 0)
                for (i = 0; i < vtdBuffer.size_Renamed_Field; i++)
                    dos.Write(adjust(vtdBuffer.longAt(i), -docOffset));
                for (i = 0; i < vtdBuffer.size_Renamed_Field; i++)
            // write L1
            for (i = 0; i < l1Buffer.size_Renamed_Field; i++)
            // write L2
            for (i = 0; i < l2Buffer.size_Renamed_Field; i++)
            // write L3
            for (i = 0; i < l3Buffer.size_Renamed_Field; i++)
            // pad zero if # of l3 entry is odd
            if ((l3Buffer.size_Renamed_Field & 1) != 0)
コード例 #10
ファイル: XMLModifier.cs プロジェクト: IgorBabalich/vtd-xml
        /// <summary> Attach master document to this instance of XMLModifier</summary>
        /// <param name="masterDocument">*
        /// </param>
        public void bind(VTDNav masterDocument)
            if (masterDocument == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("MasterDocument can't be null");
            md = masterDocument;
            flb = new FastLongBuffer();
            fob = new FastObjectBuffer();
            int i = intHash.determineHashWidth(md.vtdSize);
            insertHash = new intHash(i);
            deleteHash = new intHash(i);
            //determine encoding charset string here
            encoding = md.getEncoding();
            switch (encoding)

                case VTDNav.FORMAT_ASCII:
                    charSet = "ascii";

                case VTDNav.FORMAT_ISO_8859_1:
                    charSet = "iso-8859-1";

                case VTDNav.FORMAT_UTF8:
                    charSet = "utf-8";

                case VTDNav.FORMAT_UTF_16BE:
                    charSet = "utf-16be";

                case VTDNav.FORMAT_UTF_16LE:
                    charSet = "utf-16le";
                case VTDNav.FORMAT_ISO_8859_2:
                    charSet = "iso-8859-2";
                case VTDNav.FORMAT_ISO_8859_3:
                    charSet = "iso-8859-3";
                case VTDNav.FORMAT_ISO_8859_4:
                    charSet = "iso-8859-4";
                case VTDNav.FORMAT_ISO_8859_5:
                    charSet = "iso-8859-5";
                case VTDNav.FORMAT_ISO_8859_6:
                    charSet = "iso-8859-6";
                case VTDNav.FORMAT_ISO_8859_7:
                    charSet = "iso-8859-7";
                case VTDNav.FORMAT_ISO_8859_8:
                    charSet = "iso-8859-8";
                case VTDNav.FORMAT_ISO_8859_9:
                    charSet = "iso-8859-9";
                case VTDNav.FORMAT_ISO_8859_10:
                    charSet = "iso-8859-10";
                case VTDNav.FORMAT_ISO_8859_11:
                    charSet = "iso-8859-11";
                case VTDNav.FORMAT_ISO_8859_12:
                    charSet = "iso-8859-12";
                case VTDNav.FORMAT_ISO_8859_13:
                    charSet = "iso-8859-13";
                case VTDNav.FORMAT_ISO_8859_14:
                    charSet = "iso-8859-14";
                case VTDNav.FORMAT_ISO_8859_15:
                    charSet = "iso-8859-15";
                case VTDNav.FORMAT_WIN_1250:
                    charSet = "windows-1250";
                case VTDNav.FORMAT_WIN_1251:
                    charSet = "windows-1251";
                case VTDNav.FORMAT_WIN_1252:
                    charSet = "windows-1252";
                case VTDNav.FORMAT_WIN_1253:
                    charSet = "windows-1253";
                case VTDNav.FORMAT_WIN_1254:
                    charSet = "windows-1254";
                case VTDNav.FORMAT_WIN_1255:
                    charSet = "windows-1255";
                case VTDNav.FORMAT_WIN_1256:
                    charSet = "windows-1256";
                case VTDNav.FORMAT_WIN_1257:
                    charSet = "windows-1257";
                case VTDNav.FORMAT_WIN_1258:
                    charSet = "windows-1258";

                    throw new ModifyException("Master document encoding not yet supported by XML modifier");

            eg = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(charSet);
コード例 #11
ファイル: VTDGen.cs プロジェクト: IgorBabalich/vtd-xml
        /// <summary> Set the XMLDoc container. Also set the offset and len of the document 
        /// with respect to the container.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ba">byte[]
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="os">int (in byte)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="len">int (in byte)
        /// </param>
        public void setDoc(byte[] ba, int os, int len)
            int a;
            br = false;
            depth = -1;
            increment = 1;
            BOM_detected = false;
            must_utf_8 = false;
            ch = ch_temp = 0;
            temp_offset = 0;
            XMLDoc = ba;
            docOffset = offset = os;
            docLen = len;
            endOffset = os + len;
            last_l1_index = last_l2_index = last_l3_index = last_depth = 0;
            int i1 = 7, i2 = 9, i3 = 11;
            if (docLen <= 1024)
                //a = 1024; //set the floor
                a = 6; i1 = 5; i2 = 5; i3 = 5;
            else if (docLen <= 4096)
                a = 7; i1 = 6; i2 = 6; i3 = 6;
            else if (docLen <= 1024 * 16)
                a = 8; i1 = 7; i2 = 7; i3 = 7;
            else if (docLen <= 1024 * 16 * 4)
                //a = 2048;
                a = 11;
            else if (docLen <= 1024 * 256)
                //a = 1024 * 4;
                a = 12;
            else if (docLen <= (1 << 26))
                //a = 1 << 15;
                i1 = i2 = i3 = 12;
                a = 15;
            else if (docLen <= (1 << 30))
                //a = 1 << 15;
                i1 = i2 = i3 = 13;
                a = 19;
                i1 = i2 = i3 = 16;
                a = 23;

            VTDBuffer = new FastLongBuffer(a, len >> (a + 1));
            l1Buffer = new FastLongBuffer(i1);
            l2Buffer = new FastLongBuffer(i2);
            l3Buffer = new FastIntBuffer(i3);