public void InitSocket() { string sData = new CReqInfoDataBuilder().getInitSocketReqJson(md5val); Logger.d("in InitSocket......:" + sData); InitTcpSocket(1, sData, sData.Length, 2, 5); InitPushDataCallback(4); }
public static void SendLogReport(int logLevel, int reportType, int toReturnCode, string logMsg) { try { string sData = new CReqInfoDataBuilder().getLogReportReqJson(logLevel, reportType, toReturnCode, logMsg); SendSDKLogReport(sData, sData.Length, 7); } catch (Exception) { } }
public static void GetActionList(string jsonExtend = "") { try { Logger.d("start to get actlist"); string msg = new CReqInfoDataBuilder().getActionListReqJson(md5val, jsonExtend); Logger.d(msg); Logger.d("strJson.Length:" + msg.Length); Logger.d("get act list return:" + GetActList(msg, msg.Length, 3)); } catch (Exception exception) { Logger.e("error:" + exception.Message); Logger.e(exception.StackTrace); } }
public static void StaticReport(int iModuleId, int iChannelId, int iActionId, int iReportType, int iJumpType, string strJumpUrl, string strGoodsId, int iGoodsNum, int iGoodFee, int iMoneyType) { try { string sData = new CReqInfoDataBuilder().staticReportReqJson(iModuleId, iChannelId, iActionId, iReportType, iJumpType, strJumpUrl, strGoodsId, iGoodsNum, iGoodFee, iMoneyType); Logger.d("StaticReport:" + sData); Logger.d("strJson.Length:" + sData.Length); Logger.d("get StaticReport return:" + StaticReport(sData, sData.Length, 6)); } catch (Exception exception) { Logger.d("in exeption"); Logger.e("error2:" + exception.Message); Logger.e(exception.StackTrace); } }
public void BuyGoods(string strGoodsId, string iActionId, string payType, int iNum) { try { int iFlag = 8; com.tencent.pandora.Logger.d("start to buy goods:" + strGoodsId); int iCostType = 2; string sData = new CReqInfoDataBuilder().getGPMBuyPayReqJson(iActionId, iCostType, payType, strGoodsId, iNum); com.tencent.pandora.Logger.d("GPM PAY:" + sData); com.tencent.pandora.Logger.d("strJson.Length:" + sData.Length); com.tencent.pandora.Logger.d("get GpmPay return:" + NetProxcy.GpmPay(sData, sData.Length, iFlag)); } catch (Exception exception) { com.tencent.pandora.Logger.e("error2:" + exception.Message); com.tencent.pandora.Logger.e(exception.StackTrace); } }