private void OnEnable() { // Ensure the settings are loaded (if available) KnetikCloudEditorConfigurationManager.Initialize(); mUserCredentials = KnetikUserCredentials.Load(); mProjectSettingsHeaderLabel = new GUIContent("Project Configuration", "Project wide settings that should be checked into source control (if used)."); mAppName = new GUIContent("App Name", "The App Name for your project as configured in the KnetikCloud Web interface. E.g. 'my-first-game' (without quotes)."); mClientId = new GUIContent("Client ID", "The client ID as configured in the KnetikCloud Web interface."); mProductionToggle = new GUIContent("Production Environment", "Should the client connect to the production environment or staging environment?"); mClientCredentialsHeaderLabel = new GUIContent("Client Credentials", "Optional: Settings that apply if the grant type is 'client_credentials'.\nShould be checked into source control (if used)."); mClientSecret = new GUIContent("Client Secret", "Optional: Must match the secret configured in the KnetikCloud Web interface."); mUserCredentialsHeaderLabel = new GUIContent("User Credentials", "Optional: Per developer settings that apply if the grant type is 'password'."); mUserCredentialsId = new GUIContent("User Id", "Optional: Per developer user account to use."); mUserCredentialsPassword = new GUIContent("Password", "Optional: Per developer account password to use."); mSaveButton = new GUIContent("Save"); }
private void OnGUI() { Rect displayRect = new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height - ControlButtonLayoutHeight); GUILayout.BeginArea(displayRect); DisplayProjectSettingsGUI(); DisplayClientCredentialsGUI(); DisplayUserCredentialsGUI(); GUILayout.EndArea(); if (GUI.changed) { KnetikCloudEditorConfigurationManager.SetDirty(); } DisplayControlButtons(); Repaint(); }
static KnetikCloudEditorMenu() { KnetikCloudEditorConfigurationManager.Initialize(); }