コード例 #1
        private bool IsValid(int[] marks)
            bool reachPass = MarkUtils.Reach(marks) <= ChordFinderOptions.MaxReach;
            bool openPass  = ChordFinderOptions.AllowOpenStrings ? true : !MarkUtils.HasOpenStrings(marks);
            bool mutePass  = ChordFinderOptions.AllowMutedStrings ? true : !MarkUtils.HasMutedStrings(marks);

            return(reachPass && openPass && mutePass);
コード例 #2
ファイル: MarkUtils.cs プロジェクト: vavachi/Chordious
        public static string ToString(int[] marks)
            string s = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < marks.Length; i++)
                s += MarkUtils.ToString(marks[i]) + ",";

            s = s.TrimEnd(',');

コード例 #3
        public int CompareTo(object obj)
            if (null == obj)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(obj));

            ChordFinderResult cfr = obj as ChordFinderResult;

            if (null == cfr)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            return(MarkUtils.Compare(Marks, cfr.Marks));
コード例 #4
            public int CompareTo(object obj)
                if (null == obj)
                    throw new ArgumentException();

                ChordResult cfr = obj as ChordResult;

                if ((object)cfr == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException();

                return(MarkUtils.Compare(this.Marks, cfr.Marks));
コード例 #5
        public int CompareTo(object obj)
            if (null == obj)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("obj");

            ScaleFinderResult sfr = obj as ScaleFinderResult;

            if (null == sfr)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            return(MarkUtils.Compare(Marks, sfr.Marks, Parent.ScaleFinderOptions.Instrument.NumStrings));
コード例 #6
        public Chord ChordAt(int index)
            int[] absoluteMarks = ResultAt(index);
            int   baseLine;

            int[] marks = MarkUtils.AbsoluteToRelativeMarks(absoluteMarks, out baseLine, ChordFinderOptions.NumFrets);

            string title    = NoteUtils.ToString(Root) + ChordQuality.Abbreviation;
            string fileName = title + index;

            int numStrings = marks.Length;

            int numFrets = ChordFinderOptions.NumFrets;
            int barre    = ChordFinderOptions.AutoAddBarres ? -1 : 0;

            return(new Chord(fileName, title, numStrings, numFrets, baseLine, barre, marks));
コード例 #7
        public Diagram ToDiagram(ChordFinderStyle chordFinderStyle)
            int[] marks = MarkUtils.AbsoluteToRelativeMarks(Marks, out int baseLine, Parent.ChordFinderOptions.NumFrets);

            InternalNote?[] notes    = MarkUtils.GetInternalNotes(Marks, Parent.ChordFinderOptions.Tuning);
            InternalNote    rootNote = NoteUtils.ToInternalNote(Parent.ChordFinderOptions.RootNote);

            if (chordFinderStyle.MirrorResults)

            int numStrings = marks.Length;

            int numFrets = Parent.ChordFinderOptions.NumFrets;

            Diagram d = new Diagram(chordFinderStyle.Style, numStrings, numFrets);

            if (chordFinderStyle.AddTitle)
                d.Title = NoteUtils.ToString(Parent.ChordFinderOptions.RootNote) + Parent.ChordFinderOptions.ChordQuality.Abbreviation;
                d.Style.TitleLabelStyle = DiagramLabelStyle.ChordName;

            // Add marks
            for (int i = 0; i < marks.Length; i++)
                int @string = i + 1;

                int          fret = Math.Max(marks[i], 0);
                MarkPosition mp   = new MarkPosition(@string, fret);

                DiagramMark dm = d.NewMark(mp);

                // Set mark type
                if (marks[i] == -1) // Muted string
                    dm.Type = DiagramMarkType.Muted;
                else if (marks[i] == 0) // Open string
                    dm.Type = DiagramMarkType.Open;

                // Change to root if necessary
                if (chordFinderStyle.AddRootNotes && notes[i].HasValue && notes[i].Value == rootNote)
                    dm.Type = (dm.Type == DiagramMarkType.Open) ? DiagramMarkType.OpenRoot : DiagramMarkType.Root;

                // Add text
                if (chordFinderStyle.MarkTextOption != MarkTextOption.None)
                    dm.Text = GetText(notes, i, chordFinderStyle.MarkTextOption);

                // Add bottom marks
                if (chordFinderStyle.AddBottomMarks)
                    MarkPosition bottomPosition = new MarkPosition(@string, numFrets + 1);
                    DiagramMark  bottomMark     = d.NewMark(bottomPosition);
                    bottomMark.Type = DiagramMarkType.Bottom;
                    bottomMark.Text = GetText(notes, i, chordFinderStyle.BottomMarkTextOption);

            // Add nut or fret label
            if (baseLine == 0)
                d.Style.GridNutVisible = true;
                d.Style.GridNutVisible = false;
                FretLabelPosition flp = new FretLabelPosition(chordFinderStyle.FretLabelSide, 1);
                d.NewFretLabel(flp, baseLine.ToString());

            // Add barre
            BarrePosition bp = MarkUtils.AutoBarrePosition(marks, chordFinderStyle.BarreTypeOption, chordFinderStyle.MirrorResults);

            if (null != bp)

コード例 #8
 public override string ToString()
コード例 #9
        public Diagram ToDiagram(ScaleFinderStyle scaleFinderStyle)
            int numStrings = Parent.ScaleFinderOptions.Instrument.NumStrings;
            int numFrets   = Parent.ScaleFinderOptions.NumFrets;

            int baseLine;
            IEnumerable <MarkPosition> marks = MarkUtils.AbsoluteToRelativeMarks(Marks, out baseLine, numFrets, numStrings);

            Diagram d = new Diagram(scaleFinderStyle.Style, numStrings, numFrets);

            if (scaleFinderStyle.AddTitle)
                d.Title = NoteUtils.ToString(Parent.ScaleFinderOptions.RootNote) + " " + Parent.ScaleFinderOptions.Scale.Name;
                d.Style.TitleLabelStyle = DiagramLabelStyle.Regular;

            int markPositionIndex = 0;

            // Add existing marks
            foreach (MarkPosition mark in marks)
                int @string = mark.String;

                if (scaleFinderStyle.MirrorResults)
                    @string = numStrings - (@string - 1);

                int          fret = mark.Fret;
                MarkPosition mp   = new MarkPosition(@string, fret);

                DiagramMark dm = d.NewMark(mp);

                // Set mark type
                if (scaleFinderStyle.AddRootNotes && IsRoot(markPositionIndex))  // Use markPositionIndex, to get the correct roots in mirror mode
                    dm.Type = DiagramMarkType.Root;

                if (fret == 0) // Open string
                    dm.Type = (dm.Type == DiagramMarkType.Root) ? DiagramMarkType.OpenRoot : DiagramMarkType.Open;

                // Add text
                dm.Text = GetText(markPositionIndex, scaleFinderStyle.MarkTextOption);  // Use markPositionIndex, not mp, to get the correct text in mirror mode


            // Add nut or fret label
            if (baseLine == 0)
                d.Style.GridNutVisible = true;
                d.Style.GridNutVisible = false;
                FretLabelPosition flp = new FretLabelPosition(FretLabelSide.Right, 1);
                d.NewFretLabel(flp, baseLine.ToString());

コード例 #10
 private bool IsValid(int[] marks)
     return(MarkUtils.ValidateChord(marks, ChordFinderOptions));
コード例 #11
 private bool IsValid(IEnumerable <MarkPosition> marks)
     return(MarkUtils.ValidateScale(marks, ScaleFinderOptions));