public long m_lngGetMedStoreInfo(System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal p_objPrincipal, out DataTable p_dtable) { long lngRes = 0; p_dtable = new DataTable(); clsPrivilegeHandleService objPrivilege = new clsPrivilegeHandleService(); lngRes = objPrivilege.m_lngCheckCallPrivilege(p_objPrincipal, "com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HIS.clsMedStoreBseInfoSvc", "m_lngGetMedStoreInfo"); if (lngRes < 0) { return(-1); } string strSQL = @"select e.medstoreid_chr,e.medstorename_vchr from t_bse_medstore e where e.medstoretype_int in (1, 3)"; try { com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HRPService.clsHRPTableService objHRPSvc = new com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HRPService.clsHRPTableService(); lngRes = objHRPSvc.lngGetDataTableWithoutParameters(strSQL, ref p_dtable); objHRPSvc.Dispose(); } catch (Exception objEx) { string strTmp = objEx.Message; com.digitalwave.Utility.clsLogText objLogger = new clsLogText(); bool blnRes = objLogger.LogError(objEx); } return(lngRes); }
private long m_getMedTypeResult(string strSQL, out com.digitalwave.iCare.ValueObject.clsMedicineType_VO[] p_objResultArr) { long lngRes = 0; p_objResultArr = new com.digitalwave.iCare.ValueObject.clsMedicineType_VO[0]; try { DataTable dtbResult = new DataTable(); com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HRPService.clsHRPTableService objHRPSvc = new com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HRPService.clsHRPTableService(); lngRes = objHRPSvc.lngGetDataTableWithoutParameters(strSQL, ref dtbResult); if (lngRes > 0 && dtbResult.Rows.Count > 0) { p_objResultArr = new com.digitalwave.iCare.ValueObject.clsMedicineType_VO[dtbResult.Rows.Count]; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < p_objResultArr.Length; i1++) { p_objResultArr[i1] = new com.digitalwave.iCare.ValueObject.clsMedicineType_VO(); p_objResultArr[i1].m_strMedicineTypeID = dtbResult.Rows[i1]["medicinetypeid_chr"].ToString().Trim(); p_objResultArr[i1].m_strMedicineTypeName = dtbResult.Rows[i1]["medicinetypename_vchr"].ToString().Trim(); } } } catch (Exception objEx) { string strTmp = objEx.Message; com.digitalwave.Utility.clsLogText objLogger = new com.digitalwave.Utility.clsLogText(); bool blnRes = objLogger.LogError(objEx); } return(lngRes); }
public long m_lngGetMedWinByID(System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal p_objPrincipal, string p_WinID, out clsMedSendConfig_VO[] p_objResArr) { long lngRes = 0; p_objResArr = new clsMedSendConfig_VO[0]; DataTable p_dtRes = new DataTable(); clsPrivilegeHandleService objPrivilege = new clsPrivilegeHandleService(); lngRes = objPrivilege.m_lngCheckCallPrivilege(p_objPrincipal, "com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HIS.clsMedStoreBseInfoSvc", "m_lngGetMedWinByID"); if (lngRes < 0) { return(-1); } string strSQL = @" select c.seq_int,c.treatwinid_chr,c.givewinid_chr,c.order_int,d.windowname_vchr from T_OPR_MEDSTOREWINRLT c ,T_BSE_MEDSTOREWIN d where c.givewinid_chr=d.windowid_chr(+) and c.treatwinid_chr='" + p_WinID.Trim() + "' order by c.order_int"; try { com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HRPService.clsHRPTableService objHRPSvc = new com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HRPService.clsHRPTableService(); lngRes = objHRPSvc.lngGetDataTableWithoutParameters(strSQL, ref p_dtRes); objHRPSvc.Dispose(); if (lngRes > 0 && p_dtRes != null) { int intRow = p_dtRes.Rows.Count; if (intRow > 0) { p_objResArr = new clsMedSendConfig_VO[intRow]; for (int i = 0; i < intRow; i++) { p_objResArr[i] = new clsMedSendConfig_VO(); p_objResArr[i].m_intSeq = Convert.ToInt32(p_dtRes.Rows[i]["seq_int"].ToString().Trim()); p_objResArr[i].m_TreatWinID_chr = p_dtRes.Rows[i]["treatwinid_chr"].ToString().Trim(); p_objResArr[i].m_GiveWinID_chr = p_dtRes.Rows[i]["givewinid_chr"].ToString().Trim(); p_objResArr[i].m_intOrder = Convert.ToInt32(p_dtRes.Rows[i]["order_int"].ToString().Trim()); p_objResArr[i].m_strGiveWinName = p_dtRes.Rows[i]["windowname_vchr"].ToString().Trim(); } } } } catch (Exception objEx) { string strTmp = objEx.Message; com.digitalwave.Utility.clsLogText objLogger = new clsLogText(); bool blnRes = objLogger.LogError(objEx); } return(lngRes); }
public long m_thJudgeIsOldData(System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal p_objPrincipal, int p_Seq, int p_WinStyle, out int p_Status) { long lngRes = 0; p_Status = -2; DataTable dtable = new DataTable(); clsPrivilegeHandleService objPrivilege = new clsPrivilegeHandleService(); lngRes = objPrivilege.m_lngCheckCallPrivilege(p_objPrincipal, "com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HIS.clsMedStoreBseInfoSvc", "m_lngVerichDropRecord"); if (lngRes < 0) { return(-1); } try { com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HRPService.clsHRPTableService objHRPSvc = new com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HRPService.clsHRPTableService(); string strSQL = ""; if (p_WinStyle == 1) { strSQL = @" select a.pstatus_int from t_opr_medRecipesend a,T_OPR_MEDSTOREWINQUE b where b.seq_int=" + p_Seq + "and a.outpatrecipeid_chr=b.outpatrecipeid_chr and a.windowid_chr=b.windowid_chr"; } else if (p_WinStyle == 0) { strSQL = @" select a.pstatus_int from t_opr_medRecipesend a,T_OPR_MEDSTOREWINQUE b where b.seq_int=" + p_Seq + "and a.outpatrecipeid_chr=b.outpatrecipeid_chr and a.sendemp_chr=b.windowid_chr"; } lngRes = objHRPSvc.lngGetDataTableWithoutParameters(strSQL, ref dtable); if (lngRes > 0 && dtable.Rows.Count > 0) { p_Status = Convert.ToInt32(dtable.Rows[0][0].ToString()); } objHRPSvc.Dispose(); } catch (Exception objEx) { string strTmp = objEx.Message; com.digitalwave.Utility.clsLogText objLogger = new clsLogText(); bool blnRes = objLogger.LogError(objEx); } return(lngRes); }
public long m_lngGetDeviceModelNameByDeviceID(System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal p_objPrincipal, out DataTable dtbAllDeciveName) { long lngRes = 0; string strSQL = @"SELECT t1.deviceid_chr, t2.device_model_desc_vchr FROM t_bse_lis_device t1, t_bse_lis_device_model t2 WHERE t1.device_model_id_chr = t2.device_model_id_chr" ; dtbAllDeciveName = null; try { com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HRPService.clsHRPTableService objHRPSvc = new com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HRPService.clsHRPTableService(); lngRes = objHRPSvc.lngGetDataTableWithoutParameters(strSQL, ref dtbAllDeciveName); objHRPSvc.Dispose(); } catch (Exception objEx) { com.digitalwave.Utility.clsLogText objLogger = new clsLogText(); bool blnRes = objLogger.LogError(objEx);//要在LogError方法中抛出异常。 } return(lngRes); }
public long m_lngGetPrintData(string m_strSid_int, out ArrayList m_objList1, out ArrayList m_objList2, out ArrayList m_objListGroupName, out clsOutpatientPrintRecipe_VO obj_VO) { long lngRes = 0; m_objList1 = new ArrayList(); m_objList2 = new ArrayList(); m_objListGroupName = new ArrayList(); obj_VO = new clsOutpatientPrintRecipe_VO(); string strSQL = @" select c.homephone_vchr, a.pstauts_int, b.outpatrecipedeid_chr, b.itemid_chr, b.unitid_chr, b.usageid_chr, b.tolqty_dec, b.unitprice_mny, b.tolprice_mny, case b.rowno_chr when '0' then '' else b.rowno_chr end as rowno_chr, b.days_int, b.qty_dec, b.discount_dec, b.freqid_chr, b.itemname_vchr, b.dosageunit_chr, b.itemspec_vchr, h.usagename_vchr, k.freqname_chr, b.dosage_dec, c.birth_dat, a.recorddate_dat, g.lastname_vchr as doctorname_chr, c.lastname_vchr, c.sex_chr, j.patientcardid_chr, b.desc_vchr, m1.serno_chr, e.diag_vchr from t_opr_recipesend m1, t_opr_recipesendentry n1, t_opr_outpatientrecipe a, t_opr_outpatientpwmrecipede b, t_bse_chargeitem d, t_opr_outpatientcasehis e, (select distinct (usageid_chr) from t_opr_setusage where orderid_vchr = 1 or orderid_vchr = 0) f, t_bse_usagetype h, t_aid_recipefreq k, t_bse_patient c, t_bse_employee g, t_bse_medicine m, t_bse_patientcard j where m1.sid_int = n1.sid_int and m1.sid_int = ? and a.outpatrecipeid_chr = n1.outpatrecipeid_chr and a.outpatrecipeid_chr = b.outpatrecipeid_chr(+) and b.itemid_chr = d.itemid_chr(+) and b.freqid_chr = k.freqid_chr and b.usageid_chr = f.usageid_chr and b.usageid_chr = h.usageid_chr and a.patientid_chr = c.patientid_chr and a.diagdr_chr = g.empid_chr(+) and d.itemsrcid_vchr = m.medicineid_chr and a.patientid_chr = j.patientid_chr and a.casehisid_chr = e.casehisid_chr union all select c.homephone_vchr, a.pstauts_int, b.outpatrecipedeid_chr, b.itemid_chr, b.unitid_chr, b.usageid_chr, 0 as tolqty_dec, b.unitprice_mny, b.tolprice_mny, case b.rowno_chr when '0' then '' else b.rowno_chr end as rowno_chr, 0 as days_int, b.qty_dec, b.discount_dec, '' as freqid_chr, b.itemname_vchr, d.dosageunit_chr, b.itemspec_vchr, h.usagename_vchr, '' as freqname_chr, d.dosage_dec, c.birth_dat, a.recorddate_dat, g.lastname_vchr as doctorname_chr, c.lastname_vchr, c.sex_chr, j.patientcardid_chr, n.desc_vchr, m1.serno_chr, e.diag_vchr from t_opr_recipesend m1, t_opr_recipesendentry n1, t_opr_outpatientrecipe a, t_opr_outpatientcmrecipede b, t_bse_chargeitem d, t_opr_outpatientpwmrecipede n, t_opr_outpatientcasehis e, (select distinct (usageid_chr) from t_opr_setusage where orderid_vchr = 1 or orderid_vchr = 0) f, t_bse_usagetype h, t_bse_patient c, t_bse_employee g, t_bse_medicine m, t_bse_patientcard j where m1.sid_int = n1.sid_int and m1.sid_int = ? and a.outpatrecipeid_chr = n1.outpatrecipeid_chr and a.outpatrecipeid_chr = b.outpatrecipeid_chr(+) and b.itemid_chr = d.itemid_chr(+) and b.usageid_chr = f.usageid_chr and b.usageid_chr = h.usageid_chr and a.patientid_chr = c.patientid_chr and a.diagdr_chr = g.empid_chr(+) and d.itemsrcid_vchr = m.medicineid_chr and a.patientid_chr = j.patientid_chr and a.outpatrecipeid_chr = n.outpatrecipeid_chr(+) and a.casehisid_chr = e.casehisid_chr union all select c.homephone_vchr, a.pstauts_int, b.outpatrecipedeid_chr, b.itemid_chr, b.itemunit_vchr as unitid_chr, '' as usageid_chr, 0 as tolqty_dec, 0 as unitprice_mny, b.tolprice_mny, case b.rowno_chr when '0' then '' else b.rowno_chr end as rowno_chr, 0 as days_int, b.qty_dec, b.discount_dec, '' as freqid_chr, b.itemname_vchr, d.dosageunit_chr, b.itemspec_vchr, '' as usagename_vchr, '' as freqname_chr, d.dosage_dec, c.birth_dat, a.recorddate_dat, g.lastname_vchr as doctorname_chr, c.lastname_vchr, c.sex_chr, j.patientcardid_chr, n.desc_vchr, m1.serno_chr, e.diag_vchr from t_opr_recipesend m1, t_opr_recipesendentry n1, t_opr_outpatientrecipe a, t_opr_outpatientchkrecipede b, t_opr_outpatientpwmrecipede n, t_bse_chargeitem d, t_opr_outpatientcasehis e, (select distinct (usageid_chr) from t_opr_setusage where orderid_vchr = 1 or orderid_vchr = 0) f, t_bse_patient c, t_bse_employee g, t_bse_medicine m, t_bse_patientcard j where m1.sid_int = n1.sid_int and m1.sid_int = ? and a.outpatrecipeid_chr = n1.outpatrecipeid_chr and a.outpatrecipeid_chr = b.outpatrecipeid_chr(+) and b.itemid_chr = d.itemid_chr(+) and d.usageid_chr = f.usageid_chr and a.patientid_chr = c.patientid_chr and a.diagdr_chr = g.empid_chr(+) and d.itemsrcid_vchr = m.medicineid_chr and a.patientid_chr = j.patientid_chr and a.outpatrecipeid_chr = n.outpatrecipeid_chr(+) and a.casehisid_chr = e.casehisid_chr union all select c.homephone_vchr, a.pstauts_int, b.outpatrecipedeid_chr, b.itemid_chr, b.itemunit_vchr as unitid_chr, '' as usageid_chr, 0 as tolqty_dec, 0 as unitprice_mny, b.tolprice_mny, case b.rowno_chr when '0' then '' else b.rowno_chr end as rowno_chr, 0 as days_int, b.qty_dec, b.discount_dec, '' as freqid_chr, b.itemname_vchr, d.dosageunit_chr, b.itemspec_vchr, '' as usagename_vchr, '' as freqname_chr, d.dosage_dec, c.birth_dat, a.recorddate_dat, g.lastname_vchr as doctorname_chr, c.lastname_vchr, c.sex_chr, j.patientcardid_chr, n.desc_vchr, m1.serno_chr, e.diag_vchr from t_opr_recipesend m1, t_opr_recipesendentry n1, t_opr_outpatientrecipe a, t_opr_outpatienttestrecipede b, t_opr_outpatientpwmrecipede n, t_bse_chargeitem d, t_opr_outpatientcasehis e, (select distinct (usageid_chr) from t_opr_setusage where orderid_vchr = 1 or orderid_vchr = 0) f, t_bse_patient c, t_bse_employee g, t_bse_medicine m, t_bse_patientcard j where m1.sid_int = n1.sid_int and m1.sid_int = ? and a.outpatrecipeid_chr = n1.outpatrecipeid_chr and a.outpatrecipeid_chr = b.outpatrecipeid_chr(+) and b.itemid_chr = d.itemid_chr(+) and d.usageid_chr = f.usageid_chr and a.patientid_chr = c.patientid_chr and a.diagdr_chr = g.empid_chr(+) and d.itemsrcid_vchr = m.medicineid_chr and a.patientid_chr = j.patientid_chr and a.outpatrecipeid_chr = n.outpatrecipeid_chr(+) and a.casehisid_chr = e.casehisid_chr union all select c.homephone_vchr, a.pstauts_int, b.outpatrecipedeid_chr, b.itemid_chr, b.itemunit_vchr as unitid_chr, '' as usageid_chr, 0 as tolqty_dec, 0 as unitprice_mny, b.tolprice_mny, case b.rowno_chr when '0' then '' else b.rowno_chr end as rowno_chr, 0 as days_int, b.qty_dec, b.discount_dec, '' as freqid_chr, b.itemname_vchr, d.dosageunit_chr, b.itemspec_vchr, '' as usagename_vchr, '' as freqname_chr, d.dosage_dec, c.birth_dat, a.recorddate_dat, g.lastname_vchr as doctorname_chr, c.lastname_vchr, c.sex_chr, j.patientcardid_chr, n.desc_vchr, m1.serno_chr, e.diag_vchr from t_opr_recipesend m1, t_opr_recipesendentry n1, t_opr_outpatientrecipe a, t_opr_outpatientopsrecipede b, t_opr_outpatientpwmrecipede n, t_bse_chargeitem d, t_opr_outpatientcasehis e, (select distinct (usageid_chr) from t_opr_setusage where orderid_vchr = 1 or orderid_vchr = 0) f, t_bse_patient c, t_bse_employee g, t_bse_medicine m, t_bse_patientcard j where m1.sid_int = n1.sid_int and m1.sid_int = ? and a.outpatrecipeid_chr = n1.outpatrecipeid_chr and a.outpatrecipeid_chr = b.outpatrecipeid_chr(+) and b.itemid_chr = d.itemid_chr(+) and d.usageid_chr = f.usageid_chr and a.patientid_chr = c.patientid_chr and a.diagdr_chr = g.empid_chr(+) and d.itemsrcid_vchr = m.medicineid_chr and a.patientid_chr = j.patientid_chr and a.outpatrecipeid_chr = n.outpatrecipeid_chr(+) and a.casehisid_chr = e.casehisid_chr union all select c.homephone_vchr, a.pstauts_int, b.outpatrecipedeid_chr, b.itemid_chr, b.itemunit_vchr as unitid_chr, '' as usageid_chr, 0 as tolqty_dec, 0 as unitprice_mny, b.tolprice_mny, case b.rowno_chr when '0' then '' else b.rowno_chr end as rowno_chr, 0 as days_int, b.qty_dec, b.discount_dec, '' as freqid_chr, b.itemname_vchr, d.dosageunit_chr, b.itemspec_vchr, '' as usagename_vchr, '' as freqname_chr, d.dosage_dec, c.birth_dat, a.recorddate_dat, g.lastname_vchr as doctorname_chr, c.lastname_vchr, c.sex_chr, j.patientcardid_chr, n.desc_vchr, m1.serno_chr, e.diag_vchr from t_opr_recipesend m1, t_opr_recipesendentry n1, t_opr_outpatientrecipe a, t_opr_outpatientothrecipede b, t_opr_outpatientpwmrecipede n, t_bse_chargeitem d, t_opr_outpatientcasehis e, (select distinct (usageid_chr) from t_opr_setusage where orderid_vchr = 1 or orderid_vchr = 0) f, t_bse_patient c, t_bse_employee g, t_bse_medicine m, t_bse_patientcard j where m1.sid_int = n1.sid_int and m1.sid_int = ? and a.outpatrecipeid_chr = n1.outpatrecipeid_chr and a.outpatrecipeid_chr = b.outpatrecipeid_chr(+) and b.itemid_chr = d.itemid_chr(+) and d.usageid_chr = f.usageid_chr and a.patientid_chr = c.patientid_chr and a.outpatrecipeid_chr = n.outpatrecipeid_chr(+) and a.diagdr_chr = g.empid_chr(+) and d.itemsrcid_vchr = m.medicineid_chr and a.patientid_chr = j.patientid_chr and a.casehisid_chr = e.casehisid_chr order by rowno_chr"; DataTable dtbResult = new DataTable(); com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HRPService.clsHRPTableService objHRPSvc = new com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HRPService.clsHRPTableService(); try { System.Data.IDataParameter[] objLisAddItemRefArr = null; objHRPSvc.CreateDatabaseParameter(6, out objLisAddItemRefArr); objLisAddItemRefArr[0].Value = m_strSid_int; objLisAddItemRefArr[1].Value = m_strSid_int; objLisAddItemRefArr[2].Value = m_strSid_int; objLisAddItemRefArr[3].Value = m_strSid_int; objLisAddItemRefArr[4].Value = m_strSid_int; objLisAddItemRefArr[5].Value = m_strSid_int; lngRes = objHRPSvc.lngGetDataTableWithParameters(strSQL, ref dtbResult, objLisAddItemRefArr); if (lngRes > 0 && dtbResult.Rows.Count > 0) { DateTime dteBirth = Convert.ToDateTime("1900-1-1"); if (dtbResult.Rows[0]["BIRTH_DAT"] != System.DBNull.Value) { dteBirth = Convert.ToDateTime(dtbResult.Rows[0]["BIRTH_DAT"].ToString()); } if (obj_VO == null) { obj_VO = new clsOutpatientPrintRecipe_VO(); obj_VO.objinjectArr = new ArrayList(); obj_VO.objPRDArr = new ArrayList(); obj_VO.objPRDArr2 = new ArrayList(); } //obj_VO.m_strAge = clsConvertDateTime.CalcAge(dteBirth); obj_VO.m_strAge = new clsBrithdayToAge().m_strGetAge(dteBirth); obj_VO.m_strDiagDrName = dtbResult.Rows[0]["DOCTORNAME_CHR"].ToString().Trim(); obj_VO.m_strHospitalName = ""; obj_VO.m_strPatientName = dtbResult.Rows[0]["LASTNAME_VCHR"].ToString().Trim(); obj_VO.m_strPhotoNo = dtbResult.Rows[0]["HOMEPHONE_VCHR"].ToString().Trim(); obj_VO.m_strCardID = dtbResult.Rows[0]["PATIENTCARDID_CHR"].ToString().Trim(); obj_VO.m_strAddress = ""; obj_VO.m_strRecipeType = ""; obj_VO.m_strdiagnose = dtbResult.Rows[0]["diag_vchr"].ToString().Trim(); obj_VO.m_strGOVCARD = ""; obj_VO.m_strINSURANCEID = ""; obj_VO.m_strRecordEmpID = "";//员工ID obj_VO.m_strRegisterID = ""; if (dtbResult.Rows[0]["RECORDDATE_DAT"] != System.DBNull.Value) { obj_VO.m_strPrintDate = DateTime.Parse(dtbResult.Rows[0]["RECORDDATE_DAT"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } else { obj_VO.m_strPrintDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } obj_VO.m_strSex = dtbResult.Rows[0]["SEX_CHR"].ToString().Trim(); obj_VO.m_strSelfPay = ""; obj_VO.m_strChargeUp = ""; obj_VO.m_strRecipePrice = ""; obj_VO.m_strSelfPay = ""; obj_VO.m_strHerbalmedicineUsage = ""; obj_VO.m_strTimes = ""; obj_VO.m_strSerNO = dtbResult.Rows[0]["SERNO_CHR"].ToString().Trim(); obj_VO.objinjectArr2 = new ArrayList(); int temRow = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dtbResult.Rows.Count; i++) { clsOutpatientPrintRecipeDetail_VO objtemp = new clsOutpatientPrintRecipeDetail_VO(); objtemp.m_strChargeName = dtbResult.Rows[i]["ITEMNAME_VCHR"].ToString().Trim(); objtemp.m_strCount = dtbResult.Rows[i]["TOLQTY_DEC"].ToString().Trim() + dtbResult.Rows[i]["UNITID_CHR"].ToString().Trim(); objtemp.m_strPrice = dtbResult.Rows[i]["UNITPRICE_MNY"].ToString().Trim(); objtemp.m_strSumPrice = dtbResult.Rows[i]["TOLPRICE_MNY"].ToString().Trim(); objtemp.m_strUnit = dtbResult.Rows[i]["UNITID_CHR"].ToString().Trim(); objtemp.m_strFrequency = dtbResult.Rows[i]["FREQNAME_CHR"].ToString().Trim(); objtemp.m_strDosage = dtbResult.Rows[i]["QTY_DEC"].ToString().Trim() + dtbResult.Rows[i]["dosageunit_chr"].ToString().Trim(); objtemp.m_strDays = dtbResult.Rows[i]["DAYS_INT"].ToString().Trim(); objtemp.m_strSpec = dtbResult.Rows[i]["ITEMSPEC_VCHR"].ToString().Trim(); objtemp.m_strUsage = dtbResult.Rows[i]["USAGENAME_VCHR"].ToString().Trim(); objtemp.m_strRowNo = dtbResult.Rows[i]["ROWNO_CHR"].ToString().Trim(); objtemp.m_strUsageDetail = dtbResult.Rows[i]["DESC_VCHR"].ToString().Trim(); if (objtemp.m_strRowNo == "" || objtemp.m_strRowNo == "0") { objtemp.m_strRowNo = "0" + temRow.ToString(); temRow++; } obj_VO.objinjectArr2.Add(objtemp); } } else { obj_VO.m_strAge = ""; obj_VO.m_strDiagDrName = ""; obj_VO.m_strHospitalName = ""; obj_VO.m_strPatientName = ""; // obj_VO.m_strRecipeID = strRecipedeID; obj_VO.m_strAddress = ""; obj_VO.m_strRecipeType = ""; obj_VO.m_strdiagnose = ""; obj_VO.m_strGOVCARD = ""; obj_VO.m_strINSURANCEID = ""; obj_VO.m_strRecordEmpID = "";//员工ID obj_VO.m_strRegisterID = ""; obj_VO.m_strPrintDate = ""; obj_VO.m_strSex = ""; obj_VO.m_strSelfPay = ""; obj_VO.m_strChargeUp = ""; obj_VO.m_strRecipePrice = ""; obj_VO.m_strSelfPay = ""; obj_VO.m_strHerbalmedicineUsage = ""; obj_VO.m_strTimes = ""; obj_VO.objinjectArr2 = new ArrayList(); } } catch (Exception objEx) { string strTmp = objEx.Message; com.digitalwave.Utility.clsLogText objLogger = new com.digitalwave.Utility.clsLogText(); bool blnRes = objLogger.LogError(objEx); } DataTable ArrdtRow = new DataTable(); ArrdtRow.Columns.Add("rowno_chr"); ArrdtRow.Columns.Add("USAGEID_CHR"); DataRow[] objRowsList = dtbResult.Select("rowno_chr>0 and USAGEID_CHR is not null", "rowno_chr"); if (objRowsList.Length > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < objRowsList.Length; j++) { if (j == 0) { DataRow newRow = ArrdtRow.NewRow(); newRow["rowno_chr"] = objRowsList[j]["rowno_chr"].ToString(); newRow["USAGEID_CHR"] = objRowsList[j]["USAGEID_CHR"].ToString(); ArrdtRow.Rows.Add(newRow); } else { for (int r = 0; r < ArrdtRow.Rows.Count; r++) { if (objRowsList[j]["rowno_chr"].ToString() == ArrdtRow.Rows[r]["rowno_chr"].ToString()) { break; } if (r == ArrdtRow.Rows.Count - 1) { DataRow newRow = ArrdtRow.NewRow(); newRow["rowno_chr"] = objRowsList[j]["rowno_chr"].ToString(); newRow["USAGEID_CHR"] = objRowsList[j]["USAGEID_CHR"].ToString(); ArrdtRow.Rows.Add(newRow); } } } } } DataTable dtItemArr = new DataTable(); dtItemArr.Columns.Add("itemname_vchr"); dtItemArr.Columns.Add("rowno_chr"); dtItemArr.Columns.Add("itemid_chr"); dtItemArr.Columns.Add("USAGEID_CHR"); if (dtbResult.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int m = 0; m < dtbResult.Rows.Count; m++) { if (m == 0) { DataRow newRow = dtItemArr.NewRow(); newRow["itemname_vchr"] = dtbResult.Rows[m]["itemname_vchr"].ToString(); newRow["rowno_chr"] = dtbResult.Rows[m]["rowno_chr"]; newRow["itemid_chr"] = dtbResult.Rows[m]["itemid_chr"].ToString(); newRow["USAGEID_CHR"] = dtbResult.Rows[m]["USAGEID_CHR"].ToString(); dtItemArr.Rows.Add(newRow); } else { for (int n = 0; n < dtItemArr.Rows.Count; n++) { if (dtItemArr.Rows[n]["itemid_chr"].ToString().Trim() == dtbResult.Rows[m]["itemid_chr"].ToString().Trim() && dtItemArr.Rows[n]["rowno_chr"].ToString().Trim() == dtbResult.Rows[m]["rowno_chr"].ToString().Trim()) { break; } if (n == dtItemArr.Rows.Count - 1) { DataRow newRow = dtItemArr.NewRow(); newRow["itemname_vchr"] = dtbResult.Rows[m]["itemname_vchr"].ToString(); newRow["rowno_chr"] = dtbResult.Rows[m]["rowno_chr"]; newRow["itemid_chr"] = dtbResult.Rows[m]["itemid_chr"].ToString(); newRow["USAGEID_CHR"] = dtbResult.Rows[m]["USAGEID_CHR"].ToString(); dtItemArr.Rows.Add(newRow); } } } } } strSQL = @"SELECT a.itemid_chr, a.operatorid_chr, a.exectime_dat, a.operatortype_int, b.lastname_vchr FROM t_opr_recipesend m1, t_opr_recipesendentry n1, t_opr_nurseexecute a, t_bse_employee b, (SELECT MAX (itemid_chr) itemid_chr FROM t_opr_nurseexecute p,t_opr_recipesend m,t_opr_recipesendentry n WHERE m.sid_int=n.sid_int and p.outpatrecipeid_chr=n.outpatrecipeid_chr and m.sid_int=? AND (operatortype_int = 1 OR operatortype_int = 2) AND status_int = 1) c WHERE m1.sid_int=n1.sid_int and n1.outpatrecipeid_chr=a.outpatrecipeid_chr and m1.sid_int=? AND (a.operatortype_int = 1 OR a.operatortype_int = 2) AND a.status_int = 1 AND a.operatorid_chr = b.empid_chr AND a.itemid_chr = c.itemid_chr ORDER BY a.seq_int DESC"; try { System.Data.IDataParameter[] objLisAddItemRefArr = null; objHRPSvc.CreateDatabaseParameter(2, out objLisAddItemRefArr); objLisAddItemRefArr[0].Value = m_strSid_int; objLisAddItemRefArr[1].Value = m_strSid_int; lngRes = objHRPSvc.lngGetDataTableWithParameters(strSQL, ref dtbResult, objLisAddItemRefArr); } catch (Exception objEx) { string strTmp = objEx.Message; com.digitalwave.Utility.clsLogText objLogger = new com.digitalwave.Utility.clsLogText(); bool blnRes = objLogger.LogError(objEx); } ArrayList list1 = new ArrayList(); ArrayList objArr = new ArrayList(); if (lngRes == 1) { ArrayList arr1 = new ArrayList(); arr1.Add("配药人"); ArrayList arr2 = new ArrayList(); arr2.Add("时间"); ArrayList arr3 = new ArrayList(); arr3.Add("复核人"); ArrayList arr4 = new ArrayList(); arr4.Add("时间"); if (dtbResult.Rows.Count > 0) { int tolMunber1 = 0; int tolMunber2 = 0; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < dtbResult.Rows.Count; i1++) { if (dtbResult.Rows[i1]["OPERATORTYPE_INT"].ToString() == "1" && tolMunber1 < 7) { arr1.Add(dtbResult.Rows[i1]["LASTNAME_VCHR"].ToString()); arr2.Add(DateTime.Parse(dtbResult.Rows[i1]["EXECTIME_DAT"].ToString()).ToString("MM-dd HH:mm")); tolMunber1++; } else if (tolMunber2 < 7) { arr3.Add(dtbResult.Rows[i1]["LASTNAME_VCHR"].ToString()); arr4.Add(DateTime.Parse(dtbResult.Rows[i1]["EXECTIME_DAT"].ToString()).ToString("MM-dd HH:mm")); tolMunber2++; } } } list1.Add(arr1); list1.Add(arr2); list1.Add(arr3); list1.Add(arr4); } strSQL = @"SELECT a.itemid_chr, d.itemname_vchr, a.rowno_chr, a.operatorid_chr, a.exectime_dat, a.operatortype_int, b.lastname_vchr, a.remark1_vchr FROM t_opr_recipesend m1, t_opr_recipesendentry n1, t_opr_nurseexecute a, t_bse_employee b, t_bse_chargeitem d, (SELECT MAX (a.itemid_chr) itemid_chr FROM t_opr_nurseexecute a, t_opr_recipesend m, t_opr_recipesendentry n WHERE m.sid_int = n.sid_int AND a.outpatrecipeid_chr = n.outpatrecipeid_chr AND m.sid_int = ? AND ( a.operatortype_int = 10 OR a.operatortype_int = 3 OR a.operatortype_int = 4 ) AND a.status_int = 1 GROUP BY rowno_chr) c WHERE m1.sid_int = n1.sid_int AND n1.outpatrecipeid_chr = a.outpatrecipeid_chr AND m1.sid_int = ? AND ( a.operatortype_int = 10 OR a.operatortype_int = 3 OR a.operatortype_int = 4 ) AND a.status_int = 1 AND a.rowno_chr > 0 AND a.operatorid_chr = b.empid_chr AND a.itemid_chr = c.itemid_chr AND a.itemid_chr = d.itemid_chr(+) ORDER BY a.seq_int DESC "; try { System.Data.IDataParameter[] objLisAddItemRefArr = null; objHRPSvc.CreateDatabaseParameter(2, out objLisAddItemRefArr); objLisAddItemRefArr[0].Value = m_strSid_int; objLisAddItemRefArr[1].Value = m_strSid_int; lngRes = objHRPSvc.lngGetDataTableWithParameters(strSQL, ref dtbResult, objLisAddItemRefArr); } catch (Exception objEx) { string strTmp = objEx.Message; com.digitalwave.Utility.clsLogText objLogger = new com.digitalwave.Utility.clsLogText(); bool blnRes = objLogger.LogError(objEx); } strSQL = @"SELECT a.itemid_chr, d.itemname_vchr, a.rowno_chr, a.operatorid_chr, a.exectime_dat, a.operatortype_int, b.lastname_vchr, a.remark1_vchr FROM t_opr_recipesend m1, t_opr_recipesendentry n1, t_opr_nurseexecute a, t_bse_employee b, t_bse_chargeitem d WHERE m1.sid_int = n1.sid_int AND n1.outpatrecipeid_chr = a.outpatrecipeid_chr AND m1.sid_int = ? AND ( a.operatortype_int = 10 OR a.operatortype_int = 3 OR a.operatortype_int = 4 ) AND a.status_int = 1 AND a.rowno_chr <= 0 AND a.operatorid_chr = b.empid_chr AND a.itemid_chr = d.itemid_chr(+) ORDER BY a.seq_int DESC "; DataTable dtbResult2 = new DataTable(); try { System.Data.IDataParameter[] objLisAddItemRefArr = null; objHRPSvc.CreateDatabaseParameter(1, out objLisAddItemRefArr); objLisAddItemRefArr[0].Value = m_strSid_int; lngRes = objHRPSvc.lngGetDataTableWithParameters(strSQL, ref dtbResult2, objLisAddItemRefArr); } catch (Exception objEx) { string strTmp = objEx.Message; com.digitalwave.Utility.clsLogText objLogger = new com.digitalwave.Utility.clsLogText(); bool blnRes = objLogger.LogError(objEx); } DataTable dtUsage = new DataTable();//保存需要打印输液巡视单的用法数据 strSQL = @"select USAGEID_CHR from t_opr_setusage where ORDERID_VCHR='1'"; try { lngRes = objHRPSvc.lngGetDataTableWithoutParameters(strSQL, ref dtUsage); } catch (Exception objEx) { string strTmp = objEx.Message; com.digitalwave.Utility.clsLogText objLogger = new com.digitalwave.Utility.clsLogText(); bool blnRes = objLogger.LogError(objEx); } ArrayList arrGroud = new ArrayList(); if (ArrdtRow.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int f2 = 0; f2 < ArrdtRow.Rows.Count; f2++) { DataRow[] objRows = dtItemArr.Select("ROWNO_CHR =" + ArrdtRow.Rows[f2]["ROWNO_CHR"].ToString().Trim()); int kk = f2 + 1; string strGroud = "第" + kk.ToString() + "组:"; int currInt = 0;//标志当前组中是否存在需要打印的明细-1.有 int currint1 = 0; for (int k1 = 0; k1 < objRows.Length; k1++) { DataRow[] tempArr = dtUsage.Select("USAGEID_CHR=" + objRows[k1]["usageid_chr"].ToString()); if (tempArr.Length == 0) { continue; } if (currint1 == 0) { currInt = -1; strGroud += objRows[k1]["ITEMNAME_VCHR"].ToString(); currint1++; } else { strGroud = strGroud + "、" + objRows[k1]["ITEMNAME_VCHR"].ToString(); } } if (currInt == -1) { ArrayList arr1 = new ArrayList(); arr1.Add("配药护士"); ArrayList arr2 = new ArrayList(); arr2.Add("时间"); ArrayList arr3 = new ArrayList(); arr3.Add("执行人"); ArrayList arr4 = new ArrayList(); arr4.Add("输液时间"); ArrayList arr5 = new ArrayList(); arr5.Add("滴速(分)"); ArrayList arr6 = new ArrayList(); arr6.Add("巡视时间"); ArrayList arr7 = new ArrayList(); arr7.Add("滴速(分)"); ArrayList arr8 = new ArrayList(); arr8.Add("签名"); int tolMunber1 = 0; int tolMunber2 = 0; int tolMunber3 = 0; ArrayList objList = new ArrayList(); if (dtbResult.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i1 = 0; i1 < dtbResult.Rows.Count; i1++) { if (ArrdtRow.Rows[f2]["ROWNO_CHR"].ToString() == dtbResult.Rows[i1]["ROWNO_CHR"].ToString()) { if (dtbResult.Rows[i1]["OPERATORTYPE_INT"].ToString() == "3" && tolMunber1 < 7) { arr3.Add(dtbResult.Rows[i1]["LASTNAME_VCHR"].ToString()); arr4.Add(DateTime.Parse(dtbResult.Rows[i1]["EXECTIME_DAT"].ToString()).ToString("MM-dd HH:mm")); arr5.Add(dtbResult.Rows[i1]["REMARK1_VCHR"].ToString()); tolMunber1++; } if (dtbResult.Rows[i1]["OPERATORTYPE_INT"].ToString() == "10" && tolMunber2 < 7) { arr1.Add(dtbResult.Rows[i1]["LASTNAME_VCHR"].ToString()); arr2.Add(DateTime.Parse(dtbResult.Rows[i1]["EXECTIME_DAT"].ToString()).ToString("MM-dd HH:mm")); tolMunber2++; } if (dtbResult.Rows[i1]["OPERATORTYPE_INT"].ToString() == "4" && tolMunber3 < 7) { arr8.Add(dtbResult.Rows[i1]["LASTNAME_VCHR"].ToString()); arr6.Add(DateTime.Parse(dtbResult.Rows[i1]["EXECTIME_DAT"].ToString()).ToString("MM-dd HH:mm")); arr7.Add(dtbResult.Rows[i1]["REMARK1_VCHR"].ToString()); tolMunber3++; } } } } objList.Add(arr1); objList.Add(arr2); objList.Add(arr3); objList.Add(arr4); objList.Add(arr5); objList.Add(arr6); objList.Add(arr7); objList.Add(arr8); objArr.Add(objList); arrGroud.Add(strGroud); } } } if (dtItemArr.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int h = 0; h < dtItemArr.Rows.Count; h++) { try { if (int.Parse(dtItemArr.Rows[h]["ROWNO_CHR"].ToString()) > 0) { dtItemArr.Rows[h].Delete(); h--; } } catch { } } dtItemArr.AcceptChanges(); } if (dtItemArr.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int f2 = 0; f2 < dtItemArr.Rows.Count; f2++) { DataRow[] tempArr = dtUsage.Select("USAGEID_CHR=" + dtItemArr.Rows[f2]["usageid_chr"].ToString()); if (tempArr.Length == 0) { continue; } arrGroud.Add(dtItemArr.Rows[f2]["ITEMNAME_VCHR"].ToString()); ArrayList tempList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList arr1 = new ArrayList(); arr1.Add("配药护士"); ArrayList arr2 = new ArrayList(); arr2.Add("时间"); ArrayList arr3 = new ArrayList(); arr3.Add("执行人"); ArrayList arr4 = new ArrayList(); arr4.Add("输液时间"); ArrayList arr5 = new ArrayList(); arr5.Add("滴速(分)"); ArrayList arr6 = new ArrayList(); arr6.Add("巡视时间"); ArrayList arr7 = new ArrayList(); arr7.Add("滴速(分)"); ArrayList arr8 = new ArrayList(); arr8.Add("签名"); int tolMunber1 = 0; int tolMunber2 = 0; int tolMunber3 = 0; ArrayList objList = new ArrayList(); for (int i1 = 0; i1 < dtbResult2.Rows.Count; i1++) { if (dtItemArr.Rows[f2]["ITEMNAME_VCHR"].ToString().Trim() == dtbResult2.Rows[i1]["ITEMNAME_VCHR"].ToString().Trim()) { if (dtbResult2.Rows[i1]["OPERATORTYPE_INT"].ToString() == "3" && tolMunber1 < 7) { arr3.Add(dtbResult2.Rows[i1]["LASTNAME_VCHR"].ToString()); arr4.Add(DateTime.Parse(dtbResult2.Rows[i1]["EXECTIME_DAT"].ToString()).ToString("MM-dd HH:mm")); arr5.Add(dtbResult.Rows[i1]["REMARK1_VCHR"].ToString()); tolMunber1++; } if (dtbResult2.Rows[i1]["OPERATORTYPE_INT"].ToString() == "10" && tolMunber2 < 7) { arr1.Add(dtbResult2.Rows[i1]["LASTNAME_VCHR"].ToString()); arr2.Add(DateTime.Parse(dtbResult2.Rows[i1]["EXECTIME_DAT"].ToString()).ToString("MM-dd HH:mm")); tolMunber2++; } if (dtbResult2.Rows[i1]["OPERATORTYPE_INT"].ToString() == "4" && tolMunber3 < 7) { arr8.Add(dtbResult2.Rows[i1]["LASTNAME_VCHR"].ToString()); arr6.Add(DateTime.Parse(dtbResult2.Rows[i1]["EXECTIME_DAT"].ToString()).ToString("MM-dd HH:mm")); arr7.Add(dtbResult2.Rows[i1]["REMARK1_VCHR"].ToString()); tolMunber3++; } } } objList.Add(arr1); objList.Add(arr2); objList.Add(arr3); objList.Add(arr4); objList.Add(arr5); objList.Add(arr6); objList.Add(arr7); objList.Add(arr8); objArr.Add(objList); } } m_objList1 = list1; m_objList2 = objArr; m_objListGroupName = arrGroud; return(lngRes); }