private void Awake() { Log.d("Now initializing MainThread helper"); AssertV2.IsTrue(mainThreadRef == null || mainThreadRef == Thread.CurrentThread, "MainThread already set to " + mainThreadRef); mainThreadRef = Thread.CurrentThread; stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); }
/// <summary> /// Load a ScriptableObject instance from a Resources subpath, for example: /// MyExampleScriptableObject_Instance1.asset is located in Assets/Ui/Resources/MyFolderX /// -> The path must be "MyFolderX/MyExampleScriptableObject_Instance1" /// </summary> public static T LoadScriptableObjectInstance <T>(string pathInResourcesFolder) where T : ScriptableObject { var so = LoadV2 <T>(pathInResourcesFolder); AssertV2.IsNotNull(so, "ScriptableObject (" + typeof(T) + ") instance " + pathInResourcesFolder); return(so); }
private static IEnumerable <JToken> GetFilteredDiff(JToken diffToExpectedState, Func <JToken, bool> filterAcceptableDiffs) { return(diffToExpectedState.Children().Skip(1).Filter(problem => { AssertV2.AreEqual(1, problem.Count(), "The diff contained not exactly one element"); return filterAcceptableDiffs(problem.First()); })); }
public static T GetResult <T>(this UnityWebRequest self, IJsonReader r) { AssertV2.IsTrue(self.isDone, "web request was not done!"); if (TypeCheck.AreEqual <T, UnityWebRequest>()) { return((T)(object)self); } if (typeof(Texture2D).IsCastableTo(typeof(T))) { AssertV2.IsTrue(self.downloadHandler is DownloadHandlerTexture, "self.downloadHandler was not a DownloadHandlerTexture"); var h = (DownloadHandlerTexture)self.downloadHandler; return((T)(object)h.texture); } if (TypeCheck.AreEqual <T, Stream>()) { return((T)(object)new MemoryStream(; } if (TypeCheck.AreEqual <T, byte[]>()) { return((T)(object); } if (TypeCheck.AreEqual <T, Headers>()) { return((T)(object)self.GetResponseHeadersV2()); } var text = self.downloadHandler.text; if (TypeCheck.AreEqual <T, string>()) { return((T)(object)text); } return(r.Read <T>(text)); }
public static double CompareV2(this MagickImage self, MagickImage oldImg, ErrorMetric errorMetric, out MagickImage imgWithDifferences) { // Check if both images have the same size: bool isNewImageSameSizeAsOldImage = oldImg.Width == self.Width && oldImg.Height == self.Height; if (!isNewImageSameSizeAsOldImage) { var diffSizesWarn = $"Different sizes: OldImage=({oldImg.Width}X{oldImg.Height}) but NewImage=({self.Width}X{self.Height})"; bool isNewImageAspectRatioSameAsOldImage = self.GetAspectRatio() == oldImg.GetAspectRatio(); if (isNewImageAspectRatioSameAsOldImage) { Log.w(diffSizesWarn); // If aspect ratio matches, resize both images to same size: var minWidth = Math.Min(oldImg.Width, self.Width); var minHeight = Math.Min(oldImg.Height, self.Height); oldImg.Resize(minWidth, minHeight); self.Resize(minWidth, minHeight); } else // Missmatch in image sizes cant be fixed, abort: { throw new ArgumentException("Can't compare! " + diffSizesWarn); } } AssertV2.AreEqual(oldImg.Width, self.Width, "RegressionImage.Width"); AssertV2.AreEqual(oldImg.Height, self.Height, "RegressionImage.Height"); //return oldImg.Compare(self, out imgWithDifferences); imgWithDifferences = new MagickImage(); return(oldImg.Compare(self, new CompareSettings() { Metric = errorMetric }, imgWithDifferences)); }
private static void AssertResponseLooksNormal <T>(UnityWebRequest self, Response <T> resp) { AssertV2.IsNotNull(self, "WebRequest object was null: " + resp); if (self != null) { AssertV2.IsTrue(self.isDone, "Request never finished: " + resp); if (self.isNetworkError) { Log.w("isNetworkError=true for " + resp); } if (self.error != null) { Log.w("error=" + self.error + " for " + resp); } if (self.isHttpError) { Log.w("isHttpError=true for " + resp); } if (self.responseCode < 200 || self.responseCode >= 300) { Log.w("responseCode=" + self.responseCode + " for " + resp); } if (self.isNetworkError && self.responseCode == 0 && self.useHttpContinue) { Log.w("useHttpContinue flag was true, request might work if its set to false"); } } }
public static MergeConflict ToMergeConflict(JProperty prop) { var res = new MergeConflict(); res.fieldName = prop.Name; if (prop.Value is JObject o) { var properties = o.Properties(); if (IsArray(properties.First())) { res.specialType = MergeConflict.SPECIAL_TYPE_ARRAY; properties = properties.Skip(1); } res.conflicts = properties.Map(ToMergeConflict); } else if (prop.Value is JArray oldAndNewValue) { AssertV2.AreEqual(2, oldAndNewValue.Count); res.oldValue = oldAndNewValue[0]; res.newValue = oldAndNewValue[1]; } else { throw new NotImplementedException("Unhandled type " + prop.Value.GetType() + ":\n" + prop.Value.ToPrettyString()); } return(res); }
public static bool Rename(this DirectoryInfo self, string newName) { var target = self.Parent.GetChildDir(newName); AssertV2.IsFalse(target.IsNotNullAndExists(), "Already exists: target=" + target.FullPath()); return(self.MoveToV2(target)); }
private IEnumerator AssertNoVisualRegressionCoroutine(string id, StackTrace stacktrace) { if (id.IsNullOrEmpty()) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Invalid ID passed"); } var idFolder = GetFolderFor(id); var oldImg = idFolder.GetChild("Regression.jpg"); var newImg = idFolder.GetChild("Latest.jpg"); var backup = idFolder.GetChild("Previous.jpg.backup"); Config config = LoadConfigFor(idFolder); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); try { Texture2D screenShot = ScreenCapture.CaptureScreenshotAsTexture(config.screenshotUpscaleFactor); // Texture2D screenShot = Camera.allCameras.CaptureScreenshot(); // Does not capture UI if (newImg.Exists) { newImg.CopyToV2(backup, replaceExisting: true); } screenShot.SaveToJpgFile(newImg, config.screenshotQuality); screenShot.Destroy(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w("Could NOT capture screensot: \n" + e); yield break; } try { var diffImg = CalculateDiffImage(oldImg, newImg, config.maxAllowedDiff, config.errorMetric); if (diffImg != null) { var e = $"Visual diff to previous '{id}' detected! To approve an allowed visual change, delete '{oldImg.Name}'"; if (!config.customErrorMessage.IsNullOrEmpty()) { e = config.customErrorMessage + "/n" + e; } HandleException(config, diffImg, new Error(e, stacktrace)); } else // No difference between oldImg and newImg // To prevent git from detecting invalid file changes: { if (backup.Exists) // If there is a backup of newImg.. { newImg.DeleteV2(); // Remove the newly generated version .. backup.Rename(newImg.Name, out FileEntry _); // and replace it with the backup } } backup.DeleteV2(); // If a backup file was created during the process delete it AssertV2.IsTrue(newImg.Exists, "newImg did not exist after AssertNoVisualChange done"); } catch (ArgumentException e) { HandleException(config, oldImg, new Error(e.Message, stacktrace)); } }
public static Stopwatch MethodEntered(params object[] args) { #if DEBUG var t = new StackFrame(1, true); Log.d(" --> " + t.GetMethodName(false), t.AddTo(args)); #endif return(AssertV2.TrackTiming()); }
public static Texture2D ToTexture2D(this ImageResult self) { AssertV2.AreEqual(8, self.BitsPerChannel); Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(self.Width, self.Height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); tex.LoadRawTextureData(self.Data); tex.Apply(); return(tex); }
private async Task <bool> RunInternetCheck() { var newState = await RestFactory.instance.HasInternet(); await SetHasInet(newState); AssertV2.AreEqual(HasInet, newState); return(HasInet); }
public static Vector3[] GetWorldCornersV2(this RectTransform self, Vector3[] cache = null) { if (cache == null) { cache = new Vector3[4]; } AssertV2.AreEqual(4, cache.Length); self.GetWorldCorners(cache); return(cache); }
public static FileEntry GetChild(this DirectoryEntry self, string fileName, bool sanitize = true) { fileName.ThrowErrorIfNullOrEmpty("fileName"); if (sanitize) { fileName = Sanitize.SanitizeToFileName(fileName); } AssertV2.AreEqual(fileName, Sanitize.SanitizeToFileName(fileName)); return(ResolveFilePath(self, fileName)); }
private static bool DeleteV2(FileSystemEntry self, Func <bool> deleteAction) { if (self.IsNotNullAndExists()) { var res = deleteAction(); AssertV2.IsFalse(!res || self.Exists, "Still exists: " + self); return(res); } return(false); }
public static DirectoryEntry GetChildDir(this DirectoryEntry self, string subDirName, bool sanitize = true) { subDirName.ThrowErrorIfNullOrEmpty("subDirName"); if (sanitize) { subDirName = Sanitize.SanitizeToDirName(subDirName); } AssertV2.AreEqual(subDirName, Sanitize.SanitizeToDirName(subDirName)); return(ResolveDirectoryPath(self, subDirName)); }
public static DirectoryInfo GetChildDir(this DirectoryInfo self, string childFolder, bool assertThatChildMustExist = false) { var c = new DirectoryInfo(self.FullPath() + childFolder); if (assertThatChildMustExist) { AssertV2.IsTrue(c.IsNotNullAndExists(), "childFolder '" + childFolder + "' doesnt exist! Path=" + c.FullPath()); } return(c); }
private static bool DeleteV2(FileSystemInfo self, Func <bool> deleteAction) { if (self != null && self.ExistsV2()) { var res = deleteAction(); self.Refresh(); AssertV2.IsFalse(!res || self.ExistsV2(), "Still exists: " + self.FullName); return(res); } return(false); }
private static bool DeleteV2(FileSystemInfo self, Action deleteAction) { if (self != null && self.Exists) { deleteAction(); self.Refresh(); AssertV2.IsFalse(self.Exists, "Still exists: " + self.FullName); return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> Connects a model with a view </summary> /// <returns> A task that can be awaited on, that returns the fully setup presenter </returns> public static async Task <T> LoadModelIntoView <T>(this Presenter <T> self, T model) { AssertV2.IsNotNull(self.targetView, "presenter.targetView"); var name = self.GetType().Name + "_((" + model.GetType().Name + "))"; AppFlow.TrackEvent(EventConsts.catPresenter, "Load-start:" + name, self, model); await self.OnLoad(model); AppFlow.TrackEvent(EventConsts.catPresenter, "Load-done:" + name, self, model); return(model); }
private static void SetupDownloadAndUploadHanders <T>(UnityWebRequest self, Response <T> resp) { self.downloadHandler = resp.createDownloadHandler(); switch (self.method) { case UnityWebRequest.kHttpVerbPUT: case UnityWebRequest.kHttpVerbPOST: AssertV2.IsNotNull(self.uploadHandler, "Put/Post-request had no uploadHandler set"); break; } }
public static StopwatchV2 MethodEntered([CallerMemberName] string methodName = null, params object[] args) { #if DEBUG args = new StackFrame(1, true).AddTo(args); #endif Log.d(" --> " + methodName, args); if (!methodName.IsNullOrEmpty()) { AppFlow.TrackEvent(AppFlow.catMethod, methodName, args); } return(AssertV2.TrackTiming(methodName)); }
public static UnityWebRequest SetRequestHeaders(this UnityWebRequest self, Headers headersToAdd) { if (!headersToAdd.IsNullOrEmpty()) { foreach (var h in headersToAdd) { AssertV2.AreEqual(1, h.Value.Count()); self.SetRequestHeader(h.Key, h.Value.First()); } } return(self); }
public static bool MoveToV2(this DirectoryEntry source, DirectoryEntry target, out DirectoryEntry result) { AssertNotIdentical(source, target); AssertV2.IsTrue(source.FileSystem == target.FileSystem, "Moving between different file systems not implemented"); source.MoveTo(target.Path); if (!target.Exists) { throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("Could not move dir to " + target); } result = target; return(target.Exists); }
public static FileEntry CopyToV2(this FileEntry self, FileEntry target, bool replaceExisting) { if (self.FileSystem != target.FileSystem) { using (var t = target.OpenOrCreateForWrite()) { t.SetLength(0); // Reset the stream in case it was opened using (var s = self.OpenForRead()) { s.CopyTo(t); } } AssertV2.IsTrue(target.Exists, "Target did not exist after copy to was done: " + target); return(target); } return(self.CopyTo(target.Path, replaceExisting)); }
public static DateTime NewDateTimeFromUnixTimestamp(long unixTimeInMs, bool autoCorrectIfPassedInSeconds = true) { AssertV2.IsTrue(unixTimeInMs > 0, "NewDateTimeFromUnixTimestamp: unixTimeInMs was " + unixTimeInMs); System.DateTime dtDateTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); var result = dtDateTime.AddMilliseconds(unixTimeInMs); if (autoCorrectIfPassedInSeconds && result.Year == 1970) { var correctedDate = NewDateTimeFromUnixTimestamp(unixTimeInMs * 1000, false); Log.e("The passed unixTimeInMs was likely passed in seconds instead of milliseconds," + " it was too small by a factor of *1000, which would result in " + correctedDate.ToReadableString()); return(correctedDate); } return(result); }
public static void SaveStream(this FileEntry self, Stream streamToSave, Action <long> onProgress = null) { AssertV2.AreNotEqual(0, streamToSave.Length, "streamToSave.Length"); using (var fileStream = self.OpenOrCreateForWrite()) { fileStream.SetLength(0); // Reset the stream in case it was opened if (onProgress == null) { streamToSave.CopyTo(fileStream); } else { streamToSave.CopyTo(fileStream, onProgress); } } }
public static FileInfo GetChild(this DirectoryInfo self, string fileName, bool assertThatChildMustExist = false, bool sanitize = true) { fileName.ThrowErrorIfNullOrEmpty("fileName"); if (sanitize) { fileName = Sanitize.SanitizeToFileName(fileName); } AssertV2.AreEqual(fileName, Sanitize.SanitizeToFileName(fileName)); var c = new FileInfo(self.FullPath() + fileName); if (assertThatChildMustExist) { AssertV2.IsTrue(c.IsNotNullAndExists(), "childFile '" + fileName + "' doesnt exist! Path=" + c.FullPath()); } return(c); }
public static DirectoryInfo GetChildDir(this DirectoryInfo self, string subDirName, bool assertThatChildMustExist = false, bool sanitize = true) { subDirName.ThrowErrorIfNullOrEmpty("subDirName"); if (sanitize) { subDirName = Sanitize.SanitizeToDirName(subDirName); } AssertV2.AreEqual(subDirName, Sanitize.SanitizeToDirName(subDirName)); var c = new DirectoryInfo(self.FullPath() + subDirName); if (assertThatChildMustExist) { AssertV2.IsTrue(c.IsNotNullAndExists(), "childFolder '" + subDirName + "' doesnt exist! Path=" + c.FullPath()); } return(c); }
public static bool Destroy(this UnityEngine.Object self, bool destroyNextFrame = false) { if (self == null) { return(false); } try { if (destroyNextFrame) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(self); } else { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(self); } } catch { return(false); } AssertV2.IsTrue(destroyNextFrame || self.IsDestroyed(), "gameObject was not destroyed"); return(true); }