public bool checkTrigger(int count, Client client) { if (count == countToTrigger) { PlayerData player = client.playerData; switch (actionName) { case "mute": player.isMuted = true; StarryboundServer.sendGlobalMessage("^#f75d5d;" + + " has been muted automatically for spamming."); break; case "kick": client.kickClient(reason); break; case "ban": if (length != 0) { length = Utils.getTimestamp() + (length * 60); } Bans.addNewBan(, player.uuid, player.ip, Utils.getTimestamp(), "[SYSTEM]", length, reason); client.banClient(reason); break; } return(true); } return(false); }
static void Main(string[] args) { #if DEBUG config.logLevel = LogType.Debug; #endif startTime = Utils.getTimestamp(); changeState(ServerState.Starting, "StarryboundServer::Main"); Console.Title = "Loading... Starrybound Server (" + VersionNum + ") (" + ProtocolVersion + ")"; try { int processId = Convert.ToInt32(File.ReadAllText("")); Process proc = Process.GetProcessById(processId); proc.Kill(); File.Delete(""); } catch (Exception) { } monitorThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(crashMonitor)); monitorThread.Start(); if (IsMono) { Environment.CurrentDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(StarryboundServer).Assembly.Location); } AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(ProcessExit); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(UnhandledException); if (!IsMono) { NativeMethods.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(new NativeMethods.HandlerRoutine(ConsoleCtrlCheck), true); } BootstrapConfig.SetupConfig(); writeLog("", LogType.FileOnly); writeLog("-- Log Start: " + DateTime.Now + " --", LogType.FileOnly); logInfo("##############################################"); logInfo("#### Avilance Ltd. Starrybound Server ####"); logInfo("#### Copyright (c) Avilance Ltd. 2013 ####"); logInfo("#### Licensed under the GPLv3 ####"); logInfo("##############################################"); logInfo("Version: " + VersionNum + " (" + ProtocolVersion + ")"); logInfo("Loading Starrybound Server..."); Config.SetupConfig(); ServerConfig.SetupConfig(); Groups.SetupGroups(); Users.SetupUsers(); #if !DEBUG if (config.logLevel == LogType.Debug) { logWarn("The logLevel in your config is currently set to DEBUG. This **WILL** flood your console and log file, if you do not want this please edit your config logLevel to INFO"); logWarn("Launch will proceed in 5 seconds."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); } #endif #if !NOSERVER if (config.proxyPort == config.serverPort) { logFatal("You cannot have the serverPort and proxyPort on the same port!"); Thread.Sleep(5000); Environment.Exit(3); } #endif var geoippath = Path.Combine(SavePath, "GeoIP.dat"); if (config.enableGeoIP && File.Exists(geoippath)) { Geo = new GeoIPCountry(geoippath); } foreach (string sector in config.sectors) { byte[] sectorBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sector); byte[] buffer = new byte[sectorBytes.Length + 1]; buffer[0] = (byte)sectorBytes.Length; Buffer.BlockCopy(sectorBytes, 0, buffer, 1, sectorBytes.Length); sectors.Add(sectorBytes); } Bans.ProcessBans(); Claims.LoadClaims(); logInfo("Starrybound Server initialization complete."); listener = new ListenerThread(); listenerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(listener.runTcp)); listenerThread.Start(); udpThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(listener.runUdp)); udpThread.Start(); while (serverState != ServerState.ListenerReady) { } if ((int)serverState > 3) { return; } Console.Title = "Starting... Starrybound Server (" + VersionNum + ") (" + ProtocolVersion + ")"; #if !NOSERVER logInfo("Starting parent Starbound server - This may take a few moments..."); sbServer = new ServerThread(); sbServerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(; sbServerThread.Start(); while (serverState != ServerState.StarboundReady) { } if ((int)serverState > 3) { return; } #endif logInfo("Parent Starbound server is ready. Starrybound Server now accepting connections."); changeState(ServerState.Running, "StarryboundServer::Main"); }
public void remove() { Bans.allBans.Remove(banID); Bans.Write(Path.Combine(StarryboundServer.SavePath, "bans.json")); }