private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { sf = new studentFeeClass(); dg = new datagridVeiwWorking(); sf.month = comboBox1.Text; sf.year = comboBox2.Text; if (radioButton1.Checked) { string query = "select * from studentFees where monthName ='" + comboBox1.Text + "' and studentYear = '" + comboBox2.Text + "' and paymentAmount >= " + sf.monthlyFee(); dataGridView1.DataSource = dg.goFill(query).Tables[0]; } else if (radioButton2.Checked) { string query = "select * from studentFees where monthName ='" + comboBox1.Text + "' and studentYear = '" + comboBox2.Text + "' and paymentAmount < " + sf.monthlyFee(); dataGridView1.DataSource = dg.goFill(query).Tables[0]; } } catch (FormatException) { MessageBox.Show("Enter Correct Values!!", "Alert!"); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { dg = new datagridVeiwWorking(); rb = new returnBookClass(); radioLoad rad = new radioLoad(); dg.query = "SELECT studentID,studentName,serialNo,titleBook,authorBook FROM addingBooks INNER JOIN IssueBooks ON addingBooks.serialNo = IssueBooks.bookID where studentID=" + comboBox1.Text; dataGridView1.DataSource = dg.goFill().Tables[0]; comboBox2.DataSource = rad.mydt("select * from IssueBooks where studentID = " + comboBox1.Text); comboBox2.DisplayMember = "bookID"; comboBox2.ValueMember = "studentID"; }