// For top-level compilation only // TODO: Can we get rid of this when the DLR-based compile goes away? public FnMethod(FnExpr fn, ObjMethod parent, BodyExpr body) : base(fn,parent) { _body = body; _argLocals = PersistentVector.EMPTY; //_thisBinding = Compiler.RegisterLocal(Symbol.intern(fn.ThisName ?? "fn__" + RT.nextID()), null, null, false); }
public Expr Parse(ParserContext pcon, object frm) { // frm is: (reify this-name? [interfaces] (method-name [args] body)* ) ISeq form = (ISeq)frm; ObjMethod enclosingMethod = (ObjMethod)Compiler.MethodVar.deref(); string baseName = enclosingMethod != null ? (ObjExpr.TrimGenId(enclosingMethod.Objx.Name) + "$") : (Compiler.munge(Compiler.CurrentNamespace.Name.Name) + "$"); string simpleName = "reify__" + RT.nextID(); string className = baseName + simpleName; ISeq rform = RT.next(form); IPersistentVector interfaces = ((IPersistentVector)RT.first(rform)).cons(Symbol.intern("clojure.lang.IObj")); rform = RT.next(rform); ObjExpr ret = Build(interfaces, null, null, className, Symbol.intern(className), null, rform, frm); IObj iobj = frm as IObj; if (iobj != null && iobj.meta() != null) { return(new MetaExpr(ret, MapExpr.Parse(pcon.EvalOrExpr(), iobj.meta()))); } else { return(ret); } }
// For top-level compilation only // TODO: Can we get rid of this when the DLR-based compile goes away? public FnMethod(FnExpr fn, ObjMethod parent, BodyExpr body) : base(fn, parent) { Body = body; ArgLocals = PersistentVector.EMPTY; //_thisBinding = Compiler.RegisterLocal(Symbol.intern(fn.ThisName ?? "fn__" + RT.nextID()), null, null, false); }
// This naming convention drawn from the Java code. internal void ComputeNames(ISeq form, string name) { ObjMethod enclosingMethod = (ObjMethod)Compiler.MethodVar.deref(); string baseName = enclosingMethod != null ? enclosingMethod.Objx.Name : Compiler.munge(Compiler.CurrentNamespace.Name.Name) + "$"; Symbol nm = RT.second(form) as Symbol; if (nm != null) { name = nm.Name + "__" + RT.nextID(); } else { if (name == null) { name = "fn__" + RT.nextID(); } else if (enclosingMethod != null) { name += "__" + RT.nextID(); } } string simpleName = Compiler.munge(name).Replace(".", "_DOT_"); Name = baseName + simpleName; InternalName = Name; // Name.Replace('.', '/'); }
// This naming convention drawn from the Java code. internal void ComputeNames(ISeq form, string name) { ObjMethod enclosingMethod = (ObjMethod)Compiler.MethodVar.deref(); string baseName = enclosingMethod != null ? (enclosingMethod.Objx.Name + "$") : Compiler.munge(Compiler.CurrentNamespace.Name.Name) + "$"; if (RT.second(form) is Symbol) { name = ((Symbol)RT.second(form)).Name; } string simpleName = name != null ? (Compiler.munge(name).Replace(".", "_DOT_") + (enclosingMethod != null ? "__" + RT.nextID() : "")) : ("fn" + "__" + RT.nextID()); _name = baseName + simpleName; InternalName = _name.Replace('.', '/'); }
protected ObjMethod(ObjExpr fn, ObjMethod parent) { _parent = parent; _objx = fn; LocalsUsedInCatchFinally = PersistentHashSet.EMPTY; }
static void CloseOver(LocalBinding b, ObjMethod method) { if (b != null && method != null) { if (RT.get(method.Locals, b) == null) { method.Objx.Closes = (IPersistentMap)RT.assoc(method.Objx.Closes, b, b); CloseOver(b, method.Parent); } else if (InCatchFinallyVar.deref() != null) { method.LocalsUsedInCatchFinally = (PersistentHashSet)method.LocalsUsedInCatchFinally.cons(b.Index); } } }
public FnMethod(FnExpr fn, ObjMethod parent) : base(fn, parent) { }
public ObjMethod(ObjExpr fn, ObjMethod parent) { _parent = parent; _objx = fn; }
public static Expr Parse(ParserContext pcon, ISeq form, string name) { ISeq origForm = form; FnExpr fn = new FnExpr(Compiler.TagOf(form)); fn.Src = form; Keyword retKey = Keyword.intern(null, "rettag"); // TODO: make static object retTag = RT.get(RT.meta(form), retKey); ObjMethod enclosingMethod = (ObjMethod)Compiler.MethodVar.deref(); fn._hasEnclosingMethod = enclosingMethod != null; if (((IMeta)form.first()).meta() != null) { fn.OnceOnly = RT.booleanCast(RT.get(RT.meta(form.first()), KW_ONCE)); } fn.ComputeNames(form, name); List <string> prims = new List <string>(); //arglist might be preceded by symbol naming this fn Symbol nm = RT.second(form) as Symbol; if (nm != null) { fn.ThisName = nm.Name; form = RT.cons(Compiler.FnSym, RT.next(RT.next(form))); } // Normalize body //now (fn [args] body...) or (fn ([args] body...) ([args2] body2...) ...) //turn former into latter if (RT.second(form) is IPersistentVector) { form = RT.list(Compiler.FnSym, RT.next(form)); } fn.SpanMap = (IPersistentMap)Compiler.SourceSpanVar.deref(); GenContext newContext = null; GenContext context = Compiler.CompilerContextVar.deref() as GenContext ?? Compiler.EvalContext; newContext = context.WithNewDynInitHelper(fn.InternalName + "__dynInitHelper_" + RT.nextID().ToString()); Var.pushThreadBindings(RT.map(Compiler.CompilerContextVar, newContext)); try { try { Var.pushThreadBindings(RT.mapUniqueKeys( Compiler.ConstantsVar, PersistentVector.EMPTY, Compiler.ConstantIdsVar, new IdentityHashMap(), Compiler.KeywordsVar, PersistentHashMap.EMPTY, Compiler.VarsVar, PersistentHashMap.EMPTY, Compiler.KeywordCallsitesVar, PersistentVector.EMPTY, Compiler.ProtocolCallsitesVar, PersistentVector.EMPTY, Compiler.VarCallsitesVar, Compiler.EmptyVarCallSites(), Compiler.NoRecurVar, null)); SortedDictionary <int, FnMethod> methods = new SortedDictionary <int, FnMethod>(); FnMethod variadicMethod = null; bool usesThis = false; for (ISeq s = RT.next(form); s != null; s = RT.next(s)) { FnMethod f = FnMethod.Parse(fn, (ISeq)RT.first(s), retTag); if (f.UsesThis) { //Console.WriteLine("{0} uses this",fn.Name); usesThis = true; } if (f.IsVariadic) { if (variadicMethod == null) { variadicMethod = f; } else { throw new ParseException("Can't have more than 1 variadic overload"); } } else if (!methods.ContainsKey(f.RequiredArity)) { methods[f.RequiredArity] = f; } else { throw new ParseException("Can't have 2 overloads with the same arity."); } if (f.Prim != null) { prims.Add(f.Prim); } } if (variadicMethod != null && methods.Count > 0 && methods.Keys.Max() >= variadicMethod.NumParams) { throw new ParseException("Can't have fixed arity methods with more params than the variadic method."); } fn.CanBeDirect = !fn._hasEnclosingMethod && fn.Closes.count() == 0 && !usesThis; IPersistentCollection allMethods = null; foreach (FnMethod method in methods.Values) { allMethods = RT.conj(allMethods, method); } if (variadicMethod != null) { allMethods = RT.conj(allMethods, variadicMethod); } if (fn.CanBeDirect) { for (ISeq s = RT.seq(allMethods); s != null; s = s.next()) { FnMethod fm = s.first() as FnMethod; if (fm.Locals != null) { for (ISeq sl = RT.seq(RT.keys(fm.Locals)); sl != null; sl = sl.next()) { LocalBinding lb = sl.first() as LocalBinding; if (lb.IsArg) { lb.Index -= 1; } } } } } fn.Methods = allMethods; fn._variadicMethod = variadicMethod; fn.Keywords = (IPersistentMap)Compiler.KeywordsVar.deref(); fn.Vars = (IPersistentMap)Compiler.VarsVar.deref(); fn.Constants = (PersistentVector)Compiler.ConstantsVar.deref(); fn.KeywordCallsites = (IPersistentVector)Compiler.KeywordCallsitesVar.deref(); fn.ProtocolCallsites = (IPersistentVector)Compiler.ProtocolCallsitesVar.deref(); fn.VarCallsites = (IPersistentSet)Compiler.VarCallsitesVar.deref(); fn.ConstantsID = RT.nextID(); } finally { Var.popThreadBindings(); } IPersistentMap fmeta = RT.meta(origForm); if (fmeta != null) { fmeta = fmeta.without(RT.LineKey).without(RT.ColumnKey).without(RT.SourceSpanKey).without(RT.FileKey).without(retKey); } fn._hasMeta = RT.count(fmeta) > 0; IPersistentVector primTypes = PersistentVector.EMPTY; foreach (string typename in prims) { primTypes = primTypes.cons(Type.GetType(typename)); } fn.Compile( fn.IsVariadic ? typeof(RestFn) : typeof(AFunction), null, primTypes, fn.OnceOnly, newContext); if (fn.SupportsMeta) { return(new MetaExpr(fn, MapExpr.Parse(pcon.EvalOrExpr(), fmeta))); } else { return(fn); } } finally { if (newContext != null) { Var.popThreadBindings(); } } }
public Expr Parse(ParserContext pcon, object frm) { ISeq form = (ISeq)frm; // form => (let [var1 val1 var2 val2 ... ] body ... ) // or (loop [var1 val1 var2 val2 ... ] body ... ) bool isLoop = RT.first(form).Equals(Compiler.LoopSym); if (!(RT.second(form) is IPersistentVector bindings)) { throw new ParseException("Bad binding form, expected vector"); } if ((bindings.count() % 2) != 0) { throw new ParseException("Bad binding form, expected matched symbol/value pairs."); } ISeq body = RT.next(RT.next(form)); if (pcon.Rhc == RHC.Eval || (pcon.Rhc == RHC.Expression && isLoop)) { return(Compiler.Analyze(pcon, RT.list(RT.list(Compiler.FnOnceSym, PersistentVector.EMPTY, form)), "let__" + RT.nextID())); } ObjMethod method = (ObjMethod)Compiler.MethodVar.deref(); IPersistentMap backupMethodLocals = method.Locals; IPersistentMap backupMethodIndexLocals = method.IndexLocals; IPersistentVector recurMismatches = PersistentVector.EMPTY; for (int i = 0; i < bindings.count() / 2; i++) { recurMismatches = recurMismatches.cons(false); } // may repeat once for each binding with a mismatch, return breaks while (true) { IPersistentMap dynamicBindings = RT.map( Compiler.LocalEnvVar, Compiler.LocalEnvVar.deref(), Compiler.NextLocalNumVar, Compiler.NextLocalNumVar.deref()); method.SetLocals(backupMethodLocals, backupMethodIndexLocals); if (isLoop) { dynamicBindings = dynamicBindings.assoc(Compiler.LoopLocalsVar, null); } try { Var.pushThreadBindings(dynamicBindings); IPersistentVector bindingInits = PersistentVector.EMPTY; IPersistentVector loopLocals = PersistentVector.EMPTY; for (int i = 0; i < bindings.count(); i += 2) { if (!(bindings.nth(i) is Symbol)) { throw new ParseException("Bad binding form, expected symbol, got " + bindings.nth(i)); } Symbol sym = (Symbol)bindings.nth(i); if (sym.Namespace != null) { throw new ParseException("Can't let qualified name: " + sym); } Expr init = Compiler.Analyze(pcon.SetRhc(RHC.Expression).SetAssign(false), bindings.nth(i + 1), sym.Name); if (isLoop) { if (recurMismatches != null && RT.booleanCast(recurMismatches.nth(i / 2))) { HostArg ha = new HostArg(HostArg.ParameterType.Standard, init, null); List <HostArg> has = new List <HostArg>(1) { ha }; init = new StaticMethodExpr("", PersistentArrayMap.EMPTY, null, typeof(RT), "box", null, has, false); if (RT.booleanCast(RT.WarnOnReflectionVar.deref())) { RT.errPrintWriter().WriteLine("Auto-boxing loop arg: " + sym); } } else if (Compiler.MaybePrimitiveType(init) == typeof(int)) { List <HostArg> args = new List <HostArg> { new HostArg(HostArg.ParameterType.Standard, init, null) }; init = new StaticMethodExpr("", null, null, typeof(RT), "longCast", null, args, false); } else if (Compiler.MaybePrimitiveType(init) == typeof(float)) { List <HostArg> args = new List <HostArg> { new HostArg(HostArg.ParameterType.Standard, init, null) }; init = new StaticMethodExpr("", null, null, typeof(RT), "doubleCast", null, args, false); } } // Sequential enhancement of env (like Lisp let*) LocalBinding b = Compiler.RegisterLocal(sym, Compiler.TagOf(sym), init, typeof(Object), false); BindingInit bi = new BindingInit(b, init); bindingInits = bindingInits.cons(bi); if (isLoop) { loopLocals = loopLocals.cons(b); } } if (isLoop) { Compiler.LoopLocalsVar.set(loopLocals); } Expr bodyExpr; bool moreMismatches = false; try { if (isLoop) { object methodReturnContext = pcon.Rhc == RHC.Return ? Compiler.MethodReturnContextVar.deref() : null; // stuff with clear paths, Var.pushThreadBindings(RT.map(Compiler.NoRecurVar, null, Compiler.MethodReturnContextVar, methodReturnContext)); } bodyExpr = new BodyExpr.Parser().Parse(isLoop ? pcon.SetRhc(RHC.Return) : pcon, body); } finally { if (isLoop) { Var.popThreadBindings(); for (int i = 0; i < loopLocals.count(); i++) { LocalBinding lb = (LocalBinding)loopLocals.nth(i); if (lb.RecurMismatch) { recurMismatches = (IPersistentVector)recurMismatches.assoc(i, true); moreMismatches = true; } } } } if (!moreMismatches) { return(new LetExpr(bindingInits, bodyExpr, isLoop)); } } finally { Var.popThreadBindings(); } } }
public NewInstanceMethod(ObjExpr objx, ObjMethod parent) : base(objx, parent) { }
public FnMethod(FnExpr fn, ObjMethod parent) : base(fn,parent) { }