static void Main(string[] args) { //Create a new droid collection and set the size of it to 100. IDroidCollection droidCollection = new DroidCollection(100); //Add 10 hard coded droids to the collections droidCollection.Add("Carbonite", "Protocol", "Silver", 10); //Protocol $350 droidCollection.Add("Vanadium", "Astromech", "Gold", true, true, true, false, 2); //Astromech $315 droidCollection.Add("Carbonite", "Janitorial", "Bronze", false, true, true, true, true); //Janitorial $240 droidCollection.Add("Quadranium", "Utility", "Silver", true, true, true); //Utility $255 droidCollection.Add("Carbonite", "Astromech", "Bronze", false, false, false, false, 1); //Astromech $145 droidCollection.Add("Vanadium", "Utility", "Silver", true, false, true); //Utility $190 droidCollection.Add("Carbonite", "Protocol", "Bronze", 1); //Protocol $125 droidCollection.Add("Quadranium", "Astromech", "Gold", true, true, true, true, 10); //Astromech $740 droidCollection.Add("Vanadium", "Utility", "Gold", false, false, true); //Utility $155 droidCollection.Add("Vanadium", "Janitorial", "Bronze", true, true, true, true, true); //Janitorial $295 //Create a user interface and pass the droidCollection into it as a dependency UserInterface userInterface = new UserInterface(droidCollection); //Display the main greeting for the program userInterface.DisplayGreeting(); //Display the main menu for the program userInterface.DisplayMainMenu(); //Get the choice that the user makes int choice = userInterface.GetMenuChoice(); //While the choice is not equal to 3, continue to do work with the program while (choice != 5) { //Test which choice was made switch (choice) { //Choose to create a droid case 1: userInterface.CreateDroid(); break; //Choose to Print the droid case 2: userInterface.PrintDroidList(); break; //Sort droids by model case 3: break; //sort droids by cost case 4: break; } //Re-display the menu, and re-prompt for the choice userInterface.DisplayMainMenu(); choice = userInterface.GetMenuChoice(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Create a new droid collection and set the size of it to 100. IDroidCollection droidCollection = new DroidCollection(100); //Add 12 random droids droidCollection.Add(12); //Create a user interface and pass the droidCollection into it as a dependency UserInterface userInterface = new UserInterface(droidCollection); //Display the main greeting for the program userInterface.DisplayGreeting(); //Display the main menu for the program userInterface.DisplayMainMenu(); //Get the choice that the user makes int choice = userInterface.GetMenuChoice(); //While the choice is not equal to 3, continue to do work with the program while (choice != 5) { //Test which choice was made switch (choice) { //Choose to create a droid case 1: userInterface.CreateDroid(); break; //Choose to Print the droid case 2: userInterface.PrintDroidList(); break; //Choose to organize droids by type case 3: userInterface.Organize(); break; //Choose to sort droids by total cost case 4: userInterface.Sort(); break; case 5: break; } //Re-display the menu, and re-prompt for the choice userInterface.DisplayMainMenu(); choice = userInterface.GetMenuChoice(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { int windowheight = 60; int windowwidth = 160; UserInterface MainMenu = new UserInterface(); Console.BufferHeight = 8000; Console.BufferWidth = 100; Console.SetWindowSize(windowwidth, windowheight); MainMenu.MainMenu(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //bool dontexit = true; //PRINT WELCOME HEADER Console.WriteLine(" Jawa Droid Manager" + Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine(" ,-----.{0} ,'_/_|_\\_`.{0} /<<::8[O]::>\\{0} _|-----------|_{0} :::| | ====-=- | |:::{0} :::| | -=-==== | |:::{0} :::\\ | ::::|()|| /:::{0} ::::| | ....|()|| |::::{0} | |_________| |{0} | |\\_______/| |{0} / \\ / \\ / \\{0} `---' `---' `---'{0}", Environment.NewLine); //Create a new droid collection and set the size of it to 100. IDroidCollection droidCollection = new DroidCollection(100); //Create a user interface and pass the droidCollection into it as a dependency UserInterface userInterface = new UserInterface(droidCollection); //Display the main menu for the program userInterface.DisplayMainMenu(); //Get the choice that the user makes int choice = userInterface.GetMenuChoice(); while (choice != 5) { //Test which choice was made switch (choice) { case 1: userInterface.CreateDroid(); break; case 2: userInterface.ColorCodeDroidList(); break; case 3: droidCollection.SortByModel(); userInterface.ColorCodeDroidList(); break; case 4: droidCollection.SortByCost(); userInterface.ColorCodeDroidList(); break; default: userInterface.DisplayError(); break; } //Re-display the menu, and re-prompt for the choice userInterface.DisplayMainMenu(); choice = userInterface.GetMenuChoice(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Create a new droid collection and set the size of it to 100. IDroidCollection droidCollection = new DroidCollection(100); //Create a user interface and pass the droidCollection into it as a dependency UserInterface userInterface = new UserInterface(droidCollection); //Creates a merge sort class. MergeSort mergeSort = new MergeSort(); //Example droids for use in testing the program. //9 droids to make sure it works even with odd numbered arrays/lists. droidCollection.Add("Carbonite", "Utility", "Bronze", true, true, true); droidCollection.Add("Carbonite", "Protocol", "Bronze", 3); droidCollection.Add("Carbonite", "Astromech", "Bronze", true, true, true, true, 5); droidCollection.Add("Carbonite", "Janitor", "Bronze", true, true, true, true, true); droidCollection.Add("Carbonite", "Utility", "Silver", true, true, true); droidCollection.Add("Carbonite", "Protocol", "Silver", 3); droidCollection.Add("Carbonite", "Astromech", "Silver", true, true, true, true, 5); droidCollection.Add("Carbonite", "Janitor", "Silver", true, true, true, true, true); droidCollection.Add("Vanadium", "Protocol", "Gold", 6); //Display the main greeting for the program userInterface.DisplayGreeting(); //Display the main menu for the program userInterface.DisplayMainMenu(); //Get the choice that the user makes int choice = userInterface.GetMenuChoice(); //While the choice is not equal to 5, continue to do work with the program while (choice != 5) { //Test which choice was made switch (choice) { //Choose to create a droid case 1: userInterface.CreateDroid(); break; //Choose to Print the droid case 2: userInterface.PrintDroidList(); break; //Choose to sort the list by droid type case 3: droidCollection.SortByDroid(); break; //Chose to sort the list by droid total price case 4: droidCollection.SortByPrice(); break; } //Re-display the menu, and re-prompt for the choice userInterface.DisplayMainMenu(); choice = userInterface.GetMenuChoice(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Create a new droid collection and set the size of it to 100. IDroidCollection droidCollection = new DroidCollection(100); //Create a few droids to put into the list so that they do not NEED to be made through the UI droidCollection.Add("Carbonite", "Protocol", "Bronze", 12); droidCollection.Add("Vanadium", "Utility", "Gold", true, true, true); droidCollection.Add("Vanadium", "Janitor", "Silver", true, true, true, true, true); droidCollection.Add("Carbonite", "Astromech", "Bronze", true, true, false, true, 80); droidCollection.Add("Quadranium", "Protocol", "Silver", 22); droidCollection.Add("Carbonite", "Janitor", "Bronze", false, false, false, false, true); droidCollection.Add("Vanadium", "Utility", "Gold", true, true, false); droidCollection.Add("Quadranium", "Astromech", "Silver", false, true, false, true, 150); droidCollection.Add("Quadranium", "Janitor", "Gold", false, true, true, true, true); droidCollection.Add("Vanadium", "Utility", "Gold", true, false, true); droidCollection.Add("Carbonite", "Astromech", "Bronze", true, false, false, true, 100); droidCollection.Add("Carbonite", "Janitor", "Silver", false, true, false, true, true); //Create a user interface and pass the droidCollection into it as a dependency UserInterface userInterface = new UserInterface(droidCollection); //Display the main greeting for the program userInterface.DisplayGreeting(); //Display the main menu for the program userInterface.DisplayMainMenu(); //Get the choice that the user makes int choice = userInterface.GetMenuChoice(); //While the choice is not equal to 3, continue to do work with the program while (choice != 5) { //Test which choice was made switch (choice) { //Choose to create a droid case 1: userInterface.CreateDroid(); break; //Choose to Print the droid case 2: userInterface.PrintDroidList(); break; case 3: //Print in categorical order droidCollection.SortIntoCategories(); userInterface.DisplaySortCategoriesSuccessMessage(); break; case 4: //Print in Total Cost order droidCollection.SortByTotalCost(); userInterface.DisplaySortTotalCostSuccessMessage(); break; } //Re-display the menu, and re-prompt for the choice userInterface.DisplayMainMenu(); choice = userInterface.GetMenuChoice(); } }